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March 20, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-20

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COAL PROOUCATIO _.Albout Books..R.
THE BEST But cognizant of this trickery, it
SCooperative Campaign Will Poll SINCE ZOLA does seem that in the initial half Invitat
Student Oinion as Part of Flood, by Robert N m , Her Neumann is moe sure of what
dtp on sPfrom the German edition he is about and of the significance of
Nation-wide Campaign. called Sintflut. Translated of what he writes. In that portion
dby William A. Drake of the book his presentation is truly
Engineers Hear Dr. Rose, (Continued From Page s) Covici, Friede, In., 1930 scientific His portayal of the Invit
Etabulating and to judge disputed Pice $3.00. youth of the teller of the story, Mayor
aeIballots, an election board will be with its keen appreciation for the
appointed by The Daily editos INaturalism in the novel being minute expei'iences that act as Arbor
TALKS OF GAS INDUSTRY Ifrom the heads of the leading cam- {what it is, Flood is the greatest formulating and thwarting influ- plann
pus organizations. Daily staff achievement in the naturalistic ences in child psychology, is highly March
Carbonization of Coal Is Great members have been organized to iovel since the publication of significant, showing keen, scientific were in
maintain the voting booths and to Zola's works. It far succeeds the analysis. He shows the disinteg- ning ai
Basic' Industry, Says 1 "assist in the tabulation. 1 child-like probing into the world rating effect of a too sophisticated out the
Speaker Three of the questions on the na- about him that characterizes Dreis- environment on a growing child. a repr
tional situation are similar to er's bio-chemico's naivetes. If Aind later in the book he traces ficialst
Pointing to the carbonization of those asked in the mail canvass of Robert Neumann can be reduced to this being, then a grown man, The
coal as a great basic industry, Dr. I Ithe nation by the Literary Digest. comparison with any American through a maze of social forces the fir
Ha a.Rs asseat sicutr orQueries by the Digest are (1) Do novelist at all, he might be termed and shows him running the gamut conven-
H. J. Rose, assistant director of re d whyou favor continued and strict en- an intellectualized Anderson, an of heredity and the influence of and z
search for the Koppers Co., Pitts- Membersyof the University of Michigan negative debating team who1 forcement of the Eighteenth Anderson with all the keen ability early enyiroriment. This latter Mr. Ha
burgh, addressed the members of will meet a varsity team from Iowa tonight at Iowa City on the pro- amendment and the Volstead law? for observation and chronicling of half is more discursive and less Michig
the American Society of Chemical hrton question. The members of the team are Arthur Goulson, Arthur (2) Do you favor a modification of observations (the qualities of the convincing. It covers more ground, charge
Engineers, Anociety SocietC l Schroeder, Hows rd Simon, and Garrett Wright. Simon is the only the Volstead law to permit light Journalist) and with, in addition, a but seeks to communicate more by speaker
CivlEngineers, Amerian S y for member of this squad who has had actual intercollegiate experience, wines and beer? (3) Do you favor formulating power of mind that sheer Weight of words and sitta- nicipal
Civil Engineers, and the American j although Wright w~as an alternate last semester. - repeal of the prohibition amend- can, when once the evidence is ad- tions than by the careful place- cured,
Society of Mechanical Engineers ment? Its poll will cover twenty duced, place his observations in went and compactness of the first Shurtle
last night at 7:45 o'clock in West million subscribers and others their definite spots in the universe. half, and the author, to qote him,confere
EnNgQnflngbdig.throughout the country. For tab- One cannot help but feel that "plays the instrument of Life cold- Aubrey
"The striking power of a nation ulation, a clerical force of four the first half of Herr Neumann's bloodedly, and ruthlessly manipu- sign d
in time of war depends upon the thousand persons has been employ- book is stylistically and intellec- hates the strings." And more and Blucher
coal products available," said Dr. !ed tually superior to the second. This more, as the end of the book nears, commis
Rose in speaking of the growth of MSix years ago The Daily con- however, may be only the delusion the author is wont to "shout and
the coke industry in the United ducted a prohibition poll on the that naturalism frequently effects wave, shout and let your torn Spok
States during the World War. Be-' campus in conjunction with the due to the fact that its harshness whoredress flutter over the street will be
fore the war the manufacture of First International Convention Pandit Chatterji Will Lecture Yale News for a ten day period. 'grows on one and is cumulative. Iin the wind." freshm
by-products of coal was developed on Mental Hygiene Listed on Philosophy in Natural---
to a small degree, according to Dr. for Washiigton, D. C. Science Auditorium
Rose. "The importance the war
played in developing this industry
has been invaluable to the coun- HOOVER WILL BE HEAD BROUGHT HERE BY S.C.A.
try," he said.

ions Issued to Officials
Other Michigan Cities
by Mayor Staebler.
ations have been sent out by
Edward W. Staebler of Ann
for the conference on city
ig and zoning to be held here
27 and 28. The invitations
failed to all of the city plan-
nd zoning officials through-
state in an effort to bring
esentative of municipal of-
to the conference.
Ann Arbor meeting marks
st of a proposed series of
tions of the city planning
ning officials pf Michigan.
rold D. Smith, director of the
an Municipal League is in
of the preparations. Many
s noted in the field of nu-
development have been se-
among which are Flavel
ff, secretary to the national
nce on city planning, Prof.
Tealdi of the landscape de-
epartment, and Mr. W. H.
r, secretary of the city plan
sion of Detroit.
en English examinations
required of all entering
en at Smith college.
f apaseemen



lany By-products Used.
"Hundreds of by-products of coal
are used daily by people in all
walks of life; and few realize when
purchasing dyes, certain drugs, per-
fumes, coal tar, and fertilizers that
they originated from the giant raw
material of the world, coal," he said.
Dr. Rose outlined the importance
of the gas industry to the country,
and mentioned the development
that has been made in this field in
recent years.
Speaks to Freshmen.
Yesterday morning Dr., Rose
spoke before the freshman assem-
bly of the engineering college con-
cerning the coke industry. He also
pointed to the necessity of techni-
cal men being able to speak and
write effectively. "Ability along
this line will assist the student to
advance more rapidly in his par-
ticular field, and to present ma-
terial that will prove beneficial to
many," he said.
Dr. Rose is one of the foremost
research engineers in the coke in-
dustry, and has written several pa-
pers that are recognized as authori-
tative on the subject.
Monthly Data on Department
Stores Treated in New
Research Book.

According to announcement re- IIn addition to lecturing to two
ceived yesterday by the depart- classes this morning, Pandit Ja-
ment of Hygiene and Public Health gandish Chandra Chatterji, noted
in the University School of Medi- Hindu pholosopher, will lecture on
cine, May 5 to 10 are final inclu- the subject "Hindu Philosophy and I
sive dates decided upon for the the Latest Scientific Conceptions of
opening session of the first Inter- Matter, Ether, Time, and Space" at
national Congress of Mental Hy- eight o'clock tonight in Natural
giene to be held in Washington, Science auditorium.
D. C. President Hoover has been The famous Hindu scholar ar-
chosen as honorary president of :-ived in Ann Arbor yesterday mor--
the Congress, ahdi honorary vice- ning to speak in the first of a
presidents will represent the vari- series of class room and group lec-
ous countries participating in the tures during his three day stay in
world-including gathering. Ann Arbor. He discussed different
Advance bulletins concerning the Hindu problems at classes of jour-
Congress, which state it to be the nalism, semitics, and philosophy as
first of its kind attempted, further well as speaking at the tea of the
? ! Hindustan Club yesterday after-
declared the Congress purpose to n
be "the symbolizing of the extra- noon.
ordinary developments in mental He is scheduled to talk to two
hygiene throughout the world." classes this morning; one a semi-
The convention body will be made tics class of Prof. Leroy Waterman
up of psychiatrists, general medical1 and the other, a sociology group of
pactpsytionerstsychoogis, mdI Prof. Arthur E. Wood. On the sub-
practitioners, psychologists, so-,jc. MdrnWmni Ida"h
cial workers, andhealth officials ict "Modern Women in India," he
fro evry artof the world i will speak at the A. A. U. W
from every part fluncheon this noon at the League
Details of the Congress program building. Later in the day he will
are as yet only tentative, but six- address the Hillel Foundation group
teen topics have definitely been de- on the topic, "Modern Movements
cided upon for some discussion. for Religious and Social Reforms in
Among these are "The Adolescent India."
-His Special Problems, "Magri- Pandit Chatterji, who is at pres-
tude of Mental Hygiene as a Health ent director of the International
Problem," and "Social Aspects of School of Vedic and Allied Research
r Mental Deficiency." in New York, an institution of phi-
One of the outstanding features losophical and religious thought
of the conference will be an at- supported by many of the promi-
tempt to arrive at a formula as re- nent American philosophers, was
ar'ds the important goals of mien- brought to the University by the

Prof. Edgar H. Gault, associate tal hygiene; these objectives are International committee of the Stu-
professor of retailing, is the author then, according to the plan, to be dent Christian association in con-
pofesshe latetvolumg of Mchganhr tried, practically, in every civilized junction with the departments in
of the latest volume of Michigan n io whose classes he is speaking.
Business Studies, entitled "Month-
ly Standards of Performances For _
Department Stores," published by
the Business Research bureau of
the school of business administra- News From Other College
For several years the bureau has
been gathering monthly statistics -
on departmental performances in UNIVERSITY OF OREGON-Dr. Alphas, Chi Phis, and S. A. E.'s
department stores. Each month the Victor P. Morris, professor of eco- have completed their houses with
various department stores report to nomics here, though admittingthat this aid, and the Phi Delta Thetas
the bureau their departmental per-, n s rethough adm is that ive accepd the PipDelt T as
formances for the preceding month, the present grade system is unsat -h c the proposition as
and the bureau, in turn, sends to isfactory, believes that as long- as the basis for the plans of their new
each store of a group the individual jstudents refuse to take college se house.
departmental performances records riously they must be stimulated. W I S C O N S I N UNIVERSITY-
of all the stores within a particular IAt the present time this can only
group. In this way, a store co- accomplished by grades. Fighting the red spectre of Bolshe-
operating with the bureau is able dvis, a group of about fifty stu-
to evaluate its monthly depart- COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY--Early dents charged a parade of the un-
mental performance in terms of colonial papers containing original employed at Madison, Wisconsin,
that of other stores. manuscripts dated from 1660 were last week. The students destroyed
Tas twonyers haedb cocte donated to the university recently. the banners and threw the "red"
Past two years have been collectedI They include many original deeds, literature and propaganda about in
and presented in the new bulleti. wills and accounts of prominent the gutters. General disorder pre-
The information procured is ex- colonial families. vailed until the police arrived to
pected to be of value to store man- restore order.
agers, store controllers and public _estoreoder.
accountants, who will find it of P U R D U E UNIVTRSITY-A Under the direction of Miss Vio-
value in planning their budgets, de- "Dad's Club" is being organized at let Olson. secretary of the Girl Re-
termining causes for either poor or Purdue with the purpose of serves in Lincoln, Neb., senior and
excellent performance in a specific strengthening the family ties which junior women at the state univer-
department, and in preparmg re- are weakened by a student's at- sity will be trained to become lead-
ports and audits for department tendance at college. Thirteen ers of the Girl Reserves. The
store clients. "dads" were present at the first t i i i



Former Navy Leader
Defends Prohibition
WASHINGTON, March 19-Jose-
phus Daniels, who made the navy
dry, came staunchly to the defense
of national prohibition today in the.
house judiciary committee's hear-
ings on measures proposing that
the eighteenth amendment be re-
The former cabinet member was
one of four witnesses presented by
the prohibitionists as they ap-
proached the conclusion of theirI
reply to the sweeping denuncia-I
tion of the dry laws laid before the"
committee by the foes of the an-
ti-liquor statutes.j

° rainng course wi oc open w an
meeting at which officers were University women, who may spon-
elected and a program for the fu- sor similar clubs in their teaching
'ture was outlined, making the an~ oknx er rmydrc h
nual "Dads' Day convocation" a red work next year, or may direct the
nlett"rdads'ofytheschool year. rt clubs in Lincoln under Miss Olson's
letter day of the supervision. The training will con-
sist' of lectures, demonstrations.
per cent loan to any fraternity that jobservations and one personal
advances forty per cent of the cap-conference with Miss Olson.
ital required in the construction of
a new house is the proposition the Cobiljee, the annual costume;
University of Emory, Georgia, is I frolic given by the Women's Ath-
now offering various groups. A cer- letic association of the University
tarn district known as "fraternity of Colorado, will be held April 4.
row" has been assigned to this pur- Costumes and entertainment will
pose by the university. The Kappacenter around the "toughie" theme.
Have you ever noticed that your guests leave their Ei


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