ESTABLISHED 1890 It Alea a1 I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS * VOL. XL. NO. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESIDENT RUTH YEN Ll UNIVERSITY" COLLEGE OrIALIENS SHOULD NOT BE BARRED FROM FACULTY,' SAYS DEAN BA Prohibition of the employment legislation then was influe .INLOC cuuNCILof aliens as members of the faculty the anti-German feeling pr, of the University would be an un- throughout the countryr wise policy, it was stated yesterday time. It should not be alto by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law effect the present status ------ school, concerning the recent dis- faculty, he stated. Suffers in Comparison to Other I closure of a statute passed by the The constitutionality of ti More Democratic Middle I legislature in 1919 to exclude un- ute has been called into q Western Schools. naturalized citizens from the fac- inasmuch as the Board ofF ulty. has been given "control of t "There are a number of aliens penditures from university COLE NAMED TREASURER and foreign-born on the faculty" by the constitution of th the dean pointed out, "and it would and the law might interfer President's Veto Is Required be exceedingly undesirable to ex- the proper execution of thi to Over-rule Councils in lude their services to the Univer- of power. sity, and it would also be poor The validity of this pa Most Universities. oolicy to prohibit the obtaining of type of legislation has neve foreigners as professors in the fu- decided by the state judici Student-government at the Uni- ture. Practically every university though court decisions on versity is exceedingly limited and in the country hires Europeans. as matters have tended toward impotent in comparison with that instructors and the colleges abroad the Regents wide powers ing of other universities of the same similarily import professors from ing the University. In gene sie twssaedls ih ythe United States." Regents have far greater Inasmuch as the statute in ques- over the University thate t Willard Lowry, '30, before the Stu- 'ion was passed in 1919 it is prob- erning boards of other sta dent council in a report of the ably, Dean Bates believes, that the versities possess. fifth annual Congress of the Na- Dean Bates would not g tional Student Federation of UICiopinionregarding the legs America at which he represented the statute barring aliens the council. IL IJ Y1 i UI Iid he felt it wouldbe poor pt "Student governing boards, in enforce it. Certain powers other schools, especially those in legislature, as for instance t the West, are limited only by a f flj UIU ETIlice power, are superior to veto by the president of the uni- of the Regents, he pointed c versity, which is seldom used. The where the line can be dra councils, composed of student, fac- Ansel Named Managing Editor. tween the two fields of juri ulty, and alumni members, with a Landsdale Business Manager, is still controversal. student majority, decide major of Publication. student policies, hire coaches, deans of students, and graduat ULISHED FOR 4 YEARS letic managers, determine athlet- ies policies and the like. Here at L. Verne Ansel, '31E, was named the University the council is of editor, and Ben C. Lansdale, '31E SET IYLU R Cg secondary nature, handling only was named business manager of routine matters," Lowry reported. the Technic, official publication of Beat Michigan State Tea -Suggests N9ew Board. 8 He sugested that a similar gov- the engineering colege, at a ban- Establish New Time erning board be formed here to quet held at the Union last night. ColgPol TESi nced by evalent at that owed tol of the1 he stat- question i Regentsl all ex- funds" ie state re with! s grant rticular er been1 ary, al- other giving' govern- ral, the control he gov- te uni- give anI ality of though, olicy to of thve the po-' actions FR ENCH PRESIDENTVMIMES TO GIVE O'NEILL VEHICLE One of Eugene O'Neill's plays, the Sname of which is being withheld, Iwasfannounced yesterday afternoon by E. Mortimer Shuter, director, as the next vehicle for a Mimes pro- I duction. Doumergue Will be Responsible A meeting of all men interested for Selection of One in parts in this play will be held from 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock this aft- of Four Parties. ernoon at the Mimes theatre and at the same hours again tomorrow ASSUMES ROLE OF CZAR afternoon. --- The definite date of production Chaumtemps, Briand, Tardieu, Ihas not yet been decided upon. FAVORS CONTROLLED EXPERlIMENTING TO MORE RADICAL PLAN HANDED DOWN FROM EX-PRESIDENT L'ITTLE'S REGIME { i and Poincare are Rivalsv for Official Favor. (Ely Associated Press) PARIS, France, Feb. 19--Despite the anemic executive powers be- stowed upon the President of France by the anti-Bonapartist constitution of 1871, Gaston Dou-1 mergue, present first magistrate of the Republic, tonight was wielding a power as autocratic as any En- joyed by the Czars of Russia. He was solely responsible for de-1 ciding whether France shall be ruled by a cabinet made up of rep- EXPLOSION PORT gRTO BE A Investigation Allays at Oil Refinery, Confusion Scene of Tragic Blast. MANY EXPECTED TO DIE I ('By Associated Pre-s ELIZABETH, N. J., Feb. 19.--1 Chaos and confusion gave way tol Issues Statement Listing Five Objections Before Special Meeting of Literary Faculty; Disapproves Innovations, President .\lexander G. Ruthven handed the '1i-iversity College pro- ject. inherited from the Little regime, a distinct setback yesterday after- noon when he issued a statement opposing its establishment as a took radical change in ntiiversity policies. The President, while recognizing that educational methods oi the campus require revision, statel. in con- forinitv with his conception of the college as a plastic and ever-changin;; institution, that he would favor rather "controlled experimentation" ii solving pedagogic problens than the acute changes which establishing a University College would incur. The U iversity College plan. which has been in a condition of flux since its rejection by the faculties more than a year ago, has been before the committee which worked out its details and also the scrutiny o fthe deans since that time. President Ruthven favored extending the policy of establishing more j - combined curricula bet ween the lit- erarv college and the professional schools which has been increasingl practiced during the past few o cnths.. TO 81Voices Objections. IE ROADCAST His objections to the proposed plan, which were voiced shortly in Pick Will Play Three Unusual advance of the special meeting of Musical Selection on the literary faculty, are five: first WJR Program. he stated that the installation of the plan would require considera- TO DESCRIBE 'BREMEN' ble expense and inevitably entail fundamental and extensive reor- Featuring three unusual musical ganization of the institution. Pres- perio-'s bys ans Pick, of the Ident Ruthven's second objection School of Music, and three talks by was the incompatibility of the plan Randolph G. Adams, Prof. Henry Can . Adams,Prof. Wels Bent with his view that any changes in C Adams. and Prof. Wells Bennett,, policy should be based upon a den out, but of the left, the orderly process of investigation wn be- ightaties. He kept his coun- into the cause of the explosion at sdiction right parties. the Bay Way Refinery of the sel and announced that at 9:30 A.1 Standard Oil Company that sent M. tomorrow he would call to the sheets of flame shooting among Palace the statesmen to whom he more than 60 workmen, taking the will entrust the responsibility of lives of 411 and injuring fifty. forming a government to succeed Many of the injured will be th Andr Tade dinsrto maimed and blinded for life. Do~ the Andre Tardie administration tors at the Elizabeth hospital. which fell before a parliamentary where most of the victims lay were onslaught on Monday. unwilling to venture an estimate m and Four Possibilities. tonight as to how many would sue- There were four possibilities for cumb within the next few days. for the premiership tonight, and if the Those on the critical list numbered' sporting fraternity was interested. 18. centralize all student activities, and that It be given power to de- cide the larger problems relative to students as deferred rushing, inter- fraternity matters, the policies for social functions, and class activi- ties, and the like. Such a body would have as student members the heads of the various student pub- lications and organizations, and1 hence would be capable of solving major student problems in a man- ner agreeable to both the under- graduate body and the administra- tion. Lowry Resigns. Lowry was graduated from the l University at the close of the past semester and submitted his resig- nation to the council after making the report. In resigning he stated that the council gives one consid- erable of practical value that could not be obtained in text books. "He said that the council this year was accomplishing more than it hrad in the past and he "hoped that the administration in the near future would recognize it 'as a worthy "organization capable of functioning as an administra- tive board rather than merely al- lowing it to carry on routine work." Cole Chosen Treasurer. Lowry, who is treasurer of the National Student Federation, will serve- as correspondent for the council, for. the rest of the year. A committee consisting of Donald Kline, '30, chairman, Jerrold Curry, '31, and Matthew Haddon, '31E, was appointed last night toeconsider possible aid which the Federation might give the council in meeting its problems in the future. Lowry was treasurer of the coun- cil, and though his successor as a councilman cannot be named until next week, a new treasurer was elected. Richard Cole, '30, was unanimously chosen for the posi- tion. Band Used to Prevent Intended Run on Bank (By Associated Press) FORT WORTH, Texas, Feb. 19--- An investigation by the county grand jury was in prospect today, seeking to fix responsibility for the rumor believed to have caused a: run of depositors on First National bank of Fort Worth,, one of the oldest and strongest financial in- stitutions in the southwest. Crim- inal District Judge George E. Hosey said the investigation would be asked. Depositors began crowding into i~hn onk-nt 9n'rlnk T1P.rNtv efter- The affair marked the forty- twould be of even ey and Prosecutor Abe J. David of Un-' tne eeybMo flcanpocigni. ranrojs .two moey aL d~ rgram bradcst oer tato eral process of growth and adjust- eighth'year that the -Technic .haaOSE .ONLY ONE EVENTI take your choice. The list of prob- ion county late today announced p rimDetroi di g on t ir ment of policy as new conditions been published by the students o Ible winners in the race for presi- that he had ascertained the source at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening become evident, rather than by (Special to Te iail) lential favor consisted of Camille of the gas which spread the havoc. sweeping innovations. the engineering college. 'It is the ES ASNFb 9-i-H ai h ould Mpresento in-a o te io th nmem olg.I ste.Chaumtemps, leader of the radical H adh ol present his in- . r ik h sha ftevo Contrary to the view of its pro- oldest student publication on the e s eb m- socialists and successor to Edouard formation to the grand jury. lincello department of the School ponents that the University College o s stet pubont ning every first place but the med- h t s ead of the r ; The first of the three blasts i.of Music, will play three selections d ~elmat te UnersiCeg- cmuOther members appoint- erita head of the left group; wohufrtoftethellatd camps.o the edierittasrial stithorcestrleacomanientin-eliminate the unequipped- SAstaff were: Rob- y and beaking every Aristide Briand, recognized leader witiefrn came n rapid sue mon I e-to-continue" student at the end of eds toteeioilfyixdbhiat40P.Mye-DRtvnstd , Michigan State pool record exist- :f the moderate center, and Andre was fixed by him at 4:02 P. M. yes- eluding the first and second move- two years, Dr. Ruthven stated that ert A. Wolf, 3FE, editor of colleg ng, the Michigan swimming team Tardieu and Raymond Poincare, terday. David reported he learned ments from Concerto by Haydn, the proposal would tend to permit notes; William F. Ross, '31E, alum- he iwho are usually described as sym- there had been some "trouble" atWaldesruhe by Dvorak, and his these students to remain who oth- ni news editor; Wilfrid E. Grigg, s d ay to an easy 7 to bolizing the right in the Chamber noon with a pressure pipe carrying own arrangement of the Hungar- erwise would be dropped. '31E, publication editor; Bozlet W. 18 victory over the Spartans here of Deputies a gaseous by-product of gasoline ian Rhapsody by Popper. Mr. Peck Handicaps Offset. Johnson, '31E, articles editor; and tonight. President Doumergue spent the'which is converted into alcohol. is a graduate of the conservatories While recognizing that the two Johnon,'31, aricls eitorlanrtoightaPrsidntuDuaeeusspenathd1b Ervin Greenbaum, '32E, director of Michigan came in first in every entire day consulting the leaders The pipe, three inches in diameter, of Karlsruhe and Budapest, and years of academic preparation pro- tryouts event but the medley relay team n of poitical parties from both the showed "evidence" of corrosion, the has made extended concert tours posed for students planning to en- Those appointed to assist the bu- chamber and the Senate. Tonight officials said, but he was uncertain through the capitols of Europe. r technical schools would be bet- siesmngrwr:G atnwas disqualified and State was 1h as ndteSeae Tng to h aueoIhebek teRnolhAaswoi siness manager were: G. Lawton credi ed pnt this e was host at an annual dinner as to the cause of the break. Mr. Randolph Adams, who is ter than now offered in conjunction Johnson, '31E, advertising mana- credited with the points in this given to the permanent officials of The break was located at the icustodian of the William L. Clem- with their present professional ger; Jack L. Spencer, '32E, circula- race. The Spartans' time in this the national legislature. bottom of a brine cooler, a struc- ents library, is one of the fore- training, President Ruthven point- tion manager; Jeremish P. Buckley, event broke the pool record by six In Dilemma. ture about 100 feet high, a scant most scholars of American history ed out that the tendency of pro- onot25 feet from a building under con-l in the United States. From the fEsinlchostreuea c- '32E, assistant circulation manager; seconds, while Michigan's team fin- The President's dilemma tonight ru5 feeto foh wbic most o - th etne niled ttes dometse frssional schools to require asach- David M. Hannah, '32E, assistant ished six seconds ahead of that. vas whether to move toward the struction oh which most of the extensive files of letters, documents elor of Arts degree as prerequisite advertising manager; and William Michigan State could only get eft center or toward the moderate David beieed the a orin ar perie wl theremtial for advanced training couped with Merrill, '32E, accounts manager. one second place in the meet, hay- right in selecting a new premier. If vi the oer wa the increase in combined curricula Bozlet W. Johnston, who served ing to be content with third in all he follows custom, he would sum- pretty well filled" with the gases for a talk on George Washington.- would eventually offset the present during the past year as humor ed- of the events but the relays and mon M. Chaumtemps who is chief a p ors escping from the pse . her adarine ne handicap of technical students. tor of the Technic opened the pro- the diving. In the la ter eventf the largest group in the major- dI In his final objection, President irm ofthe Tpechic opend the " 1Cooke outscored Walaiti to take it that overthrew the Tardieu The prosecutor said that he learned in rdepartment willdiscuss the in- Ruthven stated that in his opinion gram by speaking of the "Oil Can," Ciy ta vrtrw teade that fumes were seen escaping altresh Rtvn piting feature of theaord't the "slttn o h s literary col- the humor section of the magazine the Spartans' only runner-up posi- cabinet. But students of political half hour before the explosion oc- largest liner, The Bremen and will the "itingeenet uitsr inth that has been featured for several i tion. affairs predicted that if M. Chauh curred. When the blast came, the talk about "Safety at Sea." ilegeto ydependent units e the years. Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, se- No man took more than one first mtemps was the man invited to concussion and sheets of flame ProfeS Bentt f th hi last two years...would be to cretary of the engineering college, place for Michigan, although call upon the President at 9:30 to- tumbled the men from the scaf- tectural chooelnnet, o discusth crush its first two formative years was the principal speaker of the Smith, Walker, Walaitis, and Hos- morrow morning, it would only re- folding, sceamingfwithepaina sol f mc hi- ofe back into the precocious maturity eengHreewdhew r f er each gained fonsblde utina4 orso netany hingsreaming wi pain andI most popular type of home archi- of the high school and drag its" evening. He reviewed the work of Ie ahgie points besides sult in a 48 hours of uncertainty. their clothing aflame. 1 etre h Colonial Home." He latto'vnmr rcosi the Technic, and praised the work their participation in the relay. It was expiained that the radical hasdonteture, the "Ctensiv re." H last two, even more precious in that has been achieved by the staff Captain Garnet Ault of Michigan socialist chief would succeed in has done extensive research in their development, up into the pro- members "The Passing Show" was outdistanced Ladd, Wolverine forming a cabinet only if he had Michigan Alumnus Is Iearly American architecture and I fessional atmosphere of the gradu- the subject of a talk by Edward R. sophomore star, to win the 220- the approval of M. Briad whose Honored haFranceh mnograp on t ate school.'" Nell, '30E, retiring editor of the yard free style. support would be required in order Ib FrneJ first national capital building in ____ ___Wahigtn.HehaasobenheDakEeceda _Ph edto oftemgaie -rsos SUMMARY.tgeaprlmnaymjoiyivAOaCIP Washington. He has also been theDrk was made by Ansel, new editr of Relay-Michigan won (Smith, behind such a government.y NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 19-A designer of many Ann Arbor I e cte as P Walker Walaitis, Hosmer). Time, May Summon Briand. decoration of Chevalier of the Leg- homes. Beta Kappa President the publication. i'et K pa0reidn The new appointments were made . .It was further predicted that the ion of Honor - awarded by the---_----_ known to the staff members by! 220-yard breast stroke-Gold-present Foreign Minister would not French government was conferred Ship Captain Remains; Prof. Joseph H. Drake, of the Prof. Edward M. Bragg, of the ma- s ) won; Miller (M) 2; Hig- "play ball" with the radical social- today on Dr. James Rowland An- All of Crew Rescued Law school, has been elected press rine engineering and naval archi- e5 3 Time, :42 ists. In that event, M. Briand him- gell, president of Yale University _C w Re I ident of the Alpha chapter in Mich- tecture departments. Charms were 50-yard free style-Walker (M) self might again be summoned to { and Dr. Wilbur L. Cross, dean of (fy ae r igan of Phi Beta Kappa, it was an- awarded to the staff by Professor ime2s4M 2; Schauble the premiership, but it was under- the graduate school, by Paul Clau- ASTORIA, Ore., Feb. 19-Stand- nounced yesterday by Miss Orma F. Bragg. ty 3. Ti :24k4-5. -stood that he is already committed del, the French ambassador to the ing a lonely watch on his ship to Butler, secretary of the chapter. Bragg 150-yard backstroke-Valentine to a continuation of the Tardieu United States. The ceremony was protect it from bands of small boat Prof. Drake was chosen to fill the The(M) won; Boldt (M) 2; Craig (S) regime. in the office of President Angell in pirates, Capt. Charles C. Graham vacancy caused by the death of the the old staff, will appear on the 3. Time, 1:47 4-5. campus Saturday morning, accord- '100yard fr sty-Smith (MI,All of this would result in leav- Woodbridge Hall where a few alone remained aboard the strand- late Prof. R. H. Curtiss, of the As- ing to Edward Nell. The April num- won; Hosmer (M) 2; Higley (S) 3. ing either Poincare "the savior of guests had gathered to meet theI ed liner Admiral Benson today. tronomy department. ber and those following will be com- Time :57 2-5 France" or M. Tardieu, the retiring Ambassador. As darkness settled Tuesday Arrangements are now being Timed byth.n57 ppinedsa2.-25,d re -u)premier, as the sole hopes for for-,-- night over Peacock spit. north of made for a visit here soon of Dr. Spiled by the newly appointed staff. 220-yard free style-Aut (M) imation of a new cabinet without President Angell is a graduate of the mouth of the Columbia river, o m. fora ser, of r. won;Lad (M 2; latorty (5 th moth o th Coumbi rier,0. M. Voorhees, of New York city, 'Ou dr' t R All 3 M) 2; Clatwohy (S) recourse to a general election, this University of the class of 1890. where the steamer grounded Sat- the national secretary of the united utsierto u Diving-Raike (M) Cooke He received his A.M. degree here urday during a heavy fog, the fig- chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, Miss Week at the Mimes 2; Walaitis (M) 3. S oan of Arc' Film to in 1891. He also has degrees from ure of Capt. Graham, standing ,on Butler stated. It is expected that dygbtheUniversity of Vermont and the the vessel's bridge, was faintly vis- he will be here some time early in The performances of "The Out- was disqualified. Time, 1:49 Mich- Play Five More Times University of Cincinnati. From ible to w.atchers at the Fort Canby March. If the visit can be arrang- Sider," by Dorothy Brandon, which!igan State's time was 1:55. 1905 to 1920 he was professor and I coast guard station. --d an announcement will be made is being presented this week at the Five more showings of the head of the department of psych- The last of the crew, the three through the Daily Official Bulle- ..i eseted this e a th.- French film, "The Passion of Joan ology at the University of Chicago, mates and chief radio operator, tin. IMimes theater by the Mimes play-, -__ .,0A~ ..:I 1,. .....,... 41 -T-.:, n g aiso macic oea.nn o .F senior,. ...ti- came.. asnor. e -in a neooa r tuesa. ers, will continue through Saturday night, with a matinee Satuday aft- enoon. This new type of play earned the reputation of the "most talked nhni ei - f the ve r"when it u r Weatker1of Arc will be given at the Lydia' Mendelssohn theatre this after- noon and tonight, tomorrow after-' I noon, and Saturday afternoqn and' inight. ,, I The night performances are ; being also made dean of senior col- came ashore in a lieboat Tuesday. leges and dean of the faculties. In They reported water in the engine 1921 he received the presidency of room had reached the upper plat- Yale University. form and that the vessel's holds . Slight Illness Keeps Dr. Ruthven at Home President Alexander G. Ruthven 1- 4 A -.1 41 1 r , r, 1 were flooded. The water in the: holds was pumped there. they said. 1