FA~r 'o~ J HE MILT-WIGAN .QTLY Cl A nn;rTnn A V TO A ! Imtr ''I it I AAA as a.. - c. - . aa, r aa ad -.a. - ;,fl.LI.I] f L.AIWTYY2%AW V.DAY;#-tV1 , 1A'I: h R i Published every morning ecept Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- athea credited to it or not otherwise credited In ths paper and the local news publishedI herein. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- raster General Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail, 54.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May nrd Street. 1 Phones:t. Editorial, 4925; Business, 21ar4. EDITORIAL STAFF f . Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman......... enrge C. Tiley City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg News ditor .............Donald J. Kine Sports Fditor...... Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor...........Marjorie Fonmer Telegraph Editor ....... Cassam A. Wilson aMusicand drama.......William J. Gorman Literary JEditor..........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor. .. Robert J Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Membes prank E.FCoopery Henryr . Merry Wiflliam C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss I Charles R. Kuffman Walter W. Wilds I Gurney William Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Beymer William Page Allan H. Berkman\Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein thr ainowtz S. Beach Conger ViorfRindel 'homas14. Cooe Jeannie Robert Helen Domnine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch °" Catherine errin Ralph R. Schs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprwl Ruth Galineyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanso Ginevra Gin Jane Thayer ack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Goverman Robert Townsend E lvargaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine S. Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr. ean Levy G Lonel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimi Bruce J. Manley BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCIERER Department Managers Advertisig.... .....TI. Hollister Mabley Advertising .... .......asper 11H .alverson Advertising...........Sherwood A. Upton Service ..................,eorge A. Spater Circulation ....... ........ .J. Vernor Daviq Accounts ..................John R. Rose Publicat ions ........... George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman liezer Lee Slaton James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper j orris Johnson Robert Williamson ; Charles Kline Wiam R. Worboy flordthy Bloomgardner Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia Miller Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwbite Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinsaw1 Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 NIGHT EDITOR-HENRY MERRY OUTWORN SENTIMENT. Mixed up for some unaccountable reason with the senior's business of getting out of college as best he can are a heterogeneity of senior It is time to recognize this and sweep away the pitiful Senior Sing, Class Banquet, and Class Day; but perhaps not all at once. A compro- mise has been suggested between the old sentiment and the new1 -economy and efficiency: let a class ban auet he heldl the ni rht of Swim 9 OASTED ROLL SUCH A BUSINESS! 4 (i ) 1 I }1 i ql1SUUj t: gCSt g UtA'.. *Sb V1 J4 Ulg Out which will combine song with The University is now a business the customary oratory of Class concer and we m Day. The idea most certainly has anything. Students will probably its merits, despite the objection I1be hired and fired, grades will be which will, of course, be advanced raised and lowered as economic by the timid, Lhat the result would conditions change, and products be a siiturnalia of class spirit. turned out in June will probably o i-bear a label: "Guaranteed for a DR. MAX WINKLER. period of one hour after leaving The University lost one of the factory." best beloved and distinguishedC members of its faculty yesterday ine As Lark so aptly put it: "Th Music And Drama and 0IFRATERNITY _IMEOGRAPHING A specialty for CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY.and 0 twenty years. Prompt service.. Experienced op- Elshuco Trio erators.. Moderate rates. SORORITY s One Week Monday 0. D. MORRILL ! The Chamber Music Society, re- fl Badges 34 South State St. Phone 661 A SAD DOG sponsible this year for such enjoy- Sp ia d I able concerts as those of the Bar- Ringsobut wiser dog. He SRinth ut w e' de ' rere Ensemble and the New York ! EUROPE $365orld .. - ind String Quartet, will close its sea- SIX COUNTRIES- ly lady found him 0n fnMah2oihte20-PASSION PLAY shivering i a door- son on March 24th with the presen- IOne of 250 College Travel Tours way. She searched tation of the Elshuco Trio of New# Ss r i Nearly 4.000 members in 1929 the Classifieds in NkT styy e wy ge- 1st Class Hotels the Daily . . and York. This society, by a very gen- More Motor Travel. Get the Book Sport is home again. e!erous bow to the student body of fromni the s Burr, Patterson and . G. KEBLER USE THE the University, has made possible 601 East Huron StreetC attendance at all four of its splen- Auld Co AnnArbor Mich. Phone 6412 did concerts for less than the pricej - -- 1of a moving picture. One would ^- -- ---- - like to suggest more enthusiastic 603 Church Street - support of the last concert to as-Hsi sure appreciation of the place in Hark To His Master's Voice lSaying v Ann Arbor's musical life these - a chamber recitals are taking. G 0 NIV RS TY MUSC VU E -11 TheElshuco Trio is the famous organization founded in 1917 byvKypMa classified list William Willeke just after the re- ; ep a the death of Dr. Max Winkler, for- mer head of the German depart- ment and a German scholar of na- tional reputation. Dr. Winkler had attained a host of friends during his forty years of service to the University. Many of } his students are now occupying chairs in German on faculties throughout the country which is ample evidence of the effectiveness of his teaching abilities. In addition to his purely peda- gogical labors, Dr. Winkler under- took extensive research in his par- ticular field, and his findings mark him as a brilliant scholar. His in- terpretations of German authors, especially Goethe, will remain as classics in the study of German literature. Profound reverence is due the professor for his long service on the faculty, but still greater regard must be given him for the remark- able manner in which he combined a friendly and counseling attitude toward students, a thorough man- ner in instructing, and a deep and inexhaustive desire and ability forf research. His passing must be re- garded as a deep loss to the Uni- versity. University has been made into a corporation. Don't take any stock in it.' Although Lark, as I stated yes- terday, has found his laundry, let- ters keep pouring in and I'm pre- senting some to show just how much sympathy can be aroused on this campus when the occasion de- Imands it. Dear Joe: Having followed your tirement of the Kneisel Quartet account of the Lark's predicament from its preeminent position. It with somewhat keen interest, I has gradually won a name for itself wish you would suggest to him by its Brahms and Beethoven that he get a case of dynamite and chamber music cycles and by its blow up the North side of the post connection with Mrs. Coolidge's! office. Therein he would find vari-I South Mountain Music Colony at ous and sundry laundry cases ready Pittsfield, Mass. Their last appear- for dispatch among this great U. S. ance in Ann Arbor was in 1924 He could hire a shyster lawyer from when the Ann Arbor News report- ot.the PROGRESSIVE MERCHANTS on the Campus- For Economical Buying See Page 7 Lowest Prices: TERMS To Snhit. Play While You Pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Vigor, Columbia, Brunswick Records 1a' bea isn md Thde In m i di ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 1 ] E A current weekly journal wants to know if color can be heard. There is no question as to the lan- guage it speaks when connected with traffic signal lights. 0 Ekacaesium. No-not a typo- graphical error, but the name of a newly discovered chemical element, the eighty-seventh. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confining themselves to less than S3oo words of possible. Anonymous con- inunications will be disregarded. The namnes c commnicants will, however, be regardled a cotfidento, I, upon re- rjest. Letters published should not he construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. THE OLD GRADUATE ON "HAHVUD CULTURAL." To the Editor: You ask the cause of the aliena- tion of the graduates of the Uni- versity from their Alma Mater; I answer, the conduct of the Alum- nus. When Dr. Little came to the Uni- versity he set out to force "Hahvud Cultuah" upon the free, Western spirit of the University ideas. Ev- erything, which did not conform to "Hahvud Cultuah" was suppressed by the Alumnus; such things, which could not be suppressed, were distorted. Its advocacy of the founding of the University in 1837I was proved to be unjustified by the Regents, who officially declared by a resolution, adopted May 24, 1929, that the University was founded August 26, 1817, viz. "Resolved: that beginning I with the next fiscal year, July 1, 1929, the Seal of the Univer- sity be altered by changing the date thereon of the Univer- sity's founding from, 1837 to 1817." IThis was suppressed by the Alum- nus and never published by it. When Dr. Robbins dug up from I the records of the University, the proceedings of the Trustees of the University, covering the period Dexter in case the authorities got ed their concert as a brilliant suc- huffy about it. You could even cess. have him get a few bales of stamps with which to conduct your contest. Hoping you will look into DETROIT NEXT WEEK. the matter I remain, until we slide Bird in Hand into the ash can of eternity. Doubtfully, Two Weeks at Cass Fish Chassis. John Drinkwater's holiday from P. S. Excuse the bum writing-I the gravity and earnestness of dra- have a cold. matic resurrection of historical characters provided the English and American stage with one of POME. the most thoroughly acceptable By Boop A. Doop,,Jr. light comedies that it has had in Most men some years. It has been received Attempt to find along the Hall of in America with equal enthusiasm Fame by critics and lay audiences. Bird A place wherein to carve a niche in Hand makes a quite vivid appeal To deposit glory, likeness, name. 1 to the sophisticated playgoer by the genuine gift of playmaking and But Lark; the felicity of the style; and warms He whom the fortunes did desert the circles still professing faith in And leave devoid of linen, socks the traditional virtues by the con- and pride, ventional honest sentiment of Seeks but a single thing-a shirt. young love fighting its way " . through elass dist ncotions to hn.r- I i Mill illiffli IIMg ,.tit -tit . ; i _, ..4.Q q / " ,- _~ v M - _ ." ; - -. _ ..a ......Y.._.__ L ....__._.... .! s 1 4 ~ -c.. .o .. 1...... .i .>L...«..._.. i.. i .. ........... L J L ..-...i.....1)...w 1.. : t' (.( ! 'i is - ..f_ J fwL-. : .ii And the this unfo from Lark I wish tude of k ed me so ing myr HIS From a "It might for you to column in I LIL U81 UU.5tt .1 t4 1 Ufl U 11S W IIOUL -} last word concerning monious consummation. rtunate occurrance is George Jean Nathan, whd con- himself: sistently refuses to accept A. A. Milne's efforts in "a similar vein,, calls Bird in Hand: "a good com- ito thank the multi- edy . . . full of laughs, simple, i ind friends who offer- unaffected and thoroughly divert- mucn syreaemnt. d-ing, making for an amusing the- recent bereavement. atrical evening." * * * -Mr. Lee Shubert, the theatrical 3TORICAL NOTE. producer who brought this flavor- Grad at Saranac Lake: some comedy to this country, plac- be of historical interest ed Drinkwater himself in complete know that the humor charge of the direction of an orig-; The Daily has not al- inal all-British company. FIRST METHODIST CHURCh Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Min., Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D. D. Associate Minister, Rev. Samuel J. ..Harrison Student Director, Mr. Ralph Johnson. Mrs. Allura Win- ters, Advisor of Women Students. 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. "Living Dangerously," Dr. Stalker. 12:00 M.-Four Discussion Groups. Leaders: Miss Ellen W. Moore, Prof. George E. Carrothers, Prof. S. Gingerich, Mr. Ralph Johnson. 6:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild De- votional Meeting. Subject: "KING. DOM FUTURES." Leader: Roy Burroughs. 7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship. "PATHFINDERS," Rev. Mr. Har- rison. The Church Orchestra will play. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH On East Huron, below State Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Students. 9:45 A. M.-Church Bible School. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon by Mr. Sayles, "MORAL VALUE OF FAITH 'IN GOD." Baptist Guild 9:45 A. M.-At Guild House. "Outlook for World Christianity," Miss Elizabeth Searles, leader. 5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour. 6:30 P. M.-Miss Ellen Moore, assistant professor, in Semitics, will speak on "Appreciating the Good in Non-Christian Faiths." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor for University Women. 10:45 A. M.-'Morning Worship. Sermon: "The Cost of the -Worth While." 12:00 Noon-Student class, Prof. H. Y. McClusky, teacher. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young: People. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet- ing. 61 5 E. University 7:30 P. M.-Sunday services at the chapel of the Michigan League. Rabbi A. H. Fing will continue series of Historical Lectures. Topic: "Jesus the Jew." : , HILLEL FOUNDATION Dial 3779, 8:30 P. M.-Open House Foundation. at the r. : 4 class functions-relics of a bygone day when a man's college was something for him to sentimental- ize over. Mauve emotions overcame him at the thought of leaving dear old alma mater-no more to slap his jolly comrades on the back and sing again the good old songs. He wanted to crowd as many happy memories into.his last semester as those too brief days would hold. It became traditional to gather here for songs, there for a ban- quet, now for a swing-out to an- nounce the nearness of the parting, and later for a class day to com- memorate the history of the classj in verse and satire and oratory., All this rigamarole was eagerly cere- monialized, and it was performed with a regularity bred of deep- seated affection for those dear, sincere old college days. Today all this is changed. The senior classes have become so large that there can be no homogeneity of feeling to provide the urge for an elaborate and prolonged ritual of leave-taking. What parting of the ways there must be is accepted matter-of-factly, without tears, and is scarcely noticed in the rush to get out into the world and make a living. There are, of course, mo- mentary ,regrets:. college has been fun, friends true, ancr the realiza- tion comes with commencement that knowledge is long and four years short. But today we live for tomorrow, and all our yesterdays are but as a financial investment, not an emotional heritage to be garlanded with ribbons and cher- ished in a Victorian heart of 'hearts. There still are left, to be sure, a few bonds of affection between student and university, but they are not vital enough to support the senior class functions as of old. They survive mostly as perennial ' r t > I TUNE Sunday IN! Morning Sarnc* ways been known as Toasted Rolls. ., Some time prior to 1923 this col- Mitzi in "Sari" umn masqueraded under many I Coming to Wilson heads, always changing with the l new editor. The originator of the One of the loveliest of musical, Toasted Rolls head was Caligula." comedy stars to invade America is now touring the country in a re- vival of the operetta in which shei Does anybody want the name originally won fame. "Sari" was the changed? If so,, let's have your Ifirst appearance of Mitzi in Amer- suggestion for a new title ica and overnight she became an international star with her inimi- f table comic gift. "Sari" is still as- LIMERICK WINNERS. sociated today with the best in mu-! sical comedies, being most sub-: Carrie Papers wins contest No. stantially built with a genuinely 2 with a line that looks simple but clever plot.h g means much. Read it over a cou- A notable feature of the revival ple of times. Here's the whole lim- is the appearance of the famous erick, with Carrie's last line: lbertinapparc Dance who ensemble dancing would enliven There once was a fellow named any production. Willy Pogany, Dan well known, artist and illustrator, Who laughed at the motor car ban. has done the stage settings. The: He bought a La Salle production promises to be one of; And then called on a gal- the most significant of the recent THERE ONCE WAS A FELLOW revivals of those operettas which of the DETROIT UNITY CENTER br'-dcast from The Detroit Civic Theatre 11:30 A.M. Eastern Stand. Tim. 10.3 A.M. Cenaal Stand. Time W j R Detroit EVERY T$URSDAY EV'G (Begia Ja n. 9, 1930) LECTURE ON PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL LIVING Setting forth the Principles by which tmn way unfold wihin his life the Health, Peace and Prosperity which: God has provided. 11:05 P.M. Eastern Stand. Titus. 1005 P.M. Central Sbui. Tim !I FIRST CONGRECATIONAL State and William Rev. Allison Ray Heans, Minister Sunday, March 16 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "Temptation Up- ward. 5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship. 6:00 P. M.-Fellowship Supper. 6:30 P. M.-Lecture by Mr. Peter Sudah on the subject "The Holy Land Yesterday and Today." from 1821 to 1837, which had lain NAMED DAN. ten years ago were definitely ap-j hidden in the vaults for many * proaching significance as an art-1 years, due publication was made in Honorable mention goes to Neja form. The Daily about December 1, 1929; for: WHO NOT ONLY WALKED but the Alumnus suppressed this HOME BUT RAN; and to Seth Detroit Civic OffersI fact and has never, to this day, Johns for: BUT SHE SAID, "I ' made mention of this important WON'T RIDE IN THAT CAN." Ten Nights in a Barroom fact. Stimulated undoubtedly by the1 At the annual meeting of the That makes Seth Johns, by the extraordinary success and good hu-i Alumni Association, a resolution re- way, the first Cub in the Rolls con- mour of its last summer revival in questing the Regents to teach the tributor's contest. A stamp will be the Christopher Morley style of I history of the Territory and State dispatched to him as soon as he After Dark which enjoyed the long- of Michigan, was defeated and no sends me his addres. est run of any of its productions, mention ever made of this resolu-;I * *w* the Detroit Civic are next offering tion. The Alumnus seemed to- Headline on Women's page an even more famous melodrama have such control on The Daily (again): in the grand style. Ten Nights in that it was able to suppress its pub- RIFLE TEAM WINS a Bar Room will be done in the lication in The Daily ( WITHI HIGH SCORE After Dark style with all the songs,I At the Triennial in Chicago in So THAT'S the secret of their specialties, and incidental music, 1928, controlled by the Alumnus, victory, is it? all the flamboyant acting and all the unanimous report of the Alum- * * the heart-rending episodes of the! ni Committee on the founding of LIMERICK NO. 3. old story. the University was, in words. re- There once was a fellow namprnr imxr.rii- c -..+ , f { BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and William Rev. Theodore R. Schimale 9:00 A. M.-Bible School. 10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "The Sinner's Ques- tion As to Guilt." Lord Is It I. Mark 14, and 18 to 21. 11:00 A. M.-German Service. 7:00 P. M. - Young People's League. 1 CO4SISTENT IN YOUR RELIGION ATTEND ClURCH P17GU LAR.Y ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Divi ion and Catherine Sts. Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.--Holy Communion. (Studen: chapel in Harris Hall.) 9:30 A. M.-Church School. (Kindergarten meets at 11 o'clock.) 10:00 A. M.-Class for Adults led by Miss Gammck. (In the church.) 100 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ser- mon by Mr. Lewis. 6:30 P. M.-Student supper in Harris Hall, followed by two study groups led by Mr. Harris and Miss Gangmask. 7:45 P. M.-Evening Prayer; ad- dress by Mr. Lewis, "Miracle of the Raising of Lazarus." ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and 'Wst Liberty Sty. C. A. Brauer, Pastor MARCH 16 7i ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at Fifth Ave. E. C. Stellihorn, Pastor 10:30 A. M.-Pastor's Sermon Sub- ject: "Christian Principle in Ac- tion." -F FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. Service. STANCE." M.-Regular Morning Sermon topic: "SUB. }t If If i 'I ST c.