?AGE TW~ UNIVERSTY BOST LARGE COLLECTIO~ Group of Egyptian Parchment Now Includes More Than 6,000 Manuscripts. VARIOUS SIZES INCLUDEr Water Immersion, Glass Mount Ray Filter Used in Task of Dedcphering. Comprising the largest collectior of papyrus manuscripts in Americ and one of the lAr est in th world tl6e Univ i'sityr nb has a library t ,o hib'i'e tha 6,doiI jOajri of &b6i6i1 .gfptiagorigin. These range ir sie f oii or. fragffiehts to' largE roll 67 feet in length, apd at the jsreseht time are being deciphered under the direction of Prof. Arthr E. Boak, o the history department and Prof. otpbell tonner; o th Greek department. The extremefly delicate process of handling and preparing papyrus manuscripts is one that re4uires the care of an expert. They are stored in small tin boxes to pre- vent any contact with the air. As soon as they are removed from the (bes, they are immersed in water. Next, the fragments are smoothed, to bring out the lettering, mount- ed on glass, and labeled for future identification. Ray Filter Used in Deciphering In .the work of deciphering, a ray filter is often used. This re- yeals the original lettering. and eliminaes the discolorationz which often nakes the maumiscripts illeg- ible unless the filter is used. This large collection' is the result of the work of the late Prof. Fran- cis WV. Kelsey, form'r head of the classical department. Under hs direction, the first .University 9f Michigan Near East Expedition wbs organized. $150,000, given by friends of the University, was expended in the purchase of papyri and in tlie work of excavating on the site Of Carthage in Egypt ,and at Antioch of Pisidia in Asia Minor. Many secured in Constantinopl At the same time, a large number of Greek manuscripts were secured in Constantinople, Alexandria, Cairo, and London. Later, funds raised by the late President Hutch- ins were used to buy at auction 48 manuscripts, most cif them from the New testament, hich had ,been a part of the famous collec- tion of the Baroness Burdette- Coutts. Eight more of this collec- tion were secured from private deal- ers:. These additions give the,. Univr- sity the largest collection of ancient NeW Testaments in any American library. They date chiefly between the tenth and the fifteenth cen- turies. EFFINGER VIEWS ASSOCIA TION RULE Recommendation of the North Central association of schools and colleges, which met at Chicago last Wee, that high school interscholas- tic athletic tournaments be discon- tinued, has not yet reached final form, Dean John R. Effinger of the literary college said yesterday, aft- er hs return from the convention. ~ore the recon edation is ;of- llay final, it unt b aaproved by the assocations committee on ath- letics, Deaji Effinger explained. The convention last week was at- tended by Prof. C. 0. Davis of the S'hool of Education. Prof. George E. Carrothers, director of the divi- sion of high school inspection, eg- istrdr Ira M. Smith, and Dean James B. Edmonson, of the School of Education, iii addition to DeanI Effinger. THE nMICHtCAN DAILY TIM SfAY, MAR~CH i BRITISH STATESMAN VISITS HOOVER TO PPRESENT LETTERS OF CREDENCE:JILII[ i II h-4 UNno CIYPLANNING Municipal Engineers Assemble for First Conference on Zoning Problems. GERMAN DIRIGIBLE TO MAKE FIRST 1T TRfA( F':. TSOUTHAERICA..MAY .. IU IL STAEBLER WILL SPEAK Registration for the first confer- once of Michigan' city planning and zoning officials will begin at 10 o'clock today at the Union. Offic- ials from more than 'thirty munic- ipalities throughout the state are expected to attend the conference, which is being held today andto- morrow at the Union. Mayor Edward W. Staebler of A nn Arbor will deliver the address of welcome at the noon luncheon. Following the luncheon, short re- ports on planning and zoning pro- gress will be given by representa- tives from the larger cities of the state. Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil engineering department, will discuss the problem of "Grade Sep- arations and the City Plan." Fol- lowing the dinner tonight, Flavel Shurtleff, secretary to the national conference on city planning of New 'York city will address tie delegates on "Selling City Planning to the Public." Prof. Aubrey Tealdi of the landscape design department and director of the, Nichols Arboretum, will speak on "Aspects of City Plan-# ning Abroad." The meeting tomorrow will be concluded with the informal dis- cussion held during the luncheon. Harold D. Smith, director of the Michigan Municipal League will talk at 11 o'clock on "The Work of1 $FV/LL AVA NA :::'"n : c: 1'::: '.'::.: "C . .1.: 'l.:' ' :'"t:'::'.':::: L a..~ Aseoiaitad Press Photo Sir Ronald Lindsay (center), new British amxoassador to the United States, shown as he was leaving the White House after presenting his letters of credence to President Hoover. Captain len Buchanan (left), U. S. N., aide to the President, and Francis White, assistant secretary of state, who accompanied him, are also shown in the picture. The view ambassador succeeds Sir Esme Howard as Great Britain's repre- sentative in this country. South America wi} 1 get its flr dirigible, the Graf Zeppelin, When th world tour last summer departs fro continent sometime in May.. On its stop off at Lakehurst, New Jerse, t year before completing the last ila North Central Associati Education Standards, Governor Greene's Ret Will Test Commission With the retaliation of Gov. Fred W. Green of Michigan to the feder- al government over the question of the authority of the Federal Radio commission, much discussion has arisen as to the possible outcome of the controversy. In the opinion of , W. Rolland Maddox of the political science de- partment, the argument is going to test the question of the authority of the Federal 'Radio commission, which in itself will run into the problem of the priority of federal. control of interstate commerce in case of a conflict with the policel power of a state. Mr. Maddox stated that "We do have some indications that courts Imay be inclined to support the fed eral legislature, but this particu- lar question still remains for de- cision. The greatest significance ofI this controversy," continued Mr. Maddox, "is the constitutional question involved and the oppor- tunity which avails itself to test out the validity of a form of con- trol adopted by the national gov- ernment to meet a recent scienti- fic development." M4. Maddox further explained that the Federal Radio commission Joker Turns Barber; Ends up in Jail Cell (By Associated Press) EVANSTON, ILL., March 26.- Harry Gordon, wise-cracker and practical joker, has landed in jail Mrs. Gordon had him put there Tuesday night. For years, she said, she had endured the usual line of jokes and tried to smile when Gor- don admonished his friends not to take any wooden nickels. She had eaten salt for sugar, been squirted with water when she smelled fake; roses and seen any number of cigars explode. But Tuesday night he intro- duced a new one. Mrs. Gordon brought a girlhood chum out to the house and introduced her to the husband. He shook hands, looked the guest over quizzically, remark- ed that she needed a shampoo and, dragging her to the bathroom, gave her one. That, Mrs'. Gordon told police, was the last joke. Detroit Theatres Il CASS THEATER The Merriest Comedy Hit of the Season! "BIRD IN HAND" BY JOHN DRINKWATER, Youth and Love at their Gayest a City Planning Conference," and "The purpose of the North Cel- aliation to Government Walter H. Blucher, secretary to the ' tral Association on Education is to s City Plan commission of Detroit, raise the standards of education in n~ S Power, Says Maddox willspeak on "City Planning Leg- the territory over which they op- Sislation. " ate," was the statement made by has been given authority by statute DLean J. B. Edmonson of the Edu- to exercise complete power in the cation School, secretary of the As- regulation of radio broadcasting' -sociation. throughout the United States. The C1fE. Dean Edmonson further pointed! .pwrrests in, the right of the I ocain tef ee edriil p w er r t o g er t o fdeny a R EE COout th at the standards of the as- E commission to grant or deny a RE L CTO Sj sociation itself were held rigidly I broadcasting license to a radio sta- !high, as was evidenced by the fact tion, either public or private. Many l that over 200 member schools were of the cities in the country, especi- Dangerous Men warned that their conduct in the ally Chicago and Detroit, have ad-'ag past year had not been up to that opted the system of short wave Elinor Glyn took a hand at writ- ;demanded by that group. transmitting stations for the use ing an original story for the talk- In addition to their interest in trnsitingtton orteIs of the police department. Licensesing films, but instead of the ex- the scholastic welfare of the schools for these stations were granted by pected fiery love epic, Such Men and colleges under their jurisdic- h Are Dangerous, at the Majestic, tion, Dean Edmonson showed, the the federal commission. The state! turns out to be an interesting and association also takes an active in- I of Michigan is a pioneer among the fairly ingenious story of a repul- terest in one of the most annoying states which have instigated the, sive millionaire done over by a plas- problems facing educators today, system of radio broadcast for the tic surgeon to obtain revenge on that of athletics and their regua- police departments. the beautiful young wife who de- tion. The group has begun definite ~serted him on their wedding night.; oessor of Banking S ife! wherein the great Jack Gives Talk on Will Speak at Forum magnate disappears in a flight over 1f Old thechannel is abridged from an todentLife AtO Prof. Robert G. Rodkey, profes- actual happening, viz., the Lowen-.. sor of banking and investment, will stein mystery a few years ago. English Universities spa oihta h ecn fa Warner Baxter, excellent as us-____ speak tonight at the second of a ual, enacts the difficult role of the In an informal talk on "The Eng- series of forums sponsored by the rich capitalist. Opposite him is hn and Amrian tudn"he- Business Administration club. He Catherine Dale Owen, a blonde lish and American Student" de- will talk on opportunities offered beauty with practically perfect fea- Alp ha Nu society, Prof. Peter M. in the field of an g and invest- res e supporing cast is uni- Jack, head of the rhetoric depart- ment at 7:00 o'clock in room 312 of It is difficult to forecast student ment, drew a vivid picture of col- the Union. 'reaction to a film of this type-but lege life at the Universities of These forums are being conduct- it should prove interesting and out Cambridge and Oxford. ed so that students interested in ofshor in te sing anyu In describing Cambridge, Prof. 'business administration may learn of the ordinary. While not >1y any IncdsribingheCambrdgelProf. of thes dmmrttiopen in t e means a great production, Screen Jack said, "The Lawyers' club is oppounies phe Reflector found it entertaining Inot unlike buildings at Cambridge., various fleids of business. The next'throughout. Itrates a good B. (They are, however," he added, forum will be a week from today. Gents of the Press. "Very old, insecure of foundation, For light, amusing comedy some- and weather-beaten. If you kick Speech Laboratories what on the order of "Big News", your foot against the side of a col- Gset Smoke Consumer l but less melodramatic, the Wuerth lege, you're liable to kick out a offers "In the HeAdlines" closing chunk." A "smoke consumer" has been tonight. Grant Withers is extreme- The center of Cambridge life purchased by the University to be ly likeable as a crack reporter, Mar- was described by Professor Jack used in the laboratories of speech ion Nixon "petite and pretty" as as being around the river that and general linguistics in Angell the young girl scribe. She "just flows through the college campus. hall. The expenditure was author- graduated from journalism school," ,Students are accustomed in. sum- ized to be used with the lamp but Withers promises .to "keep it a mer to take their beer and grapha- s blacking apparatus employed by secret.phones and go boating in long Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the de-! Well done for an unheralded pro- fiat-bottom boats called "punts.". partment of general linguistics, for duction, "In the Headlines" depicts "When a student attends a lec- making kymograph tracings of I newspaper life no more faithfully ture which is in a distant building1 voice production. than usual, but though some se- he cycles there on his bicycle, car-; Before the installation of the quences are slightly overdone it's rying whatever books he may need smoke consumer, the lamp blacking; entertaining none the less. Edmund in a small metal carrier at the; procedure which was filling the Breese as the city editor and Clyde front. Bicycles are placed at ran-t allways of Angell hall and Unai- Cook as the photographer provide dom about the buildings and to" naewsi o h A en ud many a laugh. Another B for this padlock one is considered poor versity hall with dense clouds ofi one. sportsmanship," stated Professor' heavy smoke, was darkening the -B. J A. Jack. p, i «rhif-vr-n-l touch with France. Two other cars st glimpse of the famous German will be equipped with sound record- ie craft that completed its round the ing motion picture cameras. m- Friedrichshafen for the southern Mr. Haardt's motor car expedi- s return trip the Graf Zeppelin will tion crossed the heart of Africa he airport at which it laid over last from Algeria to Mozambique, and p of its journey to Germany, included a trip through the little known interior of the mammoth is- S R sr' land of Madagascar," says a bulle- nY Raises T Erritory's tin fromthe. Washington head= Dean Edmonson States quarters of the National Geograplh- ic society. r "Untamed Taureg tribesmen had work a n the unfortunate state of to be bribed to pilot the automo- affains that now exists in thisiField tive caravan across vast stretches I by going to the root of the situa- of the uncharted Sahara. More than tion, and checking up on the rela- 40,000) natives were, put to work at tions between high schools and col- 4lzin atil troug 37 Iles leges. The stand that the body has blazing a trail through 75 miles taken on invitational meets and ofotherwise impenetrable jungles similar events that enable the colb onte Belgian Congo. i loges to lay the foundations for sub- 'fne object of the expeditionas sequent subsidisation and the: lifle to find a route by which 'France suen subdzthioineres and e' may project a railroad to link- its has shown their interest and in-vatpoiclhldnsnAfc. tentions clearly in this matter. vast provincial holdings in Africa. That the 'associatomi has grown It had other official commissions tremendously in its popularity fromthe French olo al offe the among educators as well as in size air-mmistry, and the French Gea- is evident in the fact that 1065 new graphic society, This entailed sci- schools have applied for enroll- entists and engineers who made ob- ment of the files of the association servations in their respective fields, mentof te fle~ oath photographers and sketch ar- this year, while the average enroll--I and photogaperdsoeti- ment of teachers and pupils in the 'lsts who made records of inesti- tschntools cer n ppl ih I mrable' value to scientist and lay- schools has increased in almost all ma ale cases. Experimental College Police Chief to Stop Pupils Earn Expenses Noise of Bus Maes Thirty-seven per cent of the stu- Because they have persisted in dents in the Experimental college racing the motors of their buses, of the University of Wisconsin are thereby causing excessive and un- earning at least part of their ex- necessary noise, bus drivers oper- penses, and a significant propor- ating within the city limits have tions of them are taking arin- been told by Chief of Police Thomn- rious campus activities, according as M. O'Brien that further action to a survey which reveals the out- of this sort will lead to arrest. side interests of the group during. The police ultimatum came as the first semester. the result of numerous complaints The average earnings of the 173 within the vicinity of the Court freshmen and sophomores' who House, adjacent to the bus station make up the college were $10349. in the Chamber of Commerce Sixty-four per cent of the total en- building, cited as being especially rollment take pari in intramural noisy. sports and play on university ath- letic teams. One out of every four Felines With 23 Toes is a member of a fraternity. The, average number of social dates for Found to be Comion this group was 7.1, average num- ber of outside lectures attended (By Associated Press) was 4.8, average number of con- DETROIT, March 26. -Search certs was 5.1, and the average num- among the cat population of this ber of books read was 15.8. state for the feline with the great- est number of toes has reached the City Engineer States fever stage. A few days ago consternation street Paving l Pans reigned in the . V. Wayne house- hold when someone abducted the Paving to be done during the sum- queen of the home - a tiger cat mer by the city will include: Cath- with 23 toes. Mr. Wayne offered erine street from Division to State;la substantial reward for the cat's Lawrence street from Division to return, but said nothing aboit his State; North University avenue I large sedan in which the cat was from Forest to Observatory; Wil- basking, and which also was mot street; Oakland avenue from abducted. And now a lot of cat Hill to Forest, and Prospect street owners from various cities have from East University to Wells, it come forward with proof that Mr. Was announced by George H. San- j Wayne's cat is a piker. A 23-toed denburgh, city engineer, who will cat, they say, is nothing much to have charge of the work, get excited about. For many years the property of the University of Michigan consist- ed of forty acres, now the' original caipus, which were given to the state as an inducement to bring the University. to Ann Arbor. At the preseiat time, the actual hold- ings of the University amount to, 4,066 acres. These include 3,328 acres in the Biological Station at Douglas Lake ',gnd 175 acres com- prised in the present Ferry Field, and the Golf Course. The Univer- sity also DWns 210 lots' inthe city - I11lI llll llll 11 i111!!tll 1ll 1ltM TONIGHT = yr.yA Ross Players Present HARRY DELF'S New York S4ccess "THE FAMILY _ UPSTAIRS" On e of the greatest 1 i I white wails., 802 PACKARD S1. DINNER SPECIAL 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. PORK CHOPS OR HAMBURG STEAK WITH FRIED POTATOES CORN BREAD TOMATOES 35c I .......... ' 1 .~1111 11E tEIEEEIEIEIIt[i1 !!i!!t[EI111|111IECE ii lllli111IIlIflillllil EElit Elti : - .NORMA A SHEARER 111 1 I-I S"THEIR OWN 1 r: _DESIRE" .:-*"::'.''": ROBERT MONTGOMERY #= BELLE BENNETT LEWIS STONE Is it the parents of today who A are the problem, instead of the = younger generation? An unusual anmd interesting picture of eOdrsn 'vithx youthful ideas, and whxat hap- ~ 1 r pcns when young blood takes a hand. Norma Shearer's talking 2 ~ ~* .. successor to "The Last of Mrs. ra C LAST TIMES TODAY WUETH SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30 GRANT- WITHERS MARIAN NIXON in m I U6X rVFL1TPTT TVV A T LT O- 1 f