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February 20, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-20

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fIMtTTT b&?-1 A" t'tMl-l t'f A'C Vf !tn t AAA

A A A A. IVA x %, A& A v l-AV kl LJ X-1 I 1htR'31AY, FEBRt~iUAR~tY 10, 1930..
..I / ~ w / l I l l11Y~ nl l r r...ra r r. w

Connecticut Governor's First Glider Flight Ends in Disaster
as His Moto-less Craft Crashes From Altitude of 25 Feet'


Dean Kraus Announces Person-
nel of Scholars Secured for
Summer Teaching.

professor of law at the University
of Minnesota; Alfred Cary Schle-
singer, Ph.D.,'assistant professor of
Greek and Latin in. Williams col-
lege; Theodore C. Schreirla, Ph.D.
department of psychol bgn,:.XNew
York university; Nila t -Smith','A.
M., department of research, Board
of Education in Detroit; William W.
thesen Ph.D., assistant superie-
tendent of schools at; Milwaukee,
Wis. ,

Supplementary Group
sents Institutions From
Parts of U. S.


Many non-resident professors
and instructors will be attracted to
the 1930 Summer Session in
teachiig capacities, stated Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the Pharmacy
-schcol and the Summer Session.
These men and women, Dean
.Kraus pointed out, will not only
supplement the regular teachi'g
force of the University which will
be largely retained for the surmer
months, but will also afford oppor-
tunities for contacts with nufmer-
ous exemplary scholars in various
List Given.

Visconsn Men to Teach.
Lyel J. 'Thomas, Ph.D.,' professor'
I of helminthology, University of
Illinois; Chester Marvin Wallace,
A.RB, professor of dramatic art,
Carnegie Institute of Technology;
Theo Werle, executive secretary of
the Michigan Tuberculosis associa-
tion at Lansing, Michigan; Gladys
F. West, A.M., department of bot-
any at Syracuse university; Robert
William West, Ph.D., associate pro-
fessor of speech in the University.
of Wisconsin; John D. Wicklai,
ILL.B., professor of Law, University
of Wisconsin; Homer Edward



The entire list of non-resident Woodbridge, Ph.D., professor of
faculty for the summer term, as English at Wesleyan university,
'nnounced yesterday by Dean Middleton, Conn.; and Arthur Da-
Kraus follows: vis Wright, Ed.M., professor of edu-
Kenneth A. Agee, A.M., of the de- cation at Dartmouth college.
partment of education at Mount.
Holyoke college; Herschel Whit-
field Arant, LL.B., of the College of'
erley bond, Jr., Ph.D., professor of AW
history at the University of Cin-
cinnati; Harold B. Buckley, M.S.,T
of the division of commercial edu-
cation of the public schools of'
Philadelphia; William G. Carr, "Army Man Will Discuss Future
Ph.D., assistant director of the Na- Chemical Warfare and
tional Education Association's re- NationalDefense.
search division in Washington, D.
C.; Charles Edward Chapman, Ph.H
D., professor .of history at the Uni- ASHAD LONG CAREER
versity of California.
Eminent Psyclioloigst Coming. Major General Harry L. Gilchrist
Lawrence B. Chenoweth, M.D., chief of the chemical warfare serv-'
professor of hygiene at the Univer- ice of the United States army, will
sity of Cincinnati. Vera S. Cooper, discuss "chemical warfare in con-
A.M., director of the training nection with national defense"at
course for librarians at Enoch , .ns
Pratt Free library of Baltimore, 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the
Maryland; William W. Cort, Ph.D. Natural Science auditorium.
of' the school of hygiene and pub- General Gilchrist's long years of
'Hc health, Johns Hopkins univer- service and his work with the
sity, Baltimore, Maryland; CarlosC
Castillo, Ph.D., associate professor Chemical Warfare Service during
of Spanish in the U iversity of and sice the war make him espe-
Chicago; Herbert Newell Couch, cially well qualified to speak on the
Ph.D., associate in classics at the subject. Chemical warfare came
University of Illinois; Charles W. into use on a large scale for the
Creaser, Ph.D., associate professor first time during the World War
of zoology at the College of the City and has been developing constant-
of Detroit; Durant Drake, Ph.D., ly ever since. The possibilities of-
professor of psychology at Vassar fered by the use of gases hi war
college. make the question of high impor-
Frederic Duncalf, Ph.D., profes- tane from the viewpoint of na-
sor of medieval history, University tional defense. It is with this
of Texas; Harold Milton Ellis, phase. of chemial warfare that
Ph.D., professor of English, Univer- Gen. Gilchrist will deal in his talk
city of Maine; John P. Everett, today.
Ph.D., professor of mathematics; Gen. Gilchrist has had a long
Western State Teachers college, and brilliant career, during the
Kalamazoo; Frank Caleb Gates, course of which he 'commanded the
ph.D. professor of taxonomy and .i rst American troops to enter
ecology at the Kansas State Agri- France in 1917, Saw service with
cultural college; Jane Winifred j the Chemical Warfare Service of
Gibbons, A.M., principal of Elisha the A. E. F., and commianded the
Jones school; Wren Jones Grin- American Typhus Relief Expedi-
stead, Ph.D., assistant professor of tion to Poland. He has received
eC ucation in the University of war decorations from several na-
Pennsylvania. tions for his work.
Dramatist Secured.
E. Duncan Grizzell, Ph.D., assist- Ce rcle Francais Hears
ant professor of secondary educa-
tion at the University of Pennsyl- Talk by Prof. Ehrhard
vania; Francis Buckman Haas, A.
M., president of State Teachers col- Discussing America as it is re-
lege, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania; flected in the literature of France
James Christian Meinich Hanson, froni the earliest times up to the
A.B., acting dean, graduate library, present, Prof. Jean Ehrhard, of the
University of Chicago; Elmer Wal- French department, addressed a
lace Hickman, A.B., fellow in dra- large audience at 4:15 yesterday
rnatic art, Carnegie Institute of afternoon in room 103 Romance
Technology; Arthur Norman Hol- Languages building. The lecture
combe, Ph.D., professor of govern- was one of a series of talks in
mrent, Harvard university; Earl French being sponsored by Le Cer-
Hudelson, Ph.D., professor of edu- cle Francais.!
cation, University of Minnesota; "The French literature," Profes-
Herbert Baker Hungerford, Ph.D., sor Ehrhard said, "has in general
professor of entomology, University been favorable to America. Some
of Kansas; Ray Keesler Imel, A.M., writers who have been unfavorably'
dean of the school of speech at the impressed have been so because'
University of Southern California. they could not understand the psy-
Lydia Jones, A.M., dean of wom- chology of the Americans."
en, Michigan State Normal college, Professor Ehrhard told of the re-
Ypsi anti; Victor Henry Kulp, Ph. ports that the French explorersj
B., J. D~, piofessor of law at the brought back about this country.
'university of Oklahoma; Albert They were greatly impressed with!
Howe Lyberger, Ph.D., professor of the hardiness and versatility of the
history at the University of Illinois; early Indians, who could live so
Letitia MQuillan, A.B., librarian of well in their environment.]
the high school at Merrill, Wiscon- The missionaries, Professor Ehr-
sin; Leslie Ray Marston, Ph.D., hard went on, were not so favor-
president of Greenville college; ably impressed. The enthusiasm!
Philip Mechem, LL.B., professor of of Pere Marquette and other Jes-
law at George Washington uuiver- uits was greatly tempered by the ]
sity; A. Nadai, Ph.D., research en- hardships they underwent in the
gineer for the Westinghouse Elec- busiess of trying to convert the1
tric and Manufacturing company; Iwdians.
Theodora Nelson, A.M., of the zool-__ _______--
ogy department, Hunter college;
George E. Nichols, Ph.D., professor LAST TIME
of botany, Yale university; Grace
Walker Nichols, New Haven, Conn.; IS TODAY
Henry Rottschaefer, J.D., S.J.D.,
Tere Gary
'!A " V ATI


Associated Press Photo-
John H. Trumbull, governor of the state of Connecticut, who from his numerous feyng exploits has!
earned the nickname of "Connecticut's Flying Governor," was shaken up on his premier glider flight when
the craft which he was piloting crashed to the ground from an altitude of 25 feet at the Newark, New
Jersey, airport recently. The above pictures show Governor Trumbull and the glider immediately before
the takeoff and again as they are crashing. to earth when the plane got out of control as it attained its
maximum elevation.
The C6nnecticut governor is the father of the former Miss Florence Trumbull, who married John.
Coolidge, the son of the former chief executive of the country.
Students Enroll for Cam'p Davis Summer Work
IA- Under Supervision of Professor C. T. Johnson

Moon to Lecture on
President's Religion
at Tolstoy Program
Speaking in the first of three lec-
tures to be sponsored here by the
Tolstoy league in the coming
weeks, Oscar L. Moon is to lecture
on "President Hoover's Religion-
the Quaker Faith," at 4:15 o'clock
on Tuesday, Feb. 25, in room 231
Angell Hall
The Quaker faith which is to beC
the topic of the talk has, it is said,
attracted attention of late partly
owi)g to the fact that it is the re-
ligion of a public figure and partly
because, as Moon intends to show,
in an age that is impatient of dog-
ma, it is outstanding in not hav-
ing any set creed to which its mem-
bers must subscribe.
The second of the series of lec-
tures is to be given by Prof. Charles
D. Brokenshire from Alma College.1
Professor Brokenshire will lecture
here on Esperanto on Tuesday,
March 4, at 4:15 in rcom 231 A. H,
In the third of the series Professor
McClusky will speak on Tolstoy's
"My Confession," presenting a
slightly different aspect of the
question than that previously given
in a talk on the same subject un-
der the auspices of the Tolstoy
league this year.
Reeves Will Speak at
Club's Annual Dinner
Members of the WashtenawS
Chapter of the Sons of the Amer-
ican Revolution will gather atr 6
o'clock Friday evening in thes
League building for the annual din-
ner and a special program of
speeches and music. Tickets may
be obtained from the secretary 'of
the organization, W. W. Florer, 910
Olivia Avenue, or by calling 2-1631.
Professor Jesse Reeves of the po-
litical science department, has been
secured as the principal speaker of
the evening. Grace Johnson Konold
will lead the musical program with
a group of solos.
Walter B. Ford, professor of
mathematics and president of the
Washtenaw chapter, will act as
toastmaster during the dinner. A
business meeting has been sched-
uled immediately before the dinner.
A reception will then be given for
the ladies attending the function.
- V

Second Semester Freshmen With
C Average Eligiblc for
All second semester freshmen
who have reecived an average
grade of C or better may now try
out for committee positions of the
Student Christian association ac-
cording to an announcement made
yesterday by John E. Webster, '30,
president of the association.
In addition to offerig the first
year men opportunities to make
'contacts with the many other fresh-
men out for this activity, work on
the S. C. A. committees gives one
first hand information of the in-
ner workings of an organization
that touches all phases of under-
graduate life.
Tryouts may express a preference
for one of the five committees of
the association or may be shifted
around if they so desire. The or-
ganization of the S. C. A., in addi-
tion to the Open F9rum, Interna-
tional, Convocations, Student Re-
lations and Freshmen Committees
consists of a president, secretary,
and an Advisory Cabinet. .
Plans for a merit systen of the
association will be submitted for
approval at the meeting of the Ca-
binet, February 24. This proposal
which is similar to the onerecent-
ly adopted by the Union in a cam-
pus vote will be in the nature of an
enactment in the By-Laws if pass-
ed by the Cabinet. Inasmuch as
the proposed plan provides for ad-
vancement on the basis of work
done, it is expected that the Cabi-
net will approve of the mieasure


Fifteen students of the Univer- resident building.
sity have registered to attend An automobile journey from any1
Camp Davis, University surveying part of the United States to Jack-
F ul Studcamp==maintained each summer un- ,
Faculty and Students to Hear chson's Hole is an inspiring exper-
. der the supervision of Prof. Clar- ience, according to Professor John-
D fr. Schoenemain Discuss ,:,acrigtPofsrJhnJ
University Problems. ence T. Johnston, of the peodesy ston. "To live for eight weeks at
are stratin sdepartaent.Sbeer- a well-equipped camp located in a1
FAMOUS AS AN AUTHOR lceivesd fron students attending lovelymountain valley is a privi-+
c teveginfrom gstuent onattend lege that few enjoy" he said. "Only~
other engineering institutions, and the well-to-do can live at the so-
Dr. Friedrich Schoenemann, bril- Professor Johnston expects many called 'dude' ranches, many of
liant scholar and' head of the j more to sign up in the next few which are operated in Jackson's
twAmeriean division of English smweeks. Hole. However, Camp Davis offers'
Aian dtheivnof English emn, The camp which is located in all of the diversions open to these
inar at he Uiverity f Bel Jackson's Hole, Wyoming, consists
will speak TuesdayFebr 25,atJ on Hys people, and at a very reasonablet
speak T ay, Fbruary , of one hundred and twenty acres cost. From the experience of the
4:15 in room 2225 Angell hall on of land, and the unlimited area of past summer we are confident that
"German University Problems of) federal forest reserves are avail- I three or four students driving to-
Today." The lecture will be in able for field work in surveying. gether from almost any part of the
English and is open to all members The elevation of the camp site is United States can complete the
6113 feet above sea level and is sur-
of the faculty and students inter- r unded by a forest reserve. The camp work, and see all of the
groudedby foest eseve.Thepoints of interest for two hundred
ested in the. problems of modern valley lands and many mountain dollts or les per ro hen-d
German education. slopes along the Hoback River are ptinned. r p
Dr. Schoenemann is well-known not timbered, making the ground Ltumo
both in Europe and in this country almost ideal for field work in sur- visited Yellowstone Park, the great1
.where. he has spent a number of ! veying. slide on the Gros Ventre river, and
years. In 1912 he was visiting pro- During the past summer fourteen the beathu lake cntry ang
-fessor at Hunter college, New York. buildings were erected at Camp th, beautiful lake country along
The following. year he. was at Wes- Davis while others will be built i u the base of the Teton Mountains.
leyan university .in Conneceticut. I June and July. Many conveniences the loa i a l dr
From 1913 to 1920 he was connect- |have been arranged for the stu- mo local wild animallife, elk, deer,'
ed WithHarvard University. Dur- I dents such as a sanitary system of' m aribthe neantelope.
ing these years he has been a spe- hot and cold showers,- a co-opera- taiy ay lear thng on-
cial lecturer on the history of tive mess conducted under the arns and learn somethig of the
Amrcnfieatr n ii ivem-ssconductedunderthe___
Aiericanj. literature and civiliza- joint management of the staff and wndersofthe gr__- TetonRange
j i -on students, and a gravity water sup-' t::::c<:>o-::>o< o
Dr. Schoenemann has also dis- ply by which water is distributed
tnguished himself as an auithor. throughout the camp, a stationary
At the present time he is finishing 'ashbowl being provided for each
the first volume of a series on__
America today, "From Colony to TYPEWRITING
World Empire." The purpose of YEW TN
his: present tour of America is the and
collection of material, for the sec- I UMEOGRAPHING
ond volume of this set. He has I A specialty for
written several other books includ-1. twenty years. - Our Traderake is
ing, "Mass Influence in the United: Prompt service.. Experienced op- your assurance of
States," and "Mark Twain as a Lit- erators.. Moderate rates.
erary Personality.'' . -0. D. MORRILL pbadgePerfection
: In addithon to his writings, Dr. I'
Schoenemann has been incidental 314 South' State St. Phone 6615 Fratd
in several traslations, the most no- IaII dy I n
table of which are "Through. the Sorority Badges
Shadows with O'Henry," by Al.'j ,
Jennings and "The Revolt of Mod-
ern Youth" by Ben Lindsay. In Burr, Patterson and
collaboration with his wife, he so2 PACKARD ST. !Co
translated and published an Amer- Under New Management Auld C
ican anthology and several of the, Snappy Service
works of Joseph Hergsheimer, S. Try Fraternity Jewelers and
H. Adams and Ernest Pascal. Stationers
His recent work in German edu- Our Special 35c Dinners
cation, combined with his experi- Daily and Sunday 5 to 7 p. m. 603 Clrch Strcet
ence in America, make him emi- Fountain Luncheon,
nently fitted to deal with the lec- i . m. to 12 n.
ture subject lie as chosen.
There are now about 4,500 auto-
mobiles registered in Shanghai, -,{r
China, of no fewer than 165 dif- 1
ferent makes




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