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March 23, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-23

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AS CORNEll DOWNS / lISPLAY PIU lES Et wt saer a Tries
IItflPITV TnfiPVftnrf .k, ,2{.>>Over Ocean Radio.


it'IIJII Ion..IvLu# .+ vYOils, Watercolors and Etchings
lo p i s. fNow on Exhibit in Alumni

Eastern Team, Joint Holders of
IC.CA. Indoor Crown,
Triumphs Easily.

Memorial Hall.
One of the most comprehensive
art exhibitions of the year, an ex-
hibition of the work of Michigan
artists, sponsored annually by thel
Section of Fine Arts of the Mich-:
igan Academy of Science, Arts and'

Michigan Outclasses Cornell
Mile Relay, Winning by
Almost Half Lap,'


Letters, is now hung in the north
K(Continued From Page ) r)and south galleries of Alumni
while a triple tie in the high jump admouth allA
with Felker the only Michigan man M orta hhslh
included, gave the local thin-clads are artists fro Ann Arbor, Ypsi-
a margin too wide to be overcome.;
Collyer and Pottle had a hardbat- lanti, Detoit, Grand Rapids, Sag-
Collye acid,:w ?Inaw, Birmingham, Northville, To- i
fle in the pole vault, finally tieing' /m, Birkam, Noril. To-
at 13 feet 2% inches. This height, ibito is cmpodaofTwr
was the best the Wolverine has at- m
the numerous departments of art,1
tamed this season. esooate Pras PhotoIincludigab id
In the one mile relay, Michigan Sir George Hubert Wilkins, antarctic explorer, with members of his party as they arrived in New nc lg , epainting, both oils and
water-colors, etchings, dry-pintsf
outclassed Cornell by almost half York after the recent south polar expedition. From left to right: Parker Cramer, pilot; Orval Porter, and wood-blocKs.
a lap running the eight map stretch mechanic; Sir George Hubert Wilkins, and, A. L. Cheesman, pilot. Ann Aror Represented ,
in3 nminutes and 31 secoznds. ~__ _~~~~~~__~~~~~~__~~~~ Ann Arbor artists are well repre-
NEW ALUMNI CLUB seated in the exhibition, including
both faculty and townspeople.
SUMMARIESFole TO BE ENROLLED Carleton W. Angell, University
One mile run-Wolfe, Michigan, ew s From O ther C ollegessculptor, exhibits two of his works,l
1; Martin, Cornell, 2; Danna Mich-Graduates Near Bridgeport Will including a head of Norman A.
igan, 3. Time, 4:25 2-5. (New dual Form- Nu-----Latest ;Wood, curator of birds at the Uni-
mee reord. CGIL SUDNTSDEBTEForm Nucleus of Latest ; versity museum; and a paro
meet record). MCGILL STUDENTS DEBATE sented to university authorities as Unir oversity bsewm; d i a cof
Sixteen pound shotput - Levy, ON THEIR LACK OF HUMOR expressing the desire and opinion University Group. book-ends which depict, in a can
Cornell 1, 49 feet, 1 inch; Schoen- of a majority of women students.Ivential fashionam d
feld, Cornell, 2, 46 feet, 2 1-4 inches; McGILL UNIVERSITY' "Resolv- University of Michigan club num- crawling up the trunk of a tree.-
Wickham, Cornell, 3, 45 feet, 5 1-4 ed: that McGill Students are defi- SURVEY SHOWS STUDENTS ber one hundred sixty-five will be These book-ends were made for
inches. (New intercollegiate and cient in a sense of humor," was STUDY MORE ON SUNDAY officially inscribed on the rolls ofPn-
dual meet record). the the Alumni association Wednesday Victor V. Slocum, of the architec-
-de, tanttaken by he senior team UN EI OF RG :A a shociation Wednesdan- tural school, exhibits a head of
Cornell, 1; Clark, Cornell, 2; Wood, against the freshman debaters at ad UNIVERITY OF OREGON: A noon at the conclusion of an organ- Fred Aldrich, also of the architec-
Michigan 3. Time, 0.09 35. smoker held recently. The affirm- survey has been made here to de-ization eetin to be held in tural faculty. In addition to a head
TIwo-cia mile runTrilmete fr.at9e on-te:cse.termine when most students study. iainmeigt ehl ntrlfcly nadto oaha
Tw_-m run-Trit s fun tht ative won the case m gtr nu. Bridgeport, Conn., it was announc- of Justin Fairbanks, Prof. Avardi
first:Leverng, Pattison and Ran- Im edFairbanks, teacher of sculpture, x-
neyt Corner. Time, 9:52 2-5. SALES DRIVE POSTPONED; of people study Sunday afternoon yesterday by T. Hawley Tapping hibits several photograpis of monu-
ney Conl.Tm,95 USR INBAK OTthan at any ehrtm.Patcl eea ertr fteaun s ixssvrlpoorpso os
880-yard run-Treman, Cornell, SUBSCRIPTION BLANKS LOST other time. Practical- general secretary of the alumni as- ments designed by him. A wrought
1; Dulaff, Cornell, 2; Mueller, Mich- ly no studying is done on Friday sociation. iron sign, and a pair oIe wrought
igan, 3. Time, 2 minutes flat. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: The or Saturday night Graduates of the University liv- iron andirons, by Roscoe L. Wood,]
440-yard dash-Elmer, Cornell, 1 campaign for the sale of the m--ing in and near Bridgeport have of the College of Architecture are
Dale Seymour, Michigan, 2; Russell, If"Desert," student annual, has been IOWA CLASSES BROADCAST recently responded with enthusiasm Iso shown.
Michigan, 3. Time, 0:51 3-5. delayed due to lack of subscrip- OVER STATE RADIO CHAIN to the proposed creation of a Mich Wilfred B. Shaw, Director of
75-yard dash-Tolan, Michigan tion blanks. tumntednseaxhootaMic
1; Campbell, Michigan, 2; Meining; UNIVERSITY OF IOWA.-Stu- igan alumni club for former stu- etchings and dry-points of campus.
Cornell, 3. Time 0:07 3-5. GEORGIA PLACES $25 FINE dent alarm clocks ring a few min-- dents located in the vicinity and as views. Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, Prof.l
Pole vault-Tie for first: Colyer, ON BUMMING AUTO RIDES ! utes earlier in Iowa City than they a result, the initial meeting of the Myron B. Chapin, and Maestro Val-
Cornell, and Potter, Michigan; tie ___do in most .other college towns. Not group is to be held Wednesday erio, all of the architectural faculty,
for third, West and Williams, Cor- UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA: that the early-rising of the corn- noon. Graduates living in the south-' are also represented in the show,
nell. Height, 13 feet. "Bumming" as a means of cheap belt has any influence upon the ern Connecticut valley will form the which will continue daily through
75-yard low hurdles-Tie for transportation will cease to be sophisticated life at a state uni- nucleus of this new group. the end of this month.
first: Heasley and Clark, Cornell; "cheap" here because of a ruling versity. No, indeed. The whole The constantly augmented list of
Siegel, Cornell, 3. Time, 0:08 2-5. which defines it as a nuisance purpose is to save the world from 'graduate clubs spread throughout Baggageman Gets too
Running high jump-Tripletie calling for a $25 fine. It is believed I listening to the creaking of class- the world was just recently increas- Pll W
for first: Hoppenstedt, Cornell, at ing will $rea.ls room doors and the light tread of ed as the result of extensive trip ayul; We Sues
M ichigan. H eh, 5 n e 0 1-4 ham e the sociallangivitie grof tt y tardy students. In other words through the southern Atlantic (- - Aoiated Press)
iche. Height,- s et bo the university is broadcasting radio states, y Mr. Tapping. At that time, Chicago, March 22.-As a baggage
.courses right from the class-room. one hundred sixty one clubs existed smasher, gWilis Brun.ney throws a
One mile relay-Michigan (Moser, and it was expected that three new man eu, Ts Brunney s a
Russell, Dalton Seymour, Dale Sey- WNSOTA GIRLS EAT MORE INTERCLASS CONTESTS HELD. groups might be organized in Flor- story. k
mour); Cornell (Meinig, YoungI WHEN BOYS FOOT THE B_ ida but such intense interest was Willis, she told Judge Sabath
Rosenthal, Siegel) 2. Time :31. UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA: McGILL UNIVERSITY - Inter- exhibiefthat for apping etun- WrIpovehis terknd e ougld dttoiv
*Co-eds eat twiceO as muntxch wheni class contests in baseball aned o Ann Arfor rWTping eturn.- prove his technique. He would drive
Culkin Accepts Radio 'eds eat tie as much hehockey are being conducted here ed to Ann Arbor With little active a truck load of trunks up to his
their boy friends are footing the hocky aebigodcedhr.simulation from the Alumni aso- door, throw them oil, then trow'
Contract at Chicago bill, proprietors of local food shops ciation offices, the Connecticut them on again, just for practice.
declared here. This habit is re-'club Journal Adopts alumni have banded together and When he began dropping them
Phillip Culkin, '29, has signed a sponsible for the decline of so- Simplified Spellingsjoined the ranks as members of the on her toes, she sued divorce,
contract whereby he is to sing reg- called cakeing dates it is believed. i___most recent graduate club on the 'and yesterday she got it.
ularly over radio station WIBO, i Evidently trying either to save Iroster.
Chicago, as a: member of the Hard- GEORGIA DEAN PASSES BILL ink or help the simpler-spelling~ UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-'
ing Harmony Boys quartet. FOR BIGGER, BETTER DATING movement, perhaps both, the "For- VACATION TRAVEL HEAVY Meeting to investigate the charges
Culkin appeared in the May Fes--est Pres" of the Lake Placid club, SAY HAWAIIAN HOTELS of "administrative interference"
tival here last year, and attracted UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA: N. Y., creates novelty its "Lake and 'incompetency" against Dr.
much attention through his gradu-- More and longer dates are beingPlacid Club News" by using such HONOLULU, T. H.-Vacation Stratton Brooks, president of the
amon recital in the School of Mu- sought by Georgia women students. odd-looking but sensible spelling as I travel to Hawaii is as heavy as last university, the board of curators
At its March meeting, the women's "collej, wether, serius, and advan- year, hotel managers say, in spite declined to reconsider the action
sic, student government association taj." Under this system smaller of recent business conditions which taken when dismissing two profes-
proposed an amendment which words like "hil, wil, wer, ripte, hav, have deterred . tourist travel in sors as the result of a sex ques-
SocIal Societies Must would allow all women students to trofy, stil" appear at first sight to general. Bonaire among studen
Place Lists With Dean have dates any night in the week be a code; as a few of the oddest - -- -----_-
Pa L t WDe and until the ghostly hour of 11 ; are: yu for you, larj for large, giv U
. o'clock, if desired. If passed by the for give, ar for are, and lyt for
ties and sororties must be filed at women's association, it will be pre- 'light.' RESERVE A SEAT IN l

(By Associated PrsThree Subjects Will Comprise
Chicago, March 22.- I say, are Fifth Program on Series
you there?"ofBsnsPitr.
The wlre:ess teiep:ione operator of Business Pictures.
at the Chicago central office was
startled. "Yes. This is Chicago, ADMISSION TO BE FREE
whom do you want?"
"This is London calling Al Three pictures will comprise the
Capone." fifth of the 1929-39 series of indus-
"0! London--apone! Hold the trial moving pictures presented un-
wvire please."dethaupcsotesholf
. A hurried perusal of the directory Ider the auspices of the school of
revealed no Capone phone number.) business administration. The plc-
The operator appealed to the detec- tures will be shown in the Natural
tive bureau. "Where can I reach All Science Auditorium at 4:05 o'clock
Capo~ne by phone, London's call-! Tuesday afternoon.
ingy?"pd The first on the program will e
'nSgt. Frank Yere,' on duty at the entitled "The Modern Hercules,"
bureau, said Al had not left his and will show the manufacture of
phone number. dynamite and gelatine dynamite 4t
So the operator informed London one of the large Hercules plants.
there would be a delay while Al's The second picture is called "The
I nutber of Chase Velmo," and traces
number was looked up.ithe
The caller was a reporter on a ' process of making mohair from
London newspaper, Stoddard by I the angora goat to the lustrous vel-
name. He is still waiting to com- vet. The third feature is called
pletethe all."What the Job Pays." It is the story
plete the call, of the personnel and industrial ac-
tivities at the Western Electric
MILLER TRACES Manufacturing works at Chicago.
"These motion pictures," stated
PARIS GUN DATA Prof. Merwin H. Waterman, of the
school of business administration,
"are supposed to take the place of
forth as the gun was fired. From a trips to the large manufacturing
position of rest in the gun the shell factories of the country. It is im-
was suddenly pushed and twisted possible to take the students to
with a violence that cannot be con- these various plants in order that
ceived, Colonel Miller said. The they may supplement their knowl-
pressure on the base of the shell edge of textbooks with that of
was 9,000,000 pounds, and it left I methods and processes of manufac-
the gun with a velocity of 5,500 feet turing, so we bring- these movies to
per second, turning at the rate of Ann Arbor instead. They are open
107 times per second. The air resist-
ance was 2,000 pounds but in 21 sec- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-
onds the shell was 12 miles above i ESy - ap Otdet fPOIh-
the surface of the earth. Fifty campus students of Polish ex-
"At that height," Colonel Miller 1 traction met here to form a per-
stated, "the resistance was negli- manent organization, having as its
gible--the shell travelled three- objective the introduction to the
fourths of its distance in a virtual ;campus of a chair of Polish lap-
vacuum. In 90 seconds the shell 'uage, literature and history.
was at the top of its path, 24 miles -
high, in an atmosphere that offered T
no resistance. In 64 seconds more RAE THEATRE
it was down to the 12 mile level
again and had gained a velocity of SUNDAY AND MONDAY
3,300 feet per second. At the end of All Talking
186 seconds it struck somewhere inWANRBXE
The second speaker on last night's ANTONIO MARINO
program was Prof. R i c h a r d
Schneidewind of the department ofi
engineering research who delivered "Romance of the
the speech, "Stainless Steel," com-
posed by Prof. Albert E. White. Rio Grande"
Professor White was unable to i .Tuesday and Wednesday
speak because of illness. Two Days Only
Justin L. Powers, of the prescript-
ional laboratories of the Health # "SUNNY
Service, discussed the filling of a
prescription. SIDE
The musical part of the program U
was presented by the Midnight
Son's quartette.


NOW Continuous
SHOWNG W U L~ i. .u.az~Showing
SHOWING 1:30-1 p. in.
The spectacular underseas romance from Jules Verne's famous
novel! Two years to make!



'Ittilllll111[ lii I Il I tl i llf111H WH Ei Hh 1111111111 li lil ithhliliIII III I11111 !~~t

the office of the dean of students
not later than April 1, it was an-,
nounced yesterday. All pledges as
well as initiates must be named on
the lists. Printed forms for the
purpose may be secured on appli-
cation at the office.
802 ' ACKARD ST.
Dinner Special
5:30 to 7:00
Myrtyl Ross
= Present
= New York Success
OUn e of the greatest
laugh shows ever writ-

Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry

a ";4;N 200 CHAIRS
Washington at Thayer One Block North from Milt Auditorium

High Grade Repair Service

Lunch andI
With Brea

Dinner $6.00 Per Week
kfast $7.50 Per Week

I I I? I

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Oaze rbeatre

- v:"rht
F a t e itself
-could not con.-pd
^ ~~" 1, 'j , -r a
ewer him. See, ..
loved him -.}
he eared f or4
- A -
nothng more. - '
r- ^






. _ _

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