T1AIr- MT(M-1TCAN DAILY l l3J '.,A NEW PLANET IS REVEALED BY PHOTOGRAPH; IMADLAC kCREEN DISCOVERED BY HUGE 24-INCH TELESCOPE[SDRFECI f REFLECTIONS - iGI~~~[S [IVLi AM %~~EBE Encouragement of Scholarship The Men Have It.- in Journalism Students Is Not much glory for cinemactress- Pfes these days with two pictures fea- purpose of Award- turing male stars and the third go- ing as far as "Men Without Wo- ONLY SENIORS ELIGIBLE men." The latter opens at the Michigan today and will be review- Five literary seniors were an- ed in tomorrow's Daily, while the nounced by Donald H. Haines of ther twodcurrent attractions are commented on below. -B. J. A the Journalism department as win-3 ners of the annual scholarship nick, Watson, the Needle"hE award of Sigma Delta Chi, honor- admirableinmannerismsandde t ary journalism fraternity. Roger i ductive methods, Clive Brook gives5 Morrissey, Grand Rapids, Virginia life to that famous fictional shad- L. Schoof, Riverside, Ill., Cleland o in "The Return of Sherlock .2f: B. Wyllie, Durand, Robert G. Silbar, Holmes" at the Majestic. Being an Grand Rapids, and Lawrence W. Englishman and an excellent actor, Prakken, Highland Park, were the Brook, though slightly heavy-set Michigan representatives to win for the gaunt Holmes, portrays the the award. master, detective in a smooth and Candidates for the $igma Deltaa m d a Chi scholarship recognition certifi a cate are required to be graduatingI The plot concerns olmes' pur- ournalism students, and must it of Professor Moriarty, merci- sr ;..<.h stand in the upper ten per cent of less criminal and inventor of sur-I .thei cla. uprte rereents prising devices to aid his ends. Mostl ; I d d f the action occurs on board a Ystipulate that the candidate must ~ h cin cuso or .be a, senior in a university where a trans-Atlantic steamer. Of course, chapter of Sigma Delta Chi is lo- A atng is there wit ca tted. Amazing, Holmes r' t which the The purppse of the awards, as reply is "Elementary, my dear Wat- stated in a letter from the national son, elementary." fcouncil of the fraternity, is "to'* A Charlie Chase comedy and aC give recognition and encourage- poorly received singing act are the ment for high general scholarship Ionly short features. Sherlock among the students who are taking Holmes fans wi be highly enter-' ,$university and college work in tained, but for the general public ,+;> :4.; ***:ijournalism." The awards are not the show rates about Be-. ssociated Press Photo of a financial nature, but rather of -IL H.IP. The two arrows in the above picture show how the new trans-Neptunian planet discovered at the Lowell ean lnorry type. The winner e Something "Haywire.'s Observatory, Fagstaff, Arizona, appeared on a photographic platc. The photograph was made through the nChischolarshi ke When Paul Muni, certainly one 24-inchtelescope shown at the left. Clyde Tombaugh, young photographer and telkscope technician of the chidcharohehi e ey.orfcn- of the screen's foremost actors, is observatory, made the photograph and was the first to see the new planet. cluded in the 1930 group of candi- afame as "he aliant," dates and the resut falls short of being VERSE OF 'YPSI GIRLS' IS OUTCOME ag reouctin s rMWUVDV LbIC fOF WASH TENA W WET-DRY QAUESTION irplane Will Carry amiss smwhereably lies in the One of Michigan's best dinner main streets were thronged last Ransom for Captive atgtret ha acteri tio o songs, "Ypsi Girls," includes the - of the gat chaaeronsed verse, "Should local option come to night with men well satisfied with (By Associated Press) murderer who refuses to divulge his Lectre sayther suely oul be elthereul, the crowd was unus-fI SAN ANGELO, Tex., March 19.- identity. Marguerite Churchill i Lecture by French Professor stay, there surely would be hell to uallyrquiet, and little cheering, I An airplane to carry 3,000 pesos pleasingly natural as the unknow- say Aong to' the M g D and o rowdyism were evident in ransom for J. E. Bristow, 60, Amer- ing sister, John Mack Brown onlyi Middle Ages. for April 6, 1909, the hotly contest- I the celebration. If anyone was il erat, reported held by fair as her beau ____bandits a Mazatlan, on the ws In spite of its faults, "The Val - ed question of wet or dry was pac- disappointed, he was not to be coast of Mexico, was under charter iant" is decidedly different, worth I TALK GIVEN IN FRENCH ed before the people of Washte- found last night. here today to fly immeditely to seeing and rates a B. It's at the naw county for a final vote. Local[ "As a result Washtenaw will re- the oil man's rescue Wuertl today.s at "Bans like our auto ban were not option was the talk of the hour, m Gordon Obie Bristow, son of the -B. J. A. unfamiliar to students in the mid- the question which caused more ar-: s prisoner, expected to make an early: guments. than the present auto ban years, as the question cannot be departure for Mazatan with the die ages; students at the Univer- or deferred rushing. In the days of voted upon again until that time. money. He planned to sthp at El Scarface Al Absent sity of Paris were forbidden to 1909, however, the sides were much One of the promoters of local op- Paso, Tex., en route.dpaA come to class on horsebac ," said more even, and both factions tion said last evening: "A e I A Wichita Falls, Tex., merchant, From Usua ts Prof. Charles Knudson, of the ro-climd icor rght o the; n ptiton Sam Kimberlin, also has started' r-final decision. Al report of the f a- ;will undoubtedly be circlated be- rescue plans. He wired his cousin, Mrsscae rs mance languages department, in mous contest follows: fore two years is up, so that wee Willam Bloker, senior onsul n CHICA , AsGO iated ssChicago the fourth lecture of the Cercle "Question-Should local option have no reason to give up hope. j Juarez, Mexico, guaranteeing pay- wondered today what had become Francais series yesterday afternoon !be adopted? ' However, we did not expect to be ment of the ransom. of its notorious bad man, Alfonse' n No-6,228. Yes-5,402. so overwhelmed." Capone. in room 103 Romance Languages oity-826. Further reports of nearly twenta'j Rumors varied widely today as buildig. "The above is an approximate one years ago stated that local op- WO ro essors ssue to the whereabouts of the scar- Lecturing in French on the sub- unofficial statement of the result tion would soon "come tostd," de- Business Text Books'faced overlord of gangland sincea ject of "Student Life in the Middle of the local option vote held spite its first and decisive defeat.I Ages," Professor Knudson showed Washtenaw county yesterday after Many students were numbered Prof. Earl S. Wolaver, assistant Monday, where he had spenti a that the medieval French students, a bitter contest between wets and among the voters in this hard professor business law, is the author months for carrying conealed even though they dressed differ- drys which has lasted for over a fought campaign of wet and dry of a book on "Business Law," which ! weapons. ently, did not materially differ year. Both sides were confident of advocates. If the song may be appeared last week. It will be used The Herald and Examiner said it from the modern students.' victory until the last. While the taken as a criterion of the student i as a textbook next semester in the had definitely learned that Capone To show that the difference is ~--~-~--~~~----body of 1909, most of them voted school of business administration. arrived Tuesday by plane and im- not great, Professor Knudson re- Prof. Daniels Seaks "NO." Prof. Earnest Fisher, associate mediately slipped into hiding with ated several incidents that hap- Hence, the song. professor of real estate, has written his lieutenants. After these "busi- Upened between students of the toForestryoP an OpdtsrOf ta book which will appear the lat- ness conferences" 'are over, the 'University of Parisand the towns- On the campus of the State Un- ter part of next month. It is en- ('newspaper said, Capone intends to people, and even with the police. Speaking at the second spring versity of Louisiana a popularity titled "Advanced Principles of Real leave Chicago-destination un- "In the middle ages, before the ad- meeting of the University Forestry contest is being conducted to Estate Practice." known. STUDENT MDCL STTSISISSUED Health Service Data Released by Dr. Forsythe Showing Types of Sickness. 'COLDS' MOST FREQUENT Statistical items relative to the amount of students obtaining med- tal aid from the University Health Service and showing the most prev- alent types of sickness among the students has been issued by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Director of the Health Service. Most of the data are annual av- erages of the last three years for regular session only. The average age of students in this data dur- ing their freshman year was 18 years. The rates for the frequency of certain diseases are determined by groups of 1,000 students. The most prevalent ailments were colds, suffered by 644 stu- dents, which was 25 of all diag- noses. Meclnicai injuries were second with a rate of 101. Boils and acute tonsillitis were third and fourth with 48 and 41 respective cases. There were seventeen bone 'fractures and thirteen cases of con- stipation. There were only nine cases of acute appendicitis. The contagious diseases and various "itches" were not common. Such cases ran from two up to nine. Re-examinations of upperclass- men showed that 75% of the 1,000 had the general appearance of be- ing well; and that 75% were gen- erally .happy.% The health change while in the university according to the opinion of the medical ex- aminors was, in the case of senior students, as follows: improved and much improved 25k; same, 52%, and worse and much worse, 6%. One interesting observation was that athletes and non-athletes had about the same history on a num- ber of commonest conditions. The demands for health service have increased during the last three years. The percentage of in- crease of last year being 25% over that of the year 1925-26. Three deaths were the only un- usual feature of student health during the month of February last. Scherer's Condition Reported Improved Alex K. Scherer, '30 Assistant Business Manager of the Daily, who left. school at the close of last se- mester- because of illness, was re- ported as convalescing under the care of Dr. Frederick Tice of Chi- cago. Scherer is still confined to complete rest at the private hos- pital at Winfield, Illinois, but he will be up and around within two weeks. I vent of the movies, the co-ed, and dances such as we have, the stu- dents necessarily had to look afar for amusement, with the result that they became a bit malicious ,it times," Professor Knudson stat- ad. "We can't judge students of me- dieval times by these acts," Profes-' 3or Knudson continued, "any morej than we could judge America by chicago, or by what we see in the That students of the medieval universities were very like modern! students was shown in several let- ters Professor Knudson read which vere written by these early college ,tudents to their parents. Moneyl Club, Prof. M. B. Daniels, of the choose the "Queen of department of economics, discus- As "Queen," she willi sed various aspects of "The Cellu- Barndoor and Bailha; lose Industry." The lecture was will be held March illustrated by moving pictures: from each sorority o showing in detail the actual manu1 two non-sorority gir facturing processes. Products in- put up as candidates cluded by Professor Daniels as tion. Votes cost on among those making up the in- The circus is an dustry ranged from artificial silks sponsored by the Wo: to celluloid and high explosives. association. WE INVITE YOU TO RIDE UNITED STAGES CHICAGO $4.00 ST. LOUIS 10:30 p. mi. 9:30 p. in PITTSBURGH $7.00 BUFFALO ALL NEW RECLINING CHAIR COACHES LOW FARES EVERYWHERE the Sawdust."-. reign over the I y circus which 20. One girl 'NOW PLAYING ni campus and , ls have been The s fdr nomina-'R e penny each. .yyR s l e annual affair FIRST OFFERING men's Athletic LYNN STARTING'S COMEDY I"MelT11he mWife" / $8.00 New York and London Success $7.25 EVENING 75c-50c = W" MATINEES 9504-21500We WED. & SAT. 50c T- WED hen, as now, was the central cry .1STATION: BUICK TAXI f the student-parent correspon- Across from Chamber of Commerce :ence. 1llil fillilllilliillflit liilllitill!lDDl!!!II111!liil111tD!1ill11Dl1DD l! liDD i Dl DIlltl DDD llili A Service of Quiet and of Meditation WILL BE HELD Every THURSDAY during LENT from 5:00 P. M. to 5:45 P. M. in St. Andrew's Church ( I!1D1lDD11!!l1DD11NlDID11l1liDD!!D1lDDI!!lDDI11ilII1lD1i1lDDDIDDDDDDDDDD11lDDD1ii1|lDD1iiiD1iD1iD110 , 202 E. ANN STREE Phone / Conan Doyle's famous story again wjll thrill you with mys- terious drama unequalled in the Today and Fri.II With Clive Brook You've never seer any thing like again. Words fail to it, and you never will describe it, NOW! ff LAST TIMES TODAY W SHOWS A.T 2: 00-3'0I realm of entertain ment. THE RETURNOr SI;RLQCG -- OLM S APPOI CHARLEY CHASE IN etnT!I - " ",- .:, .,. ., : .:. . . .. . _.. .. . . . :., ... . . : ".". .:.. . :: ., .;,:. :. .." ; ,. .: :. .....o.= .:..: ...: .... :: s a fl PAUL MUNI and JOHN MACK EROWN in he L VA I Mystery! Romance! All the nerve - tingling, heart - grip- ping surprises you read about in A. Conan Doyle's famous books. And now you SEE and HEAR Holmes vividly alive! NTMENTS 'ROBERT A Novelty CHISTHOLM "THE "SERGEANT THRILL OF Policy 1:55 3:50 35c 10c 7:00 9:00 50c Go on "shwre leave" with a dozen fighting U. S. gobs. . .. .-T K UiU WOMWAW-fti.mw v - I-I I ICI I 11 I 11 I - - 9