,. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PROFESSOR RUFUS TELS OF RECENT PLANET DSCOVEYlI Dr. Lowell Determined Position of Extra.Neptunian Orbit Fifteen Years Ago. IS NINTH KNOWN WORLD Locating Unnamed Body Equal in Importance to Finding of Neptune by Galle. Commenting on Wednesday's an- nouncement from the Lowell ob- servatory of the discovery of a new, 1.t onpf Rrf W C R ifiic, atin. DOHENEY TRIED IN WASHINGTON IDIMTIfl TOTLIICJOHNSON'S BANT FOR IMPLICATIONS IN OIL BRIBERY TO APPEAR HERE LNRILTiOuo MONDAYAT LEAGUE NAVY DEPARTMENT Well Known Author to Lecturer on Parthians at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. IS CHICAGO PROFESSOR Committee to Determine Cause for Slow Development of Aircraft. TYDINGS NAMED HEAD Prof. A. T. Olmstead, scholar and (By Asociated Press) well-known author, will speak at WASHINGTON, March 15.-An 4:15 Monday in the Lydia Mendels- investigation to determine why the sohn theatre on "The Parthians: A Tfnited States navy department has Forgotten Empire." This is a Uni- lagged behind other nations in the versity lecture under the auspices developmCet of fast pursuit and of the semitics department. omi planes will be begun Olmstead is professor of oriental history in the University of Chicago shortly by the senate. and a member of the Oriental in- It will be made by a sub-com- stitute which is chiefly for the fur- mittee of the senate naval affairs Stherance of research in the historym t r U.V 4~L~ . .. . . . . . . . .f thea at.Hastavle.Jhn Jono,-.. , :cmmtDe ecatd by San 0th- plane, ,rOi .W.. u linlUS, geN s aeli-! 't ua~v.,.-"- h , ofthe Nar Eat He a rveld Johnny Johsnleade o the TdIgs emort Mayland Oth head of the astronomy department, extensively in these regions and has le of te membrs- chrctrzd hfaluato fEt done considerable archaeological band that will furnish the music ;er members will be senator Water- characterized the calculation of itsdn nsaman Republican, Colorado, and s:'nh g;-work. for the 1933 Frosh Frolic, to be held Sullivan publican Wy- Professor Olmstead is the author the night of March 21 in the Union - achievements of all time in mathe- Imof several books, the best known of bocg. niatical analysis It ranks with which is his "History of Assyria. ballroom Johnsons orchestra was They have beep appointed by Sn dms cacu-'This book has become the standard recently selected from among 380 Chairman Hale of the naval com- Leverrier'so andduAdam'sinepic Latri ' in d Ad5mfNptu's psitionu- A~.soua~ed vre~' ~work on theasubj ect. Someaof hisj comptitors for the Hotel Pennsyl- mittee to conduct hearings on a A soc aaed re moto other writings include "Sargon of vania's ballroom, and has been well resolution by Tyding calg for an from observed peturbations in the iEdnardryLntDotenyco(left), isr orbi of Urand ponhEdward L. Doheny left), is now standing trial in Washington in Assyria and Asia in the received in the East and abroad. rou dingt thype, speed and com- orbit Itoifcharedntat.Doenysa tfESargon of Assyria." rbtoa LcedN neconnection with the Elk Hills oil lease. It is charged that Doheny at the Da'ens ~saiua n Redio listeners are familiar with parability of fast pursuit and Galle Located Netune. time paid Albert B. Fall, former secretary of the interior, $100,000 as a The subject is of particular inbi as t s Laverrier in France and Adams bribe for certain rights concerning the Elk Hills -ase. Frank Hogan erest in that the Michigan expe- his music through stations WEAF bombing planes with those of oth- in is nfow erain ghs :ocngth El Bils 'es. Frank ltinKtounernheer nations and all other matters in England, working independent- (right) is now acting as Doheny's attorney, and has brought much new lition to Mesopotamia, under the and WGY .ertain t o ly, applied Newton's laws of motion evidence forward in protection of his client. The two were snapped lirection of Prof. Leroy Waterman pertain annedre also to investigate to the slight divergences of Uranus just as they were leaving their offices after a short conference. f the semitics department, Noxious Fish Are Removed. the reasons fotrasferring Lieu- froms its Calculated orbit to dis- - ---____-+-____________ _ ____ _ ____ eucio te center oftancienPrth The Department of Conservation tenant Alford J. Willians, navy cover the position of the unknown .)f_.______tee.terofth_ .art-___,eIoM.chg.n.rmoved27,61.noxiIsped.fler_.o.eadtynameirf of Miche *body, now known as Neptune, an empire. hgnrmvd2,1 oi pe le osadtatrh whose gravitational influence was [ The Parthians were a late branch ous fish from the state's rivers and had been conducting experiments whc atati dices From.O therColleges Af the Persians who set up a great lages in 1929 according to a report intended to develop fast seaplanes. pulling Uranus from the path Wmpire in Irak. This empire lasted of the Fish Division. Carp, dog- Williams resigned from the navy which mathematics dictated it, __ or more than two centuries but (fish, garfish, and other miscellne- after he had been ordered to sea should follow. Leverrier commu - -_-{ -- _- - _-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-ittle is known of this field and it ous fish are included in this c ,assi- duty. Tyding's resolution said the nicated the result of his analysis OREGON STATE UNIV. - Stu- loit, and Rockford colleges will par- .s hoped that Professor Waterman's I fication. The work was done order 'had the effect of causing his to the Berlin observatory where dents representing Oregon State on ticipate in the play day. finding will throw considerable through the department employees resignation and bringing his valu- Galle applied his telescope to th- the National Students' Federation Competition will be held in bas- light on the subject. and individual contracts. able experiments to an end." heavens and located Neptune with- ketball, bowling, volleyball, soccer,-- I in half an hour. of America committee, yesterday baseball, and ping-pong. Since Neptune's discovery that began a project of collecting and sd g g A SPLENDID PLACE, SCE COZY AND HOMEY', SAID planet has completed approxi- compiling data regarding freshman' mately one-half of a revolution mptlitg dataTrerg llreh UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- QUEEN MARY ON LEAVING BRITISH PUBLIC HOUSE about the sun, during whichtime it raHAt. the initial meeting of the UUi- top has showed slight deviations ready in a short time and will be versity Stamp Collectors club, 40 (By.As........Press from its calculated orbit. For many sent to the federation secretary in members were present, each with doing set the whole party at ease. In a five-room house where five years astronomers have been ana- New York City. a valuable collection. The large ONDON, Maknh la-Grerit- Determined to learn all about lyzng hes obervd prtuba-colecton f Wllim S Ma shala s queen knows considerably Dtrie olanalaotfmle eelvnse tle lyzing these observed perturba-collectin W amore of beer, bartenders, and bar- the beer shop trade, Queen Mary sympathetically to the inmates, tions in an effort to ,calculate the OREGON STATE UNIV. - Star associate professor of zoology, who rooms today than she has ever addressed the bartender, a young asking a number of questions and position of the unknown body caus- gazers of the university will have specializes in early U. S. stamps known before. Friday she visited man who conquered his bashful- n ing them. Prof. David P. Todd of an uninterrupted view of the celes- created muc hattention. aBritish public house, counterpart ness and replied to her query as to one woma Amrerst, Prof. W. H. Pickering, of tial luminaries in a short while as Nerly 100 first flight covers were of the old American saloon, and what his job was with the words "It must be terribly inconvenient the Harvard faculty, Dr. Percival the platform being built on the top displayed by Albert Schwarting- found out for hersel( some of the "to draw beer." to cook your own meals in such a Lowell have all been identified floor of the physics building will These covers are'the stamped and things of which so much has been Queen Mary wasnot just sure small place. The woman after- with this research. soon be completed. Four telescopes post-marked envelopes sent to written and spoken here and how beer was drawn so the bar- ward relating her experience said: Position Determined by Lowell. will be mounted on this platform Schwarting from airplanes as they abroad. ! tender pulled a lever and drew a "You could see the sight had a sad- Dr. Lowell determined the posi- to which an iron staircase and rail- landed on their first flights. Her comment upon leaving the I glassful to show her,, explaining dening effect upon her." tion of the new extra-Neptunian f ing will lead. barroom was: "I have enjye my- how the beverage was pumped From these miserable surround- planet in 1914, but the telescopes UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS-Hell self tremendously. I think it is a from a cellar. She then question- ings the queen was taken to a then in existence failed to reveal OREGON STATE UNIV. - An week or any pre-initiation hazing splendid place, so cozy and homey." ed other workers, who detailed block of new tenements replacing its existence. His calculations 'have early spring has come to make the that may endanger the individual The silence of astonishment and their various employments, and the recent hovels. Here she was been continually brought up to manly male hearts flutter and to or prove detrimental to the Uni- bashfulness fell upon the men in visited the cellars, where she saw i more cheerful and chatted gaily date for 16 years, until on January make them doll up in new spring versity has just been abolished. All the crowded public house when her how beer is stored. wa Awith the occupants. She patted 21, at the Lowell observatory in clothes. Knickers, sweaters, and chapters breaking this new rule majesty, wearing a mauve gown, The public house was Anchor inn three-year-old Ernie Barton on the Flagstaff, Ariz., the patient search even white flannels have already are liable to punishment by thea ar behindthe bar and look- I n Somerstown, a, slum district of I head, and learning it was his birth- Was rewarded by the discovery of appeared on the campus and all i Men's Student or the Inter-frater- e around with a friendly smile. north central London, and is the day anniversary, felicitated him. an ,unaccounted for blotch of light the golf courses show a tremen- nity council. The men doffed their hats but!"'moel"establishment conducted She asked Ernie's mother how, on an exposed photographic plate. dous turnout of hooks and slices. _ said nothing until an elderly m "Ain't famous Admiral Lord Jellicoe. received the reply: "Thirteen, your The new planet was found within The sorority houses also report an UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- she'rlovely?" The compliment did After leaving Anchor inn her cimajesty." a few degrees of heliocentric longi- unusual heavy dating which is an- One entire fraternity house has oely?" The compliment did Aer avin A r i he m y." tude of the spot determined by the other proof of the arrival of warm been placed under quarantine due ingly acknowledged it and in so on a visit to some slum dwellings,e "mented. Lowell calculations. weather. !to the discovery of a case of diph-itsn Dr. Lowclcul toah hi cecusionI UNIVERSITY O WISCONSIN- theria. AMERICAN FLEETS END FOUR DAYS Life History Sealed in Tree. was much more intricate than that Representatives from six Wiscon- Annual inter-sorority debates at'SHAM BATTLE IN HAITIAN WATERS John Davey, the father of tree by which Neptune was discovered, sin colleges and from Rockford the University of Iowa will this JohneDavey, the fther of tre- Professor. Rufus said. college, Illinios; will be guests of year be upon the proposition, "Re-d _ surgery, is the first man in his- New Planet is Unnamed. University of Wisconsin co-eds at solved: that the Women's Pan-Hel- h tory to have a recor o is e an The newly-discovered planet. as a College Play day to be held in lenic association of the University! off Cape Dame Marie, Haiti, March cruisers and destroyers to best ad- accomplishments sealed in the yet unnamed, is at present in the Lathrop hall at the state univer- Iof Iowa should adopt a rule re- 15-Two powerful American fleets vantage and as well as the enemy trunk of a living tree. The speci- constellation Gemini, almost indis- sity March 23. quiring that every candidate for I were checking Sup today the results acquitted itself brilliantly under the men selected as a memorial to Dr. tinglishable from the bright star Ten women students from each admission to a sorority have a of one of the most "deadly" naval stress of battle conditions. of that group nearest to the well- of Lawrence, Ripon, Carroll, Mar- igrade average of 2:25 for the se- engagements ever fought in Amer- The air squadrons of thDavey is a magnificent American known Castor and Pollux. It is, quette, Milwaukee, Downer, Be-Thester preceding initiation.' ican waters. played a prominent part in the at- m, 50 feet tall. The tree now batte o Na assa whcha ck.lye Fightoin nt an toming peney Elstnds5 inf ron t ofall highrechowi however, of the fifteenth magni- ---- _----------The...- N sawa--.---n nd..ingtpeant fade, too faint to be seen excp efrmadbmenpanestnsifotofahgsholn ep srrni anscpe oiNvasa an hdfo h ek fteet ho dnn pRUSSIANS CEASE Dr. Gomberg to Speak baiafter shisue"ofNand set a launched from the decks of the Kent, Ohio. wit'apowrfldtlecop.e with a powerful telescope. It is the rr of havtilrynd th Lexington went dashing through ---- ---- - roughly 43 times as far from the! RELIGIOUS WAR BDG the hills of Haiti to ringin g withe the skies and diving down from be- sun as is the earth, and receives but Rhhrrofghangrpllery ad ahind clouds to make their offensive i-1800 of the light and heat re-) Dr. M. Gomberg, chairman of the whirr of fighting planes was at an attacks on the light forces and the f ceived by this planet. Its light re- (y Associated Press) chemistry department of the Uni- end.e fudyoerhing, the heavy ships of the line.EARN T ft Tre s x ou s o e a h s, tr v -I O S O W M rc 1 . - h e ee 'A fter four days of searc hingahe co m mits ipseoothetlne.CLom m unT OsF L quires six hours to reach us, tray- 1MOSCOW, March 15.-The cen versity, and president-elect of the battle fleet, commanded by Admiral eking at the rate of 186,000 feet per tr!cmiteo h omns American Chemical society is giv- L. M. ulton, came upon the scout- George Herkes, fireman, Beloit, second, although this distance is party today placed a definite curb n Wis.. and Charles Carney,dstoker,y insignificant compared with that upon too vigorous anti-religious a lto Friday morning in the narrow pas- ngPoreagetWirepresentigethewaene'by of the nearest star whose light re- and socialization activities. Se- tion of the society Tuesday evening sage between Haiti and the island Thomas N. McCartner medals byrin the Hour. requires 4 1-3 years to reach the vere punishment was threatened to at the Hotel Fort Shelby in De- of Navassa and the devastating en- the American Gas Assocbation by licensed pilots under army earth. Its year, the time required those violating the oder of the troit. gagement ensued. These medals were given as an flying school standards. Spring for it to complete one revolution committee, which formulates the Dr, Gomberg will read a paper on It was over at noon and a few award for saving Charles Spurling classes now forming. about the sun, has been approxi- policies of the Russian govern- hours later the battle fleet started and Gus Larson who had been Phone 6466 or Call mately calculated by Dr. Lowell ment. "recent studies with the reducg for Guananamo to adjudicate he overcome by gas. at 606 Ypsi-Ann of our years.a_______toadjudicate__theovercome Byigdi. as 282 of our years. The committee pointed out that system, magnesium and magnesium battle and determine which side - ---- -- - j.uling in some cases local officials at- di-halide." The talk will be illus- had won. Slosson Will Lecture tempted to justify csgy od trated with slides. 1 The on s i e a s N Tda S churches by saying thatithd with the opposing forces grappling 3sdis $' or' Naval Disarmament been done "by the voluntary desire UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-! at close range, artillery roaring, days set; aa~y str to choose from of the population." Today's order An aeroplane ride will be the prize submarines and destroyers weaving ao smers F<,. se "The Naval Disarmament Par- forbids forcible closing of churches, awarded to the couple holding theI in and out of the haze, while the ley," will be the subject of a lee- mosques or synagogues without the "lucky number" at the annual mighty battleships steamed alon 6o E. Huron 5t Phone 64 ture by Prof. Preston W. Slosson, to cosn fth vrhlin a-FI s rlc on the fringe of the action._________________ be given before a meeting of Alpha onsty of the overwheingc maj- ro Foic. ______ ____ililillilgililigliill111111111101 Nu, forensic society, at their meet- aority of the population in f eachase fourth floor of Angell Hall.:Profes- central authoesale closing of PALMER CHRISTIAN sor Slosson, who has given specia markets, bazarres and stores was =IN Sale sor os ,behto has consent Rc w l e on f.S e Ocua LoTnesuujca 14ADcondemned and the committee or- ed to lead an open forum discus- cnendadtecmiteo dion on the whole London confer- dered that all such places be im ORGAN RECITAL - A ence. The meeting has been open- mediately re-opened and no bar ed to all student and faculty mem- placed to peasants to prevent their very Wednesday at 4:15 P. M. in Hill Auditorium unless otherw se bers of the University. selling freely their products 4,1 the rc^1announced. rNewsyle open market. Village officials un- -CETBEL lM On the Northwestern campus is a der pain of severe punishment were COMPLIMENTARY TO THE PUBLIC woman's shop where formal gowns, forbidden also to use force in re- _ Except thit fot obvious easons small children cannot be admitted. wraps, and costumes may be rent- cruiting peasants for the collectiveh s ed. farms. - - - I 60 shenvelop es (11111111111Ii g111 1NtiiiI11Ullllllllglllli1111I11 1111I111NI~I 11QI!; 2Sk1DDE N .,69cj "The DUse Our USedEN This is a new popular flat size sheet. Our stock of Eaton, Crane & Pike Co. and other choice Christia eth t corresondence paers is the larzest in the cit. I