or w v M T r 14 1 Air y 12 941,rkX vix n4vr INU II..L 1 .UL, _.... _.. __ .. ,, f LITERATURE CENSORSHIP IN DEBATE SHW $144 PROFIT : Large Sale of Tickets for 1930 Affair Shown in First Audited Statement.CI 3 I ALSO PAYS OFF DEFICITS! Announcement of the financial statement of the 1931 J-Hop, show-i in a profit of $144.01, after approxi-: :' mately $800 had been paid on defi- :A cits of previous class parties, was: made yesterday by the auditing committee of the Student council. ;; This is the first time an audited SCREEN REFLECTIONS SPREADIN ISLAINDS! Gen. Nathorst Asks Prevention of Use of Philippine Mails by Labor Congresses. WomenlessT We haven't yet Without Women" at but from all reports ceedingly interesting your information, it frofb imrof Men. t. caught "Men the Michigan it is ane- flm. For~ concerns the!BOYCOTT U.S. PRODUCTS mn drnnnvfi ! i s I a account of the reecipts and dis-' bursements of a Hop have been3 made public.: Receipts totaling $7,801.89 and l__ disbursements of $7,657.88, were A Ocnacit, IPress LhoU e shown in the report. The latter Senator Bronson Cutting deft?, New Mexico, who favored the repeal amount includes more than $600' aidon ills forhe Sohomo$e of customs censorship on foreign literature in a senate debate with paid on b'lls for the Sophomore Senator Reed Smoot, Utah, who advocated continuation of the censor- Prom of last year, and more than ship. Both senators waxed eloquent in the heated argument. $100 on the deficit of the Frosh _ _. Frolic of last year. The J-Hop was e able to pay these amounts since an' additional number of tickets were placed on sale after the limit cus, N ew s tomary for the dance had been N sold. __.__._.._,__._..____._.._._____._..____._..____._.._.__.__.__ Hop and remaining from the pte- FRESHMAN HAZING STOPPED dents here resorted to gun-play and vious parties were: Orchestra. spent the night in jail. The play, $2,544.25; favors, $1,418.10; print- TEMPLE UNIVERSITY-Fresh- "Hell Bent for Heaven" deals with ing, $253.43; building, $670.93; dec- man regulations have been abolish- a Kentucky mountain feud. With orations, $1,910; concessions, $.441.- ed here by action of the Student rifles borrowed from the militarys receipts came practically all from Council. A survey was made of the department, the two set out across the sale of tickets. The number campus concerning the traditional the campus to the building where sold was 776, bringing in $7,760. An hazings and the results showed the rehearsals were being held. The unclaimed deposit of $7.00 and that opinion was three to one int re s were being he The $4.89 for additional favors were favor of abolishment. The Coun- [t the only other items in the income. cil vote was unanimous. pus cop on the run and thus break The entire finances of the Hop the news. The cop came, and withf were recorded by the auditing com- - him the riot squad, and instead ofs mittee of the council beginning ILLINOIS FRATERNITIEShy with the start of arrangements and ASK FOR SUNDAY SPORTS the expected fatherly lecture the continuing through the final _two were locked up for the night. check-up on all expenses and re- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS- ceipts. An audit has been made Definite steps toward the comple- NEBRASKA CO-EDS SCORED and approved .by the council. All, tion of the Interfraternity council IN VOTE BY MEN STUDENTS detailed figures for the party have program for Sunday sports, lower been incorporated into an itemized taxes, a larger church attendance UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-. account which will be placed on file ,among fraternity men, and 1:30 Not more than 25 per .cent of the for reference by future J-Hop com- o'clock house dances were taken at j women students here are interested' mittees. I a meeting of the council here. The j in intellectual attainment, accord- The decorations erected especial- i Greek good-will organization de- I ing to a vote of the men generally. ly for the Hop were loaned to the' cided to present to the University The women were also termed "gen- Ann Arbor firemen and policemen board of trustees a petition asking erally dumb and unsophisticated." for a dance on the Monday follow- for Sunday sports to start at 1 p. Smoking was approved of "if they ing the Juniors' party. The cost of m., so that campus men may en-! enjoy it and furnish their ownI this and additional expenses n- joy recreational privileges on the cigarettes." curred in fitting the Intramural only school-free day of the week, gymnasium for the affffair have and yet achieve spiritual benefit. - been estimated at about $200. SUGGEST UNLIMITED CUTS W'omen in the University of Wis- DRAMATIC PUBLICITY STUNT PENN STATE-Unlimited cuts consin may appear downtown with-, RESULTS IN NIGHT IN JAIL for all seniors with an average of out stockings, but they are strictly 1.7 are embodied in a proposal by' forbidden to go to dinner without ! UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA- the Student Council committee hosiery. The young ladies concern- Attempting to create interest in a presented to the faculty investi-I ed have started a petition of pro- play to be presented by a campus gating group. test. 'dramatic organization, two stu- story o a num er of men rappeu ; in a rammed submarine. Kenneth (y Associated Press) MacKenna, fairly new to the MANILLA, March 20.-Extensive screen, heads the cast. activities of Communists in the B. J. A. Philippines was revealed today by the request of Gen. C. E. Nathorst, Under-Water Adventure. chief of the constabulary, to Gov. Lionel Barrymore appears in his Gen. Davis that proletarian labor last picture, before turning direc- congresses be denied ~ the use of tor, in "The Mysterious Island," mails throughout the islands. now playing at the Wuerth. Ex- The boycott of American goods, cept for the name, and the fact spread of Communistic doctrines that a submarine figures promin- among the ignorant masses of the ently in the plot, the picture, how- islands and the active participation ever, bears no resemblance to Jules of Communists in the recent school Verne's adventure story. 1 strike here were among the activi- The acting of Mr. Barrymore is, I ties on which the request was as usual, excellent. He is ably sup- Nath ,th ported by Lloyd Hughes and Jane ern orst, in a letter to the gov- Daily. The story deals with a sci- ernor general, said "recent activi- ties of these leaders plainly showed entist who builds two submarines they are on the alert to take ad- in order to be able to get deep vantage of any government com- water nature specimens for his re- motion to bring about the upheavals search. His friend desires to use that would permit-the forcing of a one submarine to aid his plan of Soviet form of government upon insurrection against the govern- the Philippines. All of the propa- ment, and at this juncture the sci- ganda put out by the proletarian entist's assistant, who is in love labor congress is of a nature to in- with the former's niece, steps into cite the ignorant substrata of the the picture by rescuing the sub- population to rebellion." marine. An imaginative brain de- Col. Clarence Bowers, chief of the signed the few reels, in which both constabulary intelligence division, boats sink to the bottom of the sea, was quoted as saying "practically are attacked by people living on all the pamphlets and communi- the floor of the ocean, and finally cations transmitted bythe prolec- escape after the death of the vil- tarian labor congresses are radi- lain. cal." h Gen. Nathorst's request was made The larger part of the under-water public today. At the same time it filming is done so deceptively, and was learned that the boycott so well, as to create the impression I against cigarets of American man- of an actual happening. The pic- ufacture, recently instituted in Ma- ture is excellent, and rates an A. nila, had spread to the provinces S. B. C., Jr. " notably Albay and Laguna. Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Lowest Prices: TERMS To Suit. Play While You Pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:-- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instrument. Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records /y A r i - w l T A but wi aCeit iradim ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS!