"THE'MICHICAN Ey n=ITOQ!n&V 'CTAWrlv''l*) ItIfth a . ""aa-.. a s ' .a sa S i a a as r . I1[t y.JLi~i IA V , 7 l Y - So Sl~ h Published every morning except Monday during the tniersity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications, Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- atches credited to it or not otherwisecredited ' in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post r inaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4e; by mtail, Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- r ygard Street.9 Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY F.4torial Chairman ......Gerge C. Tilley ." City Editor... .........erce foenberg News Editor.. ......onald J. Kline Sparts ditor. Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor.........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor .....Cassarn A. Wilson Music and Draa......William J.Gorman Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Pditor... . Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wild Gurney Williams y ~ Reporters Bertram Askwithe Lester May Relen Bare Margaret Mix 'Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol M4ary L. Behymer William Page Alan .ermn Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein uctor abin wit Seach Con ger John D. Reindel Thomas 14. Cooley Jeannie Roberts Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine errin 1{alph R. Sacs Earl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprawl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanso (inevra Ginn Jane Thayer ack Goldsmit k Margaret Thompso Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin . Morris Govermn Robert Townsend Mararet Harris ~lizabeth Valentine S.Cullen Kennedy Harold o. Warren, Jr.. an Levy G. Lionel Willens ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vvin ii Bruce J. Manley BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214; BUSINESS MANAGER' A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.............T. Hollister Mabley Advertising.............Kasper I. Halverson Advertising...........Sherwood A. Upton Service.................eorge A. Spater Circulaton.............J. Vernor Davi Accounts. ... ........John R. Rose. Publications ..... eorge Rt. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants# Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Kobert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Chares Sanford Norman rliezer Lee Slayton J ames Hoffer Joseph Van Ripr orris Johnson Robert Williamso Charles Kline Wiliam R. Worboy Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia Mfiller Agnes Davis Helen E. Musseiwhite Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkishaw flortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1930 'Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS GRADUATION DUE S. Reliable information purports that the senior class of the literary college has already collected a greater total of class dues than was collected eby the class of '29 during the entire spring semester. The success of this year's dues campaign is to be attributed to the adoption by class officials of a new rule, to the effect that no seniors who fail to pay the $5 fee will be permitted to participate .in any of the traditional class functions, in- cluding Swing-out and Class Day ceremonies. That the plan has been success- ful in inducing seniors to pay class dues-which next to Community fund pledges are the hardest thing , in the world to collect-is evidenc- ed conclusively by the present re- ceipts, which total more than $2,- 000. Furthermore, it is true that no strenuous objections can be voiced. Senior class officials can- not be indicted on grounds of avid chicanery. It cannot be said that the plan to enforce payment of class dues is not just, because a well-filled treasury is obviously necessary for the conduct of any social organization. .. The senior class is justified in spending money for the social pur- pose of creating an espirit de corps among class members, because the final impression of the University which seniors acquire this spring is the impression which they will take out into the world as alumni. If the seniors feel an affection to- toward the University, they will eventually be instrumental in cre- ating a public attitude of interest as well as respect for the Univer- sity.I i ' 4 t { t Sii t i Some seniors have confessed toM University administrative officials Book1 that they are unable to pay both tM'i bout Books diploma fee and class dues, and are - , afraid they will be unable to be WHAT, itREEY BEVKW graduated. They might be interest-aNOw eREEN RBOOKS ed to know that it is unusual for LIMERICKS?BRSY EEE more than one fourth 'of a class Confucianism, by Frederick StarrI Syd .Class dues are Interest in the Rolls limerick Covici-Friede, N. Y. C. Price $3.00: a voluntary payment. contest has gone on the wane. In The devoues of the Humanism of Although the scheme for senior fact, since it was never off the Irving Babbitt will find Professor' dues collection is clever and equit- wane I presume that limericks Starr's work on the development of able, any attempt to carry the don't appeal to Rolls readers. Not Confucianism most illuminating. scheme too far would merit cen- a single answer was submitted for Confucianism, in the beginning. sure as an unwise policy. limeick No. 1 published Sunday. like modern Humanism, was inter - }OPerhaps the prizes weren't entic- ested not in deity or a personal God iing enough. Well, I'll try once but in human values. Confucius ''- more, and this time the first prize himself avoided discussions that' Campus pion will be $25. NOW let's see what were distinctly religious, being con- Contributors are aske to e i e you can do. ! cerned only with ethics and the re- words of possible. Anonymous comn-r * slation of man to man. Even meta- umunica~ions will be disregarded. The pyisthauoronsutdd names of cormmmunicants xwill, however, LIMERICK No 2. phscteato on~ot i hie regarded as confidntial, uiponi re- there once wvasia fellow nam~ed not enter Confucian thought uentil construed as expressing the editorial Dan the advent of Mencis. opinion of The Daily. Who laughed at the motor car The reliance of Humanism in bai. part on Confucianism Professor HERE'SHOPINGHebought a LaSalle Babbitt fully admits and explains, To the Editor And then called on a gal- especially in the epilogue of his As the academic year has pro-........... ...... . _.... Rousseau and Romanticism. And' gressed it has been very interest- the volume in hand, though cer- ing to note the reaction against On second thought, the prize for tainly not written as a handbook various attitudes of the university, the best line will be $20. on Humanism, is certainly an aid' its officials and especially of the to the study of Professor Babbitt's Board of Regents. Moreover, it is** viewpoint. not infrequent to read in The Daily MORE SCOTCH Professor Starr's method is to or other periodiicals about opposi- present the development of Con- tion to the dismissal of this profes- Dear Joe: I wanta go the Yellow fucian faith, limning not only the sor or that dean, or to the passage Cab gent one better, just to be works and thought of the Master of various new college regulations. mean. How about the Scotchman but of the disciples of the move- In fact the general tender.cy at who sauntered into one of the ment down to the present day, Michigan during the past four State street eating joints and showing how it began as merely an years has been to the postin ordered a second cup of coffee? e sp took on laer a neryeeypolicy inaugurated or iagee. metaphysical aspect, and later be- proposed by the officials. Such op-I came a religion. At the same time I position, to my mind, has not been , he shows the outgrowth and par- unfounded or usually unfair. Dur- allel advancement of Taoism. His ing my six years at Michigan I work is at 'once entertaining and have observed a most remarkable scholarly, and he quotes liberally change in public campus opinion ' from the accepted authorities on . . . from an attitude of pride in the subject, including Legge and the University and self-satisfac- Wieger. tion in 1924 and 1925 to the present A --n - 4t .tt 1 d f hallav~l c i V YV m lUf 1f1A tfcara n..re " -4i, 7..d. TYPEWRITER 0 i a -- REPAIRING All makes of ma- chines. Our equip- ment and person- nel are considered among the best in result of twenty build' ifl w n y 11 -Eaton, Crane..Pike- The Stationery of Quality the State. The years' careful Q. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenses and Frames Made to Order Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLER'S STATE3 STREET JEWELERS i 60 SHEETS PAPER 50 ENVELOPES 6c Eaton Vellum Newstyle White Mh Printers-Stationers-Binders--Office Phone 4515 I Outfitters 112 South Main Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical hYI NESTLE Circuline Permanent Waving: Our operators with many _ years of experience in Ann Arbor, guarantee, our quality which will be remembered long after the price is for- gotten. STODDARD BEAUTY SHOP Lowest Prices: TERMS To Suit. Play While You Pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos.*--- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Recorder r . a.M ro mm I SAYS t WOP)N inw bat bw3~ xa ,rmiam4 ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 iast Wit-am Street phone 7515 SREAD THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! 707 N. University Dial 2-1212 'li a ctiu ae o c a enging every move of the University. Back in '24 and '25 when Marion LeRoy Burton was our president this University ap- peared to be at the start of a glori- ous journey to the ultimate in edu- cation. Under President Burton this University made wonderful progress, and the intensive work that Doctor Burton did in getting financial appropriations for the building program, still being car- Sried out, practically killed him, so that he was unable to rally from a serious illness in February, 1925. Witht he death of Burton and the change in the governorship of the State of Michigan from Alex Groesbeck to Fred Green the en-. tire stage at Michigan changed. No longer did the President have his way, no longer were the stu- - dents sensibly happy, nor did Michigantcontinue its upward climb. After a half-year of an :acting-presidency under the capa- ble Dean Alfred H. Lloyd a brand new man became our highest offi- cial, Clarence Cook Little. With Doctor Little's inauguration began a series of struggles involving the president himself, the deans, the faculty, the students, the citizens of Ann Arbor, and lastly the two political bodies: the Board of Re- gents and the Governor and his staff. While many are willing to admit that Doctor Little worked some- what too hurriedly in . putting through his new ideas it is very difficult to comprehend why poli- tics should be more dominant than education. For Governor Green and the famed Republican party 'of Michigan, together with the even more famous Board of Re- gents, so well characterized by yes- terday's contributor to this column. With little or no regard to the edu- cational benefits of Doctor Little's plans he was practically forced out because of political machinery. Dr. Little himself will point that out in his new book, "The Awakening College." Now we find the situation more complex than ever before. With Doctor Little's departure, and with absolutely no opposition to their political endeavors the Board of Regents are going ahead with their wrecking of a once promising Bur- ton administration. Less than a year after the "forced" resignation of Doctor Little comes the dismis- sal of the former president's close friend and supporter, Doctor Hugh Cabot, as Dean of the' Medcal School. The most amusing part of the Cabot affair is that in less than a month after the former dean's ousting comes the announcement that he had been given a medical advisory post at the Mayo Clinic, an honor and position far above that of his university post. As Michigan rids herself of great men these same great men become doubly famous and important. This little article of mine is inst : -j I was about to run another good Scotch story but a reader just walked in and found out about it, with the above result. P. . I've taken the hint. (Confidential to Magee: That was a good story, though; let's have some more). * * * I think $15 will be enough for that limerick prize. Lark is still hunting for his miss- ing laundry, and his plight has aroused considerable comment - but no succor. Here, however, is another plea: The Cry of the Lark. By Moby Dick. Hear the cry of the Lark. 0 my brothers, Crying for his long lost shirt! See him droop his dear young head upon his shoulders, Suffering thru governmentalt hurt! Suffering thru governmental dirt! Suffering from the itch of a shirt, The itch of a black wooly shirt!j The young lambs are frisking in the meadows, The young birds are chirpy, j bold, and pert. But the Lark sits a-droopin' on Convention and Revolt in Poetry, by John Livingston Lowes Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. Price $2.50 It is just ten years since Profes- sor Lowes issued his first edition of this valuable work. The present is, the eighth edition. Its reissuance at the present time is extremely fortunate, with all he to do about the modern movement in - poetry cluttering the reviewing periodicals. The book was first issued when the' so-called modern movement was emerging, and Professor Lowes points'out that even the term modern poetry is as old as poetry itself, and this permanence in flux is the large and humane experi- ence of poetry-the theme of the book. L. I. K. --- - INWARD BLOWING WINDS The North Pole of the Winds, by William Herbert Hobbs. j G. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y. C. j Price $5.00. A new conception of the polar regions of the earth has been pre- sented by Professor William H.: Hobbs in his latest exploration nar- rative. Admiral Peary discovered ! the magnetic north pole, but it has remained for Professor Hobbs to describe that of the winds, which he has located in Greenland. The coniplete air circulation above the Greenland ice-cap con- sists of high inward-blowing winds toward the central region, where air is slowly settling to the surface of the ice-cap, from which central! area it reverses direction and passes out in all directions. The Greenland ice-cap is thus the! northern wind pole of the earth, which is technically described as the Greenland glacial anti-cy- clone," writes Professor Hobbs. He then goes on to demonstrate how this theory was proven and tests were 'carried out with balloon ascents. Although the main object of the book is the presentation of the new wind theory and the story of the three expeditions which Professor Hobbs led to Greenland, he also! discusses the possibilities of suc- cess of a Tranatlantic air route over Greenland using the Mount Evans station as a base. Says ex- plorer Hobbs: "The width of the single span from coast to coast across the Atlantic is so great that for present-day planes all available loads must be given over to fuel and crew. Professor Hobbs also describes difficulties encountered in making preparations for the Rockford fliers, Hassell and Cramer-how gasoline had to be conveyed sev- eral hundred miles, a landing field cleared, and how, to satisfy the Danish government, the flight had to be connected with the University Expedition before permission could be ob tined 'The Pntr hns n n It cracides out loud with crispness.I HAVE You discovered the world's crispiest cereal? It's new. It's so crisp that it pops and crackles in the bowl when milk or cream is added. Kellogg's Rice Krispies are light, golden-brown bubbles that taste like toasted nutmeats. Try them tomorrow. They'll add new enjoyment to your breakfast. Particularly good with fruit or honey added. And Rice Krispies are delicious right out of the package. RICE KRISPJES RICE READYTO EA riQ iOALOO The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Corn Flakes, ALL-BRAN, Pep Bran Flakes, Wheat Krumbles, and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee -the coffee that lets you sleep. -.: Noa ---"- the branches Mourning for shirt! Weeping due hurt! Suffering from shirt, his long lost to government the itch of a The itch of a black wooly shirt! Question not the Lark's cry, O my brothers, Crying for his long lost shirt! Act! Act in the living present! Send him One of your own white shirts, That he may no longer moan, That he may no longer groan, Suffering from the itch of aI shirt, The itch of a black wooly shirt! Five dollars is enough for thaty limerick prize. PRIZE STORY. Somebody tells me this really happened. A gent walked into a classroom last December to take a bluebook and, after hastily scan- ning the questions, realized he knew nothing whatever about the correct answers to them. He there- fore wrote in his bluebook, "God only knows. Merry Christmas," Sand sind his namp. ,vpntiin, Deny a Fact!. WHEN nine out of every ten people declare that White Swan is the best laundry in the county, it's pretty likely to be a fact. We've had customers come to us and stick with us year after year. We've had customers leave us-- and return to stay. We've made customers by the hundreds in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. One even sends his things all the way from Battl% Creek to get White Swan quality laundry service. Instances like these prove claims to be actual fact. And you simply cannot deny a fact! But it is impossible for the sen- iors to carry their dues-collecting scheme beyond a judicious extent. If threat of excommunication from class social functions induces prompt payment of dues, all well and good. It should be under- stood, however, that failure to pay WHIT sw~ A N I i i