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March 15, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-15

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rAUOII~ ~T~fl~Hans Luther Directs ~Ir

SATURDAY, MA!~C!! 15, 193O~



Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)

IIV~o IUIS German Banikingv Firm


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No. 11'7

University Lecture: Professor Karl von Frisch, of the University
of Munich, will lecture on the subject of "The Senses and Language of
the Bees," at 4:15 p. m., Tuesday, April 1, in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium. The lecture will be illustrated. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins
University Loan Committee: Th e University Loan Committee will
meet on Monday, March 17, at 1:30 p. m., in Room 2, University Hall.
All applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of
Students for an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman

John Callahan Called by Drys
as Principal Witness in
Liquor Arguments.
Callahan Known as Devotee to
Outcasts of New York for'
Sixteen Years.


What's Where.
What with pictures running
eek~s, half-weeks, and extra cays,
,e can't seemn to keep them
raight. However, "Hearts in Ex-
" does open today at the Maj,
be reviewed tomorr,)w, "The Lone
ar Ranger" reviewed 'below is"at
.e Wuerth, and "Disraeli," (don't
iss it) closes today at the Michi-
Best Detroit bets are Dennis;
ing's technicolor "Vagabond King"
the Paramount, Marion Davies'

rt fist: 1111.1v the U!amH , i timl kelerpi.T
Zane Grey. i ., i ut a > tlie Iirt of bot h
George O'Brien and Sue Carol re! Caro.1th latter in a
seen and heard enacting a Zane .'atttw to hr.
Grey western for the talkies in "'Ih Scenery, plo!.ography, and re
Lone Star Ranger" at the Wuerth. cording are above average. For
O'Brien (former navy heavyweighth h se who like western films (and
champ is likeable in the rol of a who desn't occasionally?)"The
quiet fast-shooting, hard-riding Lone Sta1r hanger" is diverting en-
Texas Ranger. tertainment. It receives a B grade.
While not as finished a produc- -B. J. A.

new comedy, "Not So Dumb" with
Elliot Nugent at the Adams, and'
Lupe Velez warming March chill;
! l X;f. 1"p l tr 4,4-n TTAf Ar


I iiin a, "The Virginian," "The Lone
i1 r Ranger" has more genuine ac

E VETS 0D 1 ..(By A Sociafed I''8s)
Engineering Faculty and Students: Mr. John C. Niederrnair, of theIWASHIN Tif, March 14 - A
Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Department, will speak on man whose life work has been to
some of The Technical and Engineering Features in connection with miister to the Outcasts of a great
Submarine Salvage, at 11:00 a. M., in room 445 West Engineering Build- metropolis was called upon by the
ing. 'All interested are invited to attend. drys today to buttress their defense
of prohibition before the house ju-
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution), First Semester: An examination for diciary committee. Asoc ated Press Photo
those who were absent from the final wilbe held in Room 2103, Natural Sometesefery ' JasC "h P Dr H Lxhr.
bishopo'f the Bowery," John Calla-t President of the G.ermnan Reichs-
Science Buildig, from 9 to 12 a. m. A. Franklin Shull han, superintendent of the Hadley bank, who has recently succeeded
Rescue mission and for 16 years Dr. Hjalmar Schact.
Senior Women: The caps and gowns will be distributed today ai o n at N Yorkyas resen
the House of representatives room in the Women's League Building, by the prohibitionists as the day'sL
from -12 and from 2-5. ,principal witness. P T H 1 G
The witness list for the day in
Beta Kappa Rho will meet in the Cave of the League Building at ,the committee's hearings on meas-
8:15 p. m. ures proposing- the repeal of the
eighteenth amendment also includ-
Hillel Foundation: Those desiring appointments with Miss FrancesIed John R. McIntosh of the Ger-
1arrison of the Training School for Jewish Social Work of New York 1mantown Gospel mission and Ralph Professor Wylie Tells of Work
City who is in Ann Arbor today and tomorrow are asked to communicate I H. White, research secretary of the
with Ribbi A. H. Fink at once. Fact Finding Committee on Law on Capacity for Recognition,
-- lEnforcement of Connecticut. Recall, Learning.
Economics 1+2: Members of the class will meet Monday at 1:00 In addition, the drys held in re-
o'clock in the rooms listed below according to the following divisions of serve statements from Irving Fish- Reviews of experimental work on
the alphabet: er, professor of economics of Yale the capacity for recognition, recall
A to H-N. S. Aud, university, and Clarence True Wil- and learning of abnormal persons
I to L-1025 A. Hi. son, general secretary of the board
M to Z-25 A. H. 1 of temperance, prohibition and by Prof. Margaret Wylie, and the
W. A. Paton ! public morals of Methodist Episco- transfer of teaching by Prof. Lewis
pal church, Just what the final Keeler, both of the psychology de-
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: disposition of these statements partment, featured the regular
Will all of the seniors who a:e interested in life insurance please call would be was undetermined.
at the off4ce at 201 Mason Hall sometime Tuesday, March 18? [ An effort to read that of Fisher meeting of the Psychology Journal
Jean Greenshields into the committee record . failed club, Thursday night.
Thursday through the objection of Professor Wylie's work was con-
Senior Electricals: Mr. C. R. Beall, Asst. Chief Engineer, Union Chairman Graham, who held it pleted in 1928 after three years of
Switch & Signal Company, Swissvale, Pa., will recruit in Room 271 on could not be admitted since the experimenting in the State Psych-,
Monday and Tuesday. A. D. Moore author was'not present to snbmit to opathic hospitals at Ann Arbor and
cross-examination. Pontiac. Chief mong the facts
Sophomore Engineers: There will be a class meeting on Tuesday Today's session was limited to ascertained in these tests was the
morning at 11 o'clock in Room 348, West Engineering Building. Stu- the morning hours. It represented inablity of senile dementia and
dents attending the meeting will be excused from classes at this hour. a departure from the policy of the Korsakow or alcoholic cases to
committee i holdig hearings of recognize, recall or learn. Many
Civil Engineering Juniors: The United States Bureau of Public two days each week and was in- of these persons do not appreciate
Roads employs one Junior from the University of Michigan each year for 'irted to hasten the proceedings. likenesses and differences. Often,
summer work, with the idea that, if it is mutually agreeable, he will be' m inquiry is to be resumed nent y
Wednesday, when the drys will I only a few of the early habits were
permanently employed by the Bureau after graduation. have two days and a half left fo retained. Some of the senile were
Mr. Allen of the Bureau will be in my offlee, 1224 East Engineering th eta etor unable to learn i 50 repetitions
Building, on Monday, March 17, to interview Juniors who may be inter- ___resenaw__n__ what the normal person would
ested in this work. He will arrive about 9:00 a. m. learn in two. The chief difficulty
Seamen's Union Break in this work is the reticence, the
All Campus Fencing Championship to be held Wednesday, March 19, Delays French Liners emotional disturbances and the
7:00 p. m. All those interested see Coach Johnstone at the Intramural- - suspicions of the patients. Profes-
Sports Building. TV T _ Associated Pre-0) sor Wylie found that she could not

j ,


All Campus Wrestling Championship to be held Wednesday, March
19, 7:00 p. m. All those interested weigh in, either at the Intramural,
Sports Building, or Waterman Gymnasium at 3:00 p. m. of that date.
Acolytes will meet Monday, March 17, at 7:30 p. m., in room 202 S. W.
Rev. Thomas Harris will read a paper on "Gnosis or the Future of
Scalp and Blade meets Sunday, March 16, in the Michigan Union4
at 2:30 p. m,.
Hindustan Club: A business meeting of the club will be held on
Sunday, March 16, at Lane Hall at 2:30 p. m.

HAVRE, France, March 14.-Not use the electric chronoscope be-
only was the liner Paris held up cause of the feer of the abnormals
here today and, prevented from u for electricity.e
sailing for New York but it was Professor Keeler, of the psych-
feared the Ile de France, due to ology department of the Education
leave for America March 19, might school, spoke on the transfer of
also be delayed indefinitely, learning from one course to an-
The break between the French other by the pupil and into the pri-
line and the seamen's union, which 'vate life of the student.
ordered its menbers aboard the-
Paris to strike Wednesday night,'Allen to Meet Junior
seemed complete today and no dateA
for the sailing of the Paris could Engineering Students


Congregational Student Fellowship: Mr. Peter Sudah of Palestine
will speak on "The Holy Land Yesterday and Today" at the Sunday 1
evening meeting. Fellowship social period from 5:30 to 6:00, luncheonII
from 6:00 to 6:30 and meeting from 6:30 to 7:15 in the church parlors.
The Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club
will entertain the Tuesday Play Reading Section on Monday Evening, (
March 17, at 8 o'clock, at the Woman's Athletic Building.-
Astronomy Coroquium: Professor L. A. Hopkins will present a'
paper on "The Density of a Planet and the Motion of a Satellite," at the
Observatory on Monday, March 17, at 4:30 p. in.
W. C. Rufus
Freshmen Girls' Glee Club: Very important meeting Monday, Mar.
17. It is necessary that everyone be there.
Helen DeWitt, President
(By Associiated Press) means of plying their trade. They I
DETROIT, March 14--Led by Po- have business methods, just like
lice Commissioner Harold H. Em- s.
ions, approximately 250 law en- business has its methods. We must
forcement officers of the Detroit fight them with modern methods. I
metropolitan area and eastern and There are people of brains in crime
central Michigan gathertd here on today, and today it is no longer a
Thursday night to devise new of- community proposition. Detroit is I
fensives against crime, a 'hot spot' fore crime. We mustI
The intent of the officers was ob- face that as a fact. There must be
viously to "meet merger with mer- no jealousies, there must be co-op-
ger," to combat organized crime eration."
with organized resistance. In his The occasion for the meeting was
opening words Commissioner Em- the monthly session of the law I
mons sounded the keynote of the enforcement leaders of the Detroit
conference: I metropolitan area. Those present
"The criminals of today are included judges, sheriffs, chiefs of
equipped with the most modern 'police and state police officers.
ilitllllitlllillliillllli11iiIIIl11t11t1IIt11I11iltttlllptlli[Ixt , li
Senior LltsI
Invitations and Announcements will be
sodin Ange11 Hall.

be set.
Passengers returned to the Paris
Thursday night but this morning
began to seek accommodations on
vessels of other lines.

T. Warren Allen, chief of the di-
vision of control of the bureau of
. Public Roads and former engineer
for New York state, will interview

-- members of the junior class of the
WASHINGTON-According to re- engineering college Monday. One
ports given by Hon. Fred A. Brit- student will be chosen to work with
ten, member of the Illinois senate, the bureau during the summer, ac-
the Army and Navy grid squads # cording to Prof. Roger L. Morrison,
will clash at Chicago in 1932. ' of the highway department.
- - - - - - - - - - -- -_




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open every day from



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