Sport Briefs
* I-M Check-up Shows* /l T T
ENTRY FOR GRAND NATIONAL Success of Varied * i \1[611
IxI Athletic Program nIILL FED T O PILOT a-
KOW. a
I huLL MBy Bob Townsend.
Parker May be Unable to Make Hoosier football is off to an early
start having already seen two
Trip Due to Injury; Many scrimmages after several- weeks of
Matmen Will Enter. fundamental practice. H. O. Page
ILLINI. TO HAVE ENTRIESthe Crimson mentor is trying ,ome I
new formations with his backfield
Colge matmen from all parts of and they may open next fall with ,
the country will gather at State a tricky wing-back style that will!
College, Pennsylvania this week- give the fans a thrill whether it
end to battle for the highest prizes nets any yards or not.
In Intercollegiate wrestling - the Only 25 men have been out for
National Intercollegiate champion- practice and things do not look so
brigbt for the Hoosier hopes of
ships. Entries have been received next year unless some of the big
from teams from every state and sons answer the avertisements that
every major college group in the Page has been running in the stu-
United States, and the class of theIden p sderr
" Big Shots" and Square Shooters
competition which is slated to go will meet at the rifle matches to
to tle mat holds promise of one be held at the University of Iowa.
of the best meets in the history of' AIpril 5th. The meet is to be the
th6evenitmidwest matches of the national
intercollegiate meet but there w11;
Michigan's list of entries will be be representatives of every gur
lifited to three since Ray Parker, toting organization in the country
Conference 168 pound champion (with the possible excention of thr
has suffered an injury which may navy) there for exhibition gallery
shooting. If all the invited guests
keep him from making the trip to, appear the students will have te
the tournament. If Parker is un- take to bullet-proof vests for they
able to enter the competition Mich- will have to lay out ranges all over
igAn will be represented by Alding- the campus.
er, Kelly, and Steinke, who holds Nothing startling has appearer&
the B'ig Ten 178 pound title. in the way of new grid rules for
Oilers Are Strong. the 1930 model football season.
1lahoma A and M, undefeated Only the usual few minor and tech-
in nine years of college competi- nical changes have been made and
tion will enter a full team of eight a Varsity man of last year is not
wen, as will Oklahoma State, win- likely to pull to many boners even
hers of the Big Six title this year. if he doesn't learn anything this
Coach Cliff Keen's brother is the year. For the- last few years there
coach at Oklahoma State, and is i have been suggestions to change I
finding much of the success which everything but the name in the 1
the Wolverine mentor has achieved college rules.
in the mat game. Ed Manley swimming coach of t
The Rocky Mountain individual i the University of Illinois is going
chamnpions- will be entered in the I to give a three weeks training
national meet, and will find them- course in life saving. Well that
selves opposed to the champions of will be one way of using the p~oJ
the Eastern Intercollegiate associ- because his tank team won't need
ation, Lehigh University. Several any practice until they schedule
entries from California have been some tough teams.
received to date, and. most of the, Seamstresses, boxers, runners and
other western states will be well wrestlers .are taking part in the
represented when the meet opens. annual athletic carnival held at
Big Ten Teams, Enter. Illinois. The sororities are also
Illinois and Indiana, first and entering teams and it looks like
second in the Western Conference the ninth year of the intramural
team ratings will lead the Big Ten meet will be the most hetrogenious
aggregation with five men entered mixture of sports ever run in col-
apiece, while nearly all of the otlher lege annals.
Conference schools will have men
carrying their colors into the com- ? CANNES-Big Bill Tilden added
petition. two more French titles to his string
Michigan with four champions by winning the finals in the singles
out:of eight weights would be one and doubles of the Cannes tennis
of the outstanding entries in the I tournament, with Wilbur Coen as.
national meet should all of the his partner.
title-winners be able to make the
trip',, but excessive school work and 1 MIAMI-W. L. (Young) Stribling
injuiries have cut the list to three and Phil Scott have booked to fight
men' who will be able to go. at Albert Hall, London, April 10.
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(Continued From Page b)
essary. Vhis increase in num-
lrers is only one phase in which
the intramural department has
made considerable progress
during the past few years. Of
the tota,' number of men using
this building not over 200 are
excluded from some form of
organized activity sponsored by
aids department.
Every fraternity on the cam-
phs had at least one team in
one of the nine sports (basket
ball, hockey, tennis, swimming,
bowling, valley ball, squash,
wrestling, and handball) feat-
ured during the past three
months. The number of men
competing as independents ex-
ceeded 250 and the interclass
teams totaled over 150 men.
Add to the men who used the
2200 l9ckers- in the intramura3
building, the freshmen who
have gym twice a day in Water-
ma^ srymna.siuan, the number of
students who used the Colise-
um, and the men in the Varsity '
squa& in the field house, and '
it is easily seen that a large
percentages of the-men students
at Michigan are more than.:
: nuun S II n irin urKn
: :
Team Is I
Likely to Fi
First Divisi
This Season.,
(Continued From Page 6)'
ssorfater? Press PI tn
John Hay Whitney's Easter Hera is America's candidate for the
Grand National steep'_echase at Aintree, England, March 28.
Boilermakers Conceded Little Chance in Effort
to Copt ue Titular days on Big Ten, Diamonds,
( place, but to do so the Brown's pilot
will again., have to depend almost'
entirely on his pitchers and w^ry
little on his batting strength.
St. Louis' first place hopes are
pinned upon its staff' of hurlers.
Crowder, Gray, Collins, Blaeholder,
Stewart, Ogden, Kimsey and Coff-
man form one of the best mound
staffs in the league, while several
promising rookie hurlers have a
fair chance to stick with the club.
Best of the newcomers is a young
pitcher named Caldwell, who it,
said to possess just about every-
thing needed to earn him a regular
berth in the maj joys.
! ?4'or ?atch^.rs th;3 Browns have
j dick Ferrell, brother of Cleveland's
' Wesley Ferrell, Clyde Manior, who
served as a relief receiver with the
club last year, and Hungling, an cold
minor league star who has been
called up to the majors again, more
for the duty of coaching than for
engaging in actual play. Ferrell
probably will take care of the posi-
tion regularly, but his h batting will
have to pick up if he wants to re-
tain the berth all season.
Lu Blue at first is a fixture, while
the light hitting Oscar Melillo at
second is also favored to retain his
place at the keystone sack. Ralph
Kress is one of the best',,,ahortstops
in the league, but his batting is
not quite all it should be. At thirdl
base Killifer will have to choose
between Frank O'Rourke, another
fairly weak batter, Sammy Hale,.
formerly of the Athletics, and a
youngster from the WesteTn
League, Grimes.
T3INC1---Reasonable rate. Neat-
ness and accuracy a specialty.
3 to 4 hour service. 1309 Wilmot,
Mrs. Con key'. Dial 5568: 123
Walbridge will be at the Union,
Tuesday, night, 8 to 14, and
Wednesday night, 8 to 10. Fresh-
men and Sophomores given pref-
er-ence. C12
NOTICE---We have openings for
business 'administration students
for work this summer, with pos--
sibiity of permanent position up-
on graduation. Only high Calibre
men able to furnish references
need ap'ply'. Mr. Burton, room
302, Union, 8 to x10:34 evenings.
PROPERTY=Fine 8 room, mod-
ern summer home, near Charle-
voix. An acre of land with 10 rds:
of. water frontage, garage, wood-
shed, large garden, shrubbery
and fruits. Phone, owner 4356.
310 S. 5'1':'XTE. 1'HI11\; 792-4
For the Home, Fraternity, and
208 W. HURON ST.
NOTICE -Am driving to New 'Y'ork
City spring vacation 16 closed,:
car'. Can take three passengers.
Phone 3407. 5611
YPING-- -Theses a specialty, Fau
rates. M. V. Hartsuft'. Dial 9087.
FOR 1 E$T--mingle room in pri-
vate home. Warm and quiet.
Hot and cold water in room.
Southeast. t$.00. Zel. 37-68., 123
FOR RENT=1 block from campus.
Newly fprniahod. 1 large front
room grid one single room:, will
acoo Wodate two. 1 small and
1 large apartment. Everything
furnished. Dial 5568-1309 Wil-
mot. 123
Three furnished light hnusekeep-
ing room, apartment. First floor.
Phone 2-1815. 119 North Thayer.
(Special to The Daily)
LAFAYE'TTE, Ina.,, March 24.-
Purdue sport followers are taking
time Gut to catch their breaths fol-
lowing the hectic charnlifonship
football and basketball seasons as
they sett 16 back to look over the
prospects for spring sports that will
be launched here April 4 when the
baseball, nine openns against Wa-
bash. But whole the bulk of the
student body will be enjoying the
five day spring vacation that starts
Wednesday noon, aspirants to the!
baseball nine will confine most of
their vacation activities to inten-
sive "training camp" drill on Stuart
field that is expected to determine
!more or less the makeup of the
squad for the season.
Prospects for Captain Eb. Cara-
way's baseballers to follow in the
footsteps of the championship foot-
ball and basketball squads are con-
siderably dimmed by the lack of
pitching strength, but Coach Lam-
bert expects to have a fairly well-
balanced team in the field, as there
I are likely prospects for all of -.he
j other posts.
The two heavy hitters of the 1929
squad, Eb Caraway, who topped all.
Big Ten batters with a .556 mark
last season, and Milton Mills, fiery
third-baseman, are both. back
ready for duty. In addition to Mills,
other' infielders who show promise
i n c l u d e Snodgrass, shortstop, ,
Fields, second base, 'fan Bibber,
first base, and Weaver, utility in-
P101, ItH --l delm four room
bungalow r}ewly, decorated. With
garage. Pone 4423.
LOST--III inois Wrist watch. Please
phone 5663. Liberal reward. 12
__ _. _, _ ..._r.. . . ...
_. _..
Pay, You Well
Classifed Ads
Bring Results,
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ubs' crib e to
The Michigan Daily
B Comer .... $2.50
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For imainder of
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