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March 22, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-22

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Stjotn At all in keeping with the high name
18tlliand standards previously preserved L Music And Dra n
ublishd every morning except Monday by the institution, and their actions l :
ig the TUniversity year by the Board in sadrsprvo' eee T0
ttol of Student Publications. , in the affair should be instrumen- , ROLL D
emer of Western Gonference t tal in bringing about a much need- WELCOM1E,.BRAHMS' THIRD QUARTET t
ocation. ed readjustment. '. SPRING j
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled The only mistake the treasurer i Well, COME! BRAHMS: Quartet in B Flat, Op.
the use for republication of all news dis. made in explaining his actions was 67: by Lener String Quartet: Co-
thes pedi ead to t or tl nerwisecied that his entire argument should Yesterday, according to the cal- lumbia Masterworks Set No. 132.
dn. have been based on the fact that endar, was the first day of spring. O
?ntered at the postofe at Ann Arbor, Harvard scrubwomen should be There was no column to herald itsn tt
higan, assecond-lassatter. pal rate willing to work for nothing. The arrival because I sat home all day phony and at the height of the
postage granted L~y Third Assistant Post-wilntowrfonohg.BamsW ne cnrvryhs
ter General.1 prestige connected with scrubbing with my feet in a tub of hot waterBr m-gner controversythis
ubscripsion by carrier, $4.05; by mall, real Harvard marble certainly must and ate aspirin tablets. quartet was disconcerting to the
Rice: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- be worth far more than two cents ;Brahmins. Its reputation has been
d Street.1BrhisItreuainhsbn1
hones: Editorial, 492s; n, 4. an hour. __ ___If this is spring I'm glad winter's unfortunately somewhat uncritic-
EDITORIAL STAFF i over. ally handed down. Restoration in I
Telephone 4925 THE MOTE IN OTTAWA'S EYE.
AN I D Othe form of the Lener's splendid
ELLIS B. MERRY The fiery words of MacKenzie performance is valuable.
King, Canadian prime minister, YEAH. The work is certainly uncharac-
itoria~Thelworkmis certainly uncharac-lle
q Editor... .........Pierce R rrnhati the paiiament ofrour Dear Joe: Now that spring is of- teristic and surprisingly modern in
wrs Editor-........Dnard . rne serrpulc obar.epoto
rts Editor........EdwardJ1L. Warner, Jr. ficially here why don't the B. & G- technique. It represents Brahms
men's Editor............Marjorie Folrmer liquor to this country. A bloody boys start the drinking fountain
egraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson war no less was the dire prospect stimulating himself in the medium.
sic and Drama........william J. Gorman on the diagonal so the geology stu-E
isart ittyrciKtloeri.n.h.l.doet b. elnKing if such ex dents can study ice formations? employing what is known as strict- I
i ht Editors-Editorial Board Member, port should continue. The Beachcomber. ly technical expression. In concep-
nk E. Cooper Hlenry T. Merry We suspect Mr. King of alarm-
.ham C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss . 1, i tion (that is as a skeleton of sig-
rles R. 1anman Waler W. Wilde !ism; we also suspect that he has
Gurney Williams Wlen gfEnificant thematic material with ant
rr Bktn fhbeen listening to men of the Sena- dAMe mnt) m




The rigni =i :,,-(1i> the only local author-
ized, licenscd and bonded agent for all
trans-At lanti~c, ran s- Pci fic and other
ocean gen cm sGreat L akes passenger
Steamshi;) Lines. .lsoAmerican Travel
Dept., T . .Coa l&;on,4STCA, and all
other ,tr ,or roiss. 1 will arrange
your lt complete. -on any steamer, tour
or cr uis audveriisedl or soldi anywhere, in
any class, at tariff ra~tes. No extra charge
ever. V'isacs iprocured for clients .Air-
plane, H1ot el -an(] l':asion flay reservatioos
made. A few ornanizers for tours wanted.
to per cent cofltnalsSion paid.
box E. Huron St. Phone 6;4 x

10 Days Left
To Name Our Place
For The $25 Prize
We wish to announce that on Monday we wil

._..o._.... . _..... w. . i

start a Night Delivery
Western Union Service.


Also Night

Ask your dealer to
show you the very let-
est style in wet-weather
,. larments.
Zephyr-weight Rain
coat was de' nod for
college meanswomen.
Thisnew model,style
No. 520, is made of bal-
loon cloth~waterproofed
by Sawyer's famous
process and combines
$reatesL strength with
zephyr -weight l1t-
This cost wttiihs only
20 ounces.
A treat karmnt for sunmer wear.
East Cambridge .:: :: Mass.


Special Sunday Dinner .
Regular Noon Luncheon

7 9...,, t1nn

* EacL 0

,na . i.uJu

Regular Evening (full course) Dinners 60c
(Except Sunday)

torris Alexander. Bruce J Manley
letrain Askwith Lester May
:elea Bare, M:rgaret Mi
aXwell Bauer David If. Nichol
ary L. Tehymer William rage
tlan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
1 hI rgh Pierce
rthur . Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
.peach Conger Jhin D. Reindel
ho asA. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
elen Domine Joseph A. Russell
[argaret Eckes oseph Ruwitch
atherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
arl . Forsthe Cecelia Sriver
beldon C. Fullerton Charles R. sprowl
uth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
uth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanson
inevra Ginn Jane Thayer
Goldsmith lara ret Thompson
iily Grimes Richard L. Tobi
orris Gove.ian Robert Townsend
ar aret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
SCullenKennedy Harold . Warren, Jr.
eats Levy C . Lionel Willens t
ussel E. McCracken arbara Wright
orothy Magee Vivian Zimit
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
dvertising... ........T Hollister Mabley
dvertising.........Kasper 11. Halverson
dvertisnug .. ....- terwood A. Upton
ervce...................eorge A.S eater
irculation..............J. Vernor Davis
.conts.. ........ .. .......John R. Rose
"ublications. ......eorge R. Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
yrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
obert Crawford Thomas Muir
[arry B. Culver George R. Patterson
homas M. Davis Charles Sanford
'orman Eliezer Lee Slavyon
gries Roffer Joseph VanRipe
oris Johnson Robert Williamson
harles Kline William R. Worboy
orothy Uloomgardner Alice McCully
aura Co ing Sylvia Miller
gnes Davis Helen F. Musselwite 1
unice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
:ortense Gooding Dorothea waterman
Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY
Professor Claude Halstead Van
'yne, who will always be remem-
ered for his love of truth and his
ontempt for shady chauviniistic
naceuracies, never, even when his
distorical research made revolu
Ionary disclosures, assumed the
.ttitude. of objectionable iconocl-
ism. He was the perfect scholar
nd always the perfect gentleman.
[is painstaking approach to his
pecial field, American history,
rhich has accomplished more than
ny other factor, to formulate our
resent and changed attitude to-
'ard the early history of our na-
on, was ever tempered; with ia
Alm surety that made it so readily
ld happily acceptable.
And so Michigan, in losing this
nest of professorial personalities,
ears the double loss of the scholar
rd gentleman. Always, however,
ill remain the written result of
Ls books. His last published work,
The War for American Indepen-
mnce: American Phase," has been
iternaltionally acclaimed as the
tilon's finest contribution to his-.
rical writing. And as the in-.
:ription over the William Clements
Ibrary attests, "Tradition fades,
it the written record remains for-
er fresh."

tnr Rrnnlrhnrt. .lRmPr1IPv HilTlar IW i

i vi.a'Y'w Y1 AtTYI'R'Y"r:11TIT[Y

j Lar mulyIKnai tUomemey nuui3 im, .IMPROVEMENTS.
f and to experts on prohibition from
Topeka and Wichita. His measure Dear Joe: Which side are you
would seem to be prompted by so- on in this War of the Campus. Youi
licitude for the United States, not gotta choose sides. The trenches
for Canada. are all dug, now; if you don't be-'
Canada is losing a fifteen million r lieve it, just go look. Are you east
dollar business; United States citi- side or west side or both sides
zens will spend this money for against the middle?' The way the
much worse and, probably more gang has dug itself in it looks as
poisonous liquor of home manu- though they'll be fighting it out on
facture. Canadian citizens will that line if it takes all summer.
have to submit to an irritating Capand Anchor.

! V ---..-G: ulic ua , flut b
of Brahms' movements would seem
more important then they turn out'
to be; it being a truism that he
was not primarily susceptible to the
quality of the medium. That is not
the case with the third quartet.
Expression is secured almost en-
tirely in the execution, through
texture-a sort of Hart Crane pro-
An nold rrvinnin lad thm

611 East William

Phone 23501





border espionage, also costly, to n upruncia Qance-Lee
J bolster up the feeble enforcement childlike in character, is used as a
efforts of our beleagured dry pa- 1 WRESTLING EXPENSES. generating theme of first move-
trol. ment-which shows anything but
For some time the United States From a wrestling story on the respect for the classical conception
government has been urging such Sports page: "145 pound class - of the sonata-movement as essen-
a measure, as a friendly gesture, on Bishop defeated M. Jones, fall 4:10; tially dramatic in character. Only
Canada. Yet barely two per cent Stalker defeated Hormer, fall $3:00." a tour de force could swing a hu-
} ' morous theme into dramatic ac-
of the liquor consumed in this I thms draonis im-
country is of Canadian manufac- l ion; so Brahms draws on his im-
cure. Washington, it would seem, Imense talent for fascinating intri-
might well pick the beam out of cate counterpoint and clever the-
I miht wll ick he bam ut o '3 matic transformation to produce a'
its own eye before attempting to tu rangmintestd a
pick the mate out of Ottawa's.(( texture drawing interested, analy-
o-- . tical attention to itself, apart from
--0--its significance.
-t F fThe history of transformation in
Campus Opinion Brahms' pianoforte quintet, Op. 34!
sfirst written for five strings, then'
Contributors are aIsked(1to he brief,
Confining thecmselve(s to less than 300 for two pianos) and the number of
wor's of possible. Anonymous com- "Come on, Stalker; just two
nanications will he disregarded. The ,,, worksfor quintets and sextets, to-
names of communicants will, however, bits more and you'li have him" gether with the fact that Brahms
he regarded as confidential, upon re- is known to have destroyed a
quest. Letters pud shed shimld not he a num-
constrned as e pressiug the editorial BULLETIN. ber of quartets, would suggest that'
S opinion of The Daily.
- The two robins that were over- Brahms had difficulty in reduc-
THEATRE TASTE. come by chilblains and double ing his massive harmonies and
pneumonia Tuesday are getting plyphony to four string combina-
To the Editor: along nicely, thanks. I find that tion. But there is no hint of it
It will surely strike a portion of their conditions are not as serious here. Brahms doesn't hesitate to
this grave town as amusing that we as first reported. Each one had give the orchestral illusion by ex-
of all people should rush to the de- one pneumonia, which accounts cessive use of double-stopping and
fense of a Junior Girls' play, which for the double report. a syncopated bass accompaniment.
Mr. Gorman's splendid and schol- But these passages are adequately;
arly criticism has just censored. , *varied with Mozartean purity and
Possibly as the founder of his Mu- economy of instrumentation. The'
sic and Drama column I may be SCOOP! quartet is anything but orthodox
Spardoned-doubtless such a paren- . Donal Hamilton Haines, local (hence its disconcerting character
tage is already marked against us journalism mogul, confessed late during the controversy); but it 'is
in heaven!-and certainly in the yesterday that he is responsible for one of the most interesting things
fresE. das o ason Cowles and Gthe weather! "It's all my fault," Brahms wrote for its revelation of
'D. E.. there were times when my hesaelrmbhn h aso his actual writing ability.
own reviews could make Mr. Gor- his cell. "I went down to the In- The extraordinary vigour and
man's seem very fulsome praise. tramural building Monday and re- variety in the style of the Lener or-
But has not Mr. Gorman, in ad- moved all my stuff i preparation ganization are particularly appro-
dition to an astonishing impervi- for the spring weather. And Sun- ! priate to this type of writing; it
ousness to the rather rare beauty day I played tennis outdoors in my gives them a legitimate chance toj
of the ladies of the ensemble, over- shirt sleeves." A police guard has reveal their art. They deserve
looked the outstanding virtue of been thyown around the jail to dis- credit too for successfully disguis-
the traditional Junior Girls' play.pel all lynching parties. ing the probably too unorthodox
particularly the present edition of prominence of the viola in the'
"State Street." Is it not the infec- IT'S JUST BUSINESS. scherzo movement.
tious sense of the theatre, the dis- D a J Ha y u__d h
arigadvr mr es f Dear Joe: Have you noticed the 0
Arming and very smart sense of
irony of a local ad - "On your THE MYRTLE ROSS PLAYERSJ
gaiety that permeates the produc- birthday send? your Mother flow-
ters"? Maybe it's supposed to be a- A Commentf
This must not be taken as a consolation prize. I
criticism of the many fine student' Is this worth more than a Tink- In a charming curtan speech,
performances in recent seasons, er's damn? Miss Ross described Ann Arbor as
for I have personally been able to Ecila. "virgin territory to which she was
see no more than three campus 'particularly happy to introduce
productions in the last four years. Tch, tch, Alice; I never even some of the minor classics." She
However, one can sense immedi- opened my mouth! next cited her opinion (shared by
ately the rather alarming lack of , , the rest of the cast she added) thatI
a clever or careful selection of "'Meet the Wife" (the play they
plays. On the one hand careful, CORRECT. are playing this week and unques
expert direction is lavished on the tionably a very bad farce) "wast
Dear Joe: Average contents of a one of the most brilliant high so-i
cheapest of the common successes;'{
of buesue, th s a dis- student pocket about this time of cial comedies ever written." The
astrus tndeny, amostt te yar-Michiganensian receipt, sen-! minor classics for the ne~xt two
astrous tendency, almost to the ior class receipt, Michigan Daily re- I weeks were then announced: The
point present the ceipt, senior announcement receipt, J Family Upstairs and Abie's Irish
most impassibly ambitious and !
mtr imibly amitioutand Intramural building locker receipt, 1Rose. The implications of such a
tragic. In two recent productions receipted last year's house bill. speech should have been quite
re one old fla lack of the three used stamps, slightly mouldy sufficient to maintain the virginity1
theatre sense and taste I mean. calling card. Only thing I missed of this territory as far as the in-
Gordon Craig has put it much I are keys to the campus and a re- telliet portinof it.is cncerned-'
,_eligent,-p-rt-on - f. t ,s-c. nc-r-ed

_ * S-R~IND'AO
M11,11 I -.1- ' 11 Till ,


Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Min-
ister; Rev. Samuel J. Harrison,
B.D., Associate Minister; Mr.
Ralph R Johnson, Student Di-
rector; Mrs. Ellura Winters, Ad-
visor to Women Students.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.,
TO RECEIVE." Dr. Stalker.
12:00 M-Three Discussion Groups.
Leaders: Miss Ellen \W. Moore,
Prof. Geo. E. Carrothers, and Mr.
Ralph R. Johnson.
6:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Meeting. Prof. John R.
Brumm, Leader. Subject: "VAL-
8:00 P. M.-Convocation at Hill
Auditorium. Wesleyan Guild Lee.
turer, Rabbi Leo Franklin, Detroit.
On East Huron, below State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:45 A. M.-Church Bible School.

H."ron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, %Iinister
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor
for University Women.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Handling God's Things."
12:00 Noon-Student Class Prof. H.
Y. McClusky, teacher.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet.
ing. Peter Soudah from Syria
Sunday Morning Servic
of s
br^ deaxt from
The Detroit Civic Theao&
11:30A.M. Eastern Stand- Tim.
10:30 A.M. Central Stand. Tim.


615 E. University

Dial 3779

8:00 P. M.-Student Convocation
in Hill Auditorium. Dr. Leo M.
Franklin will speak. There will
be no Hillel Foundation services,
for this reason.

9:00 P. M.-Open House

at the

10:45 A. M.-Morning
Sermon by Mr. Sayles,
Words of Jesus."

"The Last


9:45 A. M.-University Class meets
at Guild House.
5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour.
6:30 P. M.-The Usual Devotional
(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schnale

(Beginning Jan. 9, 1930)

State and William
Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
10:45 A. M.-Sermon by the Min.
5:30 P. M.--Student Fellowship.
6:00 P. M.-Fellowship Supper.
6:30 P. M.-Prof. Stuart A. Courtis,
P.H.D., will give an illustrated
lecture on "A Scientific Approach
to Religion."

Seting forth the Principles by which
sman may unfold within his life the
Heath, Peace and Prosperity whih
' God has provided.
11:05 P.M. EasternStand. Tim*
10:05 P.M. Central Stand- Tim


Division and Catherine .Sts.
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant


9:00 A. M.-Bible School.


10:00 A.

topic: "The
as to Motive."


When the issue of
rd scrubwomen two c
our or firing them
he university becaus
husetts minimum w
on objected to the
ent wage scale, the
tded to fire the wor
aturally, the sons+
hater were enragedt
f issuing an open le
lumni revealing wha
d to be the facts.
The letter was clea
isconcepti'ons and
ere taken up which
iterests of the unive
Dncerned should nev
nought out in any
onal manner. That
self open to censure
nnot, however, bec
When paying the 20

paying Harv-
cents more an

11:00 A. M.--German Service.

8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion,
9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
(Student chapel in Harris Hall.)
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
(Kindergarten meets at 11 o'clock.)
10:00 A. M.--Adult Class led by
Miss Gammack. (In the church.)
11;00 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ser-
mon by Mr. Lewis,
6:30 P. M.-Student supper in.
Harris Hall, followed by two study
groups led by Mr. Harris and Miss
7:45 P. M.-Evening Prayer; ad-
dress by Mr. Lewis.


lCame before better when he says, 'One of the ceipt for chocolate layer cake.
came before
e the Massa- unfortunate things in the modern Bobbie.
'age commis--theatre is that young people al- *
prevailing 35' ways commence with the blood- Didn't you forget an unsigned
treasurer de- thirstiest and gloomiest of melo- drop slip and some history notes
men. Quite dramas. On these monstrous on the back of an old envelope?
of the alma themes they exert all the delicacyU
to the extent cf adolescende; they display all * UH-HUH. Y PAH.
tter to fellow- the tragic intensity of sweet seven- From yesterday's review of
t they believ- teen, when they ought to be con- "State Street" - "Art is sometimes
cerned only with the delicate and j explained as springing out of an
rly based on. exquisite perishable themes in ; inner reality which transcends
many issues. their own exquisite way." outer reality-desires dreamed into
for the best And is not this exactly what a transformed world where the
rsity and all "State Street" does? It is not, ad- 'prosaic and unlovely fall away and
er have been mittedly, a "dancing" show in the imagined beauty finds its home."
such sensa--- extraordinary sense of the Union,!*1
Harvard laid 'Opera, but it has a delicious fresh- But professor, don't you think
by its action ness, a subtle innuendo of satire,; the dancing was lousy?j
doubted. ,a slyly refreshing and intime at- *
scrubwomen mosphere-above all, it shows a I The approaching Slide Rule

Lynn Starling's "polite comedy"!
is stupidly produced in the bur-j
} lesque tradition of the vaudeville
skit, representing a sort of cult ofj
the obvious. Because of a few cas-
ual references to the flat feet of1

7:00 P. M. - Young People's
League. Topic: Jesus' Entry Into
Jersualem." Leader: Mr. Theo-
dore Trost.


an artist in the play, he stomps
around the stage like a horse. An-
other character in the, play, Eng-
land's greatest novelist, is played
statuesquely and very dully. When
one character has a speech, all the
rest stand with an air of patience,
and not the slightest interest as
though they were off stage waiting!
for an entrance. Miss Ross herself'
faints and shrieks like the Mack
Sennett girls dodging pies.
This week's production proves
quite a study in the deplorable
depths of direction. One visit

Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
F. C. Stellihorn, Pastor
10:30 A. M.-Pastor's Sermon Sub-
ject: "Imitators of God."



409 S. Division St.

10:30 A.

M.-Regular Morning
Sermon topic: MAT.

(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Ste.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-German Service.
10:00 A. M.-Sunday School.
11:00 A. M.-English Service. Serg{
mon: "Jesus and Zacchaeus."
6:0 P. M...,tu entS .np


M.-Student Bible Class.
P. M.-Student Fellowship



and Supper.
6:30 P. M.-Student Forum, the
topic: "Jesus Christ the Man."
- J A - nD _ ID lv' I

11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening
testimonial meeting.






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