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March 18, 1930 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-18

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Publication in the
of the University.
dent until 3:30 p.

Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)

1 Michigan Technic: Important meeting of Staff and Tryouts at 8:00
p. m. An important matter has come up that must be taken care of
Christian Science Society meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
League building at 7:30 p. m.
The Michiganensian business staff and tryouts will meet at 4 o'clock Counsel
this afternoon at their offices in the Press building. Wil

1 SDavis Discusses Work
in Training Teachers
Speaking on the Training of se-
condary school teachers in the Un-
iversities, Doctor C. ODavis of the
for Edward Doheny Education School of the University, Noted Archaeolog st to Tell of
At Prove stated that, while it was undoubt- An
11 Attempt toroe Iedly wise to stress graduate work Aerial Exploration of
baWY Gsa gh Oeehee


No. 119

Students, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: The time for
dropping any course without record is limited to six weeks from the
opening of the semester. This ruling fixes the date for the present
P e tr a Ma rh9

n t
G 2

.semeswr ai maLc .
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Junior Medica Students: All reading notes in Preventive Medicine,
if not called for before Saturday, March 22, Main Desk at the Health
Service, will be destroyed.
John Sundwall
Men's Clogging Class will be discontinued until after spring recess.
Members may get mimeographed instruction sheets by calling at Bar-
bour Gymnasium or Intramural Office after Thursday, March 20.
R. W. Webster

Postponement: Professor H. Y. McCIusky's lecture on Tolstoy's book
"My Confession" will be given Thursday, March 20, at 4:15 in room 231
Angell hall and not Tuesday as originally announced.
German Seminar 218 will meet this Tuesday evening at the usual
place and hour. .
Prof. J. W. Eaton
All Faculty Men are invited to participate in rifle matches at R. O.
T. C. Building, 7:30 p. m.
German 160 will meet as usual today.z
Physics Colloquium: Dr. G. E. Uhlenbeck will talk on the theory
of the Brownian motion and related problems, at 4:15 in room 1041,
East Physics Building.



uea "v r. for those who are going through Central America.
Architects' May Ball: Important meeting of all committee membersr- -
Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Women's League building. It is especially FACES GRAFT CHARGE tr dainow the FLEW WITH LINDBERGI
urgent that all committeemen attend this meeting. country as is now the tendency, it -i lowl ormme htms
(ysated Prss)is also well to remember that mostder, sta general
Partly will meet at 7:30 tonight. WASHINGTON, March 17 - of those taking such courses go out
Counsel for Edward L. Doheny, who into the teaching field with no more Carneg'ie Insitute in Washington,
Michigan Union Executive Council will meet in the :udent offices is charged with giving Albert B. training than is just necessary for D. C., has been engaged to speak
at 4 o'clock. Fall, former Secretary of the In- the bachelors degr at 8 o'clock Tuesday March 25, i
Kenneth M. Lloyd terior, a bribe of $100,000, today fore, he said, necessary to give Hill auditorium under the auspices
calld Cat. arryA. teuat o much attention to the needs of the of the University, leading a discus~
Michigan Union Tryouts should meet in the Student offices between called Capt. Harry A. Steuart ofidergradte studentaeloUy
3 and 5 o'clock each afternoon this week. Work on the forthcoming mthe more advanced of the gradu- sion of "The Aerial Explorationof
has begun. to prove that the late Edwin Den- d Central America." Dr. Kidder flew
Harold 0. Warren by, Secretary of the Navy, ordered with Lindbergh in his recent trip
execution of the famous Pearl Har- the solicitor-general of the Navy over Mexico and the Central Amer-
COMING EVENTS bor oil storage contract. holding that the exchange of roy- ican states, and will display lan-
The Pearl Harbor contract con- alty oil for construction of storage tern slides of scenes witnessed durt
French Lecture: Professor C. A. Knudson will lecture Wednesday tained a clause giving a Doheny facilities was legal. ing the flight.
March 19, at 4:15, in room 103, Romance Language Building, on "La Vie Across the opinion was the writ- Although a native of Michigan,
Universitaire au Moyen Age." 1- . Dr. Kidder has led a varied and ca-
This is the fourth lecture on the Cercle Francais program. Tickets 'Hi ,Calif., naval oil reservehlease. ten: h. orui career throughout other part
for the series may be procured at the door. that Doheny gave fall $100,000 to Carey said Secretary Denby wrote of the country. His interests have
influence his award of the Elk Hills this and identified his handwriting. been mainly centered in the fields
The Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters announces the contract to Doheny's concern. The The defense had summoned for ofanthropologad eoratio
*Graduating a oco fPhiloso-
following program for Thursday, March 20: Pearl Harbor contract was to ex- today several California clergymen phy from Harvard, he was made re-
9:00 a. m. Section of Geology and Mineralogy. Room 3056, Natural change navy royalty oil for con- as character witnesses. They were cipient of the Austin Teaching Fel-
Science Building. struction of storage facilities at the Rev. George Davidson, Episco- lowship at that school.
1:30 p. m. Meeting of the Council. Room 4065, Natural Science Pearl Harbor, and partly as a re- pal minister of Los Angeles; the Chief among the archeological
Building. sult of the preference clause the Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher, Bap- researches conducted by Dr. Kid-
2:30 p. m. Educational moving pictures, courtesy State Department Doheny Oil Co. got the Elk Hills tist minister of Los Angeles; Bishop der was the Andover Expedition to
of Conservation. "Logs and Lumber," "Michigan Bird Life," "Michigan Ilease. John J. Cantenele, of ,the Roman Pecos, New Mexico, which he cap-
Mammal Life.", Natural Science Auditorium. Steuart produced various files of Catholic Church, Los Angeles, and tained shortly after the World Wa'r.
4:15 p. m. Address, "With a Geologist Across the Gobi Desert." 1 the Navy which included records the Rev. George P. Bovard, presi- Further excavation and exploration
Dr. Charles P. Berkey, of Columbia University, New York, New York. bearing on the Pearl Harbor con- dent emeritus of the University of: in that state has been carried on,
Natural Science Auditorium. ,tract. As in previous trials growing Southern California. by him under the auspices of the
8:30 p. m. Reception and Annual Exhibit. Museums Building. All out of the oil scandals, he refused New Mexico Territorial museum.
members of the Academy, candidates for membership, and guests are to make public confidential files of The late Secretary Denby. was a Among the honors bestowed upon
cordially invited. The Michigan Acodemy Exhibit, and the Exhibition the Navy. member of the class of '96L. He was .Dr. Kidder in his chosen fields are
halls and research laboratories of the University Mu§eums will be open Joseph A. Carey, who was secre- a representative in the Michigan those of Curator in North American
for the Academy Meeting. tary to Denby while the latter was legislature from 1902 to 1904. After archeology at the Peabody Museum
All addresses and section meetings are open to the public. .... Secretary of the Navy, followed being in Congress for several years, of , Harvard, chairman of the Na-
- Steuart and identified the press he was elected president of the De- ! tional Research Council, and secre-
statements telling of the oil leases. troit Board of Commerce for the tarv of the American Anthropolog-
The Research Club will meet on Wednesday, March 19; a i f i.o tr-1ical.Society.
/.,.t_1He also identified an opinion by. term 1916-17. EclScey


Sophomore Engineers: There will be a class
Room 348, West Engineering Building. Students
will be excused friom classes at this hour.

meeting at 11 o'clock in
attending the meeting

Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. J. H1. Dillon of the Ingersoll-Rand
Company will be in. Room 221 West Engineering Building today, Wed-
nesday, and Thursday, March 18, 19, and 20 for the purpose of inter-

viewing any men who may be interested in employment with this com-
11. C. Anderson
AI hm Nn!: Prof Preston W_ Sl! Ssn will P-,iv n a talk on "The Nanval-

1 4


t~p1 ltl: i"[3. l UU 1V. O gll ilt1C V iI l 101d u
,fin roo 58Est 1MedicalBulding 1
Disarmament Parley," tonight at 7:30 sharp in the Alpha Nu roomico g
fourth floor of Angell Hall. All men desiring to become members should ydpresented:
come prepared, to give' a five minute tryout speech. . Polyatomic Molecules and their Spectra," by Professor D. M. Denni-
-prd gnt y p .son; and "Papal Reservations of Church Offices," by Professor E. W. Dow.
delphi House of Representatives: Prof. J. K. Pollock will address This meeting has been designated by the Council as a "Reprintl
an Open Forum on French Politics at 7:30 p. m. This is the last meet- Meeting." Members are requested to bring for display at this time re-
ing at which try-out speeches for admission will be heard. Visitors are prints of their publications of the last two years. These reprints will!
welcome. rbe turned over to the University Library where they will be placed with
similar collections of previous years.
Athena meeting will be held at 7:30 p. m., in room 4006, Angell Hall. Thy Council will meet at 4:30 p. m. in room 3012 Angell Hall.
Portia Literary Society meet; at 7:30 p. m. In its clubroom. Initiation Seniors, E. E. and M. E.: The Detroit Edison Company will be
orne memersand otery mprtat busin.s. nrnrepresented here for recruiting, by Mr. Hurlburt, Employment Manager,
of new members, and other Important business. and others, on Wednesday and Thursday, March 19 and 20, in Room 153.
A. D. Moore, H. C. Anderson
NI Freshmen Women interested in the Freshman Pageant, accom-
panists included, will meet in Barbour Gymnasium, at 4:00 p. m. E
( Engineers: A joint meeting of the student branches of the A. I.
Frosh Frolic Committee meets 'at 8:00 p. mn., room 306 Michigan !Ch. E., A. S. M. E. and A. S. C. E. will be held dn Wednesday, March 19,
Union. Be prompt and bring all your material, including a report of at 7:5 p. m., in room 348 West Engineering Building. Dr. H. J. Rose,
your ticket sales. Assistant Director of Research of the Koppers Company of Pittsburgh,
yur____k__saes.will address the meeting on "Coal Carbonization: A Great Basic Indus-
try." Everyone interested is invited. f
Senior Pharmics: Class dues are payable beginning today to Robert t C. G. Kirkbride, A. G. Barber, S. J. Cheney
Hewitt. Dues must be paid in order to receive announcements, which C.- irbie AG.Bre,.3.hny
may be ordered hext week from Victor Middleton. Senior Mehanical Engineers: Mr.
Alpha Lambda Delta meets at 5:00 p. m., in the Concourse of the Hurlburt and others from the De-
Women's League. troit Edison Company will be in
Room 153 West Engineering Build-
Pi Tau Pi Sigma meeting at the Michigan Union at 7:30 p. m. ing on Wednesday and Thursday,
a March la aid 20 for the purpose of#
Round Table Club: Howard Y. Williams, secretary of the League interview-,g any men who may be
for Independent Political Action, will speak before the club on "Wanted: interested in employment with this
A New Alignment in American Politics," at 4:00 p. m. in the Michigan company. Will those interested
League. please make appointments in Room
------ _ 221.
Mummers.meet today. See bulletin board of Woman's League. j H. C. Anderson

Members of the A. S. Chem. E., A. S. C. E., and A. S. M. E. invite
all those interested in hearing Dr. H. J. Rose, Asst. Director of Research New York Listed
for the Koppers Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., talk on, "Coal Carbonization, A
Great Basic Industry"; meeting to be held in room 348 West Eng., Stacks
l Wednesday, March 19, at 7:45 p. m. f
Pi Lambda Theta .will meet at the League on Wednesday, March Conservative margin
19, at 4:15. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. accounts solicited
Rabbi Leo Franklin will speak at the Student Convocation in Hill
Auditorium, Sunday evening, at 8 p. m. The topic will be "New Altars Telephone 23271
and New Gods." This is sponsored by the Student Christian Association
through the courtesy of the Wesleyan Guild Foundation.
The Nursery Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at the#INCORPORATED
League Building, on Wednesday, March 19, at 8:00 o'clock. Dr. GeorgeT
Moore, Orthodontist, will speak. Investn:t Securities
Ann Arbor Trust Bldg.
The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednes- 1st Floor
day evening, March 19, at 8:00 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Max jPeet, 2030
Hill Street. Husbands of the members will be the guests of the evening.
-- ---.

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