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March 27, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-27

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modern business life, to choose the
fountainhead of wisdom rather
Pabrlsh d every morning except Monday than the glorified information bu-
Cuiongo udientPebliat . BOin s reau. And if this be true, we regret
Member of Western Conference Eitorialthat the judicious and discrimina-
Association. ting cannot choose Michigan. Our
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled academic atmosphere needs con-1
to the use for republication of all news dis- siderable rarefication.
patchesa credited to it or not otherwise creditedt
In this paper and the local news published -o
ntered at the postofice at Asn Arbor. When King Canute, whose sub-
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate X
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- jects told him he was all-powerfull
taster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
$4. 1 wanted to prove to them that om-;
offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nipotence - belongs to no man, he
Bard Street. went down to the sea and com-
Phones: Editorial, 492s; Business, . d h e sea an corgn
°--TORI ---rmanded the tide to stop. Although
EDITORIAL STAF his loyal subjects believed him t
Telephone 432 within his legal rights, he got his
MANAGING EDITOR feet wet. This ancient legend, 1
ELLIS B. MERRY slightly altered, will possibly have
Editorial Chairman..........Gefo-n2e C. Tilley its modern counterpart right heres
City Editor...............Pierce Roenberg inMcga
News Editor.............Donald J. Kl in Michigan. The difference is
Sports Editor........Edward L. Warner, Jr. I that our own Governor Green, tak-
Women's Editor............Marjorie Follmer .
Telegraph Editor........Cassam A. Wilson ing the role of king, has yet to
Music and lDrama......William J. Gorma I
Literary E;ditor.......... Lawrence' R. Kin learn what Canute knew.
Assistant CityFlditor. ... Robert J. Feldman The governor, it appears, has)
Night Editor-Editorial Board Members t
Frank E. Cooper henry J. Merry reached the conclusion that the
William C. ,entry Robert L. Sloss radio is a migh+y good thing. May-
Charles R. :itfmpman Walter W. Wilds be the
Gurney Williams be if the Michigan police were
Reporters equipped with this marvel of mod-t
Arnrris Alexander. llruce J. Manley ern science they could catch a ban-1
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix dit or even a bootlegger. The fed-
Maxwell Baer Wam.Paieo oeral radio commission, on the other
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham hand, has expressed doubts as toi
lugr n Hh u Pierce Atfa.S tePlc rdio

[[ L Music And Drama
V/n 3- a

IT NEVER TONIGHT: The first perform-
RAINS BUT ance by the members of Play Pro-
IT POURS. duction under the direction of
Well, the drainage cfinals on cam- Robert Wetzel of Ibsen's "The Wild)
pus aren't so incongruous after all. Duck" to be given in the Univer-
The B. & G. boys must have antici- sity Hall auditorium with the cur-
pated the final results of the pro- tarn at 8:15.
hibition poll.
However, although moist the tab- A Review by Carleton W. Angell.
ulation shows that we're not the In this short review it is impos-
rum-sodden bunch that some of sible adequately to cover the exhi-
the calamity howlers think we are. bition, mentioning each exhibit or
The fact is, we can't be rum even each exhibitor. My purpose
hounds here in Ann Arbor because will be to stop a moment before
there's no rum for it. this work and that and mention
k the apparent motive that has
A "c a aprompted the artist and the meth-
A "sincere and faithful reader of od he has adopted. The object of
Toasted Rolls" (ah-it's good to be study should be to put oneself in
alive ) writes in to reveal a pecu- toubh with each artist, in turn, to

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liar accident reported in Tuesday's
Daily. It seems an angry elephant!
charged the Prince of Wales some-
where in East Africa the other day:
causing what appears to be a ter-j
rible state of affairs. Says the
story: ",The pachyderm stumbled!
and fell, never to rise again, with.
20 yards of his royal highness."

appreciate his point of view, to
see as far as possible with his eyes,
and to estimate his work for what
it contains.
Beaver Edwards' "St. George and
the Dragon." Sharp in outline,
strong in light and shadow. The
modeling suggests stone or terra'
cotta and would look good in either.
Rosco Wood, in that stubborn

0i ! i

-ss~ .- . -, -ictr abno if

S. Beacn Conger john D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansoi
Ginevra Ginn Jne Thayer
lack Goldsmith MDargaret Thompsou
EmilyG rimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Geove-man Robert Townsend
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
,Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr
ean Levy G. Lionel Willens
i yussgell. McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimii


Telephone 21214l
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.............T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising.............Kasper 11. Halverson
Advertising..........herwood A. Upton
iI vie .............eorge A. SpaterI
Circulation..............J. Vernor Davis
Accounts. ..........Jhn R.miloe
Publicktions.......orge . Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobaccer
fin aes E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
ob1ert Crawford Thomas Muir
VArry B. Culver George R. PattersonI
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford I
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
'James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris' 3ohnsoa obert Williamson
Charles Kline Wiliam R. Worboy
Drothy Blloomgardner Alice McCuly
Laura Codling Sylvia iller
AesDavis hlelen h. Muselwhite
lene Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hortense Goodiag Dorothea Waterman,
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
Somewhat obscured from atten-
tion by recent shifts in policy con-
cerning curricula, yet forever pres-
ent as one of the cankerous issues
in our universities, especially state
institutions, is the problem of en-
trance requirements. In the not too
distant past statements of policy
have been made, a promise given
of their translation into fact, to
the effect that entrance require-
ments for Michigan woud be ma-
terially stiffened.
The move here suggested is per-
haps even more pertinent to the
problem of academic' ills than the
far more discussed curricula and
elections, for a decisive tightening
up on admissions would of itself
not only solve its own problem, but
would obviously ameliorate) ;the
struggle over what. courses there
shall be and how many of them.
It is altogether possible that war
on the would-be freshmen of
mediocre qualifications might prove
a satisfactory panacea for many
of the current ailments.
It has been officially admitted
that the University is too large to
efficiently discharge its educative
duties to students and state alike.
The facts of heterogeneity and di-
versity of purpose which obtain in
an unwieldy student body enervate
the efforts of the University to per-
fect its instruction. It is beyond
question that those universities
which delimit theirc membershi
to students of similar purpose af-
ford opportunities for such im-
proved instruction and equipment
as to offset the disadvantages of
more provincial or hide-bound per-
Universities with low admission
requirements offer divergent and
motley cosmopolitanism hand in
hand with instruction dissipated
over wide areas. The others may
smack somewhat of standoffish-
ness from the ordinary welter of
affairs, but provide ample and
specific -training without super-

station and has threatened to.ar- Well, that was a good way for medium, iron, combines strength
rest "any one" starting to build the Prince to show the stuff he's with, refinement of design in a j
one. made of, anyway.most pleasing manner.
o mdeof aywy.Avad Fairbanks' PioerMoth-
To retaliate, the local executive var an ioneer Mot-,
has promised to arrest "any one" * er" and "91st Division Monuments,"
attempting to interfere with the POME. both recently dedicated, are exam-'
construction. Governor Green Dear Joe: I see our old friend Ed- ples of the large work executed in
rests his argument on "a funda- die Guest his studio. The head of his son,
mental principle of American gov- coming here right soon. HeJustin, is a lovely bit of delicate
ernment," and if the commission I going to the
gets in the way, that, he says, "is Grid banquet-huh-he's crazy as Victor V. Slocum, in his "Head
the commission's fault." of Frederick H. Aldrich," presents'
For the second time in the last I He ought to know by this time that an example of his sound construe-
six months Michigan's Green has I wherever tion in stiple modeling.
madesa noise like a governor. First H eroa;o land and sea or Clarence Chang, in spite of sev-j
he refused the portfolio of War Kankakee, there eral years contact with western
(before he was asked, incidentally, Is no place like home. life, has retained the spirit of the
in order. to save President Hoover Tobe. Orient in his art. This is an ex-F
the bother of writing him a letter), ceptional characteristic.
and now he is going to jail the Yeah. Diddy-boom, diddy-boom, The etchings by Dr. Warren P.
federal radio commission. diddyboom-boom, bang' Lombard, John B. Jewell, Anna L.
The intention of the former fias- y1 .Thorn, Wilfred B. Shaw, George C.
co was obvious: the governor with Harper, and Charles C. Baker, are
an election year approaching wish- exceptionally high in quality, show
Cd to pose before the people of the ? a thorough understanding of tech- {
state as their most loyal servant nique and love for the art.
and devoted leader. He could not ; George Styles' little water color,
accept a post in Washington, al- "A Good Breeze" surely depicts just
beit a most desirable post, with a. '_whatits 'title says, in a most pleas-
vast building program demanding ~ingcolor harmony.
his attention at home. That noble Fredrika Goodwin's bas reliefs
,slighriple, te, stae pre;ow Tleave no doubt that they are made
slight ripple in the state press; now Tng from living people.
the election is even closer at hand C EUTGlen Shaffer's two pictures are
and the governor's deep-seated LIMERI . interesting, story-telling, full of
} loyalty to the people must make Only two answers were submitted life and doings.
front page copy, even if he has to for limerick No. 3 or 4 (I forget Frederick Aldrich has another
plea "states' rights," with its pe- which) printed last Sunday, or Sat- flower study in pastel, brim full of
culiarly fishy sound when mouthed urday or whichever it was. I've life and the color in nature.
by a Republican in a rock-ribbed lost the name of the winner and Ernest H. Barnes presents a
Republican state. the second prize answer doesn't painting of a white colonial house
jOr perhaps the radio boys in scan, so I'm pretty well discourag-- near a pasture lot, a very restful
Washington are in on the gover- ed over the whole thing. Anyhow,; composition.
nor's little coup d'etat, apd are let- here's the limerick and the win-' Paul Honore's "The Slugger" is
ting him thunder a bit for the sake ning line, but if I were you I'd skip typical of his style, full of life and
i of a Green majority this fall. It the next two inches: color, no suggestion of "timidity"
looks good to the folks back home There once was a fellow named appearing anywhere.
when their governor can defy Sam "49th Street, New York," by Cor-

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mighty Washington. And it isn't
as though things like this had
never been fixed before; they have
been fished up many a time from
the small town politician's bag of
Thre is a good deal more than
meets the eye in this situation; if'
there weren't, it would probably
end with the governor in Uncle
Sam's home for wayward children
at Atlanta, and all the radio com-,
cissioners under the state's watch-
ful care at Jackson.
According to a headline in yes-
terday's Chicago Tribune, Presi-
dent Hoover "thinks dead Chinese
is worth $500." Considering that
chemists value the human body at
something less than a dollar, the
former Secretary of Commerce
seems to have taken readily to the
presidential habits of disburse-
ment. Wonder what price he give
for a genuine deceased Latvian, in
good condition?
Campus Opinion
'Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining thenielves to less than oo
wor's of possible. Anon ymous con-
mnmications will he disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
he regarded as conidential, upon re-
ques. Letters published should not he
I construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

Who went in to take an exam. rin F. Rowe, is a joy like the joy
He not only cribbed of Christmas, with its little men,
But he faked and ad libbed horses ad whgoy of chpicture
IHe passed his course; I didn't. can produce the joy of children on
m a Christmas morning, that is suf-
flcient praise.
N Sor- Maestro Valerio has portrayed
Note to Author of that line: - another of the places where it is
ry I lost your letter. Drop me an- god to live.
other one so I can give you credit.: .-Leon Makielski's portrait of Pro-
LARK CONTRIBUTES' fessor F. W. Pawlosski is a splen-
LACTICL NTING. did example of the artist's portrait
' work.
Dear Joe: How could your eagle George Styles' "Silver Spray" pic-
eye have overlooked the following: tures immovable rocks, racking,
STATISTICS SHOW rolling sea, horizon where sky and
MICHIGAN'S RANK sea unmistakably meet.
IN FUR INDUSTRY Helen Steketes' flower studies)
Lark. are vibrant with yellow sunlight.
Maria L. Crane's "The Office,
Fur Jake's sake, Lark, why did Window" is a reality not to be mis-
you bring that up? I saw the item taken.
but my cortical cells aren't work- "The Bull Fight" by R. O. Ben-
ing so well today and I decided to nett is 'a prize picture from a re- I
pass up the opportunity. But you, cent exhibition. Mr. Bennett has
you slacker you-why didn't you given us facts stripped bare of all
think up some crack like, "Every nonessentials.
time it rains on my coat I can tell "Catskills at Woodstock" by Mar-
that Michigan fur is rank" or garet H. Chapin, is painted at the
something like that? You, an old flush of the year, fresh from spring
Rolls editor, falling down on the rains, and bathed in sunlight.
job like that! Hmf! Gordon Damon's "Winter Twi-
*! *light" .is winter indeed, still and
IN DEFENSE. lovely.
Dear Joe: This controversy about "Still Life" by Myron B. Chapin
the legals legs is getting me into is a very decorative composition.
all sorts of hot water, and won't "Nude" by Jean Paul Slusser is
you please tell the world that I pleasing in color and play of light.


11OW TO BEHAVE, did not write 'the little masterpiece' 0
To the editor: anent said legs, that blossomed DETROIT CIVIC
Noting your faculty ballot re- forth in the Crease paper? With The Civics burlesque restora-
suits in Free Press of today on such scintillating humorists in the:s
prohibition, in my mind the man Law School as Benjamin Bolt, W. tion of "Ten Nights in a Barroom'
that voted for repeal of the amend- I Stock Hume (who wishes to keep has met with the same enthusias-
ment, with the suggestion: "use his identity a secret) and the foot- tic response that met its trifling in
the money thus saved to teach the Eball captain who was rich at the the grand style with "After Dark"
people how to behave" has the right end of the season, why should the which had such a long run last
idea; and as a man in the hotel indignant co-eds pick on poor me? summer.
business can assure the good peo- Yours for vindication, This revival scheme is almost
ple that there is a world of harm Piccolo Pete. proving an art-form in which the
done by the present prohibitioni * * rom a -

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