IESTABLISHED 1890 pg it1 iaitg IMEMBER SASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS j PROGRAMPLANNED BY RTH YEN, STONE APPROVEDBY CLUB Alumni of New York Adopt Ten Year Program, Including Endowment Fund. WILL AID IN RESEARCH Money to be Used as Means to Attract Outstanding Men to University. Adopting the suggestion made some time ago by President Alex- ander Grant Ruthven and Regent Stone, the University of Michigan Club of New York has recently ap- proved the Ten Year Program which includes as one of its main factors the raising of an endow- ment fund for the University. The fund is to be given over to the purpose of maintaining some means to attract to the University exceptional faculty members. The aim of the fund is not to encour- age any particular field of educa- tion, but to aid in building up the personel of any particular course or school that stands in need of as- sistance or which has some oppor- tunity to acquire an outstanding man in the line of their work. Fund to Aid Research. In addition to the augmenting of salaries, the fund is to aid in re- search and general improvement where the money given by the state cannot be used. The idea is not to raise the general pay of faculty members but, to bring in key men for each department in the Univer- sity. The exact amount of the fund has not yet been determined, but it has been decided that the total should be large enough to add $1,000 to $1,500 a year to the money available now, in order to keep even cane additional outstanding mem- ber on the faculty. This is regard- ed as a minimum. More, if possible is to be raised. President Ruthven has cited this sort of contribUtion as the most im- portant outstanding need of the University today, inasmuch as the University plant is in good shape, and all the other functions that stand in need of aid are susceptible to state grants. To turn attention to these wants would be to elimi- nate state support and might even mean actual loss. Carpenter, '14, Leads Work. One of the first men to take an active interest in this movement which has lately culminated suc- cessfully due in a large degree to his work was H. B. Carpenter, '14, who was president -of the club at the time the ten year program was first brought under consideration. SQUAD FOR BLACK CONTEST CHOSEN Members Will Receive Coaching Frem Prof. Hollister. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the speech department, who is in charge of the Thomas E. H. Black oratorical contest, announced that the squad for the final preliminary contest had been chosen after the first elimination. They are Ger- trude Cook, '31, Joseph C. Calla- ghan, '31, Richard Deno, '30, Frank Hartley, '31, Helen A. Haapamaki, '32, William F. Jacobs, '30, Leonard L. Kimball, '33, Jack A. Luther, '31A, Donald R. Toby, '31, and Carl H. Urist, '30. Both Urist and' Cal- laghan were in the finals last year, which were won by Chester Ben- nett, '29, now- assistant secretary of the S. C. A. The members of this final squad will receive coaching by Professor Hollister on their papers, which are to be on some subject inspired by the New Testament. The final contest will be held in the early part of May. "Students who are interested in the contest, and who have not yet tried out for it, may take part in the next elimination series, which will take place soon after spring va- cation," stated Professor Hollister. Student Gives Away His Treasurer's Job (By Associated Press) MT. PLEASANT, Mich., March 18 -Doyle Taxton, a junior at Central State Teachers' College from Glad- win county, has a $.02 8-10 a year job hetis giving away. It is the treasureship of Sheridan township in his county. The state recently i i MEN TION LAWYER FOR COURT POST I I a Swinton to Conduct Third Campus Forum Engineer Will Talk to Campus Group on Education. In the third of the spring series of All-Campus Forums, Prof. Royl S. Swinton of the engineering me-} chanics department will speak on the subject "The Primary Objects of Education," at 4 o'clock tomor- row afternoon in Alumni Memorial Hall. Professor Swinton, who has con- ducted many tests on educational questions with students enrolled in his classes, the past few years, is well qualified to discuss different phases of this question. Following a short introductory presentation SENATORS ENGAGE' IN FIET WRANGLE OVERCENSORSHIPI Storm of Words Arises During Discussion of Immoral' Foreign Literature. SMOOT DIRECTS ATTACK Senator Cutting Declares That Unsound Principles May be Found in Amendment. of the subject, he will call for re- I (yAssociated Press) sponse in the form of questions WASHINGTON, March 18.-In from the audience. Because of his e of te mst outspoken and +wide experience be will be in a p t sition to answer most any question picturesque debates of many days,I that may be addressed to him. the Senate wrangled today over a Since many of the questionnaires method of censoring those foreign Associated Pres Photo distributed among the students j bo whis Senator Smoot of Henry W Anderson who attended last semester's for- Utah regards immoral. Richmond, Virginia, lawyer, who 'ums, in an effort to determine the t cheMormChr, teclsthis was mentioned as a possible candi- subjects pertinent to student in- countrhandr"Heave an Hell" en- date for the vacancy in the United terests, requested the discussion of tered into the all day argument. States Supreme Court caused by this question, the forum tomorrow The finance committee chairman the death of Justice Edward T. is expected to be well attended. who was born in Salt Lake City 68 Sanford. The subject, "The Psychology ofwy as bordefndedahity 68 the Criminal," to have been dis- years ago, defended himself for cussd a lat wek' foumbuthours against charges of intoler- cussed at. last week's forum, but' postponed at a late hour due to the ance. Cutting Opposes. sudden illness of R. W. McClain, Senator CuttingRepublican, S'g Chaplain of the Michigan State New Mexico, attacked the funda- prison at Jackson, has been moved mental of censorship as proposed to a date later in the semester, it Ithe amendment to the was announced yesterday by Fene- tariff ySenatormt. WoneE. Boesche, '31, chairman of the New Mexican and Senator Wheeler, White,'Powers also to Speak on Forum committee of the Student Democrat, Montana, accused the Twenty-fourth Campus Christian association. Utah Republican of intolerance. Broadcast. They argued that if the proposal he sponsored had been a law when the T D CP I'1 I Mormon church was young, Smoot's T DSUS AI -own forefathers might have been sent to prison. Colonel Henry W. Miller, profes- EUSmoot lead the attack with re- sor of mechanism and engineering II iterated assertions that the argu- drawing and author of "The Paris -___ments were no excuse for placing Gun" which has created such wide Senithis "vile stuff" before young boys i Seniors to Discuss Advisability and girls. interest since it appeared several of Abolishing Traditional Wheeler Attacks Young. weeks ago, will be the first speakerI Rites Tuesday. Wheeler troduced a series of on the twenty-fourth campus ra- o rsidntoo he ormon dio program to be broadcast at COMMITTEE IN CHARGE r church. He declared that for some o'clock Saturday night, through references in them to "our gov- WJR, Detroit. . . .-.jAdvisability of abolishing or: enent" the Mormon leader ; Professor Miller will give a brief radically changing the nature of could have been sent to prison un- history of the long range gun and some of the traditional senior class der a law such as Smoot proposes.I will describe the initial firing of ceremonies, including Class Day ( "If there is any literature that . and Senior Sing, will be consider- he (Brigham Young) ever wrote or this superweapbn as used by the ed by literary college seniors at a put into circulation which would1 Germans in their long distance class meeting to be held Tuesday,Ifall under the ban of this amend- bombardment of Paris. March 25, in Natural Science audi- ment," Smoot retorted, "it ought to A discussion of staMless steel asI torium, Stanton W. Todd, Jr., class be banned and I would have no ob- now used by the Ford Motor com- president, said yesterday. jection to its being banned." pa ny E.White o the etallurgica A special committee composed "Those men," Cutting came, re- engineering department. This steel, of chairmen of the Class Day, class Mormons m"fought the United Professor White maintains, is far banquet, and Senior Sing commit- States government and were perse- superior to chromium plating which tees will be in charge of arrange- cuted by the government for is now so extensively used for pro- ments for the meeting Tuesday. years." tecting exposed "metal parts in au- The special committee, consisting Wheeler said "the persecution" tomobiles. of Harley Kline, Jack Wilcox, and was engendered by intolerance. "The Filling of a Prescription" I Joe Narrin, is to meet at 1 o'clock And that "is what I complain of," will be the subject of discussion by today in Lane Hall to work out a he added. Justin L. Powers of the College of suitable means of determining the Cutting said under the present Pharmacy. Powers is in charge of sentiment of most seniors in re- censorship the work of Shakespeare the University Health Service phar- gard to the continuation of the might be banned, the love making macy which fills the prescriptions traditional ceremonies. of Hamlet and Ophelia he said for students who have applied for Tuesday's meeting will be the "was obscene," and that the first Health Service treatment. The culmination of a lengthy discus- pages of "King Lear" were mde- prescriptional laboratory of the sion at the meeting held last week cent. University is one of the largest and between senior class committee I "I can show in Shakespeare,'' most completely equipped in the chairmen and Dean John R. Ef- Cutting asserted, "all of the mat- country, it is said. s y finger of the literary college. It j ters which were contained in the MMusic will be furnished by the was pointed out at the meeting extracts which have been pointed Midnight Son's quartette, composed that interest in Class Day cere- out." of Sidney Straight, Spec.; Rolland m sndd Cacpoe 30;ilimGri =, 3;monies has waned tremendously- __ Catchpole,'30; WilliamdGreiner, 31 within the last decade, because of a French Politics Topic ars of the WUniversity Glee club change in college environment. 1 of Pollock's Lecturef Miss Retta McKnight, '30SM, will Whereas the interval between # Sbe the accompanist. Prof. Waldo examination and Commencement Prof. James K. Pollock, Jr., of Abbot of the rhetoric department, formerly saw all seniors remaining the political science departmentI director of the Morris hall stodio, in Ann Arbor, at the present time discussed "French Politics" last will again announce the one-hour a large part of the class motors night at the regular weekly meet-! = program. out of Ann Arbor to spend the few ing of the Adelphi House of Rep- U; 3 iA-tr a 1UoAhnmo Anr i V i,4Ali . itiMm Lt AMHERST AUTO BAN MORE STRICT THAN UNIVERSITY RULE, DEAN SAYS Enforcement of the automobile e ban at Amherst college is moret strict than at the University, andt the provisions of the Amherst bant are in themselves more stringent than the provisions of the Univer-t sity rule, it is revealed in a letter' from the Amherst dean receivedI yesterday by W. B. Rea, assistant to the dean of students. The letter denied press reports oft last week that a modification and1 partial relaxation of the ban in fa- 1 vor of senior students, was to be- come effective at Amherst aftert spring vacation. . Tentative change in the Amherst automobile ban, to become effec-i tive after spring vacation, is no more than an experiment to deter-I mine the feasibility of eventual al-t teration of the ruling, the letter t states. Second semester seniors in good standing, with an average1I grade above 75, after receiving permission from their parents, may apply to the dean of the college for recommendation to a committee ofI exceptional senior students.- This committee will select a group of about 20 seniors who will 1 GROUP TO REPORT ON REOGNZAIN Special Committee Will Present< Suggestions at Council Meeting Tonight. 1 MAY AFFECT ELECTIONS Several suggestions for a limited reorganization in t h e Student council will be reported by the spe- cial committee appointed last week' for that purpose at the meeting this evening, it was stated yester-. day by Ernest C. Reif, '30, presi- :ent. Considerable interest is being Taken in the changes planned for the composition of the council be- cause of their possible connection with the coming all-campus elec- Jons. It is possible that a larger Number of junior representatives and a corresponding smaller num- ber of seniors will be chosen at the >o11, inasmuch as the council is ;onsidering an increase of junior members to effect a more exper- ienced body of men. Plans for the guaranteeing of an engineering student on the coun- cil are also being considered by the special committee composed of Reif, Richard Cole, '30, Theodore 3. Long, '30, Jennings McBride, '30, and Stan Cochran, '30E. Other sug- gested similar to these have also been under discussion by the committee but have so far been kept secret. TESTS POSTPONED BY BRITISH RACER Broken Feed Line Forces Trial Runs to be Discontinued. (By Associated Press) OCEAN SPEEDWAY, DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., March 18.-A broken gasoline line today caused Kaye Don, British contender for the world's automobile speed record, to postpone his test trials until to- morrow, after he had made two runs over the Ocean Speedway course at an average speed of 168 miles per hour. Don said repairs on his Silver Bullet racer would be made to- night and that he would resume his trials at low tide late tomor- row, beach and weather conditions permitting. On his first run south down the course today, Don covered the offi- cially measured mile at a speed of 164.533 miles per hour- enter into an agreement whereby they will be permitted to drive au- tomobiles for the period extending from spring vacation to the close of the school term, on the condi- tion that they report to the dean any student not especially author- ized who is seen driving a senior car. Such report is to be made within 24 hours after the violation is seen, and the students reported as violating the ban are to be drop- ped from the college Out of about 90 men in the senior class at Amherst, only about 20 are to be given driving permission, and at least 70 will not have the priv- ilege, the letter to Mr. Rea says. Other tenets of the regular Am- herst ban are distinctly more strict than the provisions of the ruling in force at the University, according to the letter. All students who vio- late the ban are dropped from the college for periodsvarying from one semester to a full school year. Strict enforcement of the ban i. maintained in territory outside of the college town within a ten-m radius. Students are never per- mitted to drive to or from any pub- lic exhibitions, such as football games, in which student organiza- tions are represented. Undergraduates who remain in' the college town during the vaca- tions are not permitted to drive, cars even during the vacation pe- riod, although there is a relaxation of the ban at such times for stu- dents who are away from school. Students may not drive to school from their homes at the beginning of the school year, nor may they1 drive away from school to their homes. H IND0U VISIONARY1 TO LECTURE TODAY Pand> Chatterji Will Speak to Journalism, Semetics, and Philosophy Classes. TO BE HERE THREE DAYS Pandit Jagadish Chandra.,Chat- terj ,, famous Hindu philosopher, will lecture to classes in journalism, semetics, and philosophy this morning and afternoon in the first of a series of talks he will give during his three day stay in Ann Arbor. Students of Brumm 's nine class will hear lecture on the India and the SPORTS ACTIVITIES TO CLOSE TONIGHT WI111TH 'OPEN HOUSE' 300 Athletes Will Participate in Final Competition for Winter. 20 EVENTS SCHEDULED Contests to Begin at 7 O'clock and Continue Until 10:30 O'clock. Prof. John L. o'clock journalismI Pandit Chatterji subject, "Caste in Occident." At ten By Ca(dtcell Swason Intramural sports activities for the winter season will close this evening when the doors of the In- tramural Building will be opened to the general public and over 300 athletes will take part in a program which includes final round compe- tition in 20 types of sporiing en- deavor. The Open. Iose arrangement which is designed to increase the interest in the Intramural activi- ties on the campus proved most successful last year in it inception as an annual (vent and over 2,500 witnessed the varied events. Men and women, students, faulty and townspeople are expected t crowd the athletic center which will open its doors at 7:00 o'clock. Four Basketball Final. Basketball, always a headliner in Intramural interest, will be repre- sented in the program with four games; Interfraternity, Classes A and B; Independent, and Class championships. In the finals of the Class A tourney Alpha Sigma Phi and Trigon will square off for hon- ors. "B" championship laurels will hang in the balance when Sigma Pi meets Delta Upsilon. In the Independent competition Kansas City will meet the Rockets, defend- ing champions, while in the Class play the Junior Engineers draw the Junior Dents. Rollin Clark and Sam Sherman will take the court tonight to bat- tle ror the indoor all-Campus- ten- nis singles championship. Eddie Hammer, present Varsity tennis captain, was the winner in this event last year over Bob Beal, an- other Varsity star, and will referee the match. Clark is conceded an edge over Sherman but the Den- ver net ace should force the going into extra sets. Two visiting teams will meet the University talent in handball and squash in exhibition matches on the Intramural Building courts as a part of the Open House program. Toledo Y. M. C. A. will offer the handball opposition to the strong Michigan team which will be led by Steve Jones, three times all- Campus champion and former Varsity hockey captain. Squash to be Featured. Squash competition will be of a high order when a picked team from the University Club of- De- troit meets a combined faculty and student team., George Perkins of the Architectural faculty will cross racquets with George Micklen in the feature, match while the con- test between the Reindel brothers, George, Jr., of the University Club and John, '32, should draw many spectators. The finals of the all-Campus wrestling tourney has drawn a strong list of entries which include the Varsity reserves and the fresh- men matmen. This feature will begin at a 7:00 o'clock and run through until the close of the eve- ning's proceedings at 10:30 o'clock. Semi-finals in the all-Campus box- ing competition will also be held and should occasion much interest. Matt Mann's Varsity and fresh- man swimming stars will attempt to lower the existing world's record in the mile swim. Eighteen men will swim in relay fashion and the quartet of Walker, Hosmer, Smith, and Walaitis which holds the na- tional intercollegiate 200 yard swimming record will be included in the team which attempt the rec- ord-breaking feat. Green Supports Mine Workers at Convention (By Associated Press) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 18- Consideration of additional com- mittee reports occupied the atten- tion of delegates to the thirty-first conventionV of the United Mine Workers of America as they en- tered the eighth day's session here today with a new confidence in the ranks of the organization follow- ing the appearance Monday of Wil- liam Green. resident of the Amer- 1 { , , t I i . 9 . .f . r E I t l l f l l r 3 r r LABOR PROBLEMS TOLD COMMITTEE: Senate Commerce Group Starts Unemployment Hearings (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 18.-Un- employment conditions were pic- tured to the Senate commerce com- mittee today as it began hearings on labor legislation. Senator Wagner, Democrat, New York, author of the employment fheasure, opened the hearings by describing conditions in New York and throughout the country as "most serious, in spite of what you might hear to the contrary" Dr. B. M. Squires, director of Illi- nois State Unemployment agencies,. and professor at the University of Chicago,asserted that con'ditions in Chicago during the last two months had been "the most acute in ten years." Organizers of an "unemployment conference" here, lead by J. Eads Howe, so-called millionaire hobo, Asd a nmmittee of nine. anneared d ays at nome or in vIsILng- 1 Another function formerly serv- ed by Class Day, that of permit- ting family relatives of the gradu- ating students to visit the Univer-I sity has also become antiquated it was pointed out. Oxford Master Plans Visit Here Monday resentatives. Pollock discussed the political party situation in France at the present time and pointed out the lack of any method to be found in the Chamber of Deputies. o'clock he will speak to a semetics class on the topic, "Vedic Religion." He will talk to the philosophy group of Prof. Roy W. Sellers be- tween four and six this afternoon. Pandit Chatterji, who is at pres- ent director of the International School of Vedic and Allied Re- search in New York, an institution of philosophical and religious thought supported by many prom- inent American philosophers, was brought to Ann Arbor by the In- ternational committee of the Stu- dent Christian association in con- junction with the departments in whose classes he is speaking. Since his undergraduate days at Sanskrit college, Calcutta and lat- er at Trinity college, Cambridge, he has been in closest touch with the deep, inner spiritual life of India, being fully acquainted with the scientific thought, culture, and problems of the modern Occident, In addition to speaking to differ-' ent classes tomorrow and Friday, he will address several other groups while in Ann Arbor. At a public lecture tomorrow evening in Na- tural Science auditorium, he will talk on the subject "Hindu Phil- osophy and the Latest Scientific Conceptions of Matter, Ether, Time, and Space." He will present a discussion of some Hindu problem at the meeting of the Hillel Foun- dation group tomorrow and to the gathering at the International Fo- rum on Friday. Phi Kappa Psi Wins Inter-fraternity Relay Gaining the lead in the second lap, Phi Kappa Psi won a closely contested race to capture the an- nual inter-fraternity relay cham- pionship last night. The team, composed of J. Hodgson, '32, R. Cox, '33, J. Morely, '32, and A Boet- tler, '33, covered the half-mile route in one minute, 39.2 seconds. SLOSSON DISCUSSES DISARMAMENT PARLEY IN OPEN FORUM LECTURE SeElaborates on Optimistic View en," he stated, "the heavy cost of fir Michael Sadler, master of Wrd e;earmed peace is more apparent to University college, Oxford, will be Toward World Peace. a r d a mreaparen the University's guest next Mon-- - the world, a general war-weariness~ day. Sir Michael is in this coun- Discussing "The Naval Disarma- still pervades us, and projects1 try for a tour of universities and- mnt Parley" at an open forum such as the League of Nations and colleges. He is coming to Ann Ar- lecture yesterday evening under the Locarno pact indicate that the bor primarily to inspect the Gen- the auspices of Alpha Nu debating world can at least take steps to-i eral Library. society, Prof. Preston W. Slosson, I ward a constructive international r Library. ~ ~ _of the history department, declar- peace. Most important, the world ed, "Although the London confer- has never been more averse to war C murweather-4 'L ence appears at present to have than it is at the present time." run aground in the shallows of ar- Professor Slosson proceeded, how- -gumentation, there is one great ever, to emphasize the many diffi- factor which will cause the dole- culties besetting the present con- ' -gates to reach some conclusions: ference. Among those reviewed - 4This consideration is the sure in- were England's necessity to main- dignation that would greet every tam an empire-embracing navy, one of the delegates in his home and the current question of reach- empty-handed." ity..