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March 14, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-14

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* ai1


Prof Claenc YoaumA


Lifer in Jersey State Prison
Fatally Wounds Guard;
Injures Two Others.
Three Guards Battle Prisoner
as Single-Handed Revolt
Ends Disasterously.

Named Vice-President NE WA
by D
French E

MacDonald Encouraged Michigan Title Holders Pressed

av's Events: Briand j

lks to Journalists.
Emohatically Refuse to

to Retain Top Honors
Against Field.
Big Ten Records in Every Event
Slated for Big Upsets
in Stellar Meet.


Tice of Dean of Ad
Ruthven, Bishop, Ef
Comprise Advis
Ih'luue il the t 'I iverQ ity's a
-anizati0 ii on the c orarwntion

U - - - -

Accept Parity




(By Aocie' Trssh By Frank 1.ing.
TRENTON, N. J, March 13- f>.. rn H ie
T T N.JMrh1.-(Assciated Press Staff Writer)
Charles F. Evans, a young prisoner' LONDON, England, Mar13.-The
who had rounded the eleventh year -T
of a double life term, -late today 'London naval conference is fight-
made a break for liberty from the l . V ing for its life, and apparently with
State Prison, the attempt ending of hope of success. Tonight Prime
his suicide, the fatal wounding of Rentscher Minister MacDonald of Great Brit-
a guard and injury to two other Vice-President C. S. Yoakum,
guards. Former dean of the college of am authorized a statement that he
Cornered in a cell by three keep- literature, science, and the arts at was encouraged by the day's events.-
ers, Evans shot it out until one slug Northwestern who has been named Aristide Briand, foreign minister
remained in his weapon and this vice-president here under the i and head of the French deleda-'r l
he sent through his brain. The new corporation plan of adminis- tion, reeived the world's journal-
slain guard ,was Frank Butcher tration adopted yesterday by thenots o owyashee s
who received a number of bullet University. Vice-President Yoaku not so gloomy as he is supposed to
wounds in the exchange of shots. was formerly director of research ference can achieve definite results
Ernest Gordon received ,a superfi- here.,' in the general interests of peace.
cial shoulder wound, and Thomas -----------t----- Conferences Held.a
Foren was struck on the head with The events of the day to which
an improvised blackjack. Mr. MacDonald referred were a ser-
LI t tSndw.ies of conversations held at 10
RvlatSnon!{ NNE0 esocovrain heda 10HRPL"Evans' singlehanded revolt came Ute Downing Street. He began this
at sundown. T. P. Lydon, a guard morning with Reijior Wakatsuki, of
on duty, in the right wing of the the Japanese delegation. Dino
institution at 5:35 p. ni., heard a Grandi of the Italian group follow-
call for help and the sound of a ted. Then came M. Briand who stay-
falling body. In a second, in the Upper Room' Bible Class Enters ed an hour and three quarters.
words of Lydon, Evans had the gun Forty-Fourth Year as Lastly came the American, Sec.
of the man he slugged. The vic- Campus Society. Henry L. Stimson and Senator Reed
tim was Foren. Cewho hurried to Downing street aft-
Lydon climbed up two tiers to er a full meeting of the American
the sounds of the scuffle but be- IDEN SELECTS PROGRAM delegation. This meeting followed
ing unarmed, he returned to the ---upon a significant conference be-~
'first floor, locked up two cookhouse In celebration of the forty-third tween Senator Reed and Ambassa-
prisoners, and obtained a revolver anniversary of the "Upper Room." dor Matsudaira, and the activity of;
from another officer. members of the bible class will hold the American and Japanese dele-t
Meanwhile, Butcher had appear- a at 6 o'clock tomorrow'gates today caused a feeling that'
ed with another guard. Evans had ianquet t c tan announcement of an American-
slipped into the vacant cell of an- night at the Church, at Hill and Japanese agreement is imminent.,
other prisoner and the firing be- Tappan streets. This agreement, as has been ndi-
gad, with the :.ards shielding In order to insure the success of cated from time to time, will be
themseles behind a locker. The the dinner, an elaborate program dependent upon a general fivet
guards are unarmed except at has been arranged. Thomas M. power understanding.
night, a d those going off day duty Iden, affectionately termed "fath- Italy's Stand Attacked. j
found it necessary to go to the er" by his many admirers and for- It is understood that intensive:
pion ase efre oig the mer bible students has secured conversations today were largely
r fray. many prominent peakers together directed to obtaining some modifi-
Guard Smells Gas. with a few musical numbers for cation of the Italian's rigid atti-
"The first thing we knew," Ly- the anniversary program. tude for parity with France. Mr.
don related, "we smelled gas and I Carlton F. Wells, of the rhetoric Stimson has been engaged in this
heard a bomb drop. Foren grab- I department, will act as master of work and tonight he smilingly saidt
bed my hat and hastily wrote a ; ceremonies at the banquet. Fol- he had a splendid day.
note, then threw it out the win- lowing his welcoming the members The French have insisted em-
dow. What was in that note I I and guests he will introduce the phatically that with their navy
don't know yet. The three of us following speakers: Howard Mc- facing three fronts, the English
stayed out of range for a while, Clusky, Robert Horn, Walter Pat- Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, and
then we saw several guards coming ton, Harold Jacox, Martin Mart- ! the Mediterranean Sea, parity can-.
on in the center, armed. We came zowka ,and Rex Gould. George not be accepted with Italy, whose
out in time to see them pull Evans' Alder will lead in the singing of fleet is concentrated in the Medi-
body from the cell." "Upper Room" hymns while Shirley terranean.
When the disturbance was heard Field, Albert Logan, H. W. Matzke 'The Italians, just as strongly,
throughout the prison, considerable and A. C. Stitt will compose the have stood upon a blanket demand!
shouting and excitement resulted quartet that will entertain with for parity regardless of tonnage ar-
among the prisoners, who not long several numbers. rived at. But today while Signor
before had been locked in their Grandi did not yield an iota onI
cells for the night. Lydon believ-c the parity claim., there is reason to
ed the gas bomb quieted the in- Schlanderer Chosen believe that a new approach is be- I
mates. New Hockey Captain ing made to the problem. The fact
--that France is not likely to build
REA WITHDRA WS Election of Arthur Schlanderer, up hep program in the next five
'31, to the captaincy of next year's years and that Italy likewise does
DRIVING PERMITS hockey team was announced at the not actually desire to attempt pa-_
annual hockey banquet held last rty, she merely wants the right to;
night at the Michigan Union. Herb- parity, is considered a good augury'
Driving permits have been with- ert Unsworth, '31, was named as for this phase of the conference
drawn from a number of students manager, while Donald Chafey, '32, work.
whose permit tags were not proper- received assistant managership.
ly fastened to their automobile li- Congratulating the team on gain- . .
cense plates, W. B. Rea, assistant ing the Conference title, Franklin Final Sale of Ensians
to the dean of students, said yes- C. Cappon, Assistant Director of Scheduled for Today
terday in announcing that here- 'Athletics, delivered a brief address __
.after permits will be revoked in all of welcome. Others on the speak-Beginning the last day of itsk
cases of students who fail to ob- ing program were Edward Lowrey, final sales campaign of the year,:
serve University regulations in af- coach of the winning team, and the Michiganensian will sell sub-
fixing permit tags to their cars. Steve Jones, former All-America riions for the 1930
Prit tags must be permanentI goalie. In closing the program, each p ct tyearbook
fastened to state license plates, pre... of the retiring seniors was inform- 'at various points on the campus
ferably with the steel clips furnish- 'ally called upon to speak, today for $5. After today the price
ed for the purpose by the Univer- be advnc nto $550, and un;
sity, in accordance with state stat- TICKETS ON SALE redeemed coupons worth $1 will be
ut e, Mr.Rac d theridsh ust FOR RENDEZVOUS The 1930 'Ensian, its was an-
rear windows of automobiles. nounced yesterday by Sam F. At-
Students who now holddriving Tickets for the First Annual Ren- kins, '30, business manager, will be
permits but who fail to observe the dezvous Frolic to be presented by ready for distribution by the mid-i
permit tag rule will be stopped and the members of the Freshmen Ren- die of May. This year's issue willI
their permits revoked, it was an- dezvous group at 9:30 o'clock this' be 32 pages thicker than last year'sc
nounced. evening at the Palmer Field House, and will contain many new feat-t

By Edward L. Warner. two Vice-prcsi k'llic>s 1n1I tleI retr
(Special to Tre Daily) the Ciflis were aintOucedl yesterd,
EVANSTON, March 13.-Swim- tx"
mers from nine Conference schools' Shirley \\ . Sniith. hicre1okre
will gather here tomorrow to com- the rniversit. has now bIencii (le
pete for the individual and teqm and Secretar\ : 'Professol Y aktn'
championships of the Big Ten in,
Vie-rei.n hrly Rentschler Patten'1 pool at Northwestern uni- GIR T JTrI B
Vice-president Shirley Smitn, versity. Preliminaries will be stag-
Secretary of the University, who ed tomorrow afternoon and eve- SPEEDING DRIVER
was appointed vice-president and ning, while the four survivors in --
secretary following the adoption of each event will fight it out in the While crossing the street at the
the new aaministrAtion plan. He finals on Saturday night. corner of Forest and Washtenaw
h c. C nnot~t3 A C o r--r. ri Cno . . nn 1 no 1 ___^----_ _ii'

ministration Abolished;
finger, Gram, Huber
sory Committee.
dmini\ aie clieetu. 1 involg their
Ipahm. ;ld iicludihn the creation of
in of Prof . Clarence S. Yoakum to
lay by Psresidenit .Alexa>under (. Ruth-
Secretatry- a1l Business 1fanager of
;atced tl e)owers of Vice-Presilent
I \will take Ul his duties as Vice--
PI resideat cid director of educa-
tioual in vestigatiois beginning Uly
1, 1930. This'latter office supplants
that of director of the bureau of
University Research, in which ca-N
pacity Professor Yoakum served
before his resignation last summer

±uio acl a c eaa r~.y sinje lumc

Scientists End Search of Many
Years for Suspected
New World.
By Associated Press)


FLAGSTAFF, Arizona, March 13.
-In that little cluster of orbs which
scampers across the siderial abyss
under the name of the Polar sys-
tem there are, let it be known, nine
instead of eignt worlds.
The presence of a ninth marcher
in the retinue of the sun, long sus-
pected, was definitely announced
here today by Dr. V. M. Slipher. of
the Lowell Observawory, who head-
ed 'a group of eminent astronomers
whose gropings in the Milky Way
with telescopes and cameras locat-
ed the new sphere.
Way out beyond Neptupe, tag-
ging bashfully behind his brothers,
the new planet's size and age are
still unknown. Its -presence wvas
mathematically predicted years ago
by the late Dr. Percival Lowell, a
noted scientist, who founded the
observatory here, partly for the
very purpose of identifying it.
Other astronomers, notably Dr. W.
W. Campbell, director of Lick Ob-
servatory, verified Lowell's calcula-
Today the faith in those calcu-
lations was rewarded b an an-
nouncement by Dr. Slipher that the
ncw planet had been "sighted" last
January 21st by an extremely deli-
cate photographic lens developed
for the search. Announcement was
withheld, Dr. Slipher said, "until we
were absolutely sure."
The discovery revealed that the
planet is 45 times as far from the
earth as the earth is from the sun.
Although its size has not been de-
finitely determined, it is believed
that it may be bigger than Jupiter,
largest member of the solar family,
which is 1200 times as large as the'
earth. And, said the announce-
ment, it is at least no smaller than
the earth.
Astronomically, the discovery is
regarded as the greatest since the
location of Neptune, eighth mem-
ber of the solar system, in 1846. The
astronomers who participated with
Dr. Slipher in the discovery 'are: C.
0. Lampland, E. C. Slipher, J. C.
Duncan, K. P. Williams, E. A. Ed-
wards and T. B. Gill.
West Virginia university's travel-
ing debating team will meet the
Michigan affirmative varsity in the
opening debate of the semester for
the home team at 7:30 o'clock to-
night in the Alpha Nu room on the
fourth floor of Angell hall. The de-
bate will be open to the public.
Michigan will be represented in
the debate by the varsity affirma-
tive team, composed of Fenelon
Boesche, '31, Lawrence E. Hartwig,
'31, and Nathan Levy, '31. All three
men are experienced debators, and
have represented the university in
past encounters. The question will
be, "Resolved that the several states

Michigan's well-balanced team, avenues at 8:30 o'clock last night, to become dean of the College of
defending champions, will ,be the Edith Pike, '31, was struck by an Literature, Sciences and the Arts
favorite along with Northwestern automobile operated by a hit-and- at Northwestern university.
to put on a battle royal for the title. run driver. Miss Pike was taken to Relieves President's Work.
The Wolverines won from North- I the University hospital where her U elie residenzt'ork.
condtionwasrepotedas fir.Under the reorganization, which
western in dual competition, 40-35, itns a p te au was approved by the Regents at
r but the individual brilliance of the Witnesses say that the automo- their meetin las Friday but wt
star Purple performers may offset bhor lostsp eding adPot apprhe out public announcement at the
Michigan's all-round team strength the driver. time pending Professor 7 oakum s
thus making it a toss-up between d t d e final decision, the office of Dean
the two chief contenders. raof Administration is abolished.
Champions Defend Honors. The new system is expected to "re-
List year's char7pions in every lieve the President of several duties
event except the fancy diving will 0 3 1 5 19T9 last year delegated to the Dean of
be back again in an attempt to re- Administration and permit himdto
tain their laurels. Every Big Ten x } give more time to academic prob-
record for a 60 foot pool appears to! UIU Llems." The preparation of the
be endangered, and several na- budgets and the problems of fac-
tional intercollegiate marks arc n epolm ffc
likely to fall due to the high ca 262 Forced to Withdraw; More ulty personnel will remain under
likey tofal dueto te hgh e: 'the direct charge of the President,
bre of the competition. Individual Men Than Women in
champions who will return to de- ' Dropped Group. given the status of administrative
fend their honors include Schwartz .n td r
of Northwestern in the 100 and 220 committees under the revision. The
yard free style, Walker of Michigan FRESI-IMEN PREDOMINATE advisory committee to the director
in the 40 yard sprint Ault of Mich-~--of alummirelations, Wilfred B
igan in the 440 yard swim, Hinch Because their poor scholarship Shaw, has been given administra-
I tive, pow.er-s. This committee con-
of Northwestern in the back stroke, ; during the first semester was not sists of President RuthenWiia m
{ andsPetersenesfdent Rtthvenerill in
and Peterset of Northwestern In extenuated b sufficiently 'alleviat- Warner Bishop, librarian,' Dean
All the Conference record hold- ing circumstances, 262 students; J..hn R. Efinger of the Literary
college, Prof. Lewis M. Gram of
ers with the exception of Breyer of have been required to withdraw civil engineering and Dean G. Carl
Northwestern, co-holder of the 40 from the College of Literature, Sci- Huber of the Graduate School. The
yard standard, and Darnall of ence, and the Arts, Prof. W. R. advisory committee ,of the newly
Michigan in the century will be Humphries, assistant dean of the created University Press, of which
competing in the title meet. Walker college, announced yesterday. I r. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
of Michigan holds the 40 yard rec- Some of the students who have the President, is director, was also
Ord of': 18.4 jointly with Breyer, and been dropped will be permitted to given administrative functions. The
either he or Schwartz is likely to re-enter the college next semester, University Press has general super-
better it. Schwartz holds the rec- - vision over all University publica-
ord of 2:18.6 for the 220 yard free and others may not re-register tions
style and he will be out to shatter until, the second semester of the ; Smith Here Since 1893
this mark and also to surpass the next school year. ; Vice-President Smith has served
standard of :53.2 in the 100 yard None of those dropped are to be t- -University as Secretary since
free style made in 1928 by Darnal permanently excluded from Uni- 1908, duringithe years which .wit-
of Michigan. The quarter mile will versity attendance, except such as nessed the greatest growth in Mich-
find Ault, Wolverine captain, en- had been previously dropped for a igan's history. He was born in 1875
deavoring to lower his mark of one-semester or two-semester term, at Nashville, Michigan, and receiv-
5:04 set last year. and after coming back last semes- ed his bachelor's degree from the
New Marks to be Set. ter failed to attain the requisite University in 1897. Three years la-
Hinch of Ncrthwestern should scholastic standing. This class of ter he received an A.M. Following
shatter his own mark of 1:40.4 in students form a small per cent of this, he was an instructor in Eng-
the 150 yard back s t r o k e , the total number asked to with- lish from 1898 to 1901. At that
while his teammate, Petersen, or draw, Dean Humphries said. time he became secretary of the
one of the other entries should cut M members of the freshman Alumni association in which capac-
down the 200 yard breast stroke I class thdn of any other single class ity he continued until 1904.
record of 2:37.4. Michigan's relay were drppd i an nuned. In that year he left Ann Arbor
quartet, holder of the world's rec- were dropped, it was annunced. to become engaged in the'insur-
ord, is almost certain to better theMpe mnthatometweendrep!ante business in Philadelphia. He
existing standard of 1:15.4 in the ped, and the ratio between the continued with this for four years.
160 yard relay. Northwestern's trio number of men to be dropped and professor Yoakum who was one of
should establish a new mark in theI the total enrollment of men stu- a Profer o auwy who of
300 ardmedey ela. Idents was higher than in the case a number of the faculty who were
300 yard medley relay. detsa induced .to leave the University
Coach Matt Mann will rely upon of women. du the ttledcn
Walker and Smith in the sprints, Dean ,Humphries ascribed this dithefunsettledecampus c'n
Ault and Ladd in the 220 and 440, condition to the great degree of I ditions following President Little's
Goldsmith in the breast stroke, regulatory supervision exercised resignation, was born in 1879 in
;Valentine in the back stroke, Raike over women students, as compared Leavenworth county, Kansas. He
and Walaitis in the diving, and his with that exercised over minn. He graduated from Campbell college
two relay teams as his chief point said that men first-year students, I and took his doctor's degree at the
scorers. Michigan will attempt to thrown completely on their own re- University of Chicago. He after-
annex the title for the fourth year sources, sometimes meet great dif- ward taught at Campbell college,
in succession, as the Wolverines ficulty in properly budgeting their Hiawatha academy, University of
won in 1927 1928 and 1929 No time. Chicago, the University of Texas
other school has ever been able to The number of students to be and the Carnegie Institute of Tech-
accomplish this feat although dropped at the mid-semester per- I nology.
Northwestern and Illinois have iod is slightly higher this year than
each won it three years in a row. it was last.ugs Invade Hoover
Wildcat Stars. BugsRMAI WIL
Northwestern's trio of aces, NEW LSaictiirn=ft C')itnl

W. M
was s

tpone. Forum Due
to McClain's Illness
to the sudden illness of R.
cClain, chaplain of the Mich-
State prison at Jackson, the
d All-Campus Forum which
cheduled to be held yesterday
zoon will be postponed to a

may still be secured accordting to ures. Among these will be the in- z
a report made yesterday by Donald clusion of a section devoted to in-
!A. Koch, '30, chairman of the tramural sports, considerable art
Freshman committee of the Stu- work done by undergraduates, and
dent Chri n association. new etchings of University build-1
Excellent music -and refresh- ings.
I ments will be provided at the i
Frolic, which will be the first of a
series of social events to be given1 a
this semester by the freshmen who {
attended the Rendezvous at the
University Fresh Air camp just: ___

Schwartz in the free style,
in the back stroke, and Pe
in the breast stroke, are expet
register a majority of thef
points besides being mainst
the two relays. O'Keefe i
diving, Wilson in the 440, Hi
in the breast stroke, and Bo
the back stroke are other p
place winners for the Wildca
Kieding in the 220 and
Schroeder and Holbrook -
breast stroke, and Marshalli
diving are the best scoring
bilities from Illinois. Wisc
J chief contenders will be Me
the breast stroke and Lange

ter"ena(By Asociated Press)
ted to I"The Salvage of Submarines in WASHINGTON, March 13.-Bugs
Purple the Open Sea" will be discussed by invaded the President's room in
ays of John C. Niedermair in an illustrat- the Capitol just off the Senate
n the ed lecture at 3 o'clock tonight, in Chamber today. An alarm was
[owlett the Natural Science auditorium. sounded quickly by agitated Sena-
yer in Niedermair, who was in charge tars who frequent the room to rest
ossible of the technical work in connection to the couches during conferences
ts. with the raising of the su.bmarine n t with newspapermeng
440, S-51 and the S-; is a senior engi-wThenespaemen.
in the neer in the Design division of the The extemenua qelled
in the Bureau of Construction and Repair,
possi- of the Navy department. He was the insects were a species of moth.
onsin's formerly a member of the techni- Nevertheless, demands were
yer in cal staff of the special committees rushed to Chairman Moses of the
in the on Stability and Loading, and the rules committee, for a hasty clean-

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