r= 5 aidau BaIug TO HAVE BUT NOT TO HOLD., Piihilshd every morning except Monday scathing denunciation oF the i during dce niversity year by tili Board iii parties responsible for bringing in-I Control of Student Publications. fto litigation cases which will in- Member of Western Conference Editorial i Association. j volve a review by the state supreme "The Associated Press is exclusively entitled court of the Baird-Kavanaugh tthe use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited case, and other rulings by which I In this paper and the local news published herein. the state policy in regard to relict- Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ed land has become formulated, IE Michigan, as'second class matter. Special rate, of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- were published yesterday by an miaster General. atre r eet a cinI Subscription by 'carrier, .$4.06; by mail, attorney representing a client Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. whose interests would utfer from adSreetditoral 4925; usiness, 2124. 1 a reversal of the present ruling. 7. ' M-rI4TCXM - r ~ f li "±tIDAY, MRCH 14, 1.9- THERE ARE NO JUST DUES. Well, this business of senior due: has at last been cleared up an every time I think of the poor loy al bozos who shelled out the fiv bucks it makes me leff. I paid out a buck once when I was a fresh man and I've been wishing eve since that somebody would up and tie a can to that beautiful Graft. ~__ SIMUSIC And Dmw m TERITENS - SUPPLIES for all makes of STATE STREET. Typewriters. Rapid tu rnover, fresh stock, insures A ,Pre-view by Margaret Harris. best ~ility at a moderate price. s With an abundance of talent d I evinced on the part of the junior 0. D. MORRILL - girls, and the free contribution of 314 South State St. Phone 6615 e that talent to the creaion of the ~33-_-__ tI class production. Statret." the 11 Li T l' C' e P V .f _. r d 1930 presentation bids fair to be a more than worthy successor of those plays which have already de- 'lighted the Michigan campus. SIX COUNTRIES- PASSION PLAY One of 250 College Travel Tours Nearly 4,00:members in 1929 E EDITO RIAL STAFF rwiReferring t the attempt for a *.--.,- ....- --'st Class Hotels . Telephone4925r-a gfeth* * * The centering of the plot around More Motor Travel Get the Book F MANAGING EDITOR would make it necessary for the If class treasurers would publish the life of a college town affords from ELLIS B. MERRY court to decide whether to uphold a statement of the actual expenses exceptional opportunities for the 6 L. G. KUJB0B1R "- 601 ast Huron Street !L the earlier ruling that all land be- connected with keeping a class to- employment of variety, and those Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 6412 Editorial Chairman........Gerge C. Tley nthe meander line and contrive to show that in whose hands the success of the__ __.. City Editor...........PYierce Ro',enherg tween temadrln established gther an otietosaetaI News Editor.............Donald J. Kline in 1837 and the present water level 'dues are valid to the existence of production lies have not failed to Sports editor.. ,..,Edward 7. Warner, jr. tkesvtseotheo Women's Editor..... Marjorie Folmerr' is governmental property, the at-' some sort of worthwhile organi- take advantage of those opportuni- Telegraph Editor.......Cassam . Wilson torney declares: Zation they wouldn't have such a ties. Sophistication and comedy UA IT Musi an Draa......illam J Gemanfollow each other in nick succes-~' Literary Editor.......Lawrence R. Klein "A ruleOfro f tough time collecting the dough.r q Esitant city rEditor. ..aRobert J. Feldman uhrartyte iedBut to expect a man to walk upto sion, with the result that novelty SERVICE Night IEditrs-Editorial Board Members Ought to be as immutable as the But to expect a mane to walkYupCto Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry a table in AH and plank down PlY trogot. William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss decalogue. Like Shylock, these - ' HEt ECONOMY Charles R. i:a+ffman Walter W. Wild eole demand their pound of from one to five bucks for some Effect, rather than the mere Gurney William, Ppoplef Sajr Reporters mflesh and like Shylock, again, they sort of mythical and apparently staging of dance steps and routines, obtain their just deserts. We sub- entirely impersonal expenses is has been the goal which the pro- should be your prerequisites Bertram Aslcwth Lester May banterjs eet.W u-! Y P ueshv e o hmevs e nBars ?h argare ix mit that the present rule is reason- placing entirely too much faith in fducers have set for themselves. Se for tasty lunches and delicious Maxwell Iauer WavidM. Picholw le the human organism. Iecting as the material with which:d Mary L. Behymer Witiam Page able, practical, workable. Rues ofthey were to work such juniorcandles. Arlan H.Berkman l ardPece am right and wrong do not change like * * * women as promised just those ArturJ.. erstiier Rainowitz I a weather vane with the shifting tC TYbecause I amitted havin S. Beach Conger JohD. Rreindel 'f Cthe winh shiftig (Just because I admitted a g qualities essential to the success of WE HAVE ALLtOF THESE Helen DI.CooleyJea Rsel ofthewindsdone so you needn't get sarcastic the various choruses, the directors Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwtch Although it is true that from an about it). have been able to concentrate their Catherine Perrin Raipi R. Sachs empirical legal standpoint there i . * * * attention upon the complete coor- Carl F. Fo'rsythe Cecelia hriver (GGs Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl are many advantages in having an Believe it or not, but answers to dination of the various units. Ruth Ghede S. CadStelwa g gIiprecedente pouringUniby Ruth Gasyeer Ast teart ano established precedent, there are Limerick No. 2 are pouring in by While precision in chorus per- , ck.1 i r ane Thayerhm nevertheless other aspects of the mail and messenger. There mustormance has been one of the chief 212 South Ma Steet Ginevra G~itkn Margamet ThomPson must 212 Southen Mainf Streetef nmily rimes Richard L. Tobin matter which merit consideration. have been somethitig about the objectives of the play, no less at-_- Hrriarris Etihret Vawne - The meander line, which nominal- auto ban idea contained in it tha tention has been given to the de- __________ ____ Cuien Knedy Harld >. Warren, Jr. ly marks the outline of the lakes, appealed to the bunch. The win- py Jeanl evy c. Lionel Willens'eomn o pnaety nwih Russell' F. McCracken Barbara Wright . was never meant to be more than ning line and the runners up will the atmosphere of a college group Thuce 3. Malee Vivian zirit an artificial means of facilitating be published tomorrow. . No one is so essentially revealed. Intensive land surveys. With the recession even tried to write a line for Lim- drilling, while contributing to the BUSINESS STAFF of water level in the lakes, the me- erick No. 1 so I had to finish it my- final exactness of routine, in so far Telephone 21214 ander line is now in many cases self just to keep my books straight. as details are concerned, has not \ BUSINESS MANAGER hundreds of feet from the water's * * *!proved a detriment to the youthful ~A. J. JORDAN, JR. rvdadtiett h otfl4 AJJRA Jedge. The land between the line J There once was a fellow named vitality of the junior girls, and the Assistant Manager and the water (although it is, ac- Steele loss of intensity which can con- A SAD DOG ALEX K. SOHERER cording to a previous court ruling, Who stepped on the Library vert a promising production into a Sort s a sadder Department Managers legally governmental property) hasj seal. .mere monotonous drill has had no bt wiser dg Advertising.............. ollister Mableyin many cases been bought and I wonder, said he, opportunity to influence this un- thought he'd see Advertisig ...........Kasper It. Ilverson sold a number of times. ' "What'u happen to mc- dertaking. Cleverness, of that va-.. the world . . a kind- Adertisig...........Sherwood A. Upton The effect of the present rulin' HAPPlN? WY riety amply p yy lady found him Service ~ :. .erge . spater I WHAT LL IPlN WIY ritsiamy provided by college Cirecuation............ernr Davis is to work many hardships on peo- NOT A GREAT DEAL. shvering in a door- Accounta.,........... ......John R. Rse rnate" i'al, commands equal honors way. She searched, ,Publications............eorge R. Ilamilton pl who find that their buildings * * * with the intricacy which is the the Classifieds in Business Secretary-Mary Chase I have been erected on public land. keynote of all choruses. the Daily . and AssistantsResort properties and even factor- Im The versatility displayed by the. byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker ies are included in this categorymm erick No. 3, which will appear in an Tebers of the cast has found UeEby ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Mich early issue (tomorrow).e r t c a uE THE obert Crawford Thomas Muirgs practical outlet in specialty num- arry B. Culver George R. Patterson state to still observe the meander * * * CLASSIFIED ThbmrsM.whach workes cleverlMy into the ___________________ orman Dliezer Clee Slayton line as a basis for determining lake LOAFING, Eli? theme of the story, or offer unity to oros ofro osep X Ramiper outlines. Although it is legally Dear Joe: Have been checking the production through their pre- ~.__" _ Charles Kline Wilram R. Worboy conveniert for the nonce to con- : up on your agent at the Library, sentation between the scenes. This Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCtilly tinue according to established state the one that is custodian of the exceptional ability has been util-W ant Ads Pay Agaura Coaing Sylvia M siller Irecedent,present indicationspoint seal and couldn't find him near zed extensively, and the Bernice Glaser IEleanor Walkinrshaw that it is only a question of years the door. Looked around a bit and tion has profited b its os lfortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman ,, y pssession. Guntil the present ruling is recon- there he was examining those I Foxtunate in its offering of tap I sldered either by the courts or oth- breezy 19th century fashion plates. choruses, of which many are being --- -er constitutional authority. They're wows! We co-eds haven't employed, the junior production F.R YDAY, MARCHth juiorp4,ucton3 ° FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 };a chance. has been able to avail itself of Night Editor-GURNEY WILLIAMS 0_Susie Summersault-I dancers experienced in that type POOR DIPLOMACY. * * *' of routine. The lightheartedness WISE LENIENCY. Traditional suspicusness of Con- Did you EVER have a chance? of a college town is emphasized by Partialabition of the automo- Tr ts* * * these .choruses, which embody the bPartal ablitions otegei autm- tinental powers combined with in- t EXTRA! SCOOP! EXTRA! very spirit of State Street. bile ban.. at Amherst college will al-eficient diplomacy is in the pro-!IAF low eniors to drie if they have a cess of thwarting the desired Lark has located his laundry! An unusually large number of scholastic average of 75 per cent !achievements of the London naval Yes, sir. At 8:05 o'clock last night, songs, expressive of every mood and the permission of their par- conference. Few of the hoped-for just as the former Rolls editor was whch the play provides, have con- ents, it has been announced. It results have been attained and the about to strangle himself with a ibuted immeasureabl was' decided that the results of the ;aott tagehmel ihaYt h t s premature death of the parley necktie the parcel post man gal- traction of the production. That complete ban, which has been in seems to be close at hand. loped up on a foaming steed, stag- these are sung ably and with sym- force since 1928, warrant a re- The refusal of the French for-- gered up to the front room, heaved pathetic appreciation by the mem- moval of restrictions for those eign minister to participate furth- the laundry inside and collapsed. bers of both cast and choruses is qualified in the eyes of the college er when he was not afforded a se- So it's all over now, and I want to signficant in prophesying the suc- to operate cars. ' Auriy pact in exchange for reduc-I thank Glawpus for his nice letter cess of the production out; the ii crit pat inexcang for reuc-, Pfinal success of a rduction of the It was realized by Amherst offs- bions and the stubborn insistence which arrived too late to do any type wche puio Gl Pha cials that some change in the rul- of Italy for parity with other Euro- good. essentially embodies must, in the ing was necessary to lessen the in- pean powers, illustrates that the' * * justice done .to the upperclassmen Continental 'nations are still deep- (Now to Eleanor: Your letter was final analysis, rest heavily upon the in good standing and to retract the ly suspicous of their neighbors. swell, too, and I wish I could pub- mert of its songs. accusation of immaturity obviously Great Britain, United States, nand lish it here). T tn e jfnaoraditss, whc levied against them. The admin- Japan, each possessing a genral* tinuers of a tradition which has istration evidently considered it in- I feeling of good faith toward the THE BIG BI. become deeply embodied in the judicious to enforce such restraint Cothers, are in a position to effect The following headline, snitched lives of Michigan women, and in the light of the fact that Afli- some worthwhile agreement on the from yesterday's Women's page,beh hm em nd upth the herst graduates will encounter as international regulation of naval' wins the 1930 Nifty Headline best that the members of the class g aard: can give, is due recognition fr the they leave college far more serious strength. However, the stubborn- award: capable way in which they have problems than how to drive a car ness of the European powers in op- GREEK LURES FIRST 4 undertaken their inherited eson- wisely, and that training them to posing the proposals outlined prin- CO-ED TO CAMPUS siblities, and have given to them meet these problems independently cipally by the United States and * * . their most earnest effort, and competently should be a pri- 'England, prevents the mutual Quick, Watson, the needle! Givie h m e t r mary consideration in a higher ed-1 friendliness of the three nations me a shot before I say anything cTI ucational Institution. from exerting its full effect on thethat might be used against me! JOSEPH MADDY. When the ban ,was initiated at solution of the naval problems. * * *ed aE.HACC Amherst it was understood by the The best that can now be ex- Pierre R. Ke well-known New students that its stringency would I pected from the London confer- A lady wandered into the office YYwe- wn etra # g S be reded as soon as it has dem- neis a naval holiday until 1 yesterday afternoon and talked to ork musical critic, had an inter- rdtcedssonraity.onceisb tholdunly one of the Women's staff members esting compliment to pay Josephnvestm: onstrated its enforceability. While At its best this would be only a - . , . _,'" Iv:, .,..,.,;, _ _ the undergraduate body did not postponement of a settlement, andmU for half an hour. It seems she c at thversit scoh comply with the regulation willing- would be undesirable to the Uniteddoesn't like all the papers and usic at the Uversity Music RUE enough, if coply, ith te greulaton lling- would. e nesiabto he Ued nthings that lie about the campus School, in his correspondence tohs ly, it did so graciously atleast, and States. The nation has lagged in1 and she earnestly entreated. the the Detroit Free Press Monday: "Jo- institution, you may the restriction was obeyed by all but i the construction of a navy within .~ .t osmtigaoti seph Maddy has done and is con- as "Credit" Indent the rebellious few who are unlike- the present limitations and since W. s. m. to do something about it iun to, do wo d As tan- "s"Crit""nd nD ly to obey any regulation. Conse- 3 it could no longer afford to remain n order that "the campus may be er, mentor, and conductor of the' Teser wors an quently, the students were reward- behind, it would have to build sev-dp * * i m National High School Orcheptra merely stand for id ed by a grant of permission to drive, eral ships at a considerable cost. **1 this American musician has every during the senior year. The saving of a large share of Do your part, gents. Throw your right to puff up a bit over his ac- jure up no allurinj Amherst officials felt that driv- the appropriation for its cruiser butts in your cuffs and swallow complishment. For the concert perhaps carry littl ing an automobile is little more building program was one of the your old envelopes. just given by his orchestra in Car- romance or adventu dangerous than playing football or principl aims of the United States * * * negie Hall left an unforgettable: apressilontne mighth even walking across the street, for at the conference. however, the The Daily has at least one faith- impression. Joseph Maddy is a casual contact with accidents occur with similar fre- possibilities for this economizing ful reader. Professor Shull stop- quiet sort. He says very little; but business is likely to i quency in any of these endeavors. are now slight and it is probable ped his Heredity lecture long what he has done brought a thrill In realitythe inve It is foolish, they believed, to ex- that the 15 cruisers, already auth- 'enough yesterday morning to ask a to those who listened to his group is constantly dealin, pect to turn out worthwhile grad- j orized, will have to be constructed. gentleman in the back of the au- of children in concert." things. Electric po nates if men are to be coddled, -Meagre results instead of the far- ditorium to "yield The Daily for a Joseph Maddy is at present car- f roads, skyscrapers, i protected from all dangers, and reaching effects that had been few moments and pay attention to rying on extension work around shielded from life's problems as J prophesied will be the outcome the lecture." the state for the School of Music.' I HAL undergraduates. 'The administra- { from the parley, its present status * * * demonstrating methods of instruc-HAL 4-L~t 'PIrm fl + a f: -1 1-, rJ 2 n i _ I i n f n T i ..T... i. __~ ___ .. , . _ II govemrnment I.° j i. - w ! V 1 1 1 t U