PAGE FOUL THE MICHIGAN DAILY pr Iricgan latg Published every morning except Monday during te Tiniversit year by thae Board itl ConttoI of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated -Press is exclusively entitled to the us~e for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at An Arbor,: Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0s; by mail, $4. So. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.- isard. Street. Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman....... .George C. Tilley City Editor.............. Pierce Rosenberg News Editor.............Donald 3. Kline Sports Editor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor...........Marjort Follmer Telegraph Editor ........ Cassam A. Wilson Music and raina........William J. Gorman Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.. . .Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J, Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare M,.rgaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Blehymer William Page Allan H. Berkman .Howard H. Peckharn Arthur J. Bernstein Ilugh Pierce ViR abinowitz S. Beach Conger Jolhn D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jatitnije Roberts Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver She!don C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes _ S.CadwellSwansom Ginevra Ginn ,Jane Thayer Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Cove-man Robert Townsend Margaret ITaris Elizabeth Valentine ullen Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr. ean Levy G. Lionel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimi Campus Opinion Contributors are asied to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 worrs of possible. Anonymous com- munications ill be di sregarded. The names of communicants wil, however, be regardedras confidential, upon re- wuest. L~etters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. HAPPY DAYS HERE AGAIN? To the Editor: I note with much interest one of the editorials in today's Daily i entitled "A Training Ground for Life," in which it is shown that in recent years the academic side j of this University has been mini- mized in favor of the business side; i. e., the satisfying of the Michigan taxpayers and parents I was astounded, to say the least that this was admitted finally I STED RLL" . THE ANNUAL j RAZZ FEST-. The Sigma Delta Chi boys have been burning the midnight mazda lately getting ready for the annual Gridiron banquet to be held April 9. It's a classic institution around here, that razz dinner, and prom- ises this year to be a bit different, but quite as amusing as ever. S* *, * In addition to the usual program of entertainment there will be one extra invitation issued, the lucky ' recipient of which will be the guest of honor. .Save your money, gents; . even if you fail to get invitation No. 351 you'll have a good time Music And Drama THIS AFTERNOON: The Uni- versity Symphonic Band under the direction of Nicholas Falcone will appear in recital beginning at 4:15. MONDAY NIGHT: The Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor pre-1 sent the Elshuco Trio in the Men- delssohn Theatre beginning at 8:15. UNIVERSITY BAND. This afternoon at 4:15 students will have an opportunity to hear the University Band in a recital of symphonic music. Nicholas Fal- cone will appear as director and iI one number as clarinet soloist. The program which has been pre- pared is as follows: Overture to Ruy Blas, Mendelssohn The Young Prince and Princess ,a , * ,> r BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.............. Hollister Mabley Advertising............Kasper It. Halverson Advertising.............herwood A. Upton Service....................George A. Spater Circulation............... .J. Vernor Davis Accounts.....................ohn R. Rose Publications............George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants Byrnie M. Badenoch Marvin Kobaciker James E. Cartwright Lawrence Luey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B., Culver George R. Pattersoa Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford { Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboy Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully! Laura Codling Sylvia Miller Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite Bernice Glaser Eleanor, Walkinshaw Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1930 Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Somehow it has been the policy of Wfrom "Scheherade" Well, Rolls and The Spotlight... is Koakf the University during the past few seemed to have signed an armis-.. ...........Rimsky-Korsakof I years to sit on any possible public tice-temporarily, at least. J. C. opinion which tended to hit at X. yesterday graciously compli- Concertino op. 26 .... ......Weber University policies. This editorial I mented the Rolls review of "State' (Nicholas Falcone of which I speak gave vent to the I Street" and promised she wouldn't Waltz..................Strauss truth of it all; it is admitted now cast any brickbats at this column that it is about time to develop until further notice. That means Passacaglia in C Minor......Bach' the educational part of the Uni- I can rest easy for 'this week any- (first performance at these con- versity, and to let the political side way.Mcents. take care of itself..Marche Slave.......Tchaikowsky After all, the Regents, the Pres- Speaking of the JGP again, I un- The program, with such numbers ident, and the faculties are sup- derstand that the wives of the Uni- as the Rimsky-Korsakoff and the posed to be interested largely in versity janitors, inspired by the Tchaikowsky, is peculiarly well- the development of the training of success (in spite of everything) of chosen for the type of sonority a theJunor irl' pay>hav bad-I band is capable of. The arrange- students, and that only. However, the Junior Girls' play, have band- i if you will study the situation ed together to put on a show called ment of the Bach number, recent- carefully, investigate the various "Brush Street," to -be produced in performed by Stowkowski with problems, you will find that nearly 'Detroit. The song hits, I suppose, every angle of work undertaken will be "What Am I Working For?" experiment and hence perhaps the since 1926 has been with every- "Lady In Sink," "Sweep andpm . thing except the educational side Scrubdown." and "Hit the Pail." pram. of the University. - More worry and argument and THE LAW AGAIN. . THE ELSHUO TRI(. opposition have come with the ad- Dear Joe: This for Piccolo Pete. ministrative measures than one Yes, we have noticed the Ladies of ! Led by Willem Willeke, whorse often realizes. If you will but come the Bar who have been distracting finest energy has been devoted to to realize the vast amount of time the library workers for the past the cultivation of chamber-music that has been expended in legis- several months. How could we help since his early days as cellist with lating so many of these measures, it! But why spoil a good thing, the great Kneisel Quartet, the of which I shall speak presently, Pete? The particular member of Elshuco Trio has gained rapid you will not wonder that the edu- the chorus, who resembles Ann ! recognition as one of the finest cational part of it all has been Pennington in a couple of respects, chambermusic organizations in sadly neglected. To make it worse, once drew a loving cup in the the world. Their activity, the many of our best faculty men and beauty pageant at Atlantic City. range of their repertoire, is one of high officials have taken leave of And you know the folly of hiding the most brilliant things about Michigan just because of these your light under a bushel. them, being responsible some years much discussed measures. Instead Larry Law. ago with the help of a few other of studying the scholastic end of ! artists for the important, complete the problem the administrative end Larry, your suggestion for an ad- i cycles' of the chamber music of is studied. First of all, we were ded campus improvement is a good Beethoven, Brahms and Schubert. given the auto ban, probably the one but you must remember that! Mr. Willeke is also director of the only sensible measure passed these we're going to make the campus South Mountain Music colony at last few years, but no compromise look like Broadway and not the rue Pittsfield, Massachusetts, which, has yet been effected wherein grad- de Clichy. sponsored by Mrs. Elizabeth S. uate or senior students may have * *, Coolidge, has been the seat of the cars. Secondly, the tampering with A noted biologist named Prof. most important American ventures the liquor situation has brought no Karl von Frische is coming all the in chamber music. results, and has caused much un- way from Munich, Germany, to lec- Significantly enough, all three necessary trouble. To attempt to ture here Tuesday on "The Sense members of the trio have attempt- curb the campus liquor distribution and Language of Bees." I thing ed and published creative work in and consumption is relatively the I'll have to take in that lecture chamber forms, a fact that would equivalent of the national liquor i and find out what a bee says after have much to do with their keen struggle. On the campus it has he raises a welt on one's anatomy. perception of the problems of per- brought forth cries of "they're spy- * ** formance. ing, they're spying!" All members of the Glee club, The program for their concert Thirdly, the deferred rushing says aanotice in the D. 0. B. are to here tomorrow night which closes system for fraternities has been meet at the rear door of HI audi- the series sponsored by the Cham- adopted for nearby usage. Things ! torium tonight for the convocation ber Music Society, includes a late like that do not improve the aca- services. I hate to be nosey about Brahms trio, an early Beethoven delnic situation in the least. They this but if they're going to stand trio and a trio Caprice in three! tend to annoy the students in gen- out there and compete with the movements by a modern Russian, eral. Why doesn't the University convocation services they ought to Paul Juon. 1 i 1 i i { 4 Receipts of income taxes at the Treasury department indicate that $210,000,000 more than was collect- ed at the same time last year have been turned into the Treasury, but the exact significance of this in- crease is not clear. One of the chief reasons why this fact cannot be accepted at its face value as indicating that the country is more prosperous this year is shown by, the fact that internal revenue col-s lectors have been working on Sun- days and at night in order to com- plete their work sooner. The increased business of cor- porations has apparently more than offset the reduction of 1 per cent in their rate, and it is be- lieved in many quarters that the passage of the tariff act would clear up any uncertainty as to whether this reduction will be ex- tended to 1930. If business and in- dustry is furnished the needed im- petus provided by a higher tariff, the government can probably be assured of sufficient income at the reduced rate. it is difficult to believe that the increase in tax receipts can indi- cate the actual condition of the country, for the recent depression is almost certain to have farther reaching effects than those appar- ent during the month of the stock market crashes. The tremendous over-inflation resulting from an optimism far above what the situ- ation really should have indicated cannot be so easily forgotten, but might change into a pessimism equally distant from the adtual picture. The increase in income tax re- ceipts is most encouraging, but the question is. Just what does it mean? f (! } stop wasting time on child-like be severely chastised. problems and use that much need- s ed time in developing the impor- PROGRESS. tant aspect of the school: the im- Dear Joe: While watching the provement of its education? Of. seal the other day I saw a co-ed course, the backers of these va- come r~ight up to the edge of it, rious new projects always say that look around, stop and walk around these same projects will enable -it.1 think it was J. C. X. Anyway better educational methods to take I gave her a two-cent stamp. The place. That argument is both campaign is coming along swim- ridiculous and inisrepresentative, mingly and I think the snow may primarily because you can't sit on melt some more. the students forever and expect to The Beachcomber. get results. The best days at the University were when all these ad- Well, I'm glad to have your re- ministrative measures were not the port, Beachcomber, but I'm sorry big issues. to say you're out a two-cent stamp. * * 4 The time consumed by these measures, if put to the academic .'The Rolls Contribution campaign side of the problem, could have is also coming on swimmingly. My done wonders. Is it any wonder, little red book shows that 52 con- then, that men of repute on the tiibutors have sent in 48 accep- local faculty recognized a period table contributions, and two peo- of extreme stagnation and depart- ple are now Cubs. Steel engrav- ed for institutions more progres- ings of George Washington, bearing sive educationally? Whenever the special imprint of the Rolls measures of an educational nature Printing Bureau, have been award- came to the front the opposition ed thCubsknownbas Seth Johns made the problem even greater, and The Beachcomber. Those who were here last year will recall the terrific battle fought by I'UESOY President Little to put through the At i s ofethe numerous fires we University college idea, which has had last week, two of 1e boys proved the saving grace of most of stood off from the crowd and the progressive universities of the watched with much glee the pro- present day. And as soon as Pres- gross of one fire and the efforts ident Little walked out of the pic- of the firemen to extinguish it. ture, so did the University college Suddenly some sparks flew over to idea. Wisconsin and various East- an adjoining house and ignited ern schools are forging ahead of sime of the shingles. "Look," said our literary college because of their one of the boys, "the house next successful new system as opposed door is on fire!" "Sh-h-h," said to our ancient and ultra-conserva- the other, 'don't tell them about it." tive system. What to do this afternoon: Write If the educational side is to be developed from now on, as hinted a last line for the limerick below i I i a l l r a r r l r . BIRD IN HAND. The humanitarian attitude of the Theatre is proved quite sub- stantially by its willingness to grant merit and supreme praise to trivi- ality. The fable in Bird in Hand -young love riding over parental and class distinctions-is anything but original. The treatment - aside from a certain facility, is not brilliance, in Drinkwater's writing -is absolutely ordinary and prey dictable throughout. The merri- ment is all peculiarly vacuous, the. sentiment strictly the stock thing, Yet production, completely real- izing and translating everything in the play and a lot besides, makes sentiment acceptable. The whole second act of Bird in Hand is mere- ly vaudeville-trading on the stock ridiculousity of men in pajamas in a somewhat original fashion. Yet when robustly done with a con- summate art of farce by the Eng- 1 lish cast it provides entirely .justi- flable delight. Bird in Hand is a! perfect example of good sentimen- tal comedy-in almost every age Warm Weather Advances and will Increase'the Demand or Clean, o - fortable Laundry Work Warm weather means an increa demand on your wardrobe-means the use of more linen and the need for the best I Laundry Service. The ragged, stiff shirt or coila makes the day unbearable Varsity Serv 'c guarantees to eliminate this nuisance an points to comfort. Ph one N 1 e f,- 3H vC N - NDe O f the popular dramatic form. THE WILD DUCK. The last three days of this week, Play Production is giving a labora-. tory performance in University Hall of Ibsen's The Wild Duck which will be open to the limited number of patrons who apply for free tickets at Play Production of- fice during the week. The play has been several weeks in rehearsal under the direction of O Selection of the wild rose as the national flower suggests to The Daily that the next logical move will be to choose the wild driver as the nationail animal. 1 ' 11