WMIMYSDAV, MARC!! 12, -3 I THE MICHIG DAILY . in - - T I - I 1 WAN vVAM KWA'AMM s MRS. HENDERSON ANNOUNCES ACT Of IAITDDAAAIAI mOM Al 1Ar COLLEGE OPENED (L CHE VER '31 IN VERMONT FOR LLL U L L3111 'GiFTED STUDENTSIrvotL, PR( IOrMT 'LIBRARIAN 'ON EVERY U1VV iI11 U 11 n V Hn L 1I11 U I III L U I V I I 11At Bennington, Vermont, a new UllUdL.1 1a1ld LMU1I school for women, Bennington Col- H IN 193. It will be a place of fre-lO 9 TA 'KN ri iN U O Pdom and not restriction, according to advance reorts. It will have Mrs. Henderson Says Financial capacity. The completion of the nothing to do' with the ordinary Officers Elected at Meeting of: Campaign Is Practically building on May 4, 1929, came as young woman who wants orienta- Association Yesterday in tion in, several fields, but will serve at Completion the result of an eight-year cam- tho inted es but wi League Building. the gifted ones who show aptitude LegeBulig paign and was made possible by in one of the fields of endeavor- ENDS FOUR-YEAR TERM the co-operation of Michigan wo- social science, natural science, lit- ENTERTAINED BY DEAN men, including undergraduates erature, or fine arts. ? In her first two years the stu-Othe Offi A D h Managing Board of Building May and alumnae. During this time dent will study an introductory Oter Ofcers Are Dorothy Be Changed After Mrs. Henderson took the financial course in each. of the four fields McGuffie, Kathrine Wilcox April 1 responsibility and represented the ( of knowledge, choosing as her elec- and Miriam Highly. Aprilauma n1h flilmn o h tive the field in which she thinks! goal.which they had etefornthe- she is most interested. The last Helen Cheever, '31, Kappa Delta, Mrs. W. D. Henderson's resigna- oal whih they had set for them two years will resemble those for . P tion as executive secretary of the selves. Special Honors, a system which is',ws elected president erema-Hei-e Alumnae council, tendered a year It was only after the decision to in use in many English Universities lenic Association for the remainder ago last January, will definitely be- alter the original plan of manage- and a few American colleges and of this year and next year at a come effective during commence- ment and to give the direct control universities. meeting of Pan-Hellenic association ment in June, according to a state- of the building to the alumnae If the student's field of study is yesterday afternoon in the Cave of ment made by Mrs. Henderson yes- council that Mrs. Henderson as- ( so broad that sufficient resources terda aernoondin terday. Since last September, Mrs. sumed its directorship, taking over are riot available at Bennington, the League building. Henderson has been acting as di- her duties on Sept. 15, 1929. As di- : she may enroll at any other col. Other officers elected yesterday rector of the League building as the rector of the building she repre- lege to finish her requirements. She for the forthcoming year are: Dor- ex-officio financial executive of the sents the alumnae board and is will still remain under the Ben- othy MGuflie, '31, Delta Gamma, alumnae board. ( directly responsible to this board. nington supervisors and receive her recording secretary; Watherine Wil- Mrs. Henderson now feels that --------degree from Bennington. cox, '31P, Chi Omega, rushing se- the project to .which she has de- cretary and Mariam Highley, '32, voted her time and interests for [T Kappa Alpha Theta, treasurer. i the past four years, namely the INominations for president were raising of one million dollars to!IAflNlf 99 prepared beforehand by a Commit- build and equip the Michigan' tee for that purpose. The three I bul n qi h ihgn 11 I . iK n lIlfl women nominated were: Helen League, is practically at an end. By [U Ie Kate e : an June sufficient money will have Cheever, Katherine Wilcox and been collected to pay all financial i-Hermine Soukup, '31. The remain- obligations, and with the exception Will Find Ont Feelin Towards . ing officers were nominated and of the endowment of $250,000 iOuFlRepresentative Women of Class elected from the floor. Dorothy which has been pledged but not Wel- wearing Caps and Gowns Are Selected to Act McGuffe,Katherine Wilcox and lected, the alumnae campaign will! Every Wednesday.a HJosselyn McLean, '32, were nom- be completed. .s _tse inated for recording secretary. The alumnae council is now ATTENDANCE IS URGENT Katherine Wilcox, Josselyn Mc- ready, according to Mrs. Henderson SPECIAL NUMBERS GIVEN Lean and Miriam Highley were se- at any time to turn the building lected to run for rushing secre- over to the Board of Regents of the For the purpose of ascertaining In order that the festive air cre- tary. For treasurer Mariam High-' University, its work now being fin-t r-es ing h e t i of ated by the junior production, ley and Josselyn McLean were nom- ished. In fact, a statement set- wearing caps and gowns on Wed- "State Street," need not be dimmed Tha entire meeting was give 1 is now in the hands of the Re- nesday's after Swing-Out, all sen- during the intermission between over to the electing of officers after fs the ad of ee - j ior women interested are invited to the two acts, plans have been com- the roll had been called, the min- gents. The -Board of Regents, as attend a meeting at 4 o'clock onIutsraanthtesrr'r- far as is known, has as yet made no Thursday in the Committee room pleted for the presentation of sp utes read and the treasurer's re- indication of what action they will port announced. After the election nk c ono ac io ey wiof the League building. cialty numbers in the tabby of the -o fieswscnldd h o- take upnon accepting the full re- I isdseblthtsnowoinI .Mnesontt of officers was concluded, the for- sponsibilityofthe Leagueubu It is desireable that senior women Lydia Mendelssohn theatre,mer president, Jean Wallace, '30, ing tionrepresentingue allocampus organiza- Maurine Jacobs and Olivia Gilke spoke and then the new president In the event that a new control- and sororities attend the meeting will present specialty numbers. took charge of the meeting. ling board is given the managementtantderrta the feeling of the which will be featured together Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women,. of the building, the next director of women on maintaining this tradi- with specialties from the show it- entertained the members of Pan- the building will be an official des- tion be discovered, self. Guests who so desire will Hellenic association at dinner after ignated by this board. If the con- For many years seniors have worn dance in the lobby during the in- - the meeting in a private dining trol of the League is left in the caps and gowns on campus all day termission. A fairly long inter- room of the League building. hands of the alumnae council, how- Wednesday for the few remaining mission has been planned for this ever, the new director will be the weeks after Swing-Out. In recent> purpose, and the decorations. by F I L M P I C T U R E S successor of:Mrs. Henderson in the years the custom has been neglect- the University botnical gardens MOVIE CONTRACT position of the executive secretary ed Interest in the re-establish- will serve to heighten the attrac- of the Alumnae council. ment of the tradition is felt this tiveness of the theatre lobby. OF OPERA ARTIST( It was in March, 1926, that Mrs. spring, and it is necessary if such Ushers for the play have been Hencerson assumed the position a tradition is to be maintained to selected from among representa- Pathe Signs Mary Lewis Before which she is now resigning. At i have the support of all the women. tive junior women, who will act as Microphones and Cameras that time she was charged by the' hsesso h ls ewe h o oi aer alumnae with the task of building In order to gain admittance to acts. The chalrman of ushers, for Movie Career. and furnishing the League. The Smith college next fall, all fresh- Margaret Eaman, has made a de- total cost of the building and men must take an examination in liberate attempt to select as mem- Mary Lewis, Metropolitan Opera equipment is estimated at $1,000,- spoken English. Much attention is bers of her committee those jun- star, has entered into a talking 000 and the building according to being given now at this college in iors who stand out prominently picture contract with athe, ac- Mrs. Henderson, is already used to drama and voice training- among their classmates. The idea cording to an announcement is- yinvolved in the adoption of this sued today by E. B. Derr, execu- MRS. COOLEY TELLS OF CAMPUS LIFE plan is one new to the Junior Girls' tcharge of prodeti who is in Play and one which will add still ch.g oftroction AT MICHIGAN IN NINETEENTH CENTURY further to the atmosphere of class siTn sar and e f comny Sunity. Frances Summers has been is unique in theatrical history, as Eagerness Characterized Women versity did not need them in order selected to act as head usher, and the agreement is wholly without Due to Rarity of Opportunity to be drawn together by common will have under her direction the signature, the arrangement being reother members of the group. consummated before microphones Offered to Them. interests. The fact that they were "We have planned to give an air and cameras for recording upon all students was enough to make of festivity to the entire perform- sound film. No other contracts or "Campus life when I was in them feel that they had something ance from the time the people en- written agreements were made. school was characterized by the in common ter the door of the theatre, and to Dr. Derr and Laura Hope Crews, lack of rules," said Mrs. Charles "Women seemed to be older when this end the committee of hostes- l representing Pathe, and Miss Lewis Cooley, a graduate of '88, in a re- they came to college at that time" ,ses, the specialties, and the bril- sat before the microphone and ente ntorve. in aproed huse n declared Mrs. Cooley. "They were (liant colored programs will con- cameras while the terms of the reiwuired to live appoved houses also more in earnest about their' tribute," stated Amy Loomis, dire- contract were repeated verbally. norwereter y A highcl onthiun wlnt tor of the production. Every word and movement of the i I Board Courses in Literature, of Literature, Science, and the Arts, History, and Science and is open to students from that Are Valuable. college with 120 hours of credit and one and one-half as many points )s hours, and who have a reading "Library Science is a study of iknowledge of French and German, books as books, and not as litera- two units of high school Latin be- ture," states Miss Margaret Mann, ing desirable. In this way the re- who came to Michigan in 1926 when lation between the department of Library Science and the College of the department of library science Literature, Science, and Arts re- was first organized. Miss Mann mains the same, except that it is served, prior to that date, as a di- not offered as a senior course and rector of library science in France. requires one more year of attend- "Too often girls enter the School ance beyond the senior year. of Library Science with the idea Michigan has been very success- that they are dealing with material ful in placing students who have in specific detail as they are ac- completed this course here. Grad- customed to do in the literary col- uates have taken positions in li- lege. The course is difficult to ex- 3raries at Yale, Princeton, the Uni- plain, as is any other technical versity of Chicago, the Library of study, since it has a technique pe- Congress, the Detroit Public Library culiar to itself alone, covering not and state libraries of Michigan and only the study of books, but also other states. administrative questions of library management, such as personnel, attitude toward readers, and in the study of public library manage- ment, the social aspect of its place - in the community. It is a cumula- tive process, in which the students are judged each day as to their ability to fit into a definite position, a practical pursuit." Dr. Emma Wold to Go to Hague "A librarian must know how to Conference as Technical compare books and must have ;. comprehensive view in regard to her Adviser in Law. knowledge. For this purpose the courses in the literary college are REPRESENTS U. S. WOMEN invaluable. Broad courses in liter- ature, history, and science to give training in method and an appreci- ation of .the value of detail are needed, although it is best not to specialize in minute subjects, be- cause of the need of a librarian to have general information on al- most every subject. A librarian with specific and detailed know- ledge of old masters in literature and none of the present-day Irish, Russian, or even English writers. would not be efficient. There are some positions which require spec- ialists, such as librarians of medical or fine arts libraries, both types of which would require more advanc- ed study and specialization. In one year we cannot give our girls a I specialized course; that remains for .her who has first mastered the technique of the science." A new feature is being added in the department, beginning with the J summer session of 1930. A course has been planned which is intended I for teachers who expect to spend I part of their time in the school li- brary. It Is limited to seniors in! the College of Literature, Science, and Arts or in the School of Edu- cation, who are candidates for the teachers' life certificate, or to grad- uate students already in possession of one. No degree will be given for this course since itcovers only in an elementary way the basic cours- es in library science. A forthcoming circular to be dis- tributed by the department will make a statement of radical chang- es in requirements for entrance. An A.B. degree will be a prerequisite for entrance; if a freshman in the university wishes to graduate in the Library Science School she should plan to spend 5 years at the University, at the end of which time she will receive an A.B. in Li- brary Science, that is, two degrees, an A.B. plus the special degree. This is not to be regarded as grad- uate work, since the department still remains a part of the College JUNIOR PLAY REHEARSALS Wednesday, March 12: 3:30-4:15, choruses D and E, stage. 3:30-4:15, chorus F, Cave. 4:15-5:00, chorus B, Cave. 4:15-5:00, chorus H, stage. 5:00-5:45, chorus A, stage. 5:00-5:45, chorus G, Cave. 7:00-10:30, Act I, cast and choruses, stage. Thursday, March 13: 3:30-4:15, chorus A, Cave. 3:30-4:15, chorus B, stage. 4:15-5:00, chorus F, stage. 4:15-5:00, chorus C, Cave. 5:00-5:45, chorus G, stage. 5:00-5:45, choruses b and E, 1 Cave. 7:00-10:30, Act II, cast and choruses, stage. London Stage to Star American in New Play LONDON - Tallulah Bankhead, an American actress, has the lead- ing role in the production of "La 'Dame aux Camelias," by Alexandre I Dumas, fils, which was to open on March 5 at the Garrick Theatre, but was delayed because of 'claims of part ownership of its English version made by Madame Berendt, French actress. Miss Bankhead plays the part of Marguerite Gau- tier, Sarah Bernhardt's famous role. at night. There were only about a Iwn.*1*C*i * wa, hundred women in the university thoughtdnecessary for everyone at the time and rules were not as then, and those who did come to necessary as they are now. There univery put eir ork was a sort of 'gentleman's agree-1 ahead of everything else. One, was sot o 'gntlmans areI time a rumor got around that a ment' that any student leaving time a rum n garnd hat a town while classes were in session girl had been warned her work should notify the dean." was unsatisfactory, and that she, might be asked to leave school.! Mrs. Cooley continued to say that Such a thing as flunking was un- there was much more informality i heard of, and we were all very in those days, and all the students much shocked." knew each other. There were so Women studied the classicsI few women that any social func- I modern languages, history, and tions they had could be held in literature. Very little science or private homes. The annual spread mathematigs was included in their which the sophomore women give curricula. When one took a course to the freshmen as started durig in political economy and another Mrs. Cooley's college days, and was I one in histrology, they were looked held at the homes of Ann Arbor upon as rather queer. students and faculty women. Re- Canoing was the main form of freshments and a playlet usually I recreation for students, although made up the evening's entertain- walking and buggy riding were also! ment. very popular. A. drive to Ypsilanti "There were aosolutely no organ- was considered quite an outing. izations other than those of the: "Commencement activities were1 various classes," states Mrs. Cool- t always the most important events ey. "Members of each class picked of the year," stated Mrs. Cooley. out a certain type of hat to dis- "Mrs. Angell gave a luncheon every tinguish them from students in year for the senior women which other classes. Rivalry was much was one of the best-loved of all the, keener between them than it is festivities. The commencement now, and the only athletics on the exercises proper took place in the campus were the rugby and base- auditorium of University hall. ball games between class teams. About eight people would march Atheletics for women were not to onto the platform at a time, and be considered." President. Angell would make a According to Mrs. Cooley, every speech to each one as he presented T Notices There will be a meeting of thet Junior Girls' Play committee chairmen in Miss Loomis' office in the League building at 7:15 tonight. Tryouts for places in national and tap groups for the spring dance recital will take place at 8:30 tonight in Barbour gymna- sium. They will consists of rou- tines which have been taught to date and also a plain waltz clog. There wilt be a meeting of the Usher committee for the Junior Girls' Play today in the commit- tee room of the League building. The following girls are expect- ed to be present: Katherine} Brook, Daisy Connell, Betty Cut- ter, Nancy Frohne, Bertha How- ard, Louella Lawton, ElizabethI Maner, Ruth McCormick, Isabel Rayen, Louisa Reedisill, Linda Schreiber, Cecelia Shriver, Fran- ces Summers, Adelaide Symons, Gail Warner, Katherine Wilcox, and Frances Whipple. Every woman in the Junior Girls' Play is required to appear between 3 and 6 o'clock on Wed- nesday, Thursday, or Friday of principals to the transaction wasi registered. Following the record- ing of all convenants of the unus- ual agreement, Miss Lewis and Mr. Derr shook hands and verbally an- nounced to the microphone thatI they were satisfied with the terms. Before making her first Pathe picture, Miss Lewis will come to New York for a limited number of! performances at the Metropolitan Opera where she is under contract. She is a lyric soprano. One of her most famous roles is that of Mimij in "La Boheme." Mary Lewis came to New York in1 1920 and soon secured a position with the "Greenwich Village Fol- lies." Later, through her persis- tence she rose from understudy to prima donna. It was not long be- fore she won the attention of Flo- renz Ziegfeld. At the height of her success as prima' donna in the "Ziegfeld Follies of 1923," she de- termined to go to Europe, for in l New York she had been studying faithfully v1ith serious opera as her I goal. She made her debut in Vienna as Marguerite in "Faust." Her Ameri- can debut was made at the Metro- Ipolitan in New York in 1926 and she has made subsequent appearances, each season in addition to concert tours; t3 : > l 1 ,, .f " A . lfi { l i l !U l lt t{11111111111l l llllllllt 1111111 111111111111111111i 1111111 11111111 1111111111111111 : - ~ A. x,