e -WEDNESDAY, MARCH GVr i§sT0f "THS, M.TCHIGAN. DAW11Y. AWDNSDYMACH26 130'TE. M CHGA"JIL D mE T FROM HAITI ARRIVES IN WASHINGTON 'LU L Lil TO, T,9L TO CONFER WITH HOOVER ON PRESENT SITUATIQN AT FIRST M EETI . o ::.o _____________}__ O F C T : L N E S ': . .;.:l :t'*:-..;" .'- .*** ..nh? 00N Q6J0 ," M~ P . ? 4A. : _, . _ ,__ i Michigan Delegates to Zoning: and Planning Conference to Meet Tomorrow. f TEALDI TO GIVE SPEECH Recognized Officials to Attend Conference; Shurtleff g Will Speak. Mayor Edward W. Staebler of Ann Arbor will open the first an- nual meting of the city planning and zoning officials of Michigan to be held at the Union tomorrow and Friday, with an address of wel- come. Tomorrow afternoon, reports on planning and zoning progress willI be given by representatives from Saginaw, Pontiac, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Detroit and other Michigan cities. Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil engin- eering department, will address the =conference on "Grade Separations and City Plan." Following the scheduled Thursday evening din- ner, Flavel Shurtleff, secretary tot the National Conference on Cityl Planning of New York City will1 talk on "Selling City, Planning to the Public." Prof. Aubrey Tealdi l of the landscape design depart- ment will speak to the city officials on the "Aspects of City Planning Abroad." Profesor Tealdi will il- lustrate his lecture with slides. Blucher Will Speak. Friday, Walter H. Blucher, sec- retary of the city plan commisslokli of the city of Detroit, -will speak' on "City Planning Legislation." Harold D. Smith, director of the Michigan Municipal League, with offices in East engineering build- ing, will speak to the delegates" on "The Work of a City Planning Con i ference.", Mr. Smith, who has taken in haid the work of preparing for the conference ,stated, "We are fortun- ate in being able to secure for this conference such outstanding talent in the planning field. The programa should be attractive to anyone who has the slightest interest in the work." Thirty Cities Represented. , It is expected that delegates from more than 30 municipalities will be present at the conference. The local meeting is an out-l growth of a similar meeting held by the Ohio city planning and zoning officials in Toledo last fall. Many of the Michigan officials' were present, and the decision was then made to hold the Ann Arbor conference. At the present time, the lands, owned by thesUniversity of Michi- gan are valued at $4,012,367.87. The $orty acres of the original campus are valued at $160,000, and the buildings of the University are val- ued at $21,113,338.89. a 1 P }s I 1 i i (i I ' i i i t c t OMENNewsFrom Other Colleges ,[[ 0[ S TD p\lEE MYOAKUM FINDS FRESHMEN contests and social functions here. CRIB LESS THAN OTHERS A bridge tournament for indepen- Members of National League to INDIANA UNIVERSITY-Figures dents only is being held, as well Search for Old Banners, showing that the greater amount }as the Mi-Hala dance, annual for- - of cribbing is done by students mal dance for independent men aipagn tsabove the freshman year, were giv- and women only. en by Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum,- - HONOR ROLL FORMED dean of the college of liberal arts COLGATE ARRANGES INITIAL (By As'ociac P es> - at Northwestern university. in a OUTBOARD MOTORBOAT RACE WASHINGTON, March 25. - ecent adress befo testudet COLGATE UNIVERSITY-Plans WASHINTON, arch 2. bod. Thefigures presented were frtefrtotor ea vrt trunks..were being rummaged for obtained from a survey of seven for the first outboard relay ever to "votes for women" buttons and different schools. be held in motor boating circles banners throughout the United are being made by the Colgate Statestodaya memf hOMEMAKING IS UNPOPULAR . Outing club of this school. The Sttstdy as members of the; WITH KANSAS STUDENTS = race will be a feature of the first National League of Women Voters UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS - Intercollea Otar prepared for Wednesday's country- Only seven women intend to go in- ,Intercollegiate Outboard Regatta which will be held \Ia~y 16 and 17. wide celebration of ten years of to home-making as a profession, Four colleges have alreadyentered according to questionnaires that aled;nee suffrage. have been sent to all the students the event: Syracuse, Rutgers, Dart- From 42. states have come tele- of the university. Teaching seems mouth, and Colgate. grams describing candle lighting to be the most popular training' j ceremonies, suffrage fashion par- course because there are 879 who In establishing an Office of Alum- ades, and old photo and souvenir intend to do this. The business ni Relations, the University of ishows to brighten the nineteenth world has called 452 men and the Michigan has recognized the desir- amendment's tenth birthday party. profesion of the lawyer has ap- ability of continuing intellectual The -yellow umbrellas of St, pealed to 317. Undertaking seems contacts between the University Louis, the yellow straw hats of t b th ln ofn f and its 70,000 Alumni as part of Chicago, flaunted at conventions voctions as none of the students I long past, were reported out from have chosen it as their life work. a'decade of, storage, ready to gleam I again with the blue =and yellow STUDENTS PUNISHED FOR rbadges once worn by women cam- MUTILATING BOOKS _____paigners as emblems of conse*ra- UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA-Stu- Associated Pes Ped tion to the cause. And banners dents breaking the library rules! lflembers of the Haitian eommission arrive at the capitol for a conference with President Hoover. They long-furled will be waved as Mrs. of the university find their names returned to Wa shmgton for the purpose of framing a final comprehensive report concerningo the position of I Carrie Chapman Catt, one of the published and are fined for many the United States government toward;Haiti. Pictured from left to right are: William Allen White, Elie early women suffrage leaders dis- offenses. Three were dismissed I Vezina, Cameron Forbes, Henry P.Fletchey, and James Kerney. cusses her hopes and ideals. for smoking in the library and - No special suffrage significance were denied the use of it for two STATISTICS SHO attaches to March '26. It merely weeks. Others were fined for muti- starts a series of tenth-year cle- lating books or magazines. l9CHIGAN'S-RANK Ibrations, to include initial an- C D_ LC GAN'S k;RfEGREASEnouncements of a woman's nation- ILLINOIS INDEPENDENTS - IN FUR INDUSTRY Ral roll of honor next Monday; final SPONSOR SEPARATE EVENTS t (,announcement of the complete; UNIVERSITY OF ILLLINOIS - honor roll at the League of Women Fraternity men, sorority girls, and Michigan now ranks third among iVoters' national convention at independents conduct separate General Is 'Diplomatic Bungler', the states of the Union in the valuei Income Tax Receipts Shown . far Louisville, Ky., May 1; and ratifica- Leaders of Hautian Party of fur-producing animals and total Below Returns for March tion celebration August 18.I PORTABLE Say to Commission. yearly fur production, according to of Previous Year. Mrs. Catt, who actively cam- TYPEWRITERS statistics7 released yesterday b paigned for suffrage for 40 years, We have all makes. (By Associated Press) . (By Associated is) will speak by radio Wednesday on Remington, Royals. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, March of Ned Dearborn, professor of ASHINGTON, Marh 25 - In- "The Hopes of the Founders." On Corona, Underwood forest zoology in the School of For- the same program, Miss Belle 25.-Asserting that Brig.-Gen. John d C rt . come tax receipts for the first 22 Sherwin, for six years president of;Colored duco.finishes. Price $60. H. Russell, American high commis- y an p tn aver days of March were approximate- the league, will discuss "discoveries 0. D. MORRILL sioner in Haiti, was a "diplomati g yer$putiis.a ly $30,000,000 below the receipts in ten years of suffrage." 314 South State St. Phone 6615 bunglar," leaders of the Haitian op- tFura for the corresponding period of- --- position groups have made a new portance to many inhabitants o 11929, according to today's Treasury plea to the Hoover Haitian Com- the state, and is a steady source of statement. The collections for the mission that the high. commission- revenue. Although no license is re- jfist 22 days of the month this year I ership be abolished as soon as pos- # quired for trapping on private were $517,803,027, compared with#Thinking A b sible. lands, figures show that over $50, $547,189,703 for the same days in The plea grew out of a minor 000 was paid into the state treas- March, 1929.'1 controversy that has broken out ury last year by trappers using un- The income tax receipts for between President Louis Borno occupied lands. March 22 were a few million dollars and Gen. Russell on one haned, and In abundance :and value of pro- more than received on March 22 the opposition groups on the other. duction. the muskrat out-ranks all last year. Last Saturday the pay-[ Michigan fur-bearers. The number It concerns the wording of the of- of muskrat pelts taken yearly may ments totaled $26,102,31, as com- ficial announcement of Eugene be anywhere from 1,000,000 to 3,- pared with $21,100,876 a year y go. Roy's election to be temporary 000,000, the price averaging about While Treasury officials =would president until Borno retires on one dollar for individual pelts. De- Inot say definitely what the present'- forestation and drainage, however,. not May 15. have produced serious ravages in collection- indicated, it was be- The controversy reached its the ranks of other fur-bearers. lieved the total from the " first culmination after the receipt of a ! Among those listed as extinct in quarter's payment on 1929-incomes letter from Gen. Russell by M. Vil- the state is the college mascot, the, dxa,,, acre, chairman of the Assembly of ( wolverine; others nearly extinct People's Delegates that approved ;are the martin, fisher, lynx, beaver, about $60,000,000 less than last 1I \ Roy's choice last week. muskrat, and raccoon. Iyear. ^ WE IN 1. A its educational program. SAWYER'S 1o% COMMISSION ON EACH MEMBER SECURED, paid to any student or teacher who has a party of g or more for any one of many PERSONALLY CONU CTED TOURS to England, France, etc. Over 4,000 members in igmc~ Only 1o gives you a free trip. Redster now. Phone 6412. KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU 601 E. Huron Street Ann Arbor. Mich. 7! __ 'I' 7 .11 TELEPHONE HOME LONG DISTANCE RATES ARE SURPRISINGLY LOW * ** *********** ** ** ***** * * e* 1M11 ~ ~~.. . ... ' t.r1. .. ? '."d ** Go"GradeA I tourist third * * ~cabin S LEVIATHAN * ' This season, brand new Tourist Third Cabinon theLEVIATHAN, * * World's Largest Ship... the entire * second cabin assigned to "Tourist * Third"... all its beautiful public * * rooms and staterooms ...its ete- gant, open upper deck social hall* which gives you a full sweep of * * the sea... its charming cloistered * * ,simioking hall...its vast open and * enclosed decks for play and prom- enades... luxuries and spacious- * ness exceeding former standards * for this class. Second Class, as a * * class, abolished ... new Tourist * * Third Cabin rated "Grade A" and * the LEVIATHAN the only liner * * to offer this peerless rating! Make * haste in booking this new, luxu- * rious way on the muightiestfiveday * * flyertoCherbourgandSouthamp- * * ton. Rates low. * * Excellent Tourist Third cabin * Accmmrodations also on United * * States Cabin liners ,. . . ir as lite as $10.25 a day a. I PECII Al F1.FFT F .'.nz I I I * The representative rates listed below are for day Station-to-Station calls and are effective between 4:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. A Station-to-Station call is one made to a telephone number, as on a local call, rather than to a particular person. z You may reverse the charges to your home telephone if you wish. From Day ,;in Arbor A Station"to-Station To: Rates ATLANTA, GA. $2.35 B BAD AXE .75 BUFFALO, N. Y.---1.20 C CADILLAC--- ---------------1.05 CHELSEA-----.15 E EATON RAPIDS A _ .45 F From Air: ArborJ To: MACKINAC ISLA MENOMINEE- MUSKEGON- NEW YORK. OSCODA PONTIAC. Day M Rates ND $1.40 -- 1.50 .:"95 N .2.15 P FLINT .45 --. KALAMAZOO - .70 KANSAS CITY, MO 2.55 L LANSING----------------..45 S SAGINAW...... ................... 0 SOUTH HAVEN------------- T TRENTON .........................30 TOLEDO, . 4- 0 Your calls will be speeded if you give the operator the number of the dis- tant telephone. If you do not know the number, ask "Information".