THE MICHIGAN DAILY STRAMRH RAI1SES NTIO A ____ 'TECHNICu' TODA DUCATIDySTEM. P7777 Has Written Stor "_._ _ _ .:".... .. :. . .....:.:. .....,.......;: . " , Jt L ±V iAI I.atEap1V F v -v r~s n O TED BIOL OGIST JSTE3WO7R K ERS P RO0VE EX PERTLS HEN CATCIfN G RD R VETS tidit. Chatterji, Noted Oriental Lecturer, Tells of Progress f in Indian Intstitutions. f EKS HIGH- STANDARDS dares De grees Easier to Get r n ITT4r C w xn aTarca Author° of Paris Gain'. FEATURES BY HOBBS IOffering a variety of featur articles the Technic, student pub:' cation of the engineering colleg# appears on the campus this morn, ling. Sale of. the magazine in th xrLJAZ Y.J..v. L'I_41 1)11a i..u4II nails of tne engineering ouilin; or British Clc s. will begin Monday morning. Col. H. W. Miller's article, "Mi That many features of the edu- ntary Explosives," is given specd rational system of American uni- prominence in this issue. Colon varsities surpass those of colleges Miller, who is head of the engii in Eng;land as well as in Europe, is oc Bring drawing department, has ri the opinion held by Pandit Jagadsh Icently published his book on "T] Q~.ndr Chttei, amos Hnd- ,. ~.Paris Gun." Since the war he h< phlspewolctr't l .. made an extensive study of the gu injounialism, sociology,~ semetics, hihteGraamyuef and philosophy during his' threehebmamntoPai.A day stay in Anhn Arbor. [istration of it appears with t] Pandit Chatterji; who is Article. atour of some of the lar ,er A~nr Featus inave also been prepare ian universities and who i1at5. -yProi. William H. Hobbs, pre t director of the InteruatiJ 21'es or of Geology, Ward 0. Whee School of Vherdic and Aii id -r, '30E, P'rof. George G. Brown,c ~search in New York, an institution the chemical engineering depar, h~aving' for its object a better mu- Assotreir sPA4* ment, and Prof. J. Raleigh Nelso: tual understanding and apprecia- Sir Ronald Lindsay, of the engineering English depar' tion of' the cultures of the east and{ Newly appointed ambassador from Great Britain to. the United ment. «est, was educated at the Sanskrit States, with his wife, lady Lindsay. They were snapped on board- the -- ellege, Calcutta, and later at iner Aquitania as the new ambassador arrived in this country to take up Bowling in a regularly organi; 'T'inity college, Cambridge. ; ofcaduisfhsnepst ed tournament, Mrs. C. Fanninge Raplid Progress :Noted thufofficiaNduties rfcistnew past In discussing edu.cational -meth- wo__r~--- - ---- uflorN.perforecny fomade od~s in India, Pandit Chatterji stat- ;RUSSIAN ATHEISTS WARNED AGAINST mw ol erd. peromeanefr ed that although native universiteanr rmnbwer.Serle ef are far behind both American and VI LENCEi, BUT OPEN REL II US WAR score of 300, making it in the fir, BCihintttinrai rors game of a bracket of three. In tl is being made improving facilities (B1y Associated Press)I who declared that propaganda piar- gallery were H. W; Pollack, viet and educational standards. "Until, MOS COW, March 21. - pfciax ticularly must be intensified] par- president of the American Bowfin recently there were few residential! warning to be moderate in carrying tiual mn oe h, l congress, and 100 other witnesse universities in India since most in- otteat-eiiu apin sidwr oeinrn n uFrhrpefracMs.Fni stitutions were merely examining th. Sovit gvernentandther hamo e norntawas awarded a gold medal by th bodiesnwhre studetaswouldgontor-}perstitious tanme.Ladies' Bowling Association of tl matriculation. Cmuitprywsteitr hsmdrtohwvr i United States. Sanskrit college at, Calcutta is; pretation gained today from Thismoderation,_however,_did easily the outstanding university :n speeches before the opening of the not pre vent speakers striking back I ______________ the country having an enrollment All-Union Congress of Atheists. at Pope Pius for his recent denun- Detroit Theatres of over 25,0009. In addition to being A succession of speakers told the ciation of the anti-religious camn- an examining body as well as aj congress that their ropag indist paign, and for his mass and pray- residential university, it is widely m 'ust abandon the idea that reli- ers Wednesday at St. Peter's. The I CAS THEATER known as a post graduate school,"j gion can be exterminated in RussiaI "Godless One," official atheist or- TeMris oeyHto h Mtated Pandit Chatterji. over-night. They declared that ex- gan, printed a dirawing of the pon-; Season! "]Degrees from colleges are easier cesses committed by atheistic work-1 tiff sitting placidly on a thrones6 tobtain from American univer-I ers and village officials in the wair while victim after victim of the re-!"BIRD IN HAND" shies than from British or Indian,' on religion must forthwith cease. l.igious inquisition was hanged and BY JOHN 1DRINKWATER sinice hee students are examined The conclave was warned that no ortured before him. Youth and Loyve at their Gayest, at the .end of each semester on a i attempt must be made to clossc - --- ___--___--___ subject, whereas under the English !churches by force, to remove - adIndian system, comprehensiveI church bells, to coerce peasants in- L examinations are given at the end "to joining the league of the God-0atn p of two or four years", he added. I less, or to proclaim entire districts I I3 hop121r Expansion is Planned as "atheistc:regions." "B y greatly increasing all facili- l Al e n t v s o pe c f l a g - yPSFRSti s nd f er g m nyo ean ties nd oferingmany m enAt, erais opaceuai u-and Sihr arships, Indian educational smintfiperuasion ropaandatad FR SH COFFEE-CAKE TOD Y Stard have been raise. Poorscetfcepatinwrlsed Poe90 relationships still exist between the by Emelyan Yarosiavsky, chairman 707 Packard StreetPhn 960 teachers, who are English, and the of th1e Society of Militant Atheists,: native students. This is ;slow ly be- r Icjrr2~~~ lug remedied, however, by the factofI that more and more Hindu teach-; rgs" are now instructing at the col- 4lt h t n andit Chatterji is devoting; 802 PACKARD ST. coming of an increasing numr-ber of Snappy Service L Hindu studcents for study at the Try great universities- in this country, "zwell as in fEurope. England at-, Our Special 35c Dinners tacts the most brilliant- scholars Daily and Sunday 5 to 7 P. tn. I ,fom India since mtor e encouragme- Fountain Luncheon . -i W ient is g;iven them by the British, 11 a. m. to 12 mn. venmi ent," Pandit Chattr said. I T f ntt "- 2E a ir. rE l u .e c e' r rt M rt TO IVEL CTU R :Michigan's erstwhile outfielders cone so that it will br directly in have a rival in the man who does! the path of the7ncmn rivet, ry1 Sense and Language of Bees'' all the rivet-catching in the con- which, if siicc:,s u1l,1lendLs inu the Will be Subject of German struction of the addition to the cone with a metallic_, clink>. Lawyers>' club. Standing high up! Several afternoo:ns of tireless Scientist's Address. on the steel girders that top .,he vigil by the inquii ing reporter fail- LAE IN FED already-completed part of the ed to reveal a single miss. What, ISLA ERI5IED struc cure, he spends his time +7w 'O~dh~pn fte^catcher nmiss- ing flaming red-hot rivets thte i: u scas o uch con- re Prof. Karl von Frisch of the Uni- shot t~n>t t"]i-WSU i-,r~sity of Munich, Germany. 't. z?? Cd One-ctIthe- ed-h ct rivet iscaugh71t,. r ie, lutatdlcuea 41, I e2 h ws r on m h a i; tout from theCoC ; 1i ^ a l u t a e e t r t 4 13" n h, t n71t i I ru e day in N atural Science aui - w hich is his catcher'sc glove, the11 the hole in the, big st -' grder tha;t gs ; tor'um on "The Sense and Lean- rivets in truth are tossed ulu tote is waiting to re cie t. Th, with guage of the Bees." worker by a 7men 1'2teds iteia clattering, tw .ootewokra- Dr. von. Frisch has been chair- furnace loated beahind thie shell.- iply their '0 -hri-es ofat- zlman of the department of zooio):y walls that will soon hose mere ten the end of the rive into place. at Munich the past four. of Michia r",,s bristling law stu- This done, the rivet-catcher elIhas devoted his time to svtuzdyin dents. :tan :bac +i.h i ld ifaanst the n- 1ithe physiology of animal coloatiicn I When he is ready to receive the sky, his arms fol ded across his eand the behavior of bees, especially! hot rivets, he signifies hsis readiness c~hest, Napoleon-like, and wanits till h1,the subject of color vision. His in--I by tapping the sides of the tin cone his assistants are reaIdy for anoth- a vestigations have attracted wide c t- with a large pair of pincers. If er of the flaming red things,. in :;e'^ on an;' he is frequentl- ca~ed this fails to arouse the fjri,^c, - - --- I p o etrebfr sinil;t ideb the catcher augments the 32 s Tz ousewiv r i _,ieties and universities. 'hgn by a lusty shout. Then, I desertine- the v ashtf b i- number he Speaking of him, :Prof. Fete^ a a re,-1o bjet'I comes hurrtling 'of laundry work ers. i Ena nd has; kkelbrg; xecutve scretay ofthe r, the brown--over-I increased from 10)5,780 to 135,030 in ed te University zoology department, ;glled worker maneuvers the metal the last six years. o ,i "Dr. von Frisch is one of the _______ __ 1 ders of his generation of bilo - _llll1111111111111111fl o' fsts in Germany and conduct.; one Itf the most active zoological lab - n' ,ratonies in that country." =-o G r '"Professor von Frisch is speaking ? n this country under the auspices I .) the Institute of International =. Education, New York City. His ap- =w 1 earance here is as one of the Uni-q.: ofjversity Lecture series. a_ _ _ _ _- o- American standards of business S : "t1 management and office efficiency== st are being adopted in many foreign - hie °countries. :e--g - '191- Last Times 2TM' E he - TODAY and SUNDAY heMatinee Saturday LA T SH W N -Myrtyl Ross - Afternoon Maieea I '~ Players in= -.LYNN STAR LING'S=-- "MEET THE E 2WIFE" = LYIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE «., A Comedy .. STARTING ...; MATINEE 2:30 P. M. EEIG31 .M MONDAY 2.: THFAMILY 2 Tickets at League Box Office Phone 6300E 'TEUPSTAIRS" -2 Whitne Th arEvenings .... 75c and 50c Matinees.............50c Matinees: Wednesday-Saturday2 ta' t~tt: 1alo a~laat~a T ! 1I 'cl Sael I STARTING TODAY IENGAGEMENT LIMITED THR U TUESDAY NOW SHOWING Continuous IN I - rt - ;, " f E 1 ; r 't ! ys k I The spectacular underseas romance from Jules Verne's novel! Two years to make? fatuous A 1pidulre that !has eccrtfing in entertainment. everyone who secs it. It will please you, LAST TIMES 'TODAY I~ PICED AT You Will This Great March Sal e Find of Fine Furniture Con-,, I Tables II Chairs tinues-and This Win-. Sker s dow of Sue.r Values I Pictures Brings a thrilling New RugsClimaxiTo TisiMarch SAND OTHER PIECES Sale. WIDO IN THIS WINDO j OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P. M. I Cbncl TT rwI 5 j Here's a Rare Treat. for COME EARLY HER FIRST ALL TALKING PICTURE ,.r z v .J a .. 9:00 35c l 25c It pleases a . ! He Did H-is Best' -ail-talk ing comedy. Pathe Review Metro News ' . )t ~ PIPCIL) IIu C JOHN W CON'IDiNE .!R. r r. A love drama of the stave and the xt n ighit clubs, of songs and song f UNITVD. Al- ~ARTISTS flll - .. _PICTURE I. f f ----------------------------------------