IHE MICHIGAN ,DAILV. PAGE FA9IJ[JY MEM8EBiRPLANE IS PREPARED FOR NONSTOP REFU5LLING 'UENOS AIRES FLIGHT: TO ATTEND GHICAGO IDUCATION ME £Ti _____ . _ rMnriwe MARSHALL 'SIGHTS NEWEST COMET RECENTLY DISCOVERED BY GERMAN flff After successful observations wards or away from the sun. Three O PART A last night, Roy K. Marshall of the observations are necessary and suf- observatory department became ficient to determine the path of ~person to locate the hea- any heavenly body, and once Says Jerusalem Paid Tribute in the fifth knowing its distance the size can Money and Women to Rulers vens newest comet, first sighted by be determined. of Ancient Nation. Prof. Max Beyer of the Hamburg Although a comet may cover a1 #university, Germany. Marshall, with great deal of area there is in real- FORMS GAP IN HISTORY the help of Robert M. Petrie, after ubynot muc densityeo the I substance they are very rare, and i , _ , i. ,. !1 SCREEN REFLECTIONS Atcher Disposal. Reviewed below are "Hit the Deck" at the Michigan and "Hearts in Exile," at the Majestic. Open- ing today at the Wuerth is Paul Muni's much-talked-of "Valieht" which promises to be "wuerth" North Central Association Will; Convene Today in Weekend Discussion Sections. -- _ _ i . ___ s> weeplng eneavens for som "iU even a collision tetween one and haven xPFew people realize," said Prof. time, finally located it'about 8 the earth would hardly be notice- your w WILLBUR WILL GIVE TALK A. T. Olmstead,of the Oriental in- o'clock. Both gained a good view able. In 1910 we passed directly Two \ stitute of the University of Chi- If e n oi s through the tail of one of these in the of ths fait wnthe ]f Effinger, Edmonson, Ira Smith, eySago, in his lecture yesterdayronyofytheryn itod di is inr comets, and except for a light IHar eaoinhi lcur ystrdy nthe zenith almost directly over- shower of meteors, this unusual! Johnston, Carrothers Among The Parthians, A Forgotten Em- head and in the constellation Au- dry ny- Marion Those Attending Meeting. t.pire," "that from 41 to 37 B. C., Je- riga. happening was unnoticed by any- the Ad rusalem wa one but astronomers. was paying tribute in mon- This 9qmet was first seen by Pro- This new comet, which has prac- Seveal mmbes o theI~n~er-j fesorBeyer on March 11 last andp Several members of the Uniyer- ey and women to the rulers of the EfteOxt recorded observation was tically no tail and is very faint in xtr sity faculty leit here yesterday to Parthian Empire." that r.cPrdgd oBerlin Pa- the heavens, is the second one dis- Ext Partian'Empie."that of Dr. Prager of Berlin. Pr-'. as a s attend the thirty-fifth annual Professor Olmstead went on to er laied it on a photo hic covered this year. Die to its great makes meetig of the North Central As- shw that, at the present time, one g cate 0. March 2 ThotHgrarddistance away even through a tele- of the tgof the greatest gaps in the world's plato rc Thet btird scope it appears as nothing but a the cas ~socation of Colleges and Second- syiosraoy nx band t h o ......history is the period of the reign bnHazy wisp of light film co ary Schools, to be held in Chicago I of the Parthian kings. During this whereabouts by also using a photo- If weather is clear enough to- hack- Iarch 18-21. r time, Rome and Parthia ruled the graphic plate and then Dr. Van night to permit further observa- Not Those attending from the Uni- known world and it was Parthian Bieshbroeck of the famous Yerkesv tions, Marshall iill again try to tirely versity are, Dean J. R. Effinger of troops that kept the boundaries of observatory sighted it on the four- Ocate this comet and as soon as lujah" ?h Lthe Roman Empire between the Ti- teenth of the same month. the required number of positions done a t, Davis of the Education school gris and Euphrates rivers. When seen here it was by means have been obtained at sufficient lection editor of the association scl- "These people," stated Professor ofthe ten inch refractory telescope distances apart the involved com- Ithe rec eitor, f egssciratio pmica- Olrnstead, "could predict eclipses of and though very faint a good view r d t dtm the h tGon egistrarrahr, Sid r.i- the sun and moon with remark- was obtained. Marshall's visual pation re.vuir y o e ie bo the Gorge F G aJot s, and rofes- ble accuracy, and they kept a rec- location was a very difficult process ath of a heavenly body will be thing gord of the position of the stars and and the remarkability of it is even t s Schorling of the Education school,!« the weather almost to the begin- 'greater due 'to the fact that the fWAI' to satI~ Miss Edith Thomas of the Library n sociated Ires Photo nng ofathe Christian era. light on this new comet is only 1- CHEAP .MONEY HAS roaThe Extension .service, and Dr. Luther Preparations are being made to put the plane, "K New Haven",' in "We can only guess," continued 600,000 as bright as that coming HELnPED BUSNESSnitseer Purdom of the bureau of appoint- perfect condition at New Haven, Conn., for a non-stop refuelling flight professor Olmstead, "at the 'admin- from the most brilliant star, Sirius. - - you m ments, and Dean J. B. Edmonson to Buenos Aires. During the trip the plane will be pjoted by Capt. istrative and econoiic changes This comet is moving 1-3 of a de- (y Associated ess> 'tor rat of the School of Education, general Herbert G. Partridge (left) and Licut. Comm. George R. Pond. which took place during the Se-; gree northward a day, which is a secretary of the North Central as- - ------ --- ------- ---.- -- lucid and Parthian eras, and, to gree orthward a dy th i WASHINGTON, March 17.-Ro- -I - -ilcdad-atia rs nt sac distance equivlent to 2-3 of the di- sociation. CERCLE FRANCAIS the present time, some of the best ameter of the moon. As yet nothing bert P. Lamont, Secretary of Con- Doloi The North Central association 1sources of iformation, the large is known of its distance away from nierce, said today that the lower and Ja was founded in 1895 through the LWILL GIVE PLAYS number of cuniform tablets from the earth or whether it is going to-i interest rates on money throughout carryin interest of leaders in the Michigan - nrthese periods, have been neglected. -- --- -- tExile," Schoolmasters club. President J. Fl l j,Le rd'Adar' Precie uses "One of the greatest mstrumen- the country should permit an im- uctio R. Angell of the University was its - W11.1 1ler 'talities," he concluded, "in the fill- TO GET AW ARDS portant speeding up in the next I sian" m first president. At present the as- Ridicules are Chosen. mg of this great gap n history is_ few months in new construction, prison sociation includes in its member-v -- the University of Michigan expedi- (y Associatet dcn Ps)- which he said already had been and a g ship the leading high schools and 'Prof. W. E. Lay Announces "Le Mystere dAdam, and Les tion, under the direction of Pro- NEW YORK, Mar. 17-A Michi- sti lated {b t rearkabec LayPrecieuses Ridicules" are the two! fessor Waterman. to the ancient; gan novelist and a Michigan coin- 'tmledbth rmaklec- IThe, colleges of twenty North Central Tests Provided for by Large plays wiich have been selected for site of Selucian." posen are inclded i th appo operation" from various states. states. teMr.a poeraetheuedi in-poit pid Manufacturers.the annual pesentation by the Professor Olmstead has gained meants to the John Simon Gug- Mr. Lamont asserted the high -oiful D The topics that will be discussed ;_I Cerle Francais, it was announced renown, not only as a scholar, butit genheim fellowships which were teres rates in the last year had matic before the group at the meeting SPEED TEST IMPORTANT yesterday by Prof. Rene Talamon of also as an author. His "History of announced today. Eighty-five schol- been one of the major factors in tremul this week are fpur in number deal- _the romance languages depart- Assyria has become a standard ars, novelists, composers, poets, slowing down construction and the pu SAccording to a recent announce- nient, adviser to the Cercle. The! work on the subject. Some of his sculptors, painters, and other cre- added that while the rate had quency to educators at the present time. Pplays will be given May 1, at the other writings include "Sargon of ative workers have been awarded dropped in New York, easier money mainin They are the standards of libraries, ment by Prof. W. E. Lay of the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Assyria" and "Western Asia in the these fellowships which amount to conditions have not yet been re- mance; the reports and comments .on the automotive .engineering depart- The first of the plays, "Le Mys- Days of Sargon of Assyria." more than $200,000 this year. ported throughout the country. m success of students in the first ment a series of tests will be con- tere d'Alam," is a religious drama____A___ year of college work, professional ducted on universal joints in the lof the 12th century. it was writ- GA NDHI'S MARCH [ training of secondary school teach- fute Du th lack f ten by an unknown author and ers, and a discussion of athletic Iear was the first play ever written in HALTS FOR DA problems in secondary schools as definite information on recent de- French. It was also the first play well as in colleges. velopments along this line because to be given outside the church. T hinking Aout In addition to these topics the of the secrecy of the large man- Professor TalamOn explained (vy Assciaed Prss) association will carry on its regu- ufacturing firms, representatives that the pay was adapted into ANAND, BOMBAY India, March Edmnsn wll~ofseera lrgefims av ' modern French by Po.Henri 1 7-Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian lar business. Dean Edmonson will of several large firms have con hamiard,othe SrbonnPro whosNationalist leader, passed today in keep an office in Chicago for the sented to contribute materials and 'fat 'present teaching here at the'silence as he and his '9 devotees rar Smith and Dr. Carrothers willequipment for testing purposes in University. "The play deals with rested from their grueling four days.. take part in the deliberations on! order to further the general know- the story of Adam and Eve and the march in behalf of Indian indepen- the subjet of aeditin varous l o tthe temptation and the entrance dence from Ahmadabad to the sea. 'into the Inferno," said Professor The Mahatma has maintained si- ~ applicant schools as well as con- en ren. un iTalmon. "We chose it in accord-, lence one day each week for years, tinuing the recognition given 175 The most recent data onluniver- i ance with the Cercle Francais pol- conveying his wishes by means of schools that are at this time ap- sal joints was 'that published in ! icy of presenting plays representa- signs and the written word. It is plying to have their status as rec- 1914 by the automotive laboratory I tive of the various types of drama." a self disciplinary measure the Na- ogriized institutions renewed. at the University of Kansas. "I1n- f The second of the two plays is in .tionalist leader imposes on himself, Among the distinguished speak- formation with regard to the stress- a lighter vein, being Moliere's com- and, he insists, to his great benefit. ? - ers who are to address the meet- es set up in a universal joint when Iedy, "Les Precieuses Ridicules." Tomorrow morning he and his ing are the Honorable Ray Lyman it is rotating at a high rate of "This is the first real play that procession of fellow Swarajists will , Wilbur, Secretary of- the Interior, speed is practically unknown. For Moliere 'ever wrote," stated Profes- continue on their way to Jalapur, / President Frank McVey of the Uni- this reason primarily, the forth- sor Talamon. on the Bay of Cambay, where in de- versity of Kentucky. President W. coining tests are to be conducted. ,;fiance of the British monopoly they R. Wckington of the Case School In connection with this new work UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN -- will manufacture salt, thus inaug- I of Applied Science, Dr. C. H. Judd which is to be taken up in the Due to a judicial error on the part urating their campaign of ci'il dis- ? of the University of Chicago, Pro- near future by the automotive en- of District Attorney Resser, the five obedience to the British Crown. fessor R. N. Corwin, Yale univer- gineering department, Professor students, brought to court for at- Addressing villagers at his last ' siy n rfessor A. Li' ayJnonestatLiutCWoR tacking a parade of unemployed. testing place prior to reaching here sty, ndrAL- ells,ofthecoastartillery division were' released. Resser's mistake he said: "Money alone will not win lumbia university, of the Ordinance department, who was in bringing in a state suit on independence. If money could win Uis interested primarily in the motor a city violation; however, he main- !I should have securedlkit long ago.i HARVARD UNIVERSITY-Accord- transport phase of artillery, is tak- tains that the students have gained What is required therefore is your 1 ing to the 1930 Quinquennial Cat- ing a research course in automo merely a stay of justice. blood." alogue, which has just been sent tive engineering. The coming tests -so tcb d- to the press to appear sometime on universal joint stresses will be before Commencement, the total part of Lieutenant Ellis' w/ork at number of degree holders from this the University, Professor Lay stated. institution has more than quadrup-, IT5 led itself since the first publication UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN of a catalogue of this type. In 1875 CALIFORNIA-Photoplay, a course the number was 15,712; now it is for juniors and seniors, will be of- 65,584. ;faredhere this semester. Several prominent persons in the motion EUROP AN TO RS ?picture industry have accepted in- EUROvitations to lecture. 33 days $295 1; 40 days $450: 50 days $390; , 4 days 58 61 days $665; 73 days 3815. * Many others to choose from. Rates include steamers and all expenses abroad. 46000 members in 1929. See I KUELER TRAVEL BU'RE.AU Today ad evr- "1I 60 E. Huron St. Phone 612 Tndayverd-every- AM RICAN INST ICT sF}Iday our prices iare -rtIaI ! DAarCReZ /URYTHMIC 't used that for some tie!) hile! feminine stars are going big Auto City-Lupe Velez's "Hell at the United Artists and Davies' "Not So Dumb" at ams. Heavy Going. emely. popular and successful age musical, "Hit the Deck" only a fair talkie in spite fact that Jack Oakie heads t. Even this ever-humorous median fails to rise above rorn material. that "Hit the Deck" is en- without merit. The "Halle- scene is unique and well- nd several of the musical se- s are tuneful. But amidst ent'wave of audible musicals screen, there must be s'bme- novel and distinguishing. uch a production sufficiently sfy the average audience. picture runsathrough tomor- the Michigan, If you have n too many musicals lately, ay enjoy it. Screen Reflec- es it C. -B. J. A, Love in Siberia. 'es Costello, Grant Withers, mes Kirkwood are the trio g the leads in "Hearts in at the Majestic. TIe pro- follows closely the "Rus- iovie plot, involving Siberian camps, plentiful snowstorms, ood amount of vodka drink- situations created, however, opportunity for the beau- lolores to display her dra- stock-in-trade, including as in the voice, dilation of pils, and an unusual fres- of fainting spells. The re- g cast gives a fair perfor- the production draws a B- -L. M. M. aa res?, ;k1 I Modern Education in consistent with - 1 - RHYTHM . FriendshipJ M MOVEMENT od STANGER Wedding Men can be completely ou Composition. CerticaePTRAINING d in the latest styles at Dal~Cio e rtificate Provides }i New Profession for College and FURNITURE CO, (n tjat Music Students1- Booklet on Request -I- PAUZ BOEPPL, Director West Liberty Stree B4C . 9 East 59th St., New YorkBi Voluteer1357 - I Vol"T:"?E.. wommmmmmmmm Gra duation Camelet Bros. Mlos -- - ---- Conlin and Wetherbee R. & B. " ympathy Tom Corbett Saffella EDRACH & SON CO Sel Prete Thompsi Fiegel 's Tinker 4 LSTAILISHED 1843 1 Greenwood & Kilgore Van Bov SCIENTIFIC Holdens & Co. Wadhan T A RhD A T(MV CTSTDDTI7 I IH Lindenschmitt and Anfel Wamer tfitted l & Chase Inc. Clothing tnd Bush 4ns & Co. ven Inc. s & Co. Ca