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March 15, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-15

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SATURDAY, MA!! 15, I1930i




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Among the unusual features
which have been adopted for the of
Junior Girls' Play, "State, Street,"fin
Adviser to Ioen Represents is the employment of a mask cho- do
Michigan at Hartford rus. The usage of masks is one e
Club Conference. never before undertaken in a jun- Jr.
for production, and comes as an
TALKS ON CO-EDUCATION appropriate accompanyment of the twh
modern sophistication of the story. las
Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser to wo- Costumes of white satin and sil-
men, has left for Hartford, Con- ver are worn by a chorus of eight
necticut, where she is attendin'g the women, who provide the dance ac-
Educational conference of the companiment to a song which the
Hartford College club. Miss Lloyd male comedy lead sings to the so-
will represent the larger co-educa- phisticated University girl. In re- in
tional c llege at the meeting Sat- sponse to his question, "Why don't col
urday afternoon when the subject |you take off your mask?" the cho- ed,
of the education advantages offer- rus renders its interpretation of hin
ed by the different types of colleges the answer by lifting the masks an
is discussed, which they wear. The representa- e
Wells College represents the tion of sophistication through this i
smaller women's college type, Ober- artificial medium harmonizes with'
lin the smaller co-educational col- the essential character of the story.
lege, and the University of Michigan The parts of the two leads who fea-.
the larger co-educational college. ture this song are played by Jane
Miss Lloyd will be one of the princi- Robinson and Barbara Stratton.
pal spRakers an abr ptraon.
palspakrsofths rogram Trhe execution of the masks, I_


";asterncollege wo men are ex which were made after a design by 1
tremely interested in the large co- whMargre madgoodterodei y
educational college," said Miss Margaret Hapgood, properties be(
Lloyd. "They are not nearly so corn- chairman, was the work of the for
mon in that part of the country;'' members of Miss Hapgood's com- bo
The Hartford College club is com- mittee. Under her direction, moist- do
posed of college graduates from all ened pap r was molded over a clay ide
colleges. cast of a ace, and the outer coat- ha
ing of the foundation, gummed pa- ful
SIGMA ALP14A IOTA per, was smoothed over the base. att
MEETING;A Applications of varnish, aftr the pe
P L A N S MEETING masks had been appropriately pr
TO BE HELD HERE painted, completed the construc
Sigma Alpl a I ,national mu- Stateliness and sophistication th
sic sorority, will hold its national have been expressed on the masks, P4
convention in Ann Arbor on April which typify the nature of the ul- Im
3, 4, and 5, according to an an- tra-modern college girl. By their "R
nouncemrent by Mrs. Eli A. Gallup, use the idea of. the scene in which be
they are presented is carried to m
general chairman of the local corn-I n
mittee. The headquarters will becompletion:
at the Michigan League building. The mask theme has been car- ?
Hazel Ritchley, Lincoln, Neb., the xied out upon the programs of bril- ch
national president, and Frances liant colows and furnishes the mo-w11
Locher, Grosseo Pote, i tif used on the placards which1
GrdossePnteprovince have been placed in shop windows m
president, will attend 'the conven- about Ann Arbor. The medallion ni
tion. Miss Locher will preside at:fwhich has been adopted as the th
the meetings.
Members of the local committee symbol of the production is the de-
are Mrs. Eli A. Gallup, general sign of Miss Hapgood.
chairman, Miss Elisabeth Campbell 'bo
and Bernice Fallis, '31SM. National Student Federation gir
Sigma. Alpha Iota was founded Broadcast. a
in Ann Arbor in 1903 and is the Third program--Monday af- no
oldest music sorority in the United ternoon. ab
States. 5:00-5:45-W. A. B. C. and af- pu
filiated stations of the Columbia Fe
ELSHUCO TRIO TO Broadcasting network. ull
A P R M C 2On International Subjects. ph
AP ER A C 24 A series of weekly talks on !
I "The World Today" from 7:15 wh
The last of the Chamber Music to 7:30 Monday evenings over SW
series of concerts will be the ap~ WEAF and National broadcast- Wi
pearance of the Elshuco trio on ing network. re
Monday night, March 24, the March 3-Mexican Problems. va
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. March 10-The French Poli- be
Sponsored by the Faculty Wom- tical Riddle.
en's club, the last of the entertain- March 17-Success or Failure ca
ments will be characterized .by a at London. ou
more social atmosphere than hasp March 24 - Great Britain's an
prevailed at any of the earlier con- Naval Needs. wi
certs. Light refreshments are to N March 31-The International w
be served during the intermissions. Bank. co
according to those in charge I uncheon discussions of the cu

:The Wamen's League building which the women are now making (By Associated tress) When the business world looks at scholastically are on top in the bus-
the University of Michigan is a of the building." ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. - Miss e college product systematically iness world. It was discovered that
e example of what women can Miss Yost is a graduate of Vas- Glenna Collet, captain of the Amer- it discovers that the college gradu- es wor tr wsediqovery tua
together," said Miss Mary Yost, sar and did her post-graduate work ican team selected to participate in ae who has maintanupper one te cessful provided that they had par-
an of women at Leland Stanford, at the University of Michigan the United States-English women's
Univrsiy, uo i spedin a a th Uniersty o Mihiea.e of his class is most successful in ,ticspated in extra-curricular activi-
WUniversity, who is spending a While on this campus she special- golf tournament announced i the business world. This statement ties d
'; days in Ann Arbor on her re- )zdi htrc n oilg,k recently that May 1 had been nam-
i das held in tlanic Cy zedkin rhetoric and socioogyF redens thating dten f t was made at the annual confer- The biggest assets which parti-
inh was held in Atlantic City orking under Professor John F. ,es ence of Deans of Women which met cipation in campus activities af-
t k Shepard and the last Professor* . at Atlantic City last week. fords are in the fields of publica-
Charles H. Cooley. After Miss Yost Miss Virginia Van Wie, one of The statistics upon which this tions and debating, the statistics
she alunae have done a re- ad won her degree, she returned he foremost among Americas WO- statement is based were gathered showed. It was further indicated
Tto Vassar as an instructor in argu- ien golfers, has accepted an i-by the Bell Telephone company, that the college football and base-
rka e piec oney forthe build mentation and debate, and from for orad ths springfowhich employs thousands of college ball player has no'lead in the busi-
buinghettinysoetheigrel here sh the series of matches, according to ;graduates all over the country. The ness world over participants in any
,eret doettiss stethinaywomen at Stanford. mother announcement made by report was made from a study of 3,- other sports.
ncr idone,"iss Yost cosnribus UastsCord pollet. Others who arecon- 00 college men and women who are There is no difference in the suc-
"The building shows that be scibes Union at Stnfrd templating this invasion of Europei employed by that company. cess of the man who worked his
nd it was a great deal of thought The building which corresponds are Miss Helen L. Hicks, Miss Ber-
g to the League building at Stanford ice Wall. Mis, Peggy , Judging by the rapidity of pro- way through college and the man
d careful study of the needs of t othe. ueibuildnY Stand.slis. Wally Mis eWattles, and motion and the amount of salary who did not, according to the re-
e women of the campus. This is is the Union, Miss Yost explained. Mrs. Dorothy Camnpbell Hurd. These' which is' drawn, the upper tenth port.
denced by the remarkable use It is built around a court, and is in players together with Misses Collet _h drn_- eppr_ h__._ _
--...- __ three units. The center part con- 'and Van Wie will constitute the !:)><):;;>it;= omosono to<><><-;:;;;)
tains the public dining rooms, lob- main part #of the American team
bies, and committee rooms, and which will meet a Bri.tish Women's
THE SPO T-LIGHT was'given by President Hoover. The team headed by Miss Molly Gour-
wings.are devoted to the activities lay._c
By J. C. X- of the students, one side being I fJC A L;
used by the women and the other JUNIOR PLAY REHEARSALS. A TT h r
It seems that the campus has by the men. The buildingwas fin- Saturday, March 15: ,
en invaded by such a ridged re- anced by the alumni, the women's Specialties.
'm movement, that "Mortar- wing being built by women gradu-, 7:00, Act II, cast and choruses,
ard," having nothing better to ates of Stanford. I stage.
, is concerning itself with my Stanford women are all housed 8:30, Act I, cast and choruses,
ntiy coe iIthel with my -either in the dormitory or in one stage. rg
~ntity. Nowv, if I thought that I e ooit oss t 6
d enough of a present, past, or of the ten sorority houses. As the
ture, to warrant Mortarboard's number of women is limited to 500- Three women students of the
tentdon, I would stop writing for by the original founders of the uni- University of Washington, members rc.
easure, and give "True Story" a versity, the group has remained of the Women's rifle team, are
sak. ,o maLi. among the ten best shots in the
And, believe me, I would see to it Number of Women is Limited' United States as was disclosed in I
at it would be more astonishing This limitation was placed upon reports from the National Rifle Those much talked about
an most of these so-called "cam- women when there was no thought Association headquarters at Wash-
s chronicles." Which reminds that they would ever attain that ington D. C hsmall prints-Navy geor-
e that the person who wrote number. However, as the restric-'ington D C I .4
tudderless" certainly has never tion is incorporated into the will of I-<',<;::::-< ;-c t > t;; ~ gettes-B r il li a n t toned 4
en on campus at 8:10 in the Mrs. Leland Stanford, who endow-
rning. Because just about that ed the university, it cannot be crepes-Black frocks with
Styles. craupeeu-tlabou frocks withes
e 'everybody has a very definite changed with the growth of the The Les ylingerie touches and sheer
ea of where he is going and will university. 'This makes it exceed- g t-a s
eerfully knock down anybody ingly hard for women to get Into woolen at
0 happens to be In his path. the university. Only one out of ill
All of which is another argu- every six who apply are admitted, I 0
ent for my tulips. It's much and only those students who have Sprin Hats
cer to fall into a bed of tulips exceptionally high scholastic ave- vLv ~
an - well, call it mud if you rages apply at all. for
int to. Stanford University is unique in
But do you know what Some- that it handles its own traffic vio- Models for 4.Sizes 14 to 42
dy is actually giving the little lations. The school is located in every occasion.
rl a hand. Yesterday I received the county but not n the town of .
huge pink tulip plant, with a Palo Alto, and when traf ic became
te to the effect that while I was congested due to the student-driv- Come in and seeVs
out it, I might see that the cam.. en cars, the administration allow-
got cleaned up before May ed the student council to make its t6em.
°stival. _ r,'ay u tefc own traffic restrictions and enforce
ty did their best to weed out the them. THE
ace last semester.
However, bear up just a little NORMAL COLLEGE v I4
pile longer. For soon will come PRESENTS CIRCUS " HELEN SHOP
ving Out, and then the seniorsc~ Shop of
11 grace the campus with their Members of the Physical Educa- EPersonal
gal robes. To say nothing of the t lub t Michian State Nor 537 East LibertyS e
rious colored tassels which willmaL College, at Ypsilanti are pre- Servce
the last word in artistic effects. s i aCleCircus in theirf o

There will be a meeting of
the athletic managers of the
organized houses at 4 o'clock
Monday in Barbour gymnasium
parlors. Several important sub-
jects must be brought up at this
meeting, so every house should
be represented.

Foreign Policy association, New
York City, from 1:50 to 3:30
Saturday afternoons over WE-
AF National Broadcasting net-
March 15-Subject: Progress
of London Naval Conference.
Speakers: Edward P. Warner,
James T. Shotwell, and Henry
Cabot Lodge.


That is, they will if somebody at t
l convince Rolls that he really weeki at two different times
ght to dig down under the seal will twe place at 7 o'clock Monday
d revive the old tradition. And night, while the second will be at
ile you are digging around, Rolls, 7:30 o'clock Tuesday.
)uld you just as soon see if you Tickets are 50 cents, and may be
uld revive that age-old tradition, [Tichaen0 centsatdBarbeur
istomn, or more rightly termed purchased in office 15 at Barbour
yth, eale "chivalry?"tm gymnasium. The tickets were sent
Snow just a little hint to to the physical education depart-
And ortarboar. I'm not a blonde nt by Ann Zauer, '29, who is an
ortaboar. I' nota blnde.instructor a .$ .C
eavens no! I still have some sense,.at M. S. N. C.
nd anybody could 'tell that I'm
)t a Phi Beta, because I have
eserved my sense of humor. I'm
ally not a typical co-ed. I just
n't seem to get sophisticated and
red enough for that. So get
isy, you female Shylocks!

o C

"1 .




If, it has a
Little Jacket
its New!
Acid if that jacket has a
peplum-well-you know its
the very last word in chic.
Sometimes the dress is sleeve-
less-sometimes they're elbow
s I e e v e s-sometimes they're
printed - sometimes plain-
But if they're jacketed and
peplumed - they're newer
than new.

All new lines of Fashion will point
downward, for spring. Shoes will
be simpler-but oh, so much more
important-for complete ensemble
Here are a few definite ideas-a claire beige,
regent pump with high French heel-piped
with narrow strip of brown or a center buckle,
one-strap puna of claire beige with cut-out
trim on the side and mouse-colored applique
-we also ordered this in black mattkid with
patent leather trim. In black, we are show-
ing a handsome street shoe of mattkid-
Cuban heel with long vamp-two straps and
patent leather trim and in pumps we have a
black mattkid with high or Cuban heel-this
same style in moire with silver kid piping.
New styles are arriving every day-and all
are shown in widths from AAA to C. The
above mentioned styles are

Y ,+
. 4
4 jjlyt




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