'4 ZSTABLISHED 1890 ICY tigan I x ni ASSOCIATED. ,XL, NO. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEB2RUARY 21, 1930 EIGHUT PAGES PRICE FIVE CEN t_°. =OFD[C 00[jDOUMERGUE CALLS UPON LEADER JNSSOT 7T AELA OFTECHRDCA OIAIT IN SAVANNAH OPEN TOURNEY- .tmsDsgac P it ewn tep! iet en ocl [A IIP[ 1 C IAInH hmin rasPrb wt 0hshlei n loe TENCH SE 101.TTLE TO FORM* GOVERNMENT, CA 3INET A PPOINT R.CAE FRENCH, ADAMS TIE FOR _SECOND " Tcud In vla the prsdnsof the senaeaiiILVJ1lLU iL I Seven Strokes in First hmt ns h is iei 4IW PH 1 NTI1.chaimber, and then on M. Taidieu but par figures of 37 was the best eocigoNaaCofrceNew Ministry. tv for; ti consl 1.930 Competition. hecuddo on the home nine. -oet~ fNvlCneec -M laienstdyakdfrlrsdn fUiest fNrhI- otnSih h links wizard F Disusedfo TwAHur aAi , x ~ zcb 20Cfil C iau ir Premier Tardieu to take a! Carolina Accepts Offer of 11By Dillon L. Gralhan, fromn Detroit, Mich., formerly of Y" !oiol ntenwmnsr n (A. P. Sports Writer) ;Joplin, Mo., sholbed a card of 71. b Stimson, MacDonald, 1temps, presidenit of the Radical So-~ porfoioin atthe new~ nrtisr aci I.AVANNAH, CaFb.2-lz-Bakte i i t 1wr ciaistparywas called upon today tormi0tteho fte"5VNAC ,eb 0-lz rcee ihhma 1wr patGso~Duer~ French delegation to the naval I g pa shattering trail in his Mike Heany of Potsdam, N. Y.; Joe TO TAKE WEEK'S RECESS forsdn aU 0e conference Ii London. b 'Ii TO TLAKE KINLEIY'SPAEfrttournament play .of the yer(uns fNwYr;Ens yl anwgovernmxent, replac-; M. Chautemps, besides big{Bobby Jones of Atlanta, national, of Augusta, and Mike Turnesa of - Ig te Trdeu initr whch e-president of the Radical Socialists, Board Acts on Recommendations open champion, shot a 67 here to- New York, and Al Espinosa of Chi- '01 Peeaces Pay, Close Attention Isigned Monday. the most important group of the ofCm itesofAun to lead the field of 90 starters c ago. to Deipm~ents in French f 9.Chautemps left Elysee palace !Left in the chamber, recently has and Facultty. $3,000mn o eof thfisrounam tent.Joe' Ryall, a comparative unknown, caie rss rdat once began consultations superseded former Premier Ed- ad acl.1$,0opngfturme.Jns'Ifurnished the main excitement on fwthisupresadlaesof! ouard Harriot as leader ofth en mark was 7 under standard figures. the outward nine when he posted ohrgroups in search of a cabinet' tire Left side, which Monday voted 2~~;I h tat aro-ofrtrl ado 1 raigtecus cobiato whichk woul giveng hi down hisitd s)ld alr of sevcral hundred as* record. 'However, the young Au- a maoriy i thechaberof iniser:of inace, eru Chran liestrkedhisway around the out- gusta shotmaker, blew up on the L1ONDON, Eng,. Feb. 20 -Al- a maoiy i h hme fiCeoHarry W. Chase, president of the!hoenesotg1 2, ;1tough a week's ajunetof idpuis on a trivial budgetary item. ;University of North Carolina, h~as !ward nine in 32, four under spar, hoennotng a 40 for a 71, ae Th new premier designate spent Political obesrvers thought sthe I eindto accept the presidency ;.oicame back in 35, collecting l Johnny Farrell of St. Augustine, fa the London naval conference be- nearly an hour with the president chances of M. Chautemps were slim i of the University of Illinoi,% Gover- i rdies ere ond. traiht'an fiorer presionals wknhee gan today to enable the French to discussing possible combinations of because of disagreement wthin his;i nor 0. Max Gardner announced irvs aprahoswere accuans raig tnve, outer atr72.ed.iDualey whosee rl sete tcr cbnt cii n u- men which would bring him the own party. He was promised the here ioih.bu is p ttingshwas note auprto the homteed is in . Sav nna butly wh osre t drur t of atvt wa man support he needed. He spent most, support of the Socialists, second b uta Jos t n d ard nCalait st e rs fr m Wl intn elwr; taedrea by thacetivitnws aiLn- ofWednesday and Wednesday night1 largest group in the chamber, on URBANA, Ill., Feb. 21--Dr. HarryusaJnestdr."Clmy]sesfomWmigoDawe;' 'c thrd ytedeeainsa o-sounding out various leaders as to {condition that his program must' wJCae o yaspeietane," known throughout the glf-' Herman Barron, of Port Chester, whom they would support and be "satisfactory," a demand which, of thae University of North Carolina, n ol sJnssptenee' .Y;E.Shlzo ry .Y,~ Priual wsthr aciiywhat representation they would 1 may contain many jokers. wa oa lce rsdn ftethree strokes on one green before and Charles Gray of Augusta, all or an Biish deadi the bnt nvriyo lios h ball could find the cup A turned in cards of 72. o wihteAeia rm I li e told President Doumel gue if l " IrTLP tf r The choice was made at a long (singlei stroke behind the leader ceretary Sbimson and Prm i-that hie would report tonight, prob-Coniedarprtovrou were~ P ,in ot Crona, o aoend Je FGuLI L uUu ter Mac-Monald holding an ~impor- abykoig yte hthri U SUCI[l 5L f1lfl Pines Nooftescolstuteswow rth CatoFrnh anf esost!c "hIV D ~JI ant two-hour conference at thxe would be possible for him to for m !r l~l~lff didates for the post returned by I dmScotch profesiu al at the 3 oseoComnthsatrona ministry. W E9 lHIITH S'~ the committee. headed by George, loaDlbof ir rn in rtrt to dicus o te oneen e il n ccrd n e it c som th U l UI IL I hBarr, of Joliet. Committees of I Cards of 69 placed Bobby Cruik- 1.1 MouseI IH Com on this. afen o repnwe h rnhdlg-president sen t his secretary gen- ,___fclyado h lmiad shank of Purchase, New York;U LU JU L IV tionr is recolstitbuted and returns eral in the preiential car to es- ! od in the selection. Clem Wichman, of Portsmouth, 1 editthe hosn ma tothe lyse, Cmmitee pproes etitons Dr. Chase will take the place of Ohio, and Fairy Clark, Savannah! Aims of College' of Literature, C to Liondon. Inoeinl n i o orl No Formal', RCOpening thus indicating his choice before {of Two Legal Organizations David Kinley, who offered his resig- - Sciencei~l ind ah tArftsout It was decided tentatively thlat actually asking himo to become. and Art Club. utationi as president of the Universi- apla(c, threWol b n fralplnayI reie.ty of Illinois a year ago having "Wild Bill" Melhaorn., who scored' Stressed in Talks. ~esobtta eoitos Chautemps, also Ii accordancerecethaglit,6yas.Hs, wbuldi b eumer th neytweren with custom, immediately after ET F"ROSH- FROLIC DATVE surehdter age im ui,6 e rs his t n aseo the outad jousevnhaey, _-yRn-'s surrende of hisme duties they weroeshdterun nsvet lc DEAN EF'FING RS PRSI e left ,off.' It is the opinion of the I-- Charters were granted two new '° taeefc utlhssucso delegates loere that whoever heads II mi'PlR l ea oieis'n naracu t3ouldi have been named. Dr. ChasefRT llffp I Discussion of the aims and objec- A~ of p01- U lga s eitis zi ays c lu an.w lCta e ff ce heence, andsheElie the Arts w wao b 'p e-fies of th C lcarrieder tu Cd paredi for new declarations opo-S 11 tetra' etn fteSnt! ak e reliedo heris du(e as Icy'at ana Opening session. ' ommittee ,on Student Affairs North Carolina which will 0lb lily T z ,enc adteAswsCrid ?/nmdatl afe cofeen 1h omteeapoe e be late next summer. TT' 111lIRI iiI its? great detail at a closedl meet- ' ~~atl fe cneee 1we h omte prvdp-iO I T N wlth MWacDonald, where he was ac U 1 ttos a Esln h, a Dr. Chase was' born in Groveland, NfI~ toJlj~ ig of the faculty of theC college 1 laer dipaichs from Ca Hpio LAa a Ha P foMass., 47 years ago. He rece~ive d a held in the Union last night. the Lt~rmsonartre t i oe for so{ey Ph Delta aylbfo;o degree of B. A. in 1904 and of M.A..-" DeanJonREfigroftea a tde Ptcesfrm ~ahyUndergr4duates ;and Graduates imen students in the law school; Ili 1900 from Dartmouth college. Senator Black Complains That JhinR z.glle*~ Wle an th Stdi club _r~ ora iza University gave him a degree 'ponrct ~~~literary college, presided. 'The I W hen he lfty fi~r tanmore, where ' ~ Award of X7.5 tion) of students interested in art hD.n~11 n ic tei1emein Wsoec b ted~i e wlli work through the Week end.: # h r.1as been honored with a degree of ,of Spirit of L aw. r fpeae e-iueppr None of the three organizations' Doctor of Laws from Dartmouth, o th su ctrhyAm of prprdfumn T hittes U '1he delegations In -london :are tO h ujc ' i lso hsz caefully considering the develop- APPLIES TO _CAMP FEIE will rank as fraternities. They i the University of George, Lake. For-' ACCUSED OF PR I ments #n, the French political sit- Iwill have no club houses, according! 1est college and Lenoire-TItync col- 1 College," by the following seven Cr Chne. Applications can now be made totetem f hi ptton. I Chs a presden of the WSIGO,eb. 20-Te e:Prf . .Atootehs ra~tion, scanning every item of Doterem tor deprtmnt petiions Hal nesfo costhe Chne. for the Bryant Walker scholarship, { Nratioa ssciain t of the WSIGOFb 0-TeiCr eatet rf aly In the' American delegation the avilbl fottd tay r d M rhe 21d a ofteFciall apro vdc of Un-Batet, o idea persists that Tardieu will biological station next summer. aste dt fte Foh Foi fversities last year and has been its sam obecio which metf butfai-pt e l Bon nepr t-o vetalrelrntLodn e-Bth undergraduate and graduate the class of 1933. The dance, ac- secretary-treasurer since 1922. Hei e d to reject the nomination et ek Cmbl onr fcc evetullyre~lr t Lodo de!eheee department; Prof. John f ~p~e rmor tht e dfintel de Istudents in zoology are eligible to Icording to plans, will be held in the 1is a member of the American. Psy- !Charles Evans Highes as cWaoneftefemn eat alined' a portfolios offered him by copt for this $75.00 financial blrom fthUnn.ichology Association, the Southern ;justice of the United States i e ot rf oe obro h M,,Chautempaid, but preference is usually, given heco mmapigt e otet goon hyt Ctuteps laitterthelatAr.Aplictiosinotesrcodna aprovngtherecntrds thocetyforPhiosphyandPscho-llgergeedin te enaetaaist.hemstrrdparmen;orof Dehe THe qetof tomof letters mustion bint eolution of the Student Council that og n h Sceyo olg the confirmation of Hugh M. Tate WitE akr ftephilosophy 1A Hop^ qest fo he French pol- th zooo l student organizations be grat Iec~r 'fEuain as a member of theC interstat~e corn- f dpate;anPrfA.F Shl, ley at the conference does nut! ^_e.f.h.scrtayof._n Tep tmerm bof Ma mr cam is othe p rison t h ie night of th - C R Smrerce cotyissioni. )of the zoology department.(I wZorry the delegation but thcre is Tea rm bfor archmer cap ite prison thie ncofes !C IA Ob .i some apprehension as to whether t ansitoegthus rohFlc.A IIn DAT ND Tate is criticized by a small J. Campbell, of the English depart- G th* new government can be formed ;rtw s gien fo the wrk at the' Approval was also given the~ group of southern Democrats as imenit; Prof. Bradley Davis of the ti and get a vote of confidence from crdti-ie or~w rpsdfo h ompl~ one who by environment and pro- ! botany department; Prof. Carter C ile Chamber in time to send a Unirdsioprnty. the o tud worsh dateCbs Ineraioa Nih r-ToT fNcsayMny sional association is prejudiced ! Goodrich, of the economics depart- to delegation back to London before I od potnt osuy rs-ItnCu' nentinlNgtpo l'hrd~ oANssry Mone I ment; Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the ! i Feruar 26. water animals in their habitat, as gram ~lnd for the Women's Ath- Aleay Asue iY" in favor of the great corporate opsdin-,;H political sofscience tgogydepartment; parof .1 "Neither the British nor the ;well as land animals including rep- , letic association's Penny arnival. teetftento sopsdt .H obo h elg eat Amrcn osdrta n ve~tiles, birds, and insects. The two functions will occur March Ll~ CHA inent; Prof. Ai R. Morris, of theq delay will have a bad effect on the ISpeak~ing of tile sc nojarship's 4 and March 5, respectively. ICIAO e.2.Wt il h asso h epe bu hyd o ievalue, Professor Peter Okkclberg) l ions available for a pool to opler- IA vote on his nomination was rhetoric department; and Prof. C. i 1 egotiatins abou theeeyth of Reogot Views aetedbuntil Jucly t v i deferred until today when vigorouis 'F. Remer, of the department of ceo-N to consider a possibility of a longer onl aidoWhil thee-fschsorshp tn Svitet atei®i3 tW e etburdene J loal which opposition arose resulting late Wed- nomi. Iltuiclnt diffi ul cotine Fer det' expenses at the camp, it Le5Cnfe cruonrsstme 192 tax mnywill begin i nesday in a spirited debate, with a________ liia Ilcllscniu fe means much to the hard-working triol'hng hinto the treasury, the Blackl of Alabama, 'and Smnithz of " 0®"A PRESIDENT C, inivdul thatily thtnlhosilehigt work (13 ck2i res e ,T A K TO IH tht t only ostate thiatve t LiAU(1 ,/L(~AJ the C., Ae 2U.-edPr Cook county was adjudged at an and McKellar of Tennessee, risingTOALT NI H be o cntnueth ad !done there is of a type which can- WASHINGTON, D. C.,e' Feb.se 20.hrear dorretfrante ek ffrst rn end today. 1oTt' ees.Altreae woud b toconinu th ad I ot e dpliatd a th Unverity Efort tobrig Aeriangovern- Whether or not thle $74,000,000 Demcuocrats. I~aita ces oumntfraohrwe. and graduate students are especial- '(Ntia Defns Oraia i I, As to thxe Fwrench policy itself, the (mental pressure upon the Soviet estimated as necessary operating Black asserted thiat tihe nonilnee rg:lzaIo ether delegates consider that the coyti u rgedato eor spetn atumer tra campaign of closing churches and expenses will be fully subscribed ,was attorney for the Southern rail-' Wle ee Ic French miemorandum will c e degree." suppressing religious activities de- iwas still an uncertainty today, but way and thle power interests and !ai oa Dees" ilbete1 eetain vutld it s e ithran rhe A committee of zoology profes- °veloped today both at the state iwith approximately $50,000,000 as-j in addition complaine d that his ail- I tio nades en o. Wler .t t pudllate ud lyite new goeret re- wil slcth moterstdpten dinCges. i sured, efforts were doubled to get ! pointincnt wasuai violation of thxe tpco nadesb o.Wle ut franly ad ew thae n n suand most eserving temstdentmIOicasoth ae department anfCoges long-overdue salary checks ready 'spirit of the law requiring a bi- Cole, president of the Reserve Offi- j Sufrnladithtn ut he number who apply. The schol- hlad before them about fifteen ap- by Saturday for the thousands of partisan commission. Smith follow- csAscain fteUie States at 8:15 o'clock tonight in dove Is likely. I rslhin was founded years ago by peals for intervention of some sort patient teachers, firemen, poieel with atn~ expression of the same ithe Natural Science auditorIim_ lOUSE COMMITTEE JEARS WITNESSES I) C O R E P R O H IB IT ION'i a e p ia D k o n, O h ( Denounce Prohibition as Disgrace to u. S. VETS ASK 'FOR REPEAL 'rom inenit Men 'Testify to Faut of Dry Law; to Finish Wednesday, By Cecil Dicksovii S(A. P. Staff Writer) WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. o1 chic society woman from Phila,- elpia and a weather-beater' armor from the North Dakotai ains, together with a former Sea- tor and a former Repreecntative, n educator, a :scientist, a pubis~h- , and editor and a leader of al rganization of young men aligned liemselves today in denouncin rohibition as a disgrace unworthy f the United States. They were proponent,;' of the rc". cal of the dry ameadie nt o! lding a second two-dlay sivn efore thme House judiciary coi miit- ee. At thle close, Mrs. rahami )ougherty, of Philadelphia, declar- a "The women of the country are oing to see to it that the 8th ,mendment is thrownl ouit of the Blame Crime on Dry Law Speaking rapidly as the last wit Bess of. the day, the young womlei.> aid she represented women of ennsylvania who _were "tii'l f le hyproerisy, bribery, corr'u ptioit, lid crime brougtht alUbou oy tre ry law."' In contrast with th e eager young~ roman, Tierce Blewett, of James- own, North Dakota, relat ed a nica ured story of destitution and do- pair having been brought to 1.116 armers of his state througli pro- tibition and coiitons resulttii "Prohibition,"lhe saki;,"has vti. 4- d atgiriulture.. It has dtrive~lfo' terly prosperous farm-,rs lint(, pov'. rty." f The North Dakot~an 1,esti led l'iitlt ,here was no demand for barley as li pre-prohibition days a ld tht 'the money that is sent out of the :ountry to buy booze is inoivy gone orever." Eight Attack Prob ibith. The witnesses who attacked pr- iibitlon today included George -I. Villiams, of St. Louis, theo former enator, Thomas W. Phlivsw, of Sutler, Pennsylvania, thei forvw~'r Lepre; entative; Dr..Samnurl I lairdpil Dhurch,, of Pittsburgh, president of lie Carnegie Institute; cI reedct ,rowell, Cleveland p ublisie;; Wu - ter L. Chieney, editor of Colici°s magazine; Frederick Clark. of Nv York and Cleveland, a leader of the Crusaders" as the organization of oung mhen terms itself; Frederick R.. Coudert of New York, alid Ralph M. Shaw of Chicago, lawyer. 'The wets were unable to present_ all of their gwitnesses today and4 h'airmni Grahian granted them until next Wednesday in which to omplete their argument. ,after hat proponents of the 8th amend- anent Will 'be heard. Representative tlithicuni, Democrat, Maryl and, leader of time House wet bloc, who i in charge of the wet witnesses, said that hundreds of prominent people hlad requested an-opportunity' to appear in support of repeal. "Wie could present witnesses in-' dlefini tely," the Marylander said, -Dr. Bryant Walker of Detroit, a jin the Russian situation. A reso- I en, nurses and other cty' and view.Co.olhsbenatvfra 'ILIPINO STUDENT Tlawyer amid scientist, who is in- ilutioni was introduced in the (louse~ county employes. 'I elM~la edTt' ~wi atr fntoa S$TRIKE CONTINUES tensely interested iii the Untiver- !to deny recognition of Soviet Ruts- Th cofrneargd ytsmnyboeteinrtteo'cee sity, aiding scientific work here in sia until religious persecution ini ! Silas Hi. Strawn, chairmnan. of Her mneree committee, in which he said s ndh. retlybe many ways. I that country shall have ceased, citizens' relief committee, andi lie had not served personally as }'ueiitiommed in press disatches from Americarn Teacher Threatened; I __- -- --Lewis E. Myers, millinaire schiool counsel for either the railways or IWashlingtoni for appinmUtt - cr nut oRc. FN O Y O O E ~ ''r L E trustee and repz'eseut. give ok gower it.cre.'ts although hi~s law I the Post of assistant Secretary of 1 -l ~~~Mayor William 1'Thle lit