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March 12, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-12

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,411 t I


nrrf~rIAncient Indian City I ~ e NraieDestroys MunairesofMciaCmps
ofd s Mciga Cam us O Steamer andWhr
DEFIES VLLC hHIU ,in Mexico Province CHOSEN [FO RFINALJ "Rudderless," said Prof. Oscar J.{iT O INw ALLIANCES t eamean Warf LOS,
(y~ Asscited I Bess) ,(By- Associated Pess)
.,MarchN o th dep iNEW ORLEANS, La., March
A 'UI, O MISO 1 tn ancient Indian city, P 09 TIUCEL OV agen et, "s a good chronicle. I dis FLONDO PVUHILIT 1-The 1100 foot Mandeville
wdby thousands ofe with the criticswho say that wharf, heavily stored with car-
deadly reptiles, has been discov-
Borno Warned to Keep Promise ered in the state of Queretaro by Conference Question Chosen Is sY nyapsStimson Shows That Firm Stand goes of the Munson steamship Lbera
Permitting Selection of two National University - stu- Adoption of Liquor System MIt is very clearly a narrative of Is in Accord With Views line, was consumed by fire to- in
dents.IMichigan" day and the line steamship Mu-
New Governtnent. The students believe their Practiced in Canada "Some of the characterizations," Held by Congress. naires was seriously damaged.
find is the famous "Cindad Per- Pf C b o u aThe fire marshal estimated
MAY ISSUE ULTIMATUM dida" or "Lost City" about which ILLINI TO BE OPPONENTS PeloneCampbell continued, ad FRENCH VIEW AWAITED 1 loss at approximately one MIN
there are many legends among easily by anyone who is familiar million dollars. The fire started
e -easilynbyoanyoneswhooisdfamiliar
Republic's Executive Declares dians of the surrounding ter Boesche, Hartwig, Wright, and with the Michigan campus. It is MacDonald Opposed to France's under the fpradraidlyo the Prime
.11Cuclo tt il h Ls iy ss the story of normal student ife; Efforts to Bring About adsra ail hog h rm
Council of State Will The "Lost City" is supposed to Levy Constitute Nucleus and would almost serve as a diaryE t Naval Tonnage Pact. stock of staves, lumber, coffee, in
Hold Election. have been abandoned prior to of Experienced Men for the average person in the Uni- sugar, and linseed oil. Shortly
the Spanish conquest. Havingvsyafter the fames shot to the roof
(WAoctePrs)made their way to the city by -verFranty."inftloerx lmsso otero
dint of much hardship, they - Wth the selection of the two' "It is not," he stated, "melo- By Frank H. King, two loud explosions were heard,
CAP HAITIEN, Haiti, March 11-- dents found an extensive area teams to represent the University, dramatic. Nor has it the element Associated Press Staff Writer. believed to b oil casks bursting. LON
Open conflict developed today be- of ruined building covered with the debationg squad started its of scandal which was so predomi- LONDON, March 11.-That there the wharf, quickly caught fire Minist
tween the Hoover commission in- ruined building covered with final drive for the conference con- a n its predecessor. Its values is not a vestige of a possibility of and despite the frenzied efforts govern
vestigating conditions in Haiti and angled growths and populated tests with Illinois and Iowa on areaist nieo a the United States becoming en- of the two fire tugs, the flames the H
Lisoroprsdnoftei-by thousands of snakes, mostly teswihIlnsadIoa nofarlsic hoile fa tangled in any sort of a European spread over the ship. T~
Louis Born, president of the is- poisonous. March 20. A preliminary debate thoughtful student who has some gyEoThes
land republic. I will be held on Friday afternoon: idea that a college is an education-- alliance as a result of the Londonvotes,
The Hoover commission, which is with the traveling team of the Uni- al institution." conference was made clear here which
Here in course of a tour of the eiyfsVgn."The plot of 'Rudderless,'" con-; today. Tlned
nation, telephoned Port-Au-Prince ecluded Professor Campbell, "is not No such proposal has been made
that President Borno must keep Four veteran debaters make uparticularly good. There is little formally but indirect approaches PF T
his promise given Sunday to per- the nucleus of the teams this se- suspense or excitement. But on have reached such a stage that the,f l that t
mit selection of a provincial gov- II RR mester. The affirmative team is the whole it is a good chronicle." American delegation let it be Hitheir
ernment which would act until a Composed of Nathan Levy, '31. "Rudderless" appeared on the known the United States could not party111111tUcots
constitutional government could be I, Fenelon Boesche, '31, and Lawrence Michigan campus a short time ago. accept even a consultative pact as ___
in power, I E. Hartwig, '31. All three are ex- It is a novel of college life and was a means of affecting a reduction' agains
President Borno's anver as tel- Judiciary Committee in House perienced men, Levy and Boesche written by a student who, wishing in the French naval tonnage 'fig- Eminent Figure is Laid to Rest mines
ephoned here, was that he was Reports in Favor of Move having been on the team last se- to remain anonymous, writes under ures. with Military Rites; Rain gram.
still president of the country and to Amend Dry Statute. mester, while Hartwig was a mem- the name of Stock Hume. They made it clear that the op- Gives Funeral Touch. Tod
would do as he pleased. Iber last year. The negative team position was not because Aneri- --- tives
The commission today was co-I STOBBS LIMITS PENALTY s made up of Howard L. Simonp I ca is necessarily fundamentally THOUSANDS SEE BURIAL throu
sidering issuance of an ulti- '"T$SLMISPN LY 32L, Garrett B. Wright, '30, and PR ION AfTl H II opposed to such an agreement, but j g__ bilb
mriatum. to Borno in which he Oscar R. Schroeder, '31. Simon because when arrived at in the bill by
would be informed that he (y ^AsIcCaSed ) was a member of last semester's present state of London negotia- ( A Press) Imm
WASHINGTON, March 11-Rec- team, while Wright was alternate l tions would entail more obligations WASHINGTON, March 11 - The ment
politically and' personally if he re- ommendations that the Jones law Schroeder has not had any vrsit than appear on the face of it. nation paid its final tribute to Wil- made i
fused to adhere to the arrange-, be modified were laid before the experience. Thomas L. Cicero, '31, Whole Delegation Opposes. !Liam Howard Taft today under the tention
ment agreed upon Sunday. House judiciary committee as it and Arthur Goulson, '31, are the, State Prison Chali Not only the opposition likely to dark canopy of a gray March sky. beaten
I lenae orteafimtiead canpibe incured from the senate but Fiflsoeso an odadhe it
Would Remove Protection. prepared to resume tomorrow its negative teams respectively, to Analyze Psychology the spontaneous opposition o Fitful showers of rain, cold and billibe
This ultimatum if issued would hearings of Prohibitionists opposing The topic for the varsity compe- of Criminals. the whole American delegation h. penetrating, began early in the day, ried b
virtually withdraw all protection resolutions to repeal the Eighteenth tition this year is "Resolved: been a deciding factor in this d'mming somewhat the military sential
from him, and he might then be in amendment. that the several states should be critical issue of the conference.igloies of the cortege prepared by tre of
danger of his life, so intense is A judiciary sub-committee that permitted to adopt the Ontario Any consultative pact, Secretary the Government he served so long,
public feeling. - has been considering legislation re- system of liquor control." Illinois' Stimson and his colleagues believe, but softening the affectionate out- or
M. Borno told prefects of all dis- commended by the law enforcement . will meet Michigan's affirmative The Psychology of the Criminal"ti would develop into the nature ofivbusoft the affctonaedut- dFr
tricts that the council of state, a commssion to broad e o ers team, while the negative team will will be the subject discussed by a military alliance from. the Euro- ogned
body of personal appointees, would of United States commissioner oe travel to Iowa City. F K. Rey, R. W. McLain, noted prison author- pean viewpoint should war clouds and who loved him.Ivoked
Floyd n, h ntdSttsc-y iy ateseodo ere fal The rain began an hour before him b
Aelect .the next president. handle petty liquor cases favorably of the speech department, coach ity, at the second of a series of all- gather in Europe. Te
His message to them said: reported the Stobbs bill to amend of the teams, has been working on mpus Forums this semester, at 4 As they see it, France, for in- hbody was taken from the hometog
"It is false that'a provisional I the Jones law to define clearly mis- the subject since it was chosen late o'clock tomorrow afternoon in stance, might scale down her navali onWyoming avenue, where he died, " I a
overnment will be formed as agi- I demeanors and to limit the penalty last semester. In the debate Fri- Amn Memorial Hall. program on the basis of American rtotuna m te Ctol, ber t Mr.w
tators are trying to have the peo- for them to six months in jail and day with West Virginia, the Michi- MgLain who is the chaplain atand other pledges here in London, rowas to be taken at last for he m itBdwd
ple believe. The presidential elec- a fine of $500. gan varsity affirmative will take! the Mfichigan State prison in Jack-, and, when trouble threatened the Iws t ationasthe fohrhen mini- to d
tionswill take place April 4 by The group referred the Christo- the floor against the eastern team, son, has delivered many lectures on United States would be under a tI
the council of state and President pherson Bill to broaden the com- which has been traveling throughthepret ponensinrsomehfImoral obligation to render mate- ; lye rymb eatrinn r (-ldm
Borno will not leave the palace un- missioners' powers to the full com the middle west for several weeks. rge penitentiaries in the rial assistance in Europe.iOnly a ve f ew w e er ,
Iadiint th cofrnecounty MacDonald Stands Firm. mitdt+aealatve ttelerl
til May 15. Here you have the ex- mittee without recommendation. In addition to the conference n -yw tat teA n it.n. home, and the many thousandsof sion."
act truth which must be under- The members disagreed as to the and West Virginia debates, a con- According to a report made yes- Now that the American position is thers who wanted the privilege The
stood to the population. W'ith re- constitutionality of the proposed test has been scheduled with Wiley terday by Fenelon W. Boesche, '31, definitely known, pressure was be- were formed in line at the pg signs
hard to legislative elections they legislation which involved the ques- college of Marshall, Texas. This chairman of the Forum commit- ng brought today by Prime Mm- where more than an hour had been feat a
will not take place sooner than the tion of depriving offenders the debate, on the liquor question, will tee of the Student Christian associ- ster MacDonald's own supporters set aside for them to file slowly by' tinue
dearest date fixed in the constitu- right of trial by jury. However, take place in Chicago in April. The ation, McCla present an for him to hold firm against givingthebieranothe
Lion, which is Jan. 10. 1932." a bill by Representative Christ- two alternates will probably make! elaborate survey dealing with the political pledges as a means of Flags Are Lowered. eeced
pherson, republican, Sogth Dakota, up the Michigan team. A debate for problems and the need for reform bringing France mto the present Throughout the city flags stood at
Asks New Message. ichairman of the subcommittee, the women's team, with North- i different institutions. disarmament scheme. half staff. The Embassies and le- ' In
W. Cameron Forbes, chairman proposing to amend the United western, to take place in Ann Ar- In view of the many prison out- But so far as is known no such gations of foreign nations had join- d
ii ohoinaomiately, t Henry ped States criminal code to define bor in April, has also been arrang- breaks that have occured during action is needed, for MacDonald is ed with the American government sure
Flthr t petty violations of all Federal laws ed. the last year, he is also expected to as staunch as Stimson against such in displaying their standards. Ily tu
Brig. Gen. John H. Russell, Ameri- was approved by the group with a .explain the inner workings of the arrangements. Thus the situation For the mighty of the Govern- i
can high commissioner, asking that spprecommendat y ie port- a, criminal's mind, thus pointing out tonight is that the French have ment places were made with the uncer
a new message be sent to the pre- ed to the House. the causes of the revolts. encountered a wall of opposition in
e ommhendaon htitbseor-eMA. noutrda alofopstinifamily at . the church srie lae
fects informing them of the com- In the meantime, Mrs. Henry W. BID FOR TRYOUTS Following his speech, McClain their efforts to trade navalto weihich were to follow those briefi ton h
$gssion's plan for a provision Peabody of Beverley, Mass., chair- will call for respon the udin French delegation desires s an off- hours of lying in state at the Capi- he wo
government, in accordance wit man of the Women's national com- fLong Asks Eligible First Year of questions from the audienc set to a reduced navy tolThe
"1iarrangements agreed upon over mitfrlwefreet ln e oR r oOfc Because of his intimate acquan-stFoardceodsey.; It was there, too, that President Bad
arragemets gree upn ovr Imittee for law enforcement, planst.
the week-end. to present as the first witness at Men to Report to Office. tanceship with the criminals at ThFrance Holds Key.B Iti w thre, to dhaieiden Madh
At te sme imeMr. orbs tl- . iJackson, where he has spent the The whole degree of Conference Hoover turned to deliver his own March
At he Jame lme nt Dunnthe hearings tomorrow Mrs. John F. All second semester freshmen greater par of h h wi e success now hinges on the next step and the nation's silent message of scribe(
oned forte CeentDnn, hoIhe generalfedation, o en's who are scholastically eligible and in a position to answer any ques- by the French. Foreign Minister sorrow to the grievng family, policy
couselor or he ~onmision wh th geera feeraionof ome'swish to try out for publications tions regarding prison life that may Briand, chip of the French dle-SevesAeSne. -dpr
had remained in Port-Au-Prince, to clubs. Mrs. Sipple said she receiv- should report at 4:30 o'clock this be addressed to himBran, i p te French dfull S ervices m ele s sioa
wiht tyot o uliains in rgrin rsn iethtmygation, is ae exected roto ,make a ful The echurch m sservices efit nthemselves! rSion o
tell capital press that the cou'ntry ed a threat by telephone warning afternoon at the Press building on statement tomorrow, were to be simple as the faith in ber of
was certain to have a provisional her not to appear, but she plans to One report tonight was that he which the dead man lived and This
. oe n e t a d t en l gsai e m k sr n l a f r r t ini g aynard street for a tryout m eet- O e r p r o ih a h t h
government and then legislative make a strong plea for retaining ing of the Gargoyle, it was an- Detroit Police Force desires all discussion of tonnage to died. There was no attempt at the C
election to be followed by evacu- the Eighteenth amendment in the nounced yesterday by Theodore S. Ex r c Shak be continued at Geneva rather than eulogy by Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce. to a
ation of United States marines and Constitution. Li
cation ofUnited Sates marnes and ConstittionX Irrnnnc '30 busineL madaa.r HeIdinsondon.oppdoss no-op.oIt a- It isr. D P.ePircethhatthhelastftttakki

ls Overcome MacDonald
Close Battle by Eight
Ballot Margin.
Minister Refuses to Hand
Resignation Without
Major Defeat.
(Byv Ascsoiated Prey')
DON, MARCH 11.-Prime
er MacDonald's second labor
ment met its first defeat in
ouse of Commons tonight.
nargin of defeat was eight
one less than the margin by
it triumphed over the com-
opposition forces on Feb. 27.
ad been evident for a week
he Liberals were lining up
trength and stiffening their
discipline in preparation
t Labor's controversial coal
bill and unemployment pro-
ay they joined the Conserva-
and successfully pushed
h an amendment to the coal
282 votes to 274.
ediately after the announce-
of the result. MacDonald
it plain that he had no in-
n of resigning until he was
on a major issue. He said
ended to go on with the coal
cause the amendment car-
y the opposition made no es-
changes in the main struc-
the measure.
Will Not Resign.
ner Prime Minister Baldwin,
of the Conservatives, pro-
an indignant denial from
y asking whether he intended
wiith, it.#.
m amazed at the question,"
MacDonald declared, "Mr.
in will haveantopportunity
'ays from now to move his
vote of censure. I will be
o accommodate him if he
ake his vote of censure gen-
nd we will accept the deci-
: Prime Minister showed no
of discomfiture after the de-
nd asked the house to con-
with its work. Debate upon
r amendment then pro-
-Censure is Doubtful.-
fact, by challenging Mr.
in to make his vote of cen-
eneral on Thursday, he neat-
ned the tables on the oppo-
and tonight it was said to be
ain whether the conservative
would push the censure mo-
e announced several days ago
uld propose.
motion,- threatened by Mr.
in, and Winston Churchill on
5, condemned what it de-
d as the "evasive and drifting
" of the Labor government. It
ed the current trade depres-
nd the increase in the num-
unemployed workers.
will furnish the Liberals and
onservatives, if they bring it
vote, an opportunity of at-
g Labor at one of its weak-

g ~lY, O . aaaa aaaa6'
officials as soon as possible. A prn s fe y sa Ps riving at a five power treaty here spoken word of the simple com- est po
D totTgr LoeAn opportunity is offered by (By Associated Press) vlal ehia okaray nAm ulrwsjie oTon
The commissioners will remainDetroitLose Gargoyle to obtain all around DETROIT Mich March 11- in which would be incorporated mital service had been given. unemi
Tihereargtoday btaunlessoun Iuntowardch, Mcom-1.
here today unless untoward com- ;business experience in advertising' Police Commissione Harold H. Em-! valuable techical work alreadyI An Army bugler was joined to! Thom
plications arise in the capital, leav-I to Brooklyn Dodgers busing, eein nadvering 'os Comissione Hald H n completed, and also provision for catch up the quaking echoes of the critici,
ing aboard the Rochester tonight. writing, selling contracts, learning mons precipated a new shakeup in- a battleship holiday and humaniza- old graveyard and lull them again Georg
"Trhey hope to sail for the United ; (B3y Associated Pre) avriigmkuaddigi eaten oa ihtea-to ftesbaie.i h litv oe f"as"1Lbr
CLEARWATER, Fla., March 11 - general bookkeeping and account- nouncement of the retirement of tion nhe subman ght that the the soldiers farewotes of "taps," Labor
States about March 18. Pounding four Detroit hurlers for ing Work, Lond said. As the staff seven more inspectors. Americtand is so firm that And to those dying notes, soft inBO
17 hits, the Brooklyn Dodgers won is comparatively small, the tryouts The comissioner also announc- Stimson would rather go home) the evening air a nation fheard
BACH RADIO HOUR their opening exhibition game to- are offered a good chance to se- 'ed- the creation of two new squads without a five power treaty than the message that "Finis" has been T
day, defeating the Tigers, 11 to 3. cure advancement, which is on the and the abolition of a crime and yield on the political issues. written to the book of life for Taft
T he Brooklyn pitchers held the basis of merit from the freshman i bomb squad which is headed by In- hio the Cief Just
American leaguers to ten hits while year through the senior year. spector Henry J. Garvin. Eleven ORS MAY BUY andpainA rian ctienJusticeThe
Eight Selections Will Feature the Robins were finding easy marks Freshmen work as tryouts until inspectors were elevated to fill va- SENI-Bpc .P
in the offerings of the Bengal hur- the beginning of their second se- cancies created by the retirement CAPS AND GOWNS .
Saturday Studio rogram. i lers. Breshler and Thurston hit in their sophomore year, at or were shifted to positions in the Play
- .mesterinterspooeyaaorwe West__Point Will Pay IFor
e d exclusively to the mu- home runs for Brooklyn while Dale which time they are advanced to Detective bureau. Invitations, Announcements to Cuban Cadet Eleven Little'
DevoteIAlexander connected with a circuit positions on the staff if this is war- Today's announcement bringso Aonemo tay t has be
sIc of Johann Sebastian Bach, the clout for the Tigers. ranted by their work. Appoint- the total number of retirements of Go on Sale Today. in Ap
.regular weekly campus radio pro- ments are made at the end of the high police officials to twelve. It WEST POINT, N. Y., March 11-- pany,
gram will go on the air for one Mimes Schedules Five sophomore year to positions on the was intimated at headquarters that. Seniors in the literary college Arrangements have been completed "the
hour at 8 o'clock Saturday night 'upper staff. These junior man- other transfers and retirements who have paid their class dues may 'for a football game between the fuges
rkExtra Play Showings agers then compete for the busi- are in the offing. now order caps and gowns at eitherC
to broadcast a program by Miss ness managership. Moe's sport shops, Stanton W. Cuba adt o the tPnt revea(
Louise Cuyler, Miss Thelma Newell, Five performances of "The Bride,"' r Todd, J lass preside"t' sid ye- of C a tarom t e ns-ea
Prof. Theodore Harrison, Prof. Al- by Oliver and Middleton, will be I-rinis M Ca ainterday. No orders will be accepted played here Thanksgiving Day, No- with
1Illinois Mat Captainstrshoeefo e paeheeTakgvnDyN-whc
bert Lockwood, and several other given by Mimes at the Mimes the-o at the stores, however, from sen vember 27, Major O. B. Fleming, the c
members of the School of Music atre this week. Four evening per- Out of Big Ten Meet iors who fail to present the receipt graduate manager of athletics, an- Dr.
faculty. formances are scheduled and a ma-1- stub which certifies payment of nounced today.tranc
Eight selections, including pi- tinee is planned for Saturday. (By Associaed Press) -dues. Ito sc
ano solos, violin duets, vocal solos, June Day, '33, is playing the lead. CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 11. - _ Sale of commencement invita- Scores Ninth mobil
.A Q.;.,v wniamh1a will he fea- i This is the same role that Pegav Allie Morrison, captain of the Uni- tions and announcements will be and

ints. The handling of the
ployment situation by J. H.
as Seal, has been vehemently
sed not only by. Mr. Lloyd
e and Mr. Churchill, but by
s own left wing.
Awakening College' Will
Dint Flaws in Education.
mer President Clarence Cook
s forthcoming book, which
een announced for publication
ril by the W. W. Norton com-
will dynamite constructively
academic politics and subter-
which retard educational
ess." As the advance blurb
s, "The Awakening College,''
e book is entitled, will deal
most cankerous situations in
ountry's colleges today.
Little discusses college en-
e requirements, with relation
holarship, fraternities, auto-
es and liquor, the dangers
advantages of intercollegiate


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