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March 20, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-20

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Air AL -A6.





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VOL. XL. NO. 121






T Am






Large Crowd Turns Out to See
Championships for Winter
Season Decided.
Tennis Is Center of Attraction
as Clark Takes Title by
Defeating Sherman.
By R. de B. Wickersham.
Over three thousand townspeo-


'With a Geologist Across the ' __ FACULTY WILL BALLOT BY'MAIL


i Desert' Is Subject
of Berkey's Talk.

Public Will be Admitted to All
Meetings in 35th Annual



i (-I
Dr. Charles P. Berkey, head of -n
Lhe geology department of Colum-I
b U i nitv no th 35thI

peannual meeting of the Michigannd sdn
Intramural building last night to Members of the Michigan affirmative debating team who will meet Academy of Science, Arts and Let-
witness the second annual open a negative team from Illinois at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium to ters with an address "With a Geol-j
house celebration of the "athletics discusZ the question, "Resolved: that the several states should be per- ogist Across the Gobi Desert" to be1
for all" department of the Univer- mitted to adopt the Ontario system of liquor control." Those comprising given at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon
sity. Beginning at 7 o'clock the the team are, left to right: Lawrence Hartwig, '31; Nathan Levy, '31; in the Natural Science auditorium.
parade of events lasted until 10:30 Thomas LoCicero, '31; and Fenelon Boesche, '31. The lecture will be illustrated by
resulting in a three and a half hour ~~-~ -----_----- - - - - moving pictures and colored slides Veteran British statesmanwhoI
exhibition of athletic skill of a nrwhich Dr. Berkey took while chief died yesterday morning after a
most varied nature. U iJIRVLgeologist of the Roy Chapman A-I long illness. Known as the orig-
The finals in the All-Campus ; bcrews expedition to Mongolia. lng illne Known a th e
wrestling were run off and Authority on Reservoirs. intLord Balfour last visited this coun-
throughout the entire show blades Dr. Berkey, who was brought to try as a British delegate to the
of the All-Campus fencers flashed I l Ii ilithe meeting as feature speakeritihiarms conference in
in the auxiliary gym. Morley prov- throughE L..dL~ 11L11 l~1UI ,Prof. William H. Hobbs. of Wahg9o2am2oneenei
ed to &e the outstanding perform-!---- the geology department, is a noted
er In the latter event, winning the New Amendment Would Add Affirmative Trio Meets Illinois authority on reservoir and dam
All-Campus championship in two Td sites. He will talk on this subject.
weapons, the foil and the epee. Two juniors to Student Here While Negative Squad this afternoon at 2 o'clock in room
Tennis Draws Interest. Council Roll. Competes at Iowa. 2054 of the Natural Science audi-
Of the other individual events, Itorium.i
t nnis was the center of attraction. TO VOTE NEXT WEEK WILL DISCUSS LIQUOR The first section meeting will be
Perkins, ex-captain of the Harvard held this morning when the section
varsity, as a dual performer, eas- Increasing the number of junior Prohibition and the Ontario sys- of geology and minerology meets __
fly won the faculty title by beating in room 3056 of the Natural Science Sellou Annucd fo Ana
Nyswander in straight sets 6-0 and representatives on the Student tem of liquor control will be the i building. Professor Hobbs will pre-Se-outAnnounced or Annual
6-I, and then continued his win- council from three to five, with one subject of this semester's confer- sent two papers, "Advance of our Frosh Frolic to be Held
ning streak by showing fine form specifically an engineering student once debate to be held at 8 o'clock knowledge of mountain areas in Union Ballroom.
3in defeating Healey of the Univer- waproposed in an amendment to through Soundings in the Seas, __---
p tnihtin Hill auditorium, when i "h rgno "s~ e
sitash axhib oftin tches. In this the council constitution, submitted the Michigan varsity affirmative Waves." Ellen B. Stevenson, of the PRRNT EXTRA TICKETS
evefit the University of Michigan last night by a special committee team will meet a team representing geology department, will give a pa-
faculty team split the meet with of the student governing body. the University of Illinois. Miehi- per on "The Dunes of the Manis- With their success assured by a
the University Club of Detroit, The amendment will be voted on I gitique Area." Nine other talks are virtual sell-out of tickets, plans for
each winning two matches. at the next meeting of the coun- s negative team, accompanied scheduled for this meeting. the 1933 Frosh Frolic approched
In the All-Campus indoor tennis by Floyd K. Riley of the speech de- Educational moving pictures, aturity lsn
championships, Rollin Clark de- cil as the regular interval of meet- partment, coach of the team, is supplied by the Michigan State De-!maturity last night when final ar~
feated Sam Sherman 6-2, 8-10, 6-3. ings must elapse between the sub- n the trip to Iowa City to de- artment of Conservation, will be rangements for the party Friday
The second of the three sets at- mission of an amendment and its m ishown in the Natural Science audi- night in the Union ballroom were
tracted considerable interest, Sher- approval, according to the consti- bate Iowa university on the same torium at 2:30 o'clock. The pic- announced by the committee in
man coming from behind when the I tution. A two-thirds majority of topic. tures will show "Logs and Lumber," charge. Decorations, favors, pa-
score was at set point and 7-6 the council and the approval of the The question for the debate will "Michigan Bird Life," and "Michi-
against him to win the set. The i Senate Committee on Student Af- be, "Resolved: that the several gan Mammal Life." trons, and Johnny Johnson's band
steadiness of his opponent defeat- fairs is necessary before the pro- states should be permitted to adopt Reception Tonight. all are in readiness for the affair.
od him however as the match prog- vision can be officially incorporat- the Ontario system of liquor con- .The annual reception and exhibit The Union ballroom and lounges
kessed. ed into the constitution. .troy" Michigan's affirmative team will be held at 8:30 o'clock in the Iivill be decorated with roses and
* Boxing is Popular. The addition of two juniora re- trl"Mihgns fimtieta Museums building. The commit--
The swimming, sboxingand bas- presentatives is designed to develop Is copoed E Boesh, tee which will be in charge of so-I springtflwers The orestra will
ketball tourneys attracted the a more experienced body of stu- '3aLawrence'31,Hartwig m at cial arrangements consists of Mrs.b py cncea ind -
largest crowds, the boxing room be- dent delegates, as a greater per- Nadha Levyd '3 Alexander G. Ruthven, Mrs. Carl E. ticed garden effects. The entire
ing jammed to capacity during the centage of the counci, under the ,,Guthe, Mrs. Carleton Angell, and i milieu will be constructed to give
entire nine bouts. The finals in new plan, will have served the Garrett H. Wright. '30, and Howard Mrs. S. T. Dana. At this time the
the fraternity class A and B bas- previous year on the board. Simon, '32L, make up the negative Michigan Academy exhibit, the ex- j the appearance of a summer gar-]
ketball were run off, Alpha Sigma The stipulation that one of the team. Illinois will be represented bibition halls, and the research den. A Neon sign, forming "'33,"]
Phi winning the former and Sigma junior councilmen elected each by L. V. Finder, T. H. Kiley and C. I laboratories will be open for the will he placed above the orchestra
Pi the matter. About four hun- year should be an engineering stu- B. Land. Prof. Howard Woodward, academy meeting. The fine arts through the courtesy of the Earnest
dred spectators lined the pool dent has been incorporated into of Western Reserve university will; section will hold its exhibit of
while the eighteen man mile relay the proposal in order that the coun- act as the single judge, and Prof. paintings in Alumni Memorial hall Sign company.
team broke the world's record time dl will be certain of obtaining first H1-oward Y. MCloskey, of the School and the section of history and po- Additional tickets for the affair
of 16:52 for this event. The com- hand information of the engineer- of Education, will preside. he de- 'litical science will have early Amer- are being printed in anticipation
bined varsity and freshman swim- ing college as a large number of its bate will be open to the public. ican historical documents on dis- of the unusual demand which has
mters set a new time nearly ten sec- problems arise at least partly from 'All of the Michigan affirmative play in the Clements library. 1 been made in the last day or two.
onds lower of 16:42 4nd 3-5 seconds. conditions in that branch of the debaters have had extensive exper- All meetings of the Academy, ex- They will continue to be sold
Volley ball, class basketball, University. ience in forensic activity. Levy cept the business meeting on Sat- throughout the remainder of the1
squash gymnastic and handball ex- The same number of senior re- and Boesche were both members of urday afternoon, will be open to time before the dance at desks
hIbitions made up the remainder of presentatives will be selected each Ilast semester's negative team, and the public. Headquarters will be maintained in Angell hall lobby,.
the events. Every department and each year as at present, according also debated last year Hand established in room 2051 of the University hall and the West Engi-
activity in the building was in full to the proposed amendment. Con- H asadebe laste. artwig Natural Science building, where neering building. They also may
swi'ng. In the exhibition handball sequently, the total number of .as a member of the varsity in any information desired may be be gotten at the Union desk.
matches the representative Michi- councilmen will be increased. iboth his freshman and sophomore obtained. Patrons for the party will be:,
gan team made a clean sweep of The amendment was drafted and years. President and Mrs. Alexander G.1
five matches and defeated Toledo submitted by a committee consist-- RABBI TO SPEAK Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A.
'Y. M. C. A. 5-0. ing of Jennings MacBride, '30; Informality KeynoteT, Bursley, Dean and Mrs. John R.-
Theodore S. Long, '30; Stan Coch- B FEyR U Effinger, Dean and Mrs. George W. I
NTON'To IVF< ran, '30E; Richard Cole, '30; and' ofold Crease DancesBPatterson, Dean and Mrs. Henry M.
I Ernest C. Reif, '30, president of the Bates, Dean and Mrs. Wilber Hum-
U A T N AL council. Just 26 years ago the members Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, who will phreys, Dean and Mrs. Herbert C.{
_______ of the senior law class of 1904 held address the undergraduate body at Sadler, Miss Alice Lloyd, Prof. and'
PLA YERS TO GIVE the first annual senior law frolic. a convocation at 8 o'clock Sunday Mrs. A. D. Moore, Prof. and Mrs
hThe guests who assembled at that evening in Hill auditorium, has had Charles B. Gordy, Prof. and Mrs.
T A-C psFp DRAMA OF IBSEN time presented a far different ap- a wide experience in the theologi- William S. Housel and Prof. and
Is The Primary Objects -- pearance than those who will at- cal field, both as Rabbi of Temple Mrs. Fielding H. Yost.
of Education.' j Production of "The Wild Duck," tend the classic Crease dance in Beth-El, Detroit, a position he has
Iby Henrick Ibsen, which has been the Lawyers' club from 9 until 2 held for 31 years, and in various GRIFFIN TO TALK
Prof. Roy S. Swinton ot the en- in the process of rehearsal for sev- o'clock tomorrow night. capacities for national religious or-
gineering mechanics department eral weeks in the Play Production The files of The Daily reveal ganizations
will be the speaker at the third of laboratories, will be presented at that in the early years of this af- The speaker is especially well.-
a series of spring All-Campus For- the private laboratory perform-, fair, it was the custom for the law- known in Detroit where he is noted Dean C. E. Griffin, of the school]
urns at 4 o'clock this afternoon in ances March 27, 28, and 29 in the years to attend the class dance in for his connection with various of business administration, will be'
room D, Alumni Memorial hall. He auditorium in University hall. their regular school clothes, which " community activities of a secular the speaker at the first of a series
will discuss the subject, "The Pri- The present production is being were not, as today, the acme of ; and religious nature. He is now I of eight weekly forums which will
,Mary objects of Education." directed by Robert Wetzel, grad., Beau Brummelism. As time went treasurer of the public library in be held tonight at 7:10 o'clock in'
In his presentation of the sub- i instructor in the rhetoric depart-, on, the lawyers became, it appears, that city. room 316 of the Union. He will]
ject, Professor Swinton is expected ment. more clothes-conscious, making an j Rabbi Franklin was twice presi- ; speak on "Alumni of the School of
to show what he considers the real No invitations have been sent to extra expenditure at the time of dent of the Central Conference of Business Administration."
worth and aims of a great Ameri- Play Production patrons. Because the dance to have their suits press-IAmerican Rabbis and at present is These forums are being sponsor-
can university. Having been inter- of the limited number of perform- ed. chairman of the Conference com- ed by the Business Administration
ested in this question for many ances, and the lack of accommoda- { Hence the name, Crease dance. !mittee on religious work in the Club. They are intended to make
years and having conducted tests tions for handling large audiences' The dance and this title have universities. He is also chairman clear to students the work of the
Ao determine objects of an educa- in the University Hall laboratory, continued until it is now one vigor- of the Tracts commission of the school. Prominent men on the
tion with students enrolled in his! the 'number of tickets given to each ou survivor among Michigan's Union of American Hebrew Congre- faculty will give the different
classes, he will be in a position to applicant will be limited. waning traditions. gations which disseminates Hebrew talks, each stressing the opportu-
answer any question that may be The Faculty Women's Club has .Completed plans for tomorrow literature. He is known for his nities open to graduates in the par-
a~driese tn him nn the siubeet. I renuested the house for the Thurs- night's function, as announced by , progressive ideas on religion and I ticular field he is interested in.

Returns Will Be Tabulated With Results From
Many Eastern, Mid-Western Colleges
As Part of National Canvass.
I -nivcrsity, 1tudents and facity wil be given an opportunity to
express their opinion on drinking anid the prohibition en orcement prob-
lem. now receiving enormous attention in ('ongress. Senate committee
hearings, magazines, and newspapers, in a two-day poll to he held by
The Daily on the campns next Monday and Tuesday.
The results secured by The Daily wili be tabulated with the returns
taken 1' other college dailies throughout the Middle \\est and the
'ast t(W simultaneous release on Ihursdav. Princeton, Penn sylvania,
Cornell, Washington and Jeerson, and Harvard are among the 'Eastern
_eolleges where polls will be held the
1 first two days of next week, ac
PROHIBITION POLL } cordin to reports from Cam-
(Sample ba'lot) bridge.
"Frequent" Explained.
Yo 'oudPersonal questions shown in the
first part of the sample ballot in
a. (Occa'ionalv IC7 the adjoining column have been in-
r e 1P.1v(qcluded to obtain information of a
sociological nature which, it is be-
"'' I)lieved, has an important bearing
No on the prohibition problem. Since
If you do not drink, the single question "Do you drink"
indicate principal reason: could be answered affirmatively by
1. Legal restriction ' the one-drink-a-year man as well
as by the person who drinks every
2. Family U week or even every day, two ques-
3. Taste Q tions, "Do you drink occasionally"
4. Finances Q] and "Do you drink frequently,"
Do you favor: have been asked to make the re-
Present prohibition sults more definite.
situation r] On the distinction between "fre-
Strict enforcement U quent" and "occasional," The Daily
Total repeal of liquor editors have deemed it necessary t3
legislation [1 draw an arbitrary line bease the
Ontario liquor control individual opinion, even though
plan U conscientiouslyapplied. would vary
Other modification Iso greatly that the results would
proposals U mean little. On grounds of neces-
sity and experience of other col-
-- -- lege prohibition polls, they have
defined frequent drinking as drink-
N H L M K I Q Ill/k ing at least once every fortnight,
and occasional drinking as less of-
ten. It is understood that to some,
the specified time may not bee
quent; and to others, a longer time
would easily be frequent. For the
purpose of the poll, however, it is
Famous Phjlologist Will Make requested that the suggested defi-
Address on Medieval nition be used to givetcertainty.
Latin ongs.Of the questions in the second
LatnSongs part of the ballot concerning the
Gm national problem, the first three
Dr. Alfons Hika, noted German;
and a modification question ,are
philologist and authority on Latin included in the form ballot used
literature, will deliver a lecture on I by other college dailies. In the lo-
"The Wandering Scholars and Me- cal po.' voters may indicate pref-
dieval Latin Songs," at 4:15 o'clock i erence for the Ontario liquor con-
tomorrow afternoon in the Natural trol plan as distinguished from the
"light wine and beer" or other
Science auditorium. Dr. Hilka's' modifications. The Ontario modi-
lecture in English, which is a part fication proposal will be debated at
of the regular University lecture 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium
course series, is also included i by Michigan and Illinois debating
the program of the Michigan Aca~ Faculty to Vote by Mail.
demy of Science which is meeting Faculty members will be given
in Ann Arbor today, Friday, a;d an opportunity to indicate their
Saturday. opinionon the national problem by
Medea achecking and returning a post card
Arthurian and Grail legends, and included in the questionaires sent
the Latin literature of the Middle to them today. Space w e pro-
Ages are Dr. Hilka's special field. vided on the cards for opinions be-
He is editor of the "Zeitschrift furhb
Romanische Philologie." He comen the questions; but signatures will
from the University of Gottingeni not be required. The Daily alone
and has been visiting professor among the college dailies holding
during the early part of this winter polls will ballot the faculty.
at Columbia university and Smith Students will vote at booths lo-
college.icated on the campus and in Uni-
I versity buildings as for the spring
Dr. Hilka's explanations of the elections.
collection of medieval Latin poet- Ballot boxes will be placed in
ry "Carmina Burana," have arous- front of the Library, at the State
ed keen interest at the American street end of the diagonal, in front
schools at which he has lectured. of the Angell hall, and near the en-
The songs which the wandering gineering arch. For the benefit of
scholars of the Middle Ages com- the women, voting places will be
posed on the subjects of drinking, maintained in Barbour gymnasium
gambling, dicing, and springtime and near the League booth in Uni-
and love, and the spirit of frolic versity hall. Medical students will
and gay carousing which prevail- be allowed to vote in the new Med-
ed at that time will be discussed 1 ical building and on the second
J Dr Hlk.J! -_ .._,_a .t.nnrr w -

y . .rorllU .
Our eatherManJ

floor of the hospital. Law students
will be given an opportunity of
voting at a booth in the Law build-
Men, Women Vote Seperately.
For the men and women, differ-
ent colored ballots will be used.
Signatures. will not be required;
but as each student votes, his name
will be checked off in a student di-
rectory. At periodic intervals dur-


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