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March 09, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-09

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Ref r"i4$Sung byCampus' [EOTIC SCN
Grou~ps Have Beenx, Gleaned jl



abo~ut fashion this spring,. be
sure to do&slve rsarh in
suits. A fasionableperson's
spring without a suit. Ob-.
serve w a n nua1lly wide
chocethere is in coatlengths,
farc. and4then go
tucks, ples., gre.

Coiihitt 1-Heads Direct Work~
of Junior Women i]4.
Staging- Play.
JO EHL (Continued from page 7)
Part in the creating of the modern-
istlc manner which will be used to
typi~fy the spirit which is so essenl-
tilly the play itslf. Careu at-.
tention to the coordination of sets
and costumes has doneimuch to.
extend the atmosphere created byj
the book. The properties commit-f
tee, under' the direction of Kath-
l een Clifford, has contributed its
'part to the final production.
$een .Jonies, general chairmn, ofq
the prouction~, th~e. cetral:e co
i$ttee has vWorked constntlyt~j
w iiit was, selected: Mi4s. Jones
i vaious members. of her commi1tQ
withan ~efficenc1y wbicli has ill:
sured the opning of thepa.a
the date sceduled.. Membr.o
Miss Jones' com~mittee have worked
selctd to seveunder theml, each
portion of the produ~ction to, which
ma of ."Stte Street," has taken:
charge of all tryouts and re-
hiearsals, seeing~. that cast and
chorus memibers have attended at
h1our~sannounced. To her~ is due~
4 mch of the credi~t for the prom~pt-'
ness and the efficiecy. with, which
the schedule of the play direction.
ihas been put nt o .effect.
Jane Xearnd. ch ai r m a n o I~
I finances, is 1n charge of ~l ar-
rangemetsor tct saleswhile
Robeta,,eed,. a~s head, of th~e pro-
~ranged for thea supplying of1
tinerthe drctonof lete
public through the medium. of ad-!
vertising. Margaret Eamxan has
tmade arrangem~ents for ushering,
which will, be don~e by junior
women, Herminea Soukup is in
charge of makeup for the members
of the cast and choruses.'

" From Pest Produ'rtions
Junior Girls' Plays 'for 25 years
have furnished the women of the.

Amy Loomis,.
~irector of thae forthcoming ap-
tur to tile post which she held
for- the two successive years of 1925
' andV 1926 marked the beginning of
the second quarter-century of the
;event,. Alreadly a "grown up~' pro-
I duct*i$h,, this latest of junior pr.
sentations promilses to excel all
ohes in both general theme ' anal
undrstandjing appreciation of col-
lege life, which it. portrays in hu-
muorous fashion.
Th~is most pretentious. activity of
the Michigan women still serves in+
the role for which. it was first cre-.
Fated. The first night of the Junior
*diris' Play still, mark~s the,. opening
of the season"of senior festivities,
Iwhen senior women don their capsj
and gowns for the first time and
att~end the aninual Senior Supper,
j poceeding thereafter to the prQs-.,
I ntation in their honor.
Although up until 1927 the{
Jvunior G~irls' la~y had always been
wrttten by a juir wo'manl, with
adptton to rmusical compedy re-
qtuirements made sometinmes by a,
non-class member, it had yet to be
placed under the direction q4a
woman of th~e junior class. Inj
1927 Phyllis Loughton,. then a Jun-
j ior,.,cdiected her class play, "From
Eight 'Till Eight," The following
year, ;the production was under the.


4iapJus Wwuri a041 auie odJ1 rireJ
of cat~chy songs. One which dates
back 'to "Becky Behave," presented
by the class of 1927,- and directed
by Amy Loomis, who is in charTe'
of this year's productiorn, is "My
Michigan Man." This was follow-
ed, the next year, by, "Eight 'Till
,Eight," which contributed three
}well-k~nown' songs, "Helen, I Love
You," '"Eight 'Till Eight," and "A,
Little College is a Dangerous
SThe following year brought m~ore 4
'college songs. "For the Love of
Pete," the theme song of the play111
of the same name, wasmrl n
of thie for to be rerhner i.4
".EusveMan Blues "B lue Eyes/
and "The Floating tuniversityr" are
sun~g in many of the woen's
houzses on the camnpus.
Last year sa~w the productionl of
"Fowardj" March," anid the inevi-
table acceptance of other catchy
refrjains. "lAght Out of Heaven~,"
togeth~er with "Paris Boun~d," were
added to the list of songs that have,
endured for Junior Girls' Plays
First Prformncen
Liited to Seniors
According to annual custom,
thle attendance at the opennhg
perform~ance of the Junior dirls'
{Play, March 17~, will be limited i
jto senior womnen and to special
guests of the class of 1931. Fri-
day night March 21, has been
designated "State Street Night,"
at which time fraternities and.
sor~orities are requested to at-
tend in block~s, thus carrying,
out the idea of campus life
whI ich is indicated by the title
of the production.
4 Saturday night, March 22, has
.,been set as Alumni. night, fol-
Ilowing the practice which has
been adopted in the past.

Setting~s Catch Few Real_ Details
Butt Combine to Produce
Complete Idea.
Costumies Designed to 'Merge
With Scenery for Unifying
of Effects.

Sophisticated modernity is the
:<><> keynote of the settings which halve
been evolved for the 26th~ annual
prodctio ofthe Junior Grs
Play. From the plans created by
FainRaig Charles Holden, Grad., a series of
' Whose manuscript, later' entitled five sets has been prepared where-
'State Street," was selected to be 1 by the essentially modern theme
produced by the junior women as of the book itself is matched by a.
their annual offering in honor of background 'appropriate to the at-
the seiors.mosphere of the production.
Exotic Settings.
'Straight Make-iuP'Exotic settings which catch onjly
~a few essential details of the scene
Requ.iredz With Lack portrayed, combine in simple ef-
fetveness to create a complete
of Character Par~ts idea of the scene in the mind of
th audience. Perspective is there-
With a noticeable ,lack of those by eliminated to a great extent,
character parts which require the a~nd imprssonim adpted, thus
use of extreme make-up, 'the e n enhancingthe utr-sopisticated
bers of, the Junior 'OirIs' Play have zeth ntreprd ictiarate
been obliged to rely' upon straliht ethenr tdild,
make-up in order to bring out -the -t'la~n ywi a'eti
desired. qualities which the pat mpis of pure design has been
demndis and wh'ich1 the girls who designa~ted, is" a meiumn little em-
have been cast in th'e parts themi- plo$yedin this country: It first
s elvires possess. For this resn the, found practical appicton in
cast of the. play has of necessityth&thtrswic onaty
been selected With considertin seek the novel in play creation,
for' the types deslired. among hi ''ch the, Theatre Guild is
jEmiphasis of the particular char- iprhps the b~est known. Its ap-
acteristics of the actor herself, is plicatloh to 'the' theatres of the
{ th idea adopted in thi4s year's pro- Contnent preceeded 'the recent
duction. In learnipig. to apply the recognition b~y American' producers.
simln'e fiake-up, the imembers of Costumes 'Blend i yth Sets.
'the committee, wh'o have bee Costumes and scnryhv been
trained for their wok by He~rmine definitely planned to provtidepes-
S~oukup, chairman 'o h gop sni copaniments ' of one an-
have ateped oaccentuate toheMer ging intothe' background
good qualities of th'e agctor~s, inor'- proided for eah scene, th'e cos-
der that the effects' of the inake-u~p tuine~s worn by both~ cast and cho-
used may be in hiarmony with the ruses will become p~arts bf ithe set-
atmosphere of the lapy. Itings themselves.,'Rahttier than ap-
Actual practice, fist upon t~le aring 'to' be 'e iltey. paced be-.
members of the groutp, and., ate e, the sets, tihey wvil' mege into
upon the members. of the' cast afd1 theseey
choruses has b~een the mean.jsDenCuri,'30, assisted~ thed-
de whereby'y Miss Souup's committee,.signer in directng.the i members of
has acquired its, knowledge' of "ap- the propertes eoiniteein' their
plying make-tip. ;work onthe sets: ______


,. .:.


to 5; 5:





~FI?1N Brings ,New., aihols

supervision of Minna Miller.




new nAlaeo

-that willt enchan~t the
fetainine -heart.

The e s, ; ns .\ .
Frocks for pring in a riot of lovy h iue.
lI daytime froc prints and sol1idcolos vie fo
' sup~rmay.but 'solid colors lead, in, repes, gox
gettes and chiffons.
'$15.00 and up
The Coats ...
Fitted lines, 'slight!.,flares andl soft capes in
Jela-tihataor fancy weave woolens, man
wtniovel Wis of .galyak or lapin are the
newest tha~t Spring offers.
Priced $29.75 and up
The Eiisemble ..
A mode tha#t has a very definite. place in every
oman's w'ardrobe and a mode that is growing
Ensebleswith dressy "blouses "are snart .faor
aftern~ooni wear and :equally as chic for shopping
and travel,
$29.75 and up

Always the Gift in Perfect Taste ivl
Q Women of discriminating taste prize jewelry
above all oither gifts-hy itue of its beauty, its
worth aind its permanence. Especially is this true
of our jewelry, so superior
IIin taste and craftsmanship.w#

1 '

J.4 ,utipr G'irls' Play produc-
tipns liaye a4ways been as.
cure--du tosound backing,
University Mosic Hlouse




t zt".

be bargaim-counter
merchandise. Victor'
-ale is askred and
f ormance is mon~th
in advanice--and



fr ends

v/I -





;* .



Ph otograph

Each type' of costume de-,
mtands its own. accessories-
either matchng or harm1on~iz-
ing. Gloves mnay match ones
hose-Bags may Watch ones,
hat and shoes-upon the cor-
rect use of these depends the
success of onies Spring ensem-

£+n C





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