I WEDNES~DAY, MAR~CH 12, 1930 TH~Ml--IC4BAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN 7,:-- A HIGH~~ SCOLMNSiffCmpetition Is MIN~~xpeeted at Swim Ml/eet unin nnrrHOO (Continued From Page 6)j III flit1" lock and Lockwood of I linois, and WILL IULI IVILI Covode of Northwestern are other . sprinters who may break into the " s~w n scoring column. EVENTS OTHE BIG TBEN INDOOR-TOURNEY "noiinm LneS S I FI HAUL -NOTICE (CnEidFo ae6 -4 = ; _,,, , rrOCei o "ae, .au1.a , A.4440-yard Swim~. Toledo Scott Are Danlgerousf Captain G arnet Ault of Michigan' Rivas fr Crwn.will be out to make it three straight in the quarter mile swim, an event WARD BREAKS RECORDI which he .won in both 1928 and1 _____ 1902. Re should not b~e extended to. 'y(Contiaued From Page 6) 1Win, as no Bi.g Ten rival has come leaped six feet, four and one-half near him this year: Al Wilson oft inches to establish a new national ;Northwestern will be almost as cer - inteschlasic ecor bya cnsi-tain to annex second, as the Fur- uinershoastc ecod y acosid 'ple sophomore has defeated all! erable margin. In addition to this corners except Ault. The fight forl breath-takin~g f neat, the ebony- th~e remaining two places should hued Colt star led all opposition in, bring out some been competition.' clamin fist lac l~n~os oer heI Capt. Ray 'Kieding of Illinois was clamin frstplce or .oertheI thidrd last year, 'but has, not been! high and low, hurdles. up to his old fom this season. Pole vault honors went to an- Quait of Minnesota has -shown wells: other Colt veteran in record-break-' in dual meets, while Michigan has i .r ing fashion when Loel Maxim! Ladd, McCaffree, and McDonald, vaulted 11 feet, 5 and 3-4 inches. any one of whom May take a point1 iIs teammate, Rose, running in his or two. ,first important race, smashed the ! 100-yard Free Style. 880 yard mark held by anotherI Again in the 140-yard free style,1 Colt, Jaydell Thompson in nego- Al Schwartz of Northwestern wil tiatl'ng the distance in 2:04.4. be favored if Coach Torn Robinson'I WellBalaced eeC enters him. He captured the cen-1 Other winners for the Grand tury from Bob Walker of Michigan! River Avenue school were Fundis in .last year and these two should the shot put, Hurd in the mile, and again Wage a duel for the first th~e winning relay combine of place medal. Ivan Smith of -Mich- Sttb, WloGrueske, and gan is another probable place win-! Thomp *son.l The n Colts also showed? ner, while Captain Lange of W.lis- . strong secondary power in the hur-, cofsifl is regarded as a fast man dle, ple aul, hgh"ump and 1 at this distance. midle distance. events. Froebel of Gary, runnbrsup in '- last year's midwest meet, are con- -ceded a place as definitely in the running against the sensationalA'q" Colts., Blazing a path across mid- t a r u a western high school track compe -______________ tition which came virtually unher- alded the boys from the Steel City ODA 'S IJWENT4. on the -dunes of Lake MichiganBaktl. 7:30-Index were forced to concede honors toBaktl. 720-Phi Rho Sigma vs. Xi Psi I(pe oany t* the Colts last year as a penalty for Phi. p en)l c toem ba a c .8 20 -S g a i " s l h This year the. Hoosiers have en- Kappa ambda.B";oPh Kappa Dopesters tered 31 men in an effort to bal- vsDetUpio ' Srs bu" ance their performances over the gi egational vs. Presbyterian; Cath-. pots bu card in order to~overtake the high olic vs. Hillel.i Clarkea last. srngColts.The Froebel team. k.,ow~tg. ns hap,N stilcoassottning per-er : 30--Soph Lits vs. Jr.Engineers.! man in a thi form~ers of last year, Perrota, Smith1 HOckey. 6-3. The r and.Mullins in the middle distances 4 10:100-Rangers vs. Les Canad- start to fini. as well' as her record-smashing asintesm *pole vault combine of Durich and _____________________ Wonowicz who have monopolized, mid-west honors in this event over the past 'two years. 1 .In 1928 Wonowcz shattered the Koaks, fiis,. Midwest standard in the vault to bring dary her 'only first place. 'eeoig Last .year Wonowicz was outvaulted' by a sophomore teammate, Steve. Durich, but managed to easily E ra Enlaging gain second place to give, the Gary I- combine first and second honors. roons winning t-wo and dropping 10 for a .167 rating, and the Buck- eyes bringing up the rear with ivi.Vk 1w-,, nung mner apply Michigan I Hours 3 toC #ox Unfionl, uu oe victorLout of lU starts,:, - - -- for perentge o .1(l.PIANO TUNING - "Phone 6776. for pecenage f .00.Victor Ailmendinger. The Stein- Minnesota, in spite of its lowly ;gay concert artist tuner. Office/ pcsitionz in the Conference race, at residence, 1608 Morton Ave.. was directly responsible .for Michi - 234E gan's taking the third rung of theE RADIO ERVICE Conference ladder over such teams Competent service men on a3l 'as Indiana and Illinois. Both of makes of radios. these teams were met and defeated by the Gophers and sent tumblingIS'TIMPSON RADIO SERVICE to the spot under the Wolverines(Da 10 21Es iet in the final standings. '2 Strange as it may seem, Ohio M NOTICE State, whose victory was gained l WE BUY USED CLOTHING over Minnesota, was the only team{ H. BENJAMIN icuring the entire season to even 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 come close to taking the scalp oft 246c the. Purdue champions. After drop- I. .- - ping the first game of their series THE STUDENT INN is Serving when Purdue went on a rampage special 35c noon-day luncheon, to gain a 60-14 decision,' the Buck- 11:00 to 2:30. 712 Hill St. .Eug-ene eyes came back in their next meet- Betts, Mgt. °2C i ng to force the Boilermakers into I-__________- a.n overtime period before Purdue Brunswick, Columbia records, reg- i finally nosed out a 27-25 victory. ularly ;75c no0w :b~, 3 for $1.35. A Branch McCracken, lanky India-C portion of our regular stock to go na center, by scoring nine points a.t low ligures. YOUR FAVOR- in the Conference finale against! ITE may be among them. Come, Minnesota Monday night, broke all: in early. existing records for Big Ten scor-t UNIVERSITY MUSIC SHOP initerview at Room. 302. 1334 -- Taking the sticks in the 70-yard i - -j ing by raising his season's total to I NWhighhrlsa h ire in- ° 147, four points better than dor meet at Minneapolis (below) Indicatedpy f uruewa letto right: Ziezer, Wisconsin; lln able to do last season. U W & ~~letI 111 Relay Enitries SetaIlni;PtrigOi;Conference play in .the recent ews tan, Ilos;HPyensi, hio; ____season brought out some remark- s Jlig, Iowanayden hag o;n-(Continueid From Page 6)i able players who either have star- thisrac in:085 sttig anewof his last two years, and may give red before in Big Tien competition Track. Iworld's indoor record. way to Gl~ading or Mueller. T-u,, or are newcomers to the collegiate ehendent Track Meet.1 In the upper picture Simpson of rest of the quartet, Dale Seymour, ranks. Murphy was again one of ky independent on cam- Ohio State is shown winning the Mosser, and Russell, will be intacti the outstanding players in the Big; 60 yard dlash at this meet. His time' Ten, while his teammate Johnny ~~Nt-llioi. was 6.2 seconds, equalling the Ia.lios Wooden made a name for himself had a bd dy a th + orldi's record. The runners .are, 1 A two mile team and possibly a in his first year at Purdue. left to right, ]ford, Northwestern; 1 medley quartet will also be sent to Foster of Wisconsin, Chapman ilding yesterday. R. East, Chicago; Tolan, Michigan, thiea anvl h ulu ' and Truskowski of Michigan, Boots year's all-Campus ten-l who finished second; and Simpson.; and Harmeson of Purdue, Strick- was defeated by- Sher- the two mile' team will be Benson, I land and Zellar of Indiana, and hree set match,5-7 6-4 CLEVELAND - Jack Dempsey4 Chase, and McLaughlin, regular' Mills and Kawal of Illinois are only match was close from 1 seems to have assumed a definite i half milers, while the fourth man a few 'of the outstanding stars sh ad pacesShemanposition as regards$ his ppssible. re- .may be either Wolfe or D'Anna, whose play sparkled throught the L-findasewithRenl.turn to the rin. I milers. Conference season: Lifial wthRendll Cor. William at Maynard 2nd SEMESTE~R TUTORING MAICK TUTORING AGENCY 310 S. STATE. PHONE 7927 1230 ITYPING-Theses a 'specialty. Fair rates. M. V. HArtsuff. Dial 9087. WANCED' WANTED-Two st'idents interested in selling first cla ss securities for a well establisheCd investment brokerage hDouse. Apply 515 Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. Dial 23821. 23 WANTED-Musicians, if you play --piano, trumpet, sax, trombone, banjo or drums and wi~sh to play in a dance orchestra. Call Robert B. Callahan. Phone 5847. 731 Tappan Ave. WANTED-Students to enjoy 'a real meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 2400 LOST LOST-Jeweled Sigmna Chi Finder call 21003. Reward. Pin. 23 11 . , -4- w ' y..,,,,A P LOST-Small bjrown, aligator purse Name Betty 'Abberly ini small let- ters. Dial 4093. -23 LOST - Alpha Chi Omega pin. Marked DorothyAMalcpolr. Phone 22254. 234 LOST-Brown snake Skin ladies' purse with check and cash. Finder call 2272.6. Liberal Re- ward. 2 Read The C for3aml wso nds like bargain TOURIST Trhird Cabin -that' e the answer. $103 up-$13 round trig. That umeants you can cross for as little as 3e a wile. N~o selfrepeeting college stewdl -can see himself (or herself) passing up n bargain life that! -IC t t est a11in. o ocattle-slip s, either---bia the most fawmr -: iuers on theseas, ineitl ding t' e 3[ajestic, the ivorld's largecst Fbl) 0l 1Oym1pic, Be IenIan d, Adriatic, Baltic, 1Minnekhai, Fernuland, Wfesierntand, etc. N Mlany of y-our crowd will be sail- inug this summi-er--why not you? .r Wm. Lancsweet, Mgr., 214 Majestic Bldg., cor. Wood. ward and Michigan Ave., Detroit, Tel. Cadillac 7665, or" any authorized agent. WHITE STAR LINE R ED S T AR L IN E ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE iutarnation*I mercantile marine Company Daily Class ifieds They Pay You Well .., Subscribe to The Michigan Daily By Carrier ..... $2.50 11 By Mai $2.75 For remainder of Sch ooll year Dial 21214 and leave 11 your name and address. -F ~ I- If 11 t_, I ai A 7___ *Cr 1 A I _ ',;,!