TS-09 MW ?VAMT~27,1030 '"-IEMICHI.GAN DAILY PAGE LWENi~ Intr'amural -I MAJOR LEAGUES 1PLAY OFF PUCK _ FOOTBALL RULES COMMITTEE CURBS S L A SSI F I E STOP RULE AND CAM1 IU LAGE ABUS E ADYERTISING I - I~CHAMPIONSHIPS . 1* News 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________ Two hard: fighting hlokey games ' y Reit'Patton 'in the playoffs of the International Yumabemogtsepr By hvn two men_ tip fbr wine and the N~tio21al Leaguie resulted g'; who have bgen wondering ping honors in the high jump Phi; in t «ot 1 to 0.d dfats of the Bostll appens to gridiron lumin~ Kappa,. Eswan. the Prat ty track Brutus and the Detroit Olymnpiczs ajis once they have. departed from h .... mee. it eeryevntcop letdinto" atrn against the Clevelandi except the jumping Lay Ph'i Sc a. e.r CAE .(l CkiE'dfor high poin k:t Ilarel' , ,"d~'~v~ corer wth 16, points each. The winn~ers~ their fief .win )of the play off, of cleaned u.p. eight tallies in the de- the division: champions in the Na- ciding' event for a total aggregate tional league by their defeat of the of 24; while' Phi Sigma' Kappa fail- Boston Uruins. The Boston team ing, to place had to, be content witha has worn two, gaines so far in the the runner-up position, series. A. ten iite overtime- pe- a Last year's champions,. Theta riod wasp needed~ in addition to the Chi, who placed. third this, year regular three periods of lpa~y before aTmassed 22' 1::2 points 'while the the Marooin could4 satre. And then winers this time totaled 24. the lone tally came at the hands Fo&ur new records Were % made by! of a spare d'efense man of the the- fraternity- athletes; Roth, Alph'a JMVontreal outfit who went in to re- Delta Phi, established a nevi mark! place- Boucher who was hurt in a. of :8.8'f or the high hurdles better-! crash in mid 'ice with Barry of the ing thie old time by 1-5 of a second. Bru'ins. He managed to hook the XI the low hurdles H ~efele, Delta puck. past. the. Bruin. goalie in a Tau Delta; cleared the barriers in scramble before the Boston goal,I :8,- to discard the' old mark 'of :8.0. afterf the goalie had made two suc- Selffert, Sigma Nu, set a record cessive stops from his charges. heave for the~ shot put with: a dis-J The Bisons outplayed the Olym- tance of 3K feet, 374 inches, to Out- pics to take the honor of meeting distance the. former. mark. Of 36, the Cleveland Indians in. the finals feet 3 1-2'incohes~ Bettering~ the time' of the International league race b fog~ the mile by- more than 12 sec- a. 1 to 0 victory over the Detroit by- onds Howell, Theta Chi,. chalkedUp,, gregation. Filxnore of the Olympics~ 4A& 2:-5 for a* new mark.( scored what looked' like the tying, Lamb, Phi. Sigma Kappa;, Boet- goal but it was disallowed by the tier, Phi Kappa. Psi,. and Haefele, referee and the Bispns continued Dl1ta: Tau Delta; tied for individ- on to their win. Stuart starred for' ua1 honaors, each taking a first and~ the Olmpics ad bt for his tl second'. place for' eight. points lr~', a .ae- apiece : Z'wenty,-nine fraternities lr ~e~tnne at goal the score placd enriesin te met.right have been highly in favor of placedentriesinthe,_ineet. __ the skaters from the other end of ~ Labe Erie. hii alma- mater. Take. the case' Lght-horse' Harry Wilson, for- 'of Penn State and more fa- >'sy an All-American Army .Perhaps you may have heard,' "-ut he turned. up recently as one. f the flyers at Selfridge F'ield near' SMount Clenwns. There's progress for you; he used, to stop 'flying'; when he caime to the endi of the stadium.r It grill; sqqo be time fo~r the} to Loau Gehrig's house for din-j ncr. Wc have it that the pana- cea for a Yankee batting slump ia fine mess- of Mrs. Gehrig's ;as'eineo sch'niteV.'Every imhe i 'i tuth goes home-runless , .r a prolonged period, hel blames it on his failure to Sam- ple Mrs. fGehrig's fine cooking.! There is the possibility. that the Yankees will have to hire Mr Gergas steward this season. Here is news for you. In the fourth round of a scheduled six round bout held in Buffalo recent- ly between LeRoy Smith and Stan- ley Niemick, Smith is said to have rushed Niemick through the ropes; and to have sunk his teeth into his opponent's body. Cannibals are not allowed in the ring according to the bozing corm pision's edict en Smith was suspended. t Football night hawks have Istarted sonwthing. A ball club in Nebraska State league has recently signed a contract to install l i 'gh t i ni g equipmentI which will" make it possible to play baseball games after dark. owls will probably be preferred for '6utfiel4 duty." t L~g E/~'I ~4 Beating the stop rule on shift !'year some of the, best- known backs __ ______________ plays and the wearing of uniforms! in the country used headgears ~' that tended to hide the ball were; that resembled the pigskin and NOTICE Washington football coach, resign- the two abuses that the national !when they were about to be tack- a___- ____- - ed last fall to accept a position as comittee on 1930 football rulos led a tosa- of the head would send Expert Fur Cleansing, Glazing and supervisor of transportation in the con; them rolling like a umbile. Hlavin~g repairinig Now done at Cut- state department of public works. took definite action against in. their 'Half the tacklers dive on a had a Rate. annual rule making session-. Also; gear is not a bad way, to gain - WERDLINO 'S FUR SHOP The market price of Shires of there has been adopted a new reso- !Surds 2517E Lbryhne80 'I Love Me' famre hit rock-bet- loition by which eight ryes Will be-' Another case. that was cited wa -FN-vsnal ae et tomn the other day when he 'on tha lookout for any and all vie- jthat fact that, several tarn's have ness anid accuracy a specialty. signed for the season at a sal- lotions of rulings during the next been using large. pads on, te, e- toj.hour .Service. 1309 Wilmot, ary repoarted to be $7,500. That lesn , bows that' are of the same color # Mrs. Conkey. :Dial 5568. 123 is exactly $17,5410 less thanthUne the oldrulsote.so!leather as the ball. When a tr icL r. - --- ___-_ price at which he first tried to peido sht playsa ob lyi-s run. the entire backfield EXCHANGE FOR ANN ARBOR float his stock. "approximately one 'second' or a. cross their arms and ru~n as if with PROPERTY-Fine 8 room, mod- Anohe 'ootinth-buke-ht-cout f our Mnyteas buedthe kball. 'It takes a clever mand to ern summer hom-e, near Charle- t eri this short phrase so much as'ito ,idteoe~ tepgknadwtrfotggrgxod trisdestined to make his way toru plythtee.mehei- by the time. several have been of Anwa reofaela woo1 d- the. big leagues in the opinion of rnpasta ee Mr eia oberer.Asyo igtains and not stopst between the tackled yards have been gained. Istiedi, large garden, shrubbery ,expert obeves s-o i-' new', Four men will be on the watch and fruits. Phone owner 4356 haveguesed, e isWaltr Si shift and the play. With the ne,,' 15 mav.on ssrothe of'al erim mon -o hrase of "at. least one second~-(for all. infractions of rules this year.15 the-Athletics. His illustrious broth-I and the count measuring the time duegtodte provison thatTivesRING erha aredydecrbe hm s ee iaiedtosi i i blive tatt~referee field judge;,'umpire and ~1lS~IZ TUTORING ~ jurisiction t1lt~cKTUTORING 'AGENCY f nd~cl best foot-in-the-bucket-butte'°' spit second will be done away with~ linesman "concurrent" lidicto e STT. HN 9' inteUnited States. 1land plays containing shifts wvi ll over all fouls. Under' the ol cd 1230 !not have the surprise element that ec fteeocashdcran ________ _______ OxfrdGofes Ade teyhae ladinth pat.Tle ef fouls to look for, but now the BRONZE TABLETS FOU 'xodG lestAidedt eree has been empowered to carry referee. will be the final judge inI EVERY USE yAm r ana split second watch to ehe up1case offany conflict of, opinion. JOSEPH L. ARNET Ion the proper timing.I28W URNS. 3 Three young Americans, students In an attempt to restrict the un- TWO WOLVERINES MORTGAGE LOANS - Money at Iat Oxford, contributed the neces-f sportsmanlike tendencies as rep- E T R M TM E % wtotbnst ono reetdby the wearing of cainqu- ENT R _MA__I modern Ann Arbor homes. Phone sary~ punch to enable the Oxonians Ifiaged' uniforms htaedsge to'win the first half of its forty-sev-tohdth baltecm ttena (Continued From Pale. 6) 4356. 1350 par with MeKir, adbte'--__ -__ tenth annual golf match with Cam- adopted a resolution" which "de 7ine am PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776. bridge Tuesday. Robert H. Blaugh, I precates the use of head protectors, hnte'ar nr, Victor Alimendinger. The Stein- oBimnhmAl.anca-jerseys or attGachmenfts which are mer has been defeated by the Wol- way concert artist tuner. Offle Jr., ofBrigaAaadcp so. similar in color to the ball thrat verine. this season. atrsdne168'oonA. tami of the Oxford team, pairedI they give the wearers -m unfair Van Bibber, of Oklahoma A. and at2340ieio~MrtnAe with Charles Sweeney, the other annsotmalke__ 234M.wllb0efnig i, adean American, soundly trimmed Pran, (over their opponents." Thee i-esolu - ed laurels -at 168 pounds, but will T YPING-Theses a specialty. Fair the Cambri'dge captain, and Long-i tion further suggests that hieadgear be hard pressed by~ Hooker of rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. hurst, 10 up and 8 to play in a 36 of the same color be marked "with Princeton. Caldwell 'in the 1781' hole match. two cross strips of contranting pound class will be hard pressed L arry Sheftel, the third Ameri-E color and that the. jerseys ta are by Al Steinke t' retain his champ-I FOR RENT can was paired with A. C. Marbles of a deceptive color be' marked Iby i inship won at the meet last year. _______ ______ and succeeded in defeating thet stripes or numbers of contrastinig In the heavyweight class Mc- FOR RENT-Single' room in pri- Cambridge duet of McCrosty" and color. I) Crady appears to be the pick of the vate home. Warm and quiet. Beare three up and one to play. Feeling that this statement of entries. In. his career McCrady ha s Hot and cold water in room. The two Americans, Baugh and their wishes will be enough to stop lost b.ut one bout, and that to Southeast. $5.00. Tel. 3768. 123 Sweeney worked well together and this practice of hiding the ball the Michigan's stellar heavy, Ed George. -_______ ____ I after taking the lead after the sec - committee did not see fit to writei McCrady met George at the Olym- FOR RENT1 block 'from campus. a nd hole piled~up a wide margin that it in as a rule, but if not it will be pic games as a member of the Ca- Newly furnished:. 1 large front was never pared down by the Cam- made a mandatory regulation fori nadian team, and proved no match room and one singl om il bridge captain and his teammate. i11931. This clever handling of color for the Wolverine's power and fight. accommodate two. 1 small and IThis is the third time in as many.i schemes has been the greatest bit Burdick of Illinois may get, some-. 1 large apartment. Everything years that American students ' of football bootleg since the. use ofI where inl the tournament, but he is furnished. Dial 5568-1309 Wit- abroad have figured prominently in snouted balls by teams. thatC so far overshadowed by McCrady mot. 123 the golf tourneys. were stressing an aerial attack. Last that his chances are not good.12 ______ FOR RENT-Modern four room bungalow newly decorated. With garage. Phone. 4023. LOST (r -__________ LOST-Brown zipper purse con- taining glasses,, pen, ' pencil, vanity case, and money. Keep money, return purse. Phone 4088. UhUm v T fI T 123 . -r-" INTRR1'MURAb NOTICE y' *There will be an. important meeting of all freshman and; sophomore manager try- outs, Thursday, March 27, 1930 at the. IntramurOal office. All. other men interested' in trying: out for. this' departmen't will please report at Senior Manager NMCGILL UNIVERSITY- Accord&- ing toi T. H. Clark, Professor of 'Pal- aeQntoiogy, modern man is inferior1 to some of his pre-historic ances-{ tors, and is iii danger of disappear- from the earth. Bofer Receives Serious Injury in Title Match rjPHILADELPIIIA, Pa., tMavce' 25. -Oliver Horne of New York City. captain of the University of Penn- sylvania. boxing team, was said by his physician at the university hospital' to be in a serious condition today following an operation last night for a dural hemorrhage. Horne was taken to the students' Iwaid of t he hospital for rest and ].observation. as a jesult of a beating1 he received in a b~out with William Str uble of Pennsylvania State col- lege in the intercollegiate chain- pionshiips last Saturday. rFootball is, after all, pretty much a problem of transportation by one means or another. That's why En- och Bagshaw, former . university of , . ':. d I Ii ' Shoe Service " $1 0 Read end plenty of it, is *old with The every pair of 11 Daily our fineshoes WAGNER$ EIGHT"8 classifieds They Pay You Well. i CHURCH'S BRITISH $11.$13.50 JOHNSTQN &4MVRPHY .$14 \WAGNI!R&krCQMPA,1 for' en C 5. 'nce 149 r, ij 2 7 E I l (t I jt >.. } !i -.rI! .ter.-t. _... r .25., Special Values Friday and Sat rday in NEW SP RING SUITS ( V 'I F + Classifed Ads Brng .Results I I 1 t ; r. { . . h 'f I i 11, These are taken from our regular stock, tand are excellent values even at the regular price of $35. 'Tweeds, worsteds, and mixed weaves are to be found in this collection. There are two. button, semi-fitted coats, and sack coats; con- servative and sport models here, and all priced at 855. with one trouser. Subscribe to IThe Michigan Daily By Carrier .. $2,5 By Mail ....... $2.75 For re .mainder of School year Dial 21214 and leave your narke and