PAGE FOUMR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by th Board in Contiol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference- Editorial Association. The Associated Pres is exclusively entitled ! to the use for republication of all new dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein.. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,j Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate I of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. wiaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00;. by inail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- tard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF, Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial' Chairman ......... George C. Tilley City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg News Editor.. .........Donald J. Kline S portsEditor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor........ Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman Literary Eitor.... ....Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Coo per Henry J. Merry killiam C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wild Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barec.Marga ret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkmhan Howard H. Peckham achur. Bernstein Hugh Pierce Th .Cooley John D. Reindel Heemas D Coone Jeannie Roberts EeenDo kel Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe, Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanso Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Ceoveman Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine .ullen Kennedy . Harold O. Warren, Jr. jean Levy G. Lionel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimis BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR., Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising...........T. Hollister Mabley Advertising.......... Kasper 11. Halverson Advertising............Sherwood A. Upton Service ...................George A. Spater Circulation................J. Vernor Davis Accounts ... .......... .....Tohn R. Rose Publications..........George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey RZobert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboy Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia Miler Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 Night Editor- WALTER WILDS Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 worss of possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names ofcommunicantsw i ll, however, beeregarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. TOASTEDROLL WINTER IS WITH US AGAIN. r1 7- Music And Drama I. M 96 WOMEN VS. MEN AGAIN. To the Editor: . .Why should a senior class of a state university. haven the right or audacity to prohibit the fairer. sex from, attending its class ban- quet? It is primarily a class func- tion and every member has a per- fect right "to choose to go." I sup-1 pose, should we dig into the annals of the University's tradition we would find the old controversy of' the timid co-ed and the bold Mich- igan man, and this banquet limita- tion is just another example of the lAtter's supposed superiority. Superior? Bah, and who after spending four years on the campus would declare the average Michigan Man above his fair sister? . .. Mind you I am dealing in generalities, but can say this for others besides myself. The average Michigan Man can't hold a candle to the average Michigan girl. The latter are brighter (results of statistics), bet- ter looking, more poised, and above all have acquired a subtle and charming sophistication that few of the men possess. It "gets" me to hear the men toot their own horn so lustily and trod on the co-eds, when a friendly and cooperative attitude would be the more logical and pleasing arrange- ment. . .. If every student at Mich- igan would try to respect his Alma Mater and its traditions rather than make light of both, our na- tional reputation would not be in such grave danger of decline. Often are we reminded of 'our noted faculty members who are seeking work elsewhere-a direct slap in the face to the University's prestige-and of the machine like management of the University and the subsequent loss of individual- ism. How can a person feel sin- cere regret at leaving a school where he has been merely an in- Ssignificant cog in an over organiz- ed institution, where his own ideas and ambitions have been suffi- ciently squelched in the class room and where, unless he was part of a "party" or possessed a great deal of nerve, his extra curricula acti- vities have been severely limited. Admitted that fault-finding is a pernicious habit, there are some of us Who believe improvement comes from picking out the flaws and remedying them. June is near and I for * one am glad for I feel no deep love for the University as a school, as it now exists. May we not hope for a brighter future and perhaps I had better apologize to those men who are above the ave- rage. Just a Co-ed. Don't believe everything you hear. Just because the calendar says it's spring you don't have to get excited and rush out after a new spring wardrobe. The fact is, Old Man Winter has been kidding us all along and has just laid in a new supply of snow and ice for distribution in the near future. . l r. Saunders, of canoe livery fame, is equipping his stock with skis, in order that summer school students will be able to skid about on the Huron when the time comes; and the city has just ordered a snow plow to help keep the streets cleared for the July and August traffic jams. * * * FROM THE WOMEN'S PAGE. "And so, dear children, all the little girls at the University of Michigansuffered deeply that sea- son by having cold breezes and deep snow until far into the spring months," related Dame Fashion sadly, "and couldn't wear their pretty new suits and coats." TONIGHT: Second performance of "The Wild Duck," by Ibsen, by the members of Play Production in University Hall auditorium. THE WILD DUCK. A Review by William J. Gorman. In the marshes of University Hall auditorium, quite too thickly tangled with people, was enacted last night quite one of the best productions in the last three years. In interpretation of a difficult play and in translation of that interpre- tation in terms of production, Rob- ert Wetzel's production of The Wild! Duck with the members of Play Production is celrtainly the most finished thing done this year. One has been obtuse about the qualities of The Wild Duck in read- ing; production is certainly clari- fying. One has worried about the symbolism, talked of its relation to Ibsen's life, complained of the un- mediated grafting of tragedy on, satire. In Mr. Wetzel's lucid read- ing, one sees Ibsen giving free play to the Comic spirit even-to the gro- tesque horror of the concluding scene, a comis stroke in the man- ner of Aristophanes. Kenneth White the comic char- acter of Hjalmar Ekdal quite clear. He plays him as actually rabbit- like domestic character trying des- perately to show "something of the wild duck" at Greger's urging; feeding on the sense of his own nobility; a stupid sort of Richard II, the enacter of little emotional melodramas, beautifully projected by his eloquence. At the revela- tion of Gregers he attempts to pull 10% COMMISSION ON EACH MEMBER SECURED. paid to any student or teacher who has a party of < or more for any one of many PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS to England. France, etc. Over 4,000 members in *n2a. Only io gives you a Iree trip. Register now. Phone 6412. KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU 6oi E. Huron Street Ann Arbor, Mich. 11 Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical CANDY FOR EASTERV From Sweetland. One of our special Easter boxes will make a de- lightful gift for kiddies or grownups. Candy eggs, chocolate bunnies and other tempting mor- sels of delicious confec- tionery. SiveellanD 212 South Main Street A SAD DOG Sport is a sadder but wiser dog. He thought he'd see the world . a kind- ly lady found him shivering in a door- way. She searched the Classifieds in the Daily . . and Sport is home again. USE THE CLASSIFIED Lowest Prices: TERMS To Suit. Play Whie You Pay. Radios:-- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:-- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records 2 wa I 2 HAVITV* )ws The bentin 01* T~r 6kst in fldi h ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 --4 I I The GoldenY ears Life's fruits are sweetest, Life's tempo becomes a leisurely beat in the years beyond sixty. Let no thought dismay you in these mellow days that you are dependent upon the charity of friends. Begin to plan now for a happy old age by systematic saving. No matter what your allowance there is a plan whereby you can manage to put away something' each week. We shall be glad to show you the way. Farmers arn M chanicsa ank Maybe fered so wearing at least they wouldn't have s deeply if they had tr their suits and coats. something substantial. uf- ied Or t" ,, Dame Fashion, as photopraphed yesterday by the Pherret. * * * FREE VERSE. By Fish Chassis. (From "Songs My Mother Didn't Teach Me.") Looking thru the port hole At Father's wooden leg, Why build the ocean so close to the shore? Sis! Bring the axe, There's a fly on baby's head. Oh! They dug up Nellie's grave and built a subway. Strangle on a soup spoon Of choicest caviar. Why is it that you cannot bounce a meat ball ? Stab me to death And grind all my sixteen valves, You cannot play a trombone in a phone booth. *. * * ~ (Free verse ,eh? Wll, stuff like tha OUGHT to be free.) ** * Here's an item that will make Lindbergh, Byrd, and all the Army altitude fliers turn up their toes and die. The story is from Wed- nesday's Daily: SHANGHAI, March 25. - The American Yangste rapids steamer Ifung was fired upon late Monday by Communists, waving red flags 200 miles above Hankow. * * * 205 East Huron 330 South State Street .I Want Ads Pay Member Federal Reserve System ..; BACK-BREAKING STRAWS. The great American people, by and large, were probably not sur- prised to find that two thirds of a representative group of college students favor some modification of prohibition to legalize the sale of liquor. There is a fairly general, if somewhat inaccurate, notion abroad that college students totter around semi-dcunk pretty much all the time. But the drys are still faced with the fact the younger generation, brought up under a prohibition re- gime, still drink and do not like the law. In 1919 the drys expected to find some discontentment with their pet measure; it was their fond hope, however, that as its manifold benisons became mani- fest it would be cononized in the hearts of the rising generation. So far the reverse has transpired, and the fight for prohibition, instead of being half won with the advent of; half a new generatibn, would now seem to be half lost. In another ten years, when a full generation comes to maturity under the dry regime, we can with considerable confidence expect to see the Eight- eenth amendment and the Vol- stead act erased from the books. It will be wondered what straw votes on prohibition can accomp- lish toward modification. We ad- mit that they are unsatisfactory instruments with which to attack the drys, embattled as they are behind legislative ramparts, but they call the attention of the peo- ple to the fact that they have not voted on prohibition since 11919. They also establish the face that all over the nation the majority is now in favor of modification or re- peal. The drys have long refuted the wets with medical opinion of liquor unhealthfulness, economic opinion of liquor's effect on effi- ciency, and moral opinion of li- quor's tendency to liberate the libido. But of late they have shown a noteworthy reticence to take referenda of nonular sentiment for l a , C I 9 I Jij+ 7 f i S' _1 r s 4 x j r G >1 . .i 3 r "t f r t i r 0 CHERUBS For almost two years the cherubical faces of the Cheboygan High School Championship debate team have been gloriously encased behind the sacred glass portals of our University Hall bulletin board. For two long years our fair student' body has even been subject to the watchful eyes of these three gen- tlemen who have apparently im-j mortalized themselves for all time by their sterling prowess at debate. We must compliment Cheboygan for the noteworthy achievement of her three prodigal sons, but now it, seems that their ability at keeping their pictures before the gaze of the student body is beginning to rival their accomplishments as sea- soned debators. Now we wouldn't think of sug- gesting that the Bureau of Bul- letins, or whatever the name of the committee on bulletins happens to be, might have left those .pic- tures posted through a mere over- sight. No, it couldn't be an over- sight, for a year and a half is too long for an oversight; it must be what some of our more harsh critics might call lazyness, but we would' never venture that suggestion. The only endeavor, and a pious one at that, of this brief article is to bring before the eyes of our de- linquent Bureau of Bulletins that this apparently immortalized Che- boygan Debate team has been hold- ing its place in the University Hall bulletin far too long, and with all due respects to the city of Cheboy- gan and her voluble offsprings we do tender the suggestion that they be removed from the public eye. WE LEARN TO DRINK. j To the Editor: The statistics of the prohibition poll reveal a higher percentage of wets in the professional schools. himself out of his physical con- = tentment and enact the role of the shocked idealist, making the ques- tion of Hedvig's legitamcy the A theme for an artificial display of emotion. Even with Gina's coffee dripping from his chin, he at- tempts to push his theme of indig- d nation into the intense realms of;! tragedy. To satisfy Gregers who idealises him and to cater to his own love for posing, he tries to.v weave a drama of domestic dif- ferences with a grand scene of reconciliation for a conclusion. Hedvig's sacrificial shooting of her j wild duck would have supplied the I moment of reconciliation; at the discovery of the ghastly mistake, he makes the house revererate with his theatrical pathos. Kenneth White does all this quite convinc- ingly, at times boldly and subtly risking over-emphasis that wel3 might not make the fatal mistake -' ___-. of despising him and losing the , detachment necessary to true ap- ~r~ preciation of the grand comedy'u of the part.1fj The part of Gregers Werle, gen- erally considered "Ibsen's self- a 1 projection in caricature," suffers a little from Ibsen's self-flagellation, from the bitter bolts of satire Ib- ~~ sen sends at him. It is a caricature and considering this difficulty, Robert Adams' work is quite suc- -- cessful. He makes Werle clear any- way, as a loquacious salesman of the ideal, tampering with the Ek- dal family in terms of moral tags 1 and a half-baked sense of ethical, exaltation.Ic Florence Tennant, as Gina, is of U, course very competent. She makes I one feel the nobility in Gina's comr- monplaceness, in her weariness, her calm gestures, restrained, penetra- ting, resonant voice. I would be in- clined to quarrel with her occas- ional over-emotionalising of Gina -- as interpretation, preferring to keep Gina strictly unemotional, re- fusing to show any pangs of con- - science about her past and merely IJsterJasion R eview domestically worried about Hjal- - mar's physical well-being, threat-vT a2 ened by Gregers. oday at 2:3 Dorothy Miller deserves unre- served praise for a beautifully Displayed on living models natural rendition of the child Hed- vig, showing all her loving fresh- You are cordially invited to see the nN and distinctive ness and just enough of her habit cot e hae gated fo ste. of meditation to justify the scenes clothes we have gathered for Easter. with Gregers and her suicide. Plan now to attend. You will be thrilled with these lovely Palmer Bollinger and Franklin new things. Commins did the two fathers quite adequately, though Commins as ONLY ONLY Old Ekdal, as in previous roles, quite frequently sacrifices integrity"5 of characterisation to moments of sary. Mr. Wetzel's few scenes as Rel- ling were perfectly done making a Dresses will be shown Coats will be shown part, that is little but a sort of w chorus nointino. the nlv'e s ,:'pni And the altitude record is a mere 39,000 feet! * * * over here From the classified column: LOST - Brown zipper purse con- taining glasses, pen, pencil, vanity case, and money. Keep money, re- turn purse. Throw glasses, penl vanity case away. LOST - Illinois wrist Please phone 5663. pencil, watch. What time shall I phone? * * * I am very sorry to hear from the Women's Editor that J. C. X., pilot of the, Spotlight, is ill. Here's wish- ing you a speedy recovery, J. C. X., even if you do think Rolls is ter- rible. PRIZE STORY. One of the fraternity porters in town has been on the job so long that he has taken to calling the boys by their first names. Only one member of this particular house objects to James' familiar- ity but in spite of frequent admon- itions to prefix the names with a Mr., the porter continues to call th hovs 'Tom Thianr oni T-To rr .