FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 T1417 MTrWTr- ANT -n All V IL* A r--4 v TT,"rw PtRIDAYMARCH 2, 1930 T~IVItI IC M t'11-1T J . - lFr GE 7. ,.g x ;sm UNPAR q rr N T ai"( (T OMAN ADVISES ANNUAL INTRAMURAL MEETATTRHAGUE EXPERT FIFTY PARTICIPANTS TO COMPETITION; WOMEN ENTER FlIEMAJOR TOUREYS S BLIZZ ARD HOLDS UP CONST RUCT ION AN NEW MOSHER-JORDAN DORMITORY 'N MIA OWor on the new Mosher-Jo for the Minneapolis firm, Pehrson thall for women,whsera dy Bros., which is constructing the taking form on Observatory ave- nue, suffered a set back this week building. with the advent of Tuesday's bliz- In explaining more technical de- y zard. Mr. O. A. Pehrson, superin- tails of construction he- said, "The tendent of general constructioIivest hsfo 8 o 9 Helen Domine, Elizabeth Whit d, "the workmen were making; Aiprogress until Tuesday, when plumbers, electricians, and other ney re elected Candidates we were forced to practically shut mechanics on the job, while we are for President. down." working around 120 men on the "he bricklayers wr laying !ni "nertni n+; TO ADDRESS CL-UB Members of A.A.U.W. to Hear Talk on Training of Children. First Fencing Meet Held on Campus Is Feature of Intramurals. LOVING CUPS AWARDED Maxine Fischgrund Breaks Golf Records With Score of 28 Out of Possible 30. Over 50 women, competing in five sports including fencing, bowling, archery, riflery and golf, partici- pated in the annual Intramural Sports meet held last night in the Women's Athletic building. Fencing was the most spectacu- lar meet; as the first of its kind to be held on this campus it was equally interesting to spectators and competitors. There were six preliminary bouts in each of which two girls fenced. The six winners engaged in three more bouts and the final eliminations followed. Lois Shively, '30, was the final win- ner. Ruth Unsworth, '30, was run- ner-up. The judge' was Audrey Glenn, '33M, who was assisted by four referees. The bowling met was entered by eight women chosen for com-- petition because of their high scores during practice the past weeks. Of these eight, the highest score was made by Rosalyn Caley, '32, whose record was 330. Elizabeth Whitney took second place with a score of 273, and third place was a tie be- tween Louise Peterson '33, and Au- drey Callander, whose scores were 273. A second bowling tournament for those who did not have the requir-. ed number .of practices to compete in the first tournament was also run off. Those entering this tour- nament made five points for their house but were not eligible for the cup. Dorothy Marshick, '30, was. winner with a score of 189. In the golf tournament all prev- ious records made by students or the faculty were broken. Maxine Fischgrund '33, made the highest FAMOUS WOMAN EDUCATOR DIES Of interest to women is the re- cent death at Aix-les-Bains, France, of Julia Josephine Irvine, Litt. D., LL.D., fourth president of Welles- ley college, one of the country's largest and best-known women's schools. Although Mrs. Irvine early show- ed a zeal for education far greater than that of most women, she did not start teaching until after the death of her husband, Charles James Irvine, whom she married in 1875. She received her A. B. from Cornell the year of her marriage,' but continued to study there, and so earned a Master's degree the fol- lowing spring. Her inauguration as fourth pres- ident of Wellesley college occurred, in 1895, and she held office until 1899. Brown university recognizeds her abilities by bestowing on he a. degree of Doctor of Literature. During Mrs. Irvine's presidency the office of dean and the depart- ment of Bibical history, literature, and interpretation were establish- ed, the Houghton Memorial chapel was built, and the Whitin observa- tory and Wilder hall were begun. Administrative duties were an unwelcome burden to Mrs. Irvine, and it was only because she earn- estly desired it that the trustees accepted her resignation in June 1899. In May, 1925, Wellesley con- ferred upon Mrs. Irvine the honor- ary degree of Doctor of Law, with the following citation: "Julia J. Irvine, fourth president of Welles- ley college, Greek scholar, inspiring teacher, who, at the call of duty, left the classroom to carry the tasks of the president's office with rare insight and a gallant and courageous spirit." UNIVERSITY OF ILLLINOIS - Thirty-four athletes of this uni- versity were declared ineligible for competition during the next six weeks by the council of adminis- tration because of scholastic de-j ficiency. In accordance with the policy of secrecy, the council re- fused to reveal names. L. G. BALFOUR CO., 121 South University j FRATERNITY JEWELERS Badges-Favors-Programs Corkey Stanard, Mgr. score by making 28 out of 30 drives, using a driver and irons. Elsie Feldman scored second by: making 20 out of 30. The remain-} ing scores were comparatively low, ! third place being taken by Kathryn: McMurray '31 with a score of 14. The archery tournament could I not be finished last night and will{ be run off this afternon at 5 0'- clock. The highest scorersaat the close were Elizabeth Hatch, '31, first place, Dorothy Elsworth, '32, second, and Helen Moore, '31,third' The riflery match had to be post-I poned likewise until today becau e1 1 of lack of time. It will be played off this afternoon at 5 o'clock. A loving cup was awarded to the Winner in each event. 25 points! were given to the house of the per-! son who took first place in each i Dr. Emma Wold event, 15 points were given for see-j Widely-known authority on in- ond place and 10 points for third ! ternational law, has been appoint- place. Independents had 90 points ed by President Hoover to accom- at the .close last night and Alpha pany the United States delegation Xi Delta and Alpha Omicron Pi I to the international conference on were tied for second place with 35 codification of law at the Hague, points each. land act as technical adviser. MRS. LINDBERGH BES T PHOTOGRAPHER OF MA YA EXPEDITION, SA YS KIDDER I MEETING ' IS MARCH 29 MEPNG IS MRCH 2 9 In his lecture on the historic ex- ject of that expedition was to ma; pedition made with Colonel Lind- the country, discover the sites o: bergh to study the ruins of the ruins, and become acquainted with Mayan civilization in Mexico, Dr. the topographical features of thi. Alfred V. Kidder mentioned that jungle, which purpose could no Mrs. Lindbergh was "by far the possibly have been accomplishec best observer in the outfit." He without the aid of airplanes. pointed out.the fact that she al- It is planned that parties will ways seemed to photograph what enter the jungle to uncover these she went after, while some of the ruins discovered and mapped dur- pictures which he and Mr. Olive ing the October flight. Mr. Olive pictuesn which heknd Mrk. rhs- Riktson is there now, it havmng andesotoo ed likepsy thyi- taken him two weeks to reach a and he showed a topsy turvy pie-; spot to which the Lindberghpat ture which resembled a nightmare. p tr e b plante inbut part "Mrs Linberg obtinedhertraveled by plane in about an hour. "Mrs. Lindbergh obtained her His wife is with him, and, accord- thaismm flyi" ste D.oKuerh ngto Dr. Kidder, she is the first this summer," stated Dr. Kidder in white woman to enter that coun- an interview obtained after the lec- try. ture. "She learned to take pictures "This expecition was the firs with her Air Graflex camera while, one to be accomplished by air- Colonel Lindbergh banked. th e LewiseoMpLidbyr- h plane, and she also learned to'bank plane. Likewise Mrs. Lindbergh is the~~~~~~~~ pln esl wiehrh the first woman to play such a part the plane hrselfwhileurheres-: in° any undertaking of this kind, band took pictures. and, concluded Dr. Kidder, "she is "We flewionfive differentidays, also a very nice person." and Mrs. Lindbergh was with us_________ all the time," continued Dr. Kidder.' "She took all of the pictures for THE TA SIGMA PHI the expedition. She was also the HOLDS INITIATION first to spot the site of the largest r f. ix I/O E ruins we discovered. They were wayo Rth a wb off on the horion and we probably 1 would have missed them if it hadn't Theta Sigma Phi, national hon- 'been for her." orary journalistic sorority initiated Dr. Kidder explained the signi- six new girls Thursday night be- ficance of this work, including the tween 7:30 and 8:30 at the Kappa large share which Mrs. Lindbergh Alpha Theta house. Those initiated had in it. He said that the main ob- were Eleanor Wortley, '32, Grace !Dixon, '31, Florence Wilson '31, Margaret Harris '31, Mary Louise Bridge prizes this season express Behymer, '31 and Josephine Ran- the vogue for animal articles, now akin, '30. being featured by New York gift -k,- shops. These gifts are being shown in porcelain, glass, bronze, silver, NOTICE. and ivory, ranging in size from Anyone who is interested in thumbnail dimensions to large ani- serving on the floor committee mals. Dogs are prime favorites, for the League dances in order elephants next, with mice, giraffes, to earn campus activity points cats, donkeys, and lions much in n.ay call Jeannie Roberts, 7817. demand.- t I Il e' tI Si 7 I WILL VOTE WEDNESDAY from 500 to a thousand bricks apiece a day and practically all the Ann Arbor's changeable weather speak on "The White House Educa- Bedford stone exterior decorations is one of Mr, Pehrson's chief tional Program" at the regular Women's Athletic Association have been completed. The name sources of worry and he complains monthly meeting of the Ann Arbor Will Permit Only Members inscriptions were set in place two that, while Minneapolis thermo- branch of the A. A. U. W. to be held to Vote in Election. weeks ago and the brick work is meters register lower readings, the at three o'clock Saturday afternoon _ to be completed by the 15th of . i the ballroom o'f the League build- Nominations for the seven elec- April when the plasterers will start I dampness of Michigan climate is I b m Lgding. tive offices of the Women's Ath- work on the interior of the build- hard to counteract. "Many morn- President Hoover has recently letic association have been an- ig." continued Mr. Pehrson, who ings this winter my thermometer appointed Prof. Berry as chairman leticuascitiorhyveTbeen anis the Ann Arbor representative 1 has registered 15 to 17 degrees be- of the Federal Committee for the nounced by Dorothy Touffi',30,I low zero, but our work has gong on I Education and Training of Excep- president. Nominees for the pres-I despite that fact. because the ional Children. deesyitetHatbeaetirbeycomlete'Mrs.Alfred Dunk, state A. A. dency are Helen Domine, '31, and ILi building must be entirely complete U. W. president, and Mrs. Fred Elizabeth Whitney, '32Ed. nd both inside and out by the first of Farrar, state educational chair- Martha Boehmer, '32Ed, and T-August."_ man, will be the guests of honor at Doroty Sample, 32, have been the meeting and at a luncheon to nominated for the vice-residency. Mt. Holyoke college and its Alum- be given previous to the meeting. Tnwomte r fortheviere ry nav association recently joined with Mrs. Alfred J. Rousseau and the The women running for secrea Third Annual Program of Songs the inhabitants of Ludlow, Mass., educational group of the A. A. U. W. EareMararethH a n, '31Ed. D andy Fr Play to be Preseted to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. will be in charge of the meeting. Elizabeth Hatch, lEd. Dorothy Fromt I Sarah E. Parsons Jones, who isl ,Elsworth 32and Elizabeth Louden, Saturday Night. believed to be the oldest surviving Hiding their identity, a group of ,re tstudent of Mt. Holyoke. Mrs. Jones women students from the Univer- urer. Song hits from the 1930 Juniorenrd the smnr the year be- sity of Washington willspn For the position of point recor- Gils Ply, "Stat }Street will be fore the death of its founder, Mary weeks of this summer as factory der, Frances Beuthein, '31, and hands.a, Sat Sret Helen Moore, '31Ed, have been nom- presented over the air at 8 o'clock Lyon mi1848. hands. mated, while Agnes Graham, '32, 1 Saturday night through the Uni- illllllliI1 1 1 1 and Margaret Thompson, '32, are versity broadcasting station int- n publicity manager. Morris hall, which gives its pro-Q[i[ Marion Gimmy, '31, and Jean Levy,: ji- ' '32, are nominees for intramural i grams through WJR. manager. This marks the third year thatAo Ji The election of officers is to take such a program has been schedul- place April 2 in University hail, in cd for radio entertainment. The conjunction with the Women fo-o-r-n- League elections. Only members of Ocasongs will be sung by theve W. A. A. may vote.' Any one who principle members of the play-cast, O hardabove has five points, earned in inter- only one full chorus being employ- heard abou emread class, intramural, or indivictual ac-- ed. The use of a considerably i tivities is eligible to membership smaller number of chorus mem- I e a em arnd have upon the payment of one dollar. bers than was employed in broad- a2wabed fora r mpse d casting the musical numbers from2ee_; WOMAN DIRECTS 'hit year's production , "Forward . Y March," marks this latest project.c MUSIC IN BERLIN Helen Carrni will present the 'heo26sho song which gained much recogni-:ioE Antonia Brieo, who recently con- tion by the py reviewers, "What W in oU ducted a program presented by the Am I Weiting For?" The duet, erUSfas#1c a pprv a Philharmonic orchestra in Berlin, "Sweet and Low Brow," featured holds the distinction of being the by Josselyn McLean and Ruth' first woman in Europe to conduct Bishop, as well as several others 2 E 'M 2 an orchestra. She went to Berlin of the wading numbers will be . from California and was g.caduated sung by the more important par- 2 at the Berlin high school under ticipants in "State Street." Professor Prewer. The gypsy chorus will be the Her performance in Berlin rous- only one which will appear in ul . ed the audience to great enthus- Music for all the numbers will be I iasm, and she is hailed as a con- furnished by the same orchestra ductor of remarkable tale nt. which was used for the play itself. Walter Schrenk, a Berlin' corres- This week's program is unique in pondent, says of her, "Although having only two performers who W she has seldom taken charge of an are not women, Romeo, in the bal- E.L I BE R.TY AT MAY N A RD orchestra, she compelled the play- cony scene from "Romeo and U ens' attention and got her inten- Juliet," staged by Play Production, I "XC/us/ii'eefwto/xrv33e tions 'well carried out-no mean 4and Prof. R. A. Wolff, of the de- iiiliiilllll1i1 iII1111U 1 1 u I I 1 achievement, considering that this! partment of engineering research, .: _- - - -------- ------ famous orchestra is accustomed to who will speak on the same pro- playing under the greatest conduc- gram. tors." In conducting Dvorak's Sym- All announcing for the broadcast phony in D Minor, Mr. Schrenk will be done by Sylvan Simon, '32.1 says that she "showed her capa- The program is under the man- bility; her perfectly musical com- agement of Prof. Waldo Abbot, " prehension of the score. director of radio broadcasting. A FashionValue Event FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 'Print&ed at 2E 15OO 2 Weeks ago we fore- . Ksaw an overwhelming vogue for prints and be- gan, immediately to pre- pare for it. Now we are ready to present the whole fashion . story of prints in an outstanding' collection of fine print- 2ed silk frocks. rk J Everything t h a t i s new, everything that is smart in prints, is here. Dark an I light back-" grounds. I eSpaced a:1 over pat. In short, a collection 1 from which you can ' P choose all the printed °'a' frocks you want, in 2-I =f as hi o ns that you'll adore and wear for months to come. This Good Little Suit Can Be Worn Now' As a Dress $1950 This jaunty "dressmaker" suit is the sort that looks well under a coat right now . . . and later as a smart street costume. The Eton jacket over a contrasting blouse is very charming. Goodyear's are showing it in thin, lavender tweed and green wool crepe. 0 10 0 0. I I