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March 27, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-27

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4. aIM












T Studet Voters, in Daily Poll Make Many
i VOE CRT, ageObservations on Margins of Ballots
111 4fln lf llfl l n- __ __ __

COUNC APROVESFaculty Votes Cut
TDown Wet Margin
opnpq~i 1( 1 Aini;n Prnct..( Ar lPnj1


it Cryptic notes and sage observa-forcement at all? Did you ever 1IU1 UtiL 1ULLU
lions embellished many of the pro- live in a country where there ain'tFs
hibition ballots collected during no tenN commandments? Estimate Ulead of the wets to 50 votes as the
two days of The Daily poll, it how many laws you violate habit- ;total number of ballots cast in The
was found Tuesday night as a staff ually." Dailys post-card poll of-faculty pro-
of 25 counted the pink and blue Another co-ed stated she did not Extra Members Will be Elected hibition sentiment was increased to'
508. With 55% of the faculty vot-
r. slips. Students with imagmnationsi drink but did not object to the Annually to Serve on jmig, the tabulation stood last night
15,000 Students Out of 24,000 that exceeded the scope of the Ontario liquor control plan. Two; Governing Body.Ias follows:
Admit Drinking; 16,595 for questions added to and substracted"students who said they didn't drink Present situation ............9
Repeal, Modification. from the information desired with gave "Physical harm" and Know- NEED SENATE SANCTION Strictenforcement........220
the result that many of the ballots ledge of chemistry" as reasons, and Other modifications. ... 69
PRESENT LAW SUITS 8381proved unique in content, another who said he did drink ad- One Newcomer to be Selected Total repeal.............84
One student odmitted that he ded, "Liquor not good .enough to from Engineering School One dry indicated that in his
University Polls Largest Vote-draopinion the only wet proposal of-
drank frequently 100 per cent" drink too often." One who said he1 by Campusl at Large. fered on the ballot was "total re-
Princeton Ballots Reveal and stated that he was drunk at did not drink believed the liquor peal of liquor legislation." In this
Heaviest Drinking. the time he supplied the informa- wasn't good enough to drink, and Provisions for the increase of the he stood close to the opinion ex-
tion. "My advice," he added, "is advocated "Light drink." Two Student council to four more mem- pressed by Yale's economist, Irving
(special i) seDil)brswrlaotd atnih y hT. Fisher h ealdta npe
Ch to have 6 per cent liquor. That is others who checked "No" gave "IV ees were adopted last night by the Tsher, who recalldetha in pre-
--oRrteeIMcollages . Mrouh the a good beverage." In antithesis to hesitate to make a damn fool of countitut oanTwo addtonal nio companies listed men who drank
East and M\iddle West, casting more this sentiment a woman voter filled myself," and "Never brought up to members each to serve two years xvhiglasses of asbeeray moderat
than 24,000 votes, registered over- the margin of her ballot with "Few drink," as the reasons. will be elected annually at the all- drinkers." Mr. Fisher was comment-
whelming "wet" sentiment in the are qualified at college age to judge Several students stated that they campus elections in the spring, ing on the student prohibition poll
prohibition poll initiated by the far- s t . Let people who want did not care to give the reasons thus augmenting the council mem- taken by the Yale Daily News.
vard Crimson and conductedlr modification go where they find why they do not drink, and one vot- 15 next year and to 17 thereafter, One wet faculty member whose
the past week by the college papers want a wet or dry country is perti- er was of the opinion that "the Approval of the Senate Commit- ed as apost-script: It is a fright-
o the seveal institutions. law nent. Do you believe in law en- present prohibition situation is .de- tee of Student Affairs is necessary ful thing to have high school pup-
16,595gvotdg fr m oiition or -------------- -- plorable but our aim is noble and before the change can be officially ils getting frequent practicep in
peal4,517 eclred d faor of 1311-nwe should strive until we succeed." incorporated into the constitution. drinking outside the law."
peal; 4,517 declared in favor of A suggestion was offered by a non- Student leaders expect, they state,
strict enforcement; and 838 were drinker in "Make it so cheap that that the committee will favor the
saisie wthth pesntsiuaiai.proposal since the additional menRiI
satisfied with the present situation. rit will fail to have any attractions," 'ill permt moe fienan- LII
The proportion in the first cate- and two other students, one a wet ling of student activities over which'
gory, 76 per cent was identical with FOR SU119NVUI and the other a dry, suggested ed- the committee has general super-
the opinion expressed at Michigan. '-ucation as a solution. Still another vision.
The percentage in the national vote Honor Guest's Name to be Secret ment. "he eleion ofrectuniorhem-
for strict enforcement was 20 per Until Night of Annual A "frequent" drinker favored the 'srigo elet. ne e f the to N Cs te .
cent and for the present situation,Al Ontario plan and "also the use o e eion. ne of the e New Class Voting Regulation
4 per cent. The later two varied P * table wines in hotel dining rooms. eer b e e Are Drawn up by Student
_______ neering college, butfwill be elected ArDaw upbStdn
only one per cent fromthe distri- A nother "freque ofer e ag from the campus at large, the Governing Body.
utoofoiiniAnAro. R. M. ANDREWS TO SPEAK: old observation that "Prohibition is y___
better than no liquor at all, and a a
64 Per Cent DrinkEno L n-drinker checked both "Yes" A greater amount ofbtorking RULES TO BE PUBLISHED
More than 15,000 admitted that members of the University will r- and "No", adding that he drank material will be obtained under the 3
they drank compared zwith, 8,569 memverinvitatheion sit SigmaDe-tawater "occasionally." new system, Ernest C. Reif, '30,' emnn euain o h
rCi's-na s' president of the council, stated in' Permanent regulations for the
who asse y d p Chi's annual gridiron banquet to- . the disussion on the matter last counducting of class elections, as
centa ti ofrklilers was acordig- day or tomorrow. The sealed bids 1night. At present predominate the first part of a code' of rules
Micgan' 67.5 per cent I.r p in the mails a . part of the council is from the sen-: governing functions of the Stu-'
Thirteen colleges including Am- fieore posting the envelopes ior class, and many of these mem- dent council, were adopted last
herst, Assumption tat Worcester, containing invitations were shuf- bers are too much occupied with' by the tudt
Mass.), Brown, Colgate, Cornell, other campus activities to act m
Dartmouth, Harvard, Lafayette d, and one of them picked out by 1[,I111more than an advisory capacity body. A similar set of regulations
Michigan, M sahstsIsiue bidoddm broftean;over the council functions, the will be drafted soon for the all-'
oncn Purd ivsdurgh,Pr vtedopened, and the invitation num- s Late Ontario Premier Declares president pointed out. With the ad- campus elections, and will be plac-
ton, .And Purdue individually -votedbered 351. The recipient of this in-! Government Control Plan ;ditional juniors the advisory char- ed in effect for the vote this spring.
in accord with the trend of these vitation is to be the official guest of acter will still be retained and
! Coplee Filur. eoug othr mmbes wil :be!The rules for the elections and'
results, while the University fhoorn at the grid banquet, April 9. Complete Falure, enough other members will be r
Pennsylvania registered a "dry His name will be kept secret un- available to handle. detailed work other activities under the super-
vote. til the night-of the razz fest, when ASK STRICT PROHIBITION' in the most satisfactory manner. vision of the council, as the fall
Nine colleges tall except Dart- he is to be presented with a special The requirement of a junior and spring games, will be printed!
mouth, Lafayette, Pittsburgh, Pen- favor in token of the mock honor (BY A Oidted Pres member from the engineering col- in a booklet that will be available I
nsylvania, and Michigan) voted on conferred on him. !WASHINGTON, March 26-Gov- lege will assure the necessary rep-
the extent of drunkenness as dis- Officials of Sigma Delta Chi last 'ernment control of liquor sales in resentation from that school, Reif to all students, it was announced
tingnished from temperate drink- night issued a plea that the person Canada was described as an "ab- stated. Considerable of the activi- at the meeting. The regulations!
ing'. Of a total poll of 16,837 votes who receives invitation number ties of the council concern engin- for class elections are based large-
in these institutions, 4,781 students 351 aid the grid banquet committee solute failure" by E. C. Drury cering students, and they should ly upon those tried at the elections
Odmitted that they "get drunk." in keeping. his identity secret. It former premier of Ontario province, be represented on the council, it last fall, and cover the class votes
The largest vote polled by any will add much to ,the spirit of the who predicted at the prohibition was decided. After a year under
college was cast at the University banquet if the announcement of hearing before the house judiciary the new system, at least two mem- ingeneral with an additional code
of Michigan where more than five l the guest of honor-who may be a committee today, that the Domin- bers will be engineers as the junmor for the literary college, since the
thousand students expressed their fieshman or dean or person of in- ion eventually would return to com- member will hold office for two, large number in classes of that
opinions. More than one-fifth of termediate rank be a complelete prohibition years. school necessitates special provis-
the total vote cast in the 14 colleges surprise even to the friends of the "Whatever the solution of the --ions.
was polled at Ann' Arbor. honor guest, it was pointed out. drink problem may be," the Canad-1MOORE TO SPEAK i..
Harvard Confesses Drunks. I In determining the list of stu- ian asserted, "it is not government Y the elections votes will come i
Princeton polled the wettest vote dents to whom invitations have control.AT FORUM TODAY the order of classes, the seniors first
of the 14 colleges with 79 per cent been sent, a student directory was Drury and John J. Lentz, of Co- and the freshmen last, with the
admitting drinking. Princeton and carefully checked, every member of lumbus, president of the American Engineering Professor to Discuss three upper class votes taking place
Harvard were the only colleges in Sigma Delta Chi going through the Insurance union, and a former ithree weeks previous to Thanks-
the poll in which the number of entire book and checking the names member of the house of Represent onorystem,
memer f te useof eprsen- ,givngtay anotinhwek followngyar t,
student drinkers who confessed of all students whom he felt were of atives, were the two witnesses who r.edent balloting aweek following that
betting drunk outnumbered those enough local prominence to rate a testified for the dry forces today. Prof. A. D. Moore of the electi- holiday, the rules state. Ten days
who did not get drunk. bid. Faculty advisers of the frater- F. Scott McBride, general super- cal engineering department will be required,
One interesting fact revealed by nity checked through faculty and intendent of the Anti-saloon league, the speaker at the fourth of the and students must be accredited by:
the poll was in the reasons non- Ann Arbor directories in similar was scheduled to climax the day by spring series of All-Campus For- the University for the class in
drinkers are non-drinkers. Of fashion. i an attack on the proponents of ums at 4 o'clock this afternoon in which they vote, while candidates
6,856 non-drinking students, less measures to replace the eighteenth Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. must furnish eligibility slips. The
than 500 refrained on account of Ibsen's Play to Have amendment. He had distributed He will discuss the subject, "The councilmen presiding will be re-
legalretisha 500 copies of his remarks earlier in the Honor System - Here and Else- sponsible for the vote, and will de-
a restriction and less tan First Showing Tonight day but when Mrs. Lenna Lowe where." termine what shall constitute'
More than 5,700 or 84 per cent of: Yost, general of the dry forces, pre- In his discussion he will explain "electioneering," that is prohibited:
those answering his question ab- Opening performance of "The sented it, Chairman Graham ad- the workings of the system in ad- by the regulations.
tsanengccoun hietirn "per- Wild Duck," by Henrick Ibsen, will journed the committee meeting. He dition to comparing it with sys- The additional rules for the lit-:
stained os A t Michi wer be given at 8:30 o'clock in the Play I said the drys would be given next tems used in many of the eastern erary college provide that the pres-
thfourt castegoryA ofinanc war Production laboratories in Univer- i Wednesday in which to complete universities. Following an intro- ident of the council shall have per-'
the fourth category of finances was sity hall. The production has been ;presentation of their witnesses. ductory presentation of the sub- sonal charge of printing and deliv-
used, taste was also the principal directed by Robert Wetzel, grad. I Mr. Graham also made known ject, Professor Moore will call fo ering ballots, stipulate the methods
teason for not drinking and polled No more tickets are available for that a recess of about two weeks res ofssonthoorm willecall fr
, ee-....son, hr response in the form of questions; for identifying students and the re-1

80 per cent of the :yaotes Oan Lis any of the performances. The show might be taken before the Wets are from the audience. It is expected quirectnumber of hours a student
point. will be given again tomorrow and permitted to offer rebuttal testi- that he will raise the question of must have to be in the respective
The comparative percentages of Saturday night. mony. thathew raise the quest m oclass.1
drinkers on the colleges listed ton 79; Am- would be successful if attempted-
the~~~~~~ piae rnctn7;A1n the Literary college of the Uni-
herst, 73; Assumption, 73; Cornell, I t in theALiteraryi'olYegeDofntheversiIy Local Vote on Prc
69; Michigan, 68; Ha vard, 65; Tabulated Answers 'Do You Drink?' iversity.
Zartmouth. 65; M. I. T., 62; Brown,;
61; Pittsburgh, 60; Purdue, 59; College "Occasionally" "Frequently" "No" j re t ea College Present StrictI
Pennsylvania, 43. Literary Our 4eather~kan situation enforce-
Men .......... .1156 51% 364 16% 737 33 !__ ment
'Detroit Tigers Defeat Women ........ 230 28C - 30 3% 565 69%
D d73 Engineering- -WMen . .. . . .3824
Brooklyn Dodgers, 7-3Architecture. 339 53", 13oe 232 34n ome. .. . .. 38 274
95 1 %, 32 3 %cT ota .. .... 103696
Law . ...... ... 205 51% 95 249 103 25 Engineering-
TAMPA, Fla, March 26.-Dazzy Medical . 323 62% 66 13, 134 25 ~,,',.-Architecture 12 139
Dental ............ 128 62 / 15 8%ft 62 30"'
Vance failed to dazzle the Detroit . .2Law ...........18 75
_. ._ .,,v aedt P A -.7'a e fBus. Ad. ......... 33 40"c 9 11,,40 49 7? - M ia l ........ 157

About One-Half of Students Admit Occasional
Drinking; Additional 13 Per Cent Drink
Frequently; 38 Per Cent Vote Dry.
Ilhree-tourthso f the five thousand students who voted in The Daily
prohibition 1ollf avor either repeal or some modificatioi of the present
liquor legislation in preference to the present situation or strict enforce-
ment, it was revealed by tabulation of the ballots cast here lIonidav and
Tuesday. The Ontario liquor control plan was the outstanding favorite
with twice as many votes as were accorded to amy of the other four
Approximatelv one-lialf of the stutdents indicated that they hd'ank
occasionally; while an additional i,(% voted as frequent drinkers Those
who answered "No" to the question. "D)o you drink ?", totaled 1873 or
38% of the entire group. In the entire University, 30S women admit-
ted they- drank ; of these. were "frequent" drinkers. Of the men, 2
indicated they drank, with (41 scledluled as "frequent" drinkers. Two,
thirds of the womien voted "no" on the first (juestion compared to a scarce
0* onie-third for the men.
CANE DAY DATE .CHANGED Law School Ballots Wet
Among the schools and colleges.
Cane Day, the first of the se-; the greatest percentage of fre-
ries of traditional events at-
tendant graduation, will be held quent" drinkers appeared in the
Sunday, April 27, it was decided Law School with 24 per cent. On the

last night by the Student coun-
cil. The affair was originally
scheduled for a week later but
has been changed to permit the

proportion of total drinkers, the
law and medical students were high
with 75 per cent each.
Of the reasons indicated for not

seniors to attendtthe convoca- -Li
tion that day. 1 drinking, "taste" was principally
Arrangements for Cane Day; indicated with a vote of 1481 .out
being formulated by a senior of a total of 1834. "Legal restric-
cla ss committee, call for a tion" was second, apparently being
march around the compus, end- arao naotoeoto e
ing at Hill auditorium for the a reason in about one out of ten
services. am t cases. "Family" was noted by 115;
and finances" by 36. From the
women, "taste" received a greater
proportion of votes than from the
men. Three women noted "finandes"
Kas their reason for not drinking.
1 Per Cent Favor Enforcement.
On the prohibition situation, 157
or three out of a hundred voted for
Full Announcement of Programs thepresent prohibition situation;
Will be Published in while 1,046 or 21 per cent favored
Daily Tomorrow. strict enforcement of the present
amendment and legislation.
PERCY GRAINGER TO PLAY3 Cross tabulation of the answers
to the first question with those to
Plans for the makeu of the va- the second part of the ballot show-
Pk o ed that in many cases the student's
rious programs of the six concerts personal habits did not dictate his
in the May Festival have practical- iopinion on the prohibition problem.
ly been completed it was announc-i Seven frequent drinkers voted for
ed today by Charles Sink, president the present prohibition situation
Music and 15 voted for strict enforcement.
of the University School of 441 who do not drink favored the
and impressario for the Festival. 'Ontario plan; 313 who do not im-
Full announcement of the six pro- bibe voted for other modification;
grams will be given in the Daily to- and 162 who voted "no" to the per-
morrow. sonal question preferred total re-
Pec rine h asapa-peal. "
Percy Grainger, who has appear- It was also revealed by the tabu-
ed in Ann Arbor at various times lation yesterday that 61 occasional
in recital and in the Festival, is drinkers voted for the present pro-
the soloist for the first concert hibition situation, and that 185 in
Wednesday evening with the Chi- the same class voted for strict en-
cago Symphony. He is to offer two forcement.
numbers with the orchestra, Car-
penter's Concertino for Piano and GIANT SEAPL4ANE
Orchestra and Cesar Branck's Sym- TO CROSS OCEAN
phony Variations for Piano and Or-
Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, fa- World's Largest Plane Will Fly
mous two piano ensemble, are to More Than 4,000 Miles.
offer the Mozart Concerto for two
pianos and Orchestra on the Sat- (By Associated Press)
urday afternoon concert. NEW YORK, March 26. -- The
world's biggest bird, the giant sea
More Tryouts Needed plane, Do-X, will fly the ocean and
for Mimes Production tour North America this summer
if plans announced today are car-
Tryouts for roles in Mimes' re- ried through.
vival of "Ten Nights In a Bar- Taking off from Lake Placid on
room" are being held each after- ; the German-Swiss border early in
noon of this week in the theatre. July, the big sea-plane, which has
Both men and women are needed a capacity of 150 passengers and
for the roles. baggage, will be flown over a 4,775
The production is to be staged mile course to New York City.
the week of April 28 to May 3. Stops for fuel will be made at Bar-
-_ .- celona, Spain, the Azores islands,
and Bermuda.
,hihition Situaton She will be operated by a crew



of six and carry 50 passengers. A
small passenger lift allowing an
io Other Repeal Total increased fuel load for the long hop
plans. from Barcelona to the Azores,
and from the Azores to Bermuda,
422 418 2249 1,650 miles and 1,821 miles, respec-
150 84 807 tively. Allowing for an average of
572 502 2956 25 miles an hour head wind the
elapsed time for the flight will be
116 94 661 approximately 50 hours.
78 84 401 After arriving in New York the
84 69 487 DO-X would make one trip to the

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