v -.Cis
VOL XL. NO. 117
Members of the Upper Room"I are scheduled to speak at the din- Subpoenae Invitations Mailed
bible class will join celebratinginer. George Adler will lead the to Women Guests.
NEW 1IPE +the forty-third anniversary of theI
Iclub at a banquet this evening at singing of "Upper Room" hymns -ae-iricetionhe26h nna
j the church, at 11111 and Tappan while a quartet composed of Shir- CSale on tickets to the 26thsenior law class
II 9 JIUIILLI NL IIstreets. ley Field, Albert Logan, H. W. Matz-LU I hCas da e oheld in the Lawyers
An elaborate program has been ike and A. C. Stitt, will entertain ch o be held i2 'loe Fawys
arranged by Thomas M. Iden, af- xvt eea ubr.Ws club from 9 until 2 o'clock, Friday,
Franco-Italian Problem Remains etintelytem mfatherer n re bs with several numbers. West Virginia Trio Holds Trial March 21, is progressing rapidly,
Critical Phase of Naval I many admirers and former bible s Under the guidance of "Father" Meet Here Last Night in according to Harvey J. Gunderson,
Cofrstudents. Six speaers as well as Iden, who has taught bible classes Al'ha Nu Room. 30L, general chairman of the dance
-Con erence.a few musical numbers have been at Michigan for 17 years, the "Up- committee.
secured for the anniversary pro- per Room" has come to play an imn- The number of bids to be sold
FULL PARITY IS FEARED 1 rrr p ortant role in the religious life FIRST MEET OF SEASON hashbeen limited to 100 and it is i
Carlton F. Wells, of the rhetoric of many students enrolled in theI--- expected that the demand will be
Latin Neighbors Are Still Urged ( department, as master of ceremon- University. Since its beginning thee 'Team of Boesche, Hartwig, Levy far greater than can be met. With
to Co-operate for General es will introduce the speakers aft- bible class, conducted under the to Debate With Illinois the closing of the preferential sale
ooo e gatoGn er delivering a short welcome ad- auspices of the Ann Arbor Bible to seniors, a general sale of tickets
God of 'Legations. dress to the members and their Chair of which "Father" Iden is the Next Week. to the student body of the Law
-Iguests. Howard McClusky, Robert head, and which is supported by i school will. be held in the main;
(aly Asociated Press) Horn, Walter Patton, Harold Jacox, one of the religious denominations Michigan's varsity affirmative1floor corridor of the Law building
LONDON, March 14.-The naval Martin Martzowka, and Rex Gould of Ann Arbor, has been attended debating team met the University on Monday and Tuesday.
conference was cheered today by ~~ - ~~~~~----- by more than 8,000 men. Many of West Virginia's traveling team Invitations, in the form of sub-
prominent names representing ev- in a no-decision debate last night poenae to the "Crease Court of the
the news that an American-Jap-{! ery state in the Union may be seen in the Alpha Nu room. The debate State of Michigan," have been
anese nIlgImIhd odon the class roles. Over 50 mem- was the opening one of the season mailed to women guests.o
a step nearer. bers of the faculty of the University for the home team, and was on-
Only one more step appears ne- I have taken active part in the week the question selected for confer-r
-ly "Upper Room" meetings. n cmtti, Isldta
cessary, final approval of the homeUncecompetiton" v In order that the program may ehe sett esoed, tha r
authorities, particularly Tokio, or ibe concluded in time for later en- adopt the Ontario system of liquor
the compromise which is said to Engineer\ Describes Raising of agements, the banquet will begi control
satisfy fully e desiresiofeahSma ries s5 Risnfrof at 6 o'clock. A radiogram fromLfl Ii i ;contrLl.
satisfy fully desires of each Larry Gould, who is returning from Fenelon Boesche, '31, Lawrence
country, indlu rga solution of Byrd's Antarctic trip, will be read E. Hartwig, '31, and Nathan Levy,F -h
Japan's demandfor 70 per cent ; Des zf Sea. at the dinner. 'Upper Room" men '31, composed the Michigan team,
ratio of Americanstrength.r-are urged to invite friends whom and will represent the universityH
Red et Matskara. SHOWS 4G' DEVICE they would like to interest in the in the debate next Thursday with Qualifies Fifteen Men
Senator Reed .and Ambassador activities of the club. Illinois. Brook B. Callahan, David in Indoor Met.
Matsenkaia met again today to Discussing "The Salvage of Sub- - - and Grove Moler represented the
handle the situationay marines in the Open Sea," John C. j eastern school. Thomas V. LoCi- TWO NEW RECORDS SET
While there was much talk to- Neidermair, senior engineer in the cero, '31, alternate for the affirma.-TC
day of the agreement, nothing wasI U. S. Navy depuVtment spoke yes- Ill YIU [ tive team, acted as chairman.
mda ailabhe agremetnhther its Iterday evening before a capacity Boesche Opens Debate. By hr nvestyrCad we rensn
terms would be announcer i sme- audience in Natural Science audi- !IBoesche opened the case for the .Two new records were written
te ldarovaorne iThelecturerf who was in Eirmative, and outlined the On- int the University of aiichigan in-
diately after approval or held until doorium Th trer, n wask in ar or terscholastic annals last
included in the general framework charge of the technical work in!tah plan of liquor control, besides dght in the Yost field house when
of the five power treaty that is the connection with the raising of the pointing out several obvious evils Ioebel High School of Gary, Ind.,
goal of the parley. submarines 5-51 and S-54, illus- German Professor Passes Away in the present system. He was fol- led all teams to qualify 15 men in
In, the meanwhile, the Franco- trated his talk throughout with Earl Yesterday; Member lowed by Callahan, of the negative the preliminaries of the annual
Italian deadlock raeains the most i photographs and moving pictures team, who admitted evils under the meet
critical phase of the conference taken at the actual sites of sal- of Faculty 40 Years. Eighteenth Amendment, but de In leading the qualifiers Fr _.Il
and the delegation's, hope that An- vaging.lared that the same evils will ex- is conceded more than an e
Adre Tardieu, the French premier, All types of submarines, extend- BURIAL WILL BE SUNDAY ist under the Ontario system. chance to return a winner in the
will bring some help towards solu- iing in point of time from the "In- --Hartwig, the second speaker for finals this afternoon over North-
tion when he arrives tomorrow. ' telligent Whale" of 1872 to the Dr. Max Winkler, for 40 years a the affirmative team, explained the western, the defending titleholder,
Tardleu Return Vital. modern V-type monitor, were dis- member of the University faculty advantages of the Ontario system and break a virtual monopoly which
The Latin neighbors are being played on the screen. Mr. Nieder- and since 1902 professor of German over our present law, explaining the Detroit school has held over
that under the Canadian scheme, team championship laurels, having
urged at least to make onemore atillas of esubmarines in battle language and literature died early much of the dissatisfaction with lcd the scoring four of the five
rf the legations. And when Prime formations, rising and going below yesterday at his home, 1520 Cam- prohibition will be eliminated. years the annual event has been
inister atins. AdwleftDowig!the surfacet , launching from dry- i bridge road. He was 63 years of Ginsberg. second speaker for staged.
street thisafternoon for ChequersI dock, and reaching the "mother age. Funeral services will be held West Virginia, continued on the Northwestern was able to qualify
plan that the first speaker laid out, only nine men and along with To-
he was still hopeful that a Franco- ship. at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, showing that bootlegging, disre- ledo Scott and LaGrange, Ill., will
Italian agreement could be achiev-! According to Mr. Niedermair, thet,
ndd hv ras ding of t Mr. ndrminvv with burial in Forest Hill cemetery. spect for law and intemperance take up the fight this afternoon in
Aristidefriad, head of the ed highly complicated and lengthy Dr. Winkler, who, through his still exist in Ontario under the 1- a desperate attempt to defend her
French delegation, tonight attached engineering feats. Beside the de- work here had attained a natonal cal option paw. Levy closed tihe fading honors. Other qualifiers i-
.constructive speeches for Michigan.j dude: Lakewood, Ohio, 3; Detroit
prime importance to the confer- tailed minutia necessary in working reputation as a Goethe scholar, emphasizing the desirable features Central, 3; Grand Rapids Central,
ence of Mr. MacDonald and M. on an invisible object, it was neces- was the second oldest member of of the proposed change. Moler 2; River Rouge, 2; Waukegan, Ill.,
Tardieu at Chequers tomorrow. be- sary to secure divers of extraordi- the faculty, in years of service. He closed for the negative by declaring i2; Detroit Western, 2; Detroit Cass
levin that their conversation nary bravery and skill, was the author of several text- that a standing army of police of- Tech, 2; and South Lake, Oxford,
would turn on the problem of books on German authors, and di- ricers would be needed to enforce Sidney, Grand Rapids Creston, Ann
French security.!WALKER, GAMBIER ci any local option law. The debaters Arbor, Grand Rapids Ottawa Hills,
Attempts are teing made to per- gi GA during his years on the faculty. spoke in the same order in refuta- Monroe, Detroit Northeastern, De-
demandsOfFparitCwithFance.; hifunealtr r oweafutrno ion Itroit Eastern, Redford, and Ham-1
ThedeItaly to relax from her rigid Tefnrl oorwaternon intrtEsenRdradHm-
demands of parity ha l H tyrk will be private with the Rev. J. T. ; Meet Illinois Thursday. tramek, all with 1 qualifier.
Trhe French view is that full par-' Hampton, McIntyre Weaken ilb rvt wt h vl On Thursday, the same affirma- Willis Hard, Northwestern's great
ity would automatically place her ISunderland officiating. Palbears 'On ethu lrsdarte saenara ils ad otwstr' ra
the After Winners Tie Match. tive team will represent the Uni- athlete, hung up the only individu-
in a position of inferiority in the will be Prof. E. R. Sunderland, of versity in Ann Arbor against Illi- al record of the evening, negotiat-
Mediterranean, and nyginated ress) the Law school, Prof. J. C. Diet- nois, while the negative team will in the 65 yard low hurdles in :0'7.5.
anMAMFuggMlholoftheGermandeparis that Italy should claim equalitytr MIAMI, Fla., March 14--Cyrdtavel west to debate against Iowa Ward also qualified in impressive
in the Mediterranean only. e k Prof. Walter E. Hunt Dr. W. D.- City. The Varsity negative team fashion in the high hurdles and
in the Mediterranean. N J. anonly.w 1 T v ,:,,n>. P
tWins 220 Dash
At Big e Til
Wildcats Lead in Preliminaries;
Place Ten Men and Tw6
Relays'in Finals.
Team of Hosmner, Walker, Smith
and Walaitis Shatter
Conference Record.
By Edward Warner.
March 14.-Four Big Ten records
were broken last night as Nrth-
western's aggregation of all-star
swimmers led the qualifiers in the
preliminaries of the twelfth annu-
al meet, placing ten men and two
relay teams in the finals. Michi-
Ggan, defending champions, were
Captain of the Michigan swim- close behind with nine Wolverines
ming team, who won his heat in, and a relay quartet qualifying for
the 440 yard swim and also in the ti te finals tomorrow ,night. As a
220 at the Conference meet at Ev- result of the strength demonstrat-
anston. ed by the trial heats the Wildcats
will be favored to wrest the title
from Michigan in the finals.
Michigan's quartet composed of
Hosmer, Walker, Walaitis, and
Smith smashed the Conference ec-
ord for the 100 yard distance in the
far ahead of Minnesota and Iowa
in the time of 1:14 4-5. Wiscon-
Fallen Ceiling Blocks Escape; sin's relay beat Northwestern in
Fire Causes $1500 Damage the second heat.
to Building Schwartz Stars.
Al Schwartz, Northwestern cap-
tain, was the star of the prelimin-
FOUR FIRES YESTERDAY aries, lowering the Big Ten records
in the 40 and 100 yard free style
Fraternity brothers saved Milton races, besides turning in the best
Ecbeng, '33E, from being entrapped time in the 220 yard s m. Sch-
in <, burning room yesterday after- wartz set a new mark of :18 in the
noon vhen fire broke out at the Pi: '10 yard sprint and then came back
Kappa Alpha house demolishing to establish a standard -of :52 3-5
part of tl2 roof and damaging sec- in the century. His time of 2:19
ond floor rooms. Bobeng was in 2-5 was the best registered in the
his room atte npting to save his be- j 220.
longings when . the Belling tell' The fourth conference recordt
blocking the doorway. He suffer- fall was in the 200 yard breast
ed no injuries. Damage at the fire, stroke when Bob Howlett, North-
which was one of four in Ann Ar- western sophomore was clocked in
bor yesterday, amounted to approx- 2:36.2-5, slicing a full second off
imately $1,500, according to fra- the former mark: Goldsmith, of
ternity members. Michigan, beat Meyer, of Wiscon-
When the flames were discovered sin, by a yard to capture his heat,
no one could find a nickel with both men qualifying. Peterson, of
which to call the fire department Northwestern, won the other heat,
over the pay telephone, in the Miller, of Michigan, was several
house, and some one had to run to yards back of Howlett and Staelin
the fraternity across the street to ! of Michigan, placed third to Peter-
phone for aid. son and Schroeder in the iirst heat,
Students were forced from their but both men failed to qualify.
rooming house at 733 State street Michigan's biggest upset came in
at 1:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon the 300 yard medley relay when the
when fire gutted the residence. The Wolverine trio trailed both Wiscon-
interior was completely destroyed sin and Minnesota in the first heat,
before the fire department was able thus being eliminated from the fin-
to extinguish the flames. als. Northwestern and Illinois
At 9:40 yesterday morning the qualified in the second heat of the
fire department received a call medley.
' " YVcL1 t i U 7Cl~t~ tG , l. J.' 411
Gordon Meets Defea Clarence Gambier, Boca Raton, Flo-;
rida, profesisonal, won the annualj
in First Four Bouts international four ball golf match-
e es today from Harry Hampton, Chi-
(Sgycial to The Daiy I
- - . -_ __cago, and Neil Mclntrye, of Indian-
Henderson, Dean W. R umphres'
Prof. John F. Shepard, Professor-
emeritus Moritz Levi, and Prof. Al-
fred H. White, it was announced
veste'd ay.
Dr.dWinkler was especially nosed
for his interpretation of Goethe's
is composed of Arthur E. Schroe-
der, '31, Garrett Wright, '30, and
Howard L. Simon, '30L. LoCicero is
the alternate for the affirmative
team, and Arthur Goulson for the
A third debate wilbehei~~il in Chi-
CHICAGO, Ill., March 14.-Gor-
don, one of Michigan's strongest
threats in the Western Conference
fencing tournament being held
here lost his first four bouts in the
preliminary competition for, the in -
dividual titles. This showing of
the Wolverine entry was or- of the
big upsets of the meet so far.
In his first match Gorcion was
defeated by Gross of Illinois 5 to 4
in a closely contested bout which
was hard fought all the way. Buck-
ley of Northwestern was the sec-
ond Bg Ten swordsman to take the
measure of Michigan's hope in a
one-sided bout 5-2.
Gordon's poor luck held during
his next match with Goldberg of
Chicago when the Maroon fencer
made five touches while his oppo-
nent could garner but four. In his
last attempt of the evening Gordon
went down before Rebarde of Pur-
due in another 5 to 4 derision.
Four 'M' Wrestlers
Qualify for Finals
(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN,,Ill., March 14--
Michigan and Illinois both
placed four men in the final
rounds for the Western Con-
ference individual wrestling
championships after the pre-
liminaries had been completed
today. The finals will be run
apolis. The match ended one up Faust, although he undertook con- cago, where a two-man Michigan
on the 18th green. siderable work on works of other team will meet a team represent-.
Walker and Gambier collected authors. At.the time of his death ing Marshall college, of Wiley, Tex-
$1,500 first team money by their [ he was writing a volume entitled as, in a no-decision debate. The
victory in the 18 hole playoff made "Life and Appreciation of Heinrich two alternates will probably make
t necessary when the teams ended ! Heine." the trip for the contest, which mayf
their 36 hole final match yesterday A graduate of Harvard univer- be broadcast. It will take place on
all square. Hampton and Mcln- ! sity in 1889, Dr. Winkler came here April 8.
tyre receive $1,000 second place a year later and received a series _
team money.. of promotions until he was head of FACULTY TO GIVE
It was an uphill fight all the way the department of German in 1902. BACH RADIO HOUR
for Walker and Gambier who went He served the University conthiu-_ _
- down early in the match and ? ously with the exception of one
foug t backholheat atimet year spent abroad. He also spent Musical Selections to Feature
square the match on the thirteenth, several summers on the continent. Tonight's Broadcast.
th oenuhalf the seteenth, and h The University flag was at half-
then half the seventeennand the mast yesterday, honoring the Members of the faculty of the
eighteenth to wn.b found odds memory of Dr. Winkler. He was School of Music will present a pro-'
r o Walker G aamier ua the survived 'by his wife, and a son, gram of music by Johann Sepas-
opened the anal golfg as Alexander, who is attending the; tian Bach on the regular weekly
s opened the annual golfing sphec Imedical school of Harvard univer- campus radio broadcast which will
tacle Sunday, but they forgedt sity. go on the air at 8 o'clock tonight.
-'way through competition of 32-.- Prof. Theodore Harrison, Prof.
teams. Their consistent golf ino'
eer rotgh Burglars a Houses Albert Lockwood, Miss Louise Cuy-
Sday before yesterday broug ler, Miss Thelma Newell, and sev-
I upset unparalleled in the history of
pt ufDuring Early Morning eral others will appear on the pro-
the event as they eliminated GeneD gram.
Sarazen, Fresh Meadow, Long Is- Two fraternity houses and two Eight selection, including piano
land, and Johnny Farrell, St. Au- homes were visited by thieves solos, violin duets, vocal solos, and
gustine, favorites, one up on the' Thursday night and early Friday string ensembles, will be featured
thirty-eighth hole. morning who took quantities of tonight. This will be the only j
clothing and money. The Sigma Michigan Night radio program to
Detroit Railway Fare Alpha Epsilon house was robbed 1 be given over entirely to music.
to RemainUnchangd sometime between 2 and 5 o'clock .--------
___Ri nin the morning and $60 was stolen f
(itfrom ten members of that frater-
(Ur Associated Press) . iy. Forty dollars was taken! a T ea te~
DETROIT, March 14. - Detroit from the Phi Kappa Sigma house,
ETR ITr arch14 - Dntneto and the residences of C. L. Jamison,
pay 6 cents for their rides. 1108 Baldwin Ave., and Robertr
ret arparnswil otiuetoad hereienesofC L Jmio
the high jump. Froebel's flashy
relay quartet of Crowell, Mullins,
Smith and Perrota hung up the
second record in the half mile re-
lay, turning in the time of 1:35.1.+
Virtually all of the favorites
qualified for the events which will
be held at 2.o'clock this afternoon
in the Yost Field House.
Qualifiers for the final heats:
65 yard high hurdles-Abrams
(Froebel), Lillig (LaGrange), Ward
(Northwestern), Duncan (Cassi
Tech), Glickert (Toledo Scott) .
Malmberg (Waukegan), Seth (To-4
ledo Scott). and Downs Detroit
Centra . Best time by Abrams,
880 yard run--Antoni (Froebel ,
(Continued on Page 3)
Scientists Appeal for
Medal and Award Plan I
WASHINGTON, March 14.-The
unrequited toil of the researcher in,
Uncle Sam's scientific bureau was I
the theme today of an appeal made
by four distinguished federal sci-
entists to the House library com-
mittee for a medal and award sys-
Describing the long hours and the
unflagging zeal of the laboratory}
specialist, the quartet of bureau di-
rectors asked that especially dis-
tinguished service may be givers
some recognition. Each came from
an institution recognized as a trail
blazer of scientific progress. They
were Dr. George A. Burgess, "direc-
tor of the bureau of standards, Dr.
C. G. Abbot, secretary of,the Smith-
sonian Institute; Dr. Hugh S. Cum-
Smings, surgeon general of public'
service. and Dr. R. S. Patton, di-
from-810 East Huron street where Walker, Walaitis Survive..
the flames did considerable damage Walker and Walaitis of the Wol-
before they were controlled. A sec- verines both survived the semi-fin-
ond morning call came from 607 als of the 40 yard sprint and will
Spring street. Little damage was be in the finals along with Schwartz
done, and Lange of Wisconsin. Hosmer, of
Michigan, was beaten out by Nick-
erson, of Purdue, for second in his
HAITIAN OFFICIAL preliminary heat.
REFUTES JCH-ARGES An~ Iowa sophomore, Lobdell, re-
__A w h edceived the highest score in the div-
ing preliminaries, u ewsfl
Commrrissioner Denies Existence in rlmnre, but he was fol-
lowed closely by Walaitis and Raike
of Island Dictatorship. of Michigan. O'Keefe and Brown-
ing of Northwestern, and Nappa of
(B-v As; t'[ '1',rs) Minnesota completed the six quali-
PORT' AU PRINCE, Haiti, March fiershinathe spring board event.
1 4--Briga dier General John R. Rus- Grimeshaw of Michigan was just
sell today filed with the Hoover out of the running in seventh po-
commission a lengthy refutation of sition.
all charges made against him in thef Capt. Gar Ault''of Michigan had
hearinges las g swnek.little trouble winning his heat in
The American high commissioner . the 440 yard. swim, turning in the
of Haiti was bound by his diplo- best time of 5:08 1-5. He also qual-
Smatic status from giving a state- fied in the 220 yard race by cap-I
ment himself, and the commission turing his heat. Wilson of North-
announced it was considering the western and Kieding of Illinois also
report before releasing it, but it is qualified for the quarter mile but
believed to deny all charges that Ladd of Michigan was just beaten
a dictatorship exists and to cite out by inches for the fourth po-
many accomplishments of the sition in the finals when McCulley
American high commissioner. of Iowa touched him out at the
Late this afternoon the American finish.
newspaper correspondents accom- McDonald and McCafree of
panying the Hoover commissioners Michigan each took second in their
requested W. Cameron Forbes, the heats in 'the 440, but their times
chairman, to give out General Rus- I were too slow to qualify.
sell's state-raunt in justice to him. Kieding of Illinois and Wilson of
Mr. Forbes replied that the infor- Northwestern won their heats
moation contained in the statement qualify in the 220 along with Ault
was too controversial, and that he and Schwartz. Ladd of the Wol-
feared that it might have a serious verines was second to Wilson in his
effect on the Haitian people. heat, while Smith and McCafree
of Michigan each took third in
Senate Retains Duty their heats
on Wi-apeer Tobacco Coach Matt Mantis team receiv-
_ra_ aC ed a jolt in the 150 yard back
P, : , ; Press)1stroke when none of the Wolver-