Ia ai1
VOL. XL. NO. 111
WLERIlNES TRAIL Navy Racing Aviator
Tenders Resignation
B iiU[f li 1NDOORHAlfred Williams Seeks to Build
n'nI r r n rai Ar rTPlane to Reclaim Speed Mark.
Michigan Ties Illinois and Ohio
by Qualifying Five Men;
Iowa Falls Behind.
Eddie Tolan Ties Buckeye Star
by Running 60 Yard Dash
in 6.3 Seconds.
By Don McLaughlin,
Sports Editor, Minnesota Daily.
MINNEAPOLIS, March 7-Quali-
fying six miien in the preliminaries,
Wisconsin assumed the lead in the
race for the Big Ten track cham-
plonship at the Minnesota Field
ouse in Minneapolis last night.
Michigan, Ohio State and Illinois
elch qualifying men, tied for sec-
ond place. Chicago and Indiana,
qualifying four men each, were
next in line, while Minnesota fol-
lowed with three men, and Iowa,
NIrthwestern and Purdue trailed,
placing only two- men each. The
preliminaries included only the 60
yard dash, the 440 yard dash, the
70, yard high hurdles, and the hal
Finals Tonight.
The finals in these events, as well
as in the mile run, high jump, pole
vault, shot ptit, broad jump, two
mile relay will be run off tomorrow
:Tolan of Michigan and Simpson
of Ohio State set the pace in the
60 yard dash, each man winning
hisbheat in 6.3 seconds, just one tenth
of a second above the Conference
record, which is held by Simpson.
Campbell of Mlchigan also won his
heat in this event, nosing out Hass
of Minnesota in 6.4 seconds.
Sentman of Illinois was one of
the few men to equal a Conference
record last night, the lanky Sucker
turning the trick to win his heat
in the 70 yard high hurdles. Potter
was the only Michigan man to
qualify in this event. He took a
third in the slowest heat.
Seymour Nosed Out.
Although he ran a beautiful race
to take second In his heat in the
440 yard dash preliminaries, Dale
Seymour lost out in a heart-break-
ing finish in the semi-finals. Clev-
erly boxed during the last lap, Sey-
mour failed by inches to qualify.
His brother, Dalton Seymour, was
eliminated in the sixth heat of the
pieliminaries, in which third place
was the best he could take.
The big surprise of the evening
was the failure of the highly tout-
ed Iowa team, defending champion,
t place more than two men. This
fact, however, does not mean that
Iowa is out of the race, for almost
anything is likely to happen in the
field events. which will,. be run off
60 yard dash: First heat-Simp-
s6n (Ohio) won; Usenian (Illinois)
second. Time-6.3. Second heat--
Tolan (Michigan) won; Odom (Pur-
due) second. Time-6.3. Third
heat-Ford (Northwestern) won;
East (Chicago) second. Time-6.4.'
Fourth heat-Root (Chicago) won;
Koenig (Indiana) second. Time-
8.4. Fifth heat-Campbell (Michi-
gan) won; Hass (Minnesota) sec-
ond. Time-6.4. Sixth heat-
Henke (Wisconsin) won; Patterson
(Illinois) second. Time-~6.4.
440 yard dash: (semi-finals)
First heat-Strother (Ohio) won;
Brown (Indiana) 'second; Henke
(Wisconsin) third. Time- 52.2.
Second heat-Hampton (Illinois)
won; Pierre (Indiana) second; Rus-
sell (Michigan) third. Time-51.2.
70 yard high hurdles: First heat
.-Black (Ohio) won; Hayden (Chi-
cago) second; Brandt (Wisconsin)
third. Time-.8. Second heat -:
Sentman (Illinois) won; Petersilgej
(Ohio) second; Ogara (Wisconsin)
third. Time----8.7. (Ties indoor
Conference record). Third heat-
Rodgers (Illinois) won; Hatfield
(Indiana) second; Potter (Michi-
gan) third. Time-8.9. Fourth heat
-Saling (Iowa) won; Zeize (Wis-
consin) second; Laroque (Minne-
sota) third. Tine-8.9.
Half mile: First heat- Martin
(Tay Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 7.-Lieut.
Alfred K. Williams, navy racingl
pilot today submitted his resigna-
( tion from the service to build an
airplane "which will recover the;
world's aviation speed record for
the United States."
Orders for sea duty, which were
to become effective tomorrow for
three years, were revoked by navy
officals pending action on the res-
ignation which -was placed in the
hands of Admiral Richard Leigh,;
acting chief of operations.
Williams asked that the resigna-
tion go into effect two months from
March 15, to take care of accumu-
lated leaves of absence, standing to
his credit.
He gave as his reason for resign-
ing:. "to orgsnie a program for
building a plane which will recover
the world's aviation speed record
for the United States and thereby
stimulate American interest in the
development of high speed; and in
order that I shall be free to devoteI
my full time and energy withoutl
constraint to the accomplishment."
Junior Receives $150 as First
Award in Times Current
Events Contest.
Winning over a group of eighteen
contestants, Victor Rabinowitz, '31,
was awarded the $150 prize for first
place in the annual New York
Times Current Events contest..The
second prize of $75 went to William
W. Knox, '32,-and the third award
of $25 was given to Walter J. Han-:
sen, '31,
The contest was held Tuesday in
Angell hall. Twenty-three students
were listed as entries, but five of
these failed to complete the com-
prehensive examination. The win-
ning papers were judged by the 10- -
cal committee, composed of Prof.
John L. Brumm of the journalism
department, chairman, Prof. P. W.
Slosson of the history department.
Prof. Z. C. Dickinson of the eco-
nomics department, and 'Prof. W.
M. Abbot of the rhetoric depart-
Following the custom, Rabino-
witz' paper will be submitted to
New York as Michigan's entry in
the intercollegiate contest. The
prize for the winner of the compe-
tition in this contest is $500. Ra-
binowitz won the sophomore award
at the local contest last year. First
place went to Orsamus M. Pearl,
'33A, and Allan R. Moore took the
$25 award.
The three winning contestants
ranked closely on the questions of
fact included in the examination.
Their respective ratings on the fact
questions were 178, 175, and 173 out,
of a possible count of 180.
Speaking of this year's contest as
compared with those of former
years, Professor Brumm, who has
served on the committee'"since the
inception of the project four years
ago by the New York Times, said
that he thought that the topics re-
quiring editorial comment afforded
greater freedom for the expression
of opinion than did those of earlier
'CaponsaCchi' Finale
to be given Tonight
Final performance of Arthur
Goodrich's and Rose Palmer's po-
etic-drama "Caponsacchi," will be
given at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
A few good seats remain for the
presentation tonight. All tickets,
obtainable at the box office of the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, are
priced at 75 cents.
Adviser of Women Obtains Her
Promotion by Board
of Regents.
Howard Mumford Jones Named
Professor in English
Appointment of Miss Alice Lloyd
as Dean of Women, the appoint-
ment of Howard Mumford Jones, of
the University of North Carolina,
as professor of English, the grant-
ing of several sabbatical leaves
and the acceptance of the usual,
number of gifts, constituted the
principal business of the Regents
in meeting yesterday afternoon in
the Law building.
Miss Lloyd was graduated from
the University in 1912. From 1918.
to 1921 she took nurses' training
in St. Luke's hospital in New York
City. From 1922 to 1926 she wa
zonnected with the juvenile court
of Wayne country as probaton offi-
Her first appointment to the Ad-
visors of Women board was made
in 1926. Miss Lloyd is to affect her
own organization in this new ca-
Jones to Arrive Next Fall.
Next Fall, Professor Jones will
assume his duties in the English
lepartment of the University. He
Ireceived his A. B. degree from Wis-
consin in 1914 and his M.A. degrees
from Chicago in 1916. From 1919
to 1925 he was assistant professor
of comparative literature at the
University of Texas, and from 1925
to the present time has been assis-
tant professor and professor o
English at North Carolina. He is
now acting head of the depart-
ment of English in that institu-
Sabbatical leave of absence for
the first . semester 1930-31 was
Sgranted to Prof. Roy Wood Sellars.
Irofessor Sellars plans to study in
France and Germany. Leaves of
absence were granted to Albert
Lockwood and Samuel Lockwood.
of th School of Music, and Prof.
William A. McLaughlin, of the Ro-
mance language department. ,
Dwight L. Dumond, at present in
the history department of Ohio
Wesleyan at Delaware, Ohio, was
appointed assistant professor of
history for the year 1930-31.
Prof. Peet Promoted.
Promotion from associate pro-
fessor of surgery was granted
Prof. Max M. Peet. The promotion
became effective March 1.
At the request of Prof. E. G.
Novy an exchange professorship
was established with the School of
Tropical Medicine, at San1Juan,
Porto Rico. Prof. M. H. Soule was'
granted a leave of absence from
Jan. 1,1930, toaApril 1, 1930, in con-
nection with the exchange profes-
A grant of $2,000 per year to pay
the expenses of an additional
teacher for children in the con-
valescent ward of the University
hospital was given in connection
with the H. B. Earhart foundation.
Professor Favors Easy
Chairs For Classrooms1
(Dy Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Mar. 7.-A slogan, "If
we must have education let's get it
painlessly," swept over the campus
of Northwestern university today
after Prof. Baker Brownell of the
department of sociological and lit-
erature said he favored red morris
chairs for classrooms.
Professor Brownell told a class in
moden life and letters that he
wanted the backaches out of edu-
cation. He would have homelike
surroundings, a few morris chairs,
upholstered, and plenty of cush-
ions, he said.
'Show Off' Presented
at Royal Oak Benefit
Ramsay MacDonald
Relaunches Parley H 0UVL
British Premier Works Under AS I
Heavy Double Burden.
By Frank H. King, dl IL
A. P. Staff Writer.j
LONDON, Eng., March 7.-Prime American Bt
Mnister Ransay MacDonald, buoy-e r
Ant in spirit but with his face Recovers
3howing the strain of bearing the -of St
dlouble burden of disarmament ne-'
gotiations and Parliamentary du- DOZEN S
hies, today relaunched the London! kSurvey Dray
That load in seven weeks has puty
leeper lines in the Prime Minis- as to G
Jer's strong face and left darkofP
?aces under his eyes, but he isstill o P
2arrying on in strong fashion. ( 1
Under his chairmanship today (ByN
,he five delegates with Aristide WASHINGT
Briand hearing the French for can business
?remier Tardieu gathered around recovering fro
she conference table in St. James istered it byt
?alace. They surveyed the work lapse last fa
lone and problems remaining and believes, and
-,hen plunged into the work of theirb
ndividual delegations. should be fre
ing aftermat
Cwhich it brou
He announc
day after a st
on the situat]
FRA Fthe results b
cooperation o
~~-~~~~tional enterpri
Johnny Johnson's Band is to ed in Washing
Furnish Music for Party of consider pons
First Year Class. "Unemp
WILL BE HELD MARCH 21 newspaper c
President said
Johnny Johnson's band will fur- "amounting t
nish the 1933 Frosh Frolic's music, confined to t)
'nothing more
according to an announcement other 36 state
made last night by the committee ness and em
in charge. The annual freshman passed in Dec
narty will be held the night of January, heo
g his conclusions foi
correspondents, th,
1 that unemployment
o distress" had been
welve states and was
than seasonal in the
s. Low points of busi-
ployment had -been
cember and early in
added, and had been
Honor Awards Given
I II to R.O.T.C. Students
M PLOYMEN TMedals for Highest Scholastic
Standing Are Presented.
j Honor medal awards for high
scholastic standing attained by
usiness and Industry members of the R. O. T. C. unit
sfrom Collapses for the first semester of the school
flp year were announced yesterday by
ock Market. Major B. D. Edwards, professor of
military science.
TATES SUFFER Gold medals for highest scholas-
tic standing in the senior military
ws Five Conclusions class were awarded to C. W. Sel-
meralCharcter heimer, Grad., and R. D. Gordon,
eneral Character '31, Infantry. Silver medals for
resent Crash, the junior class were awarded to J.
E. Lester, '31E, Ordance; Keith
Associated iress) Bennett, '31, infantry; and R. W.
'ON, Mar. 7.-Ameri- Powers, '31E, signal corps. Sopho-
and industry is now more class silver medals were re-
m the shock admiin- ceived by V. D. Matthews, '32, in-
the stock market col- fantry; and B. F. Bailey, Jr., '32E,
11, President Hoover signal corps. The freshmen to re-
l within sixty days ceive silver honor medals were: H.
P. Williams, '33, infantry, and B.
ee from the distress- H. Maddock, '33E, signal corps.
h of unem;loyment Medals were" also awarded to the
ight. two highest freshmen for fresh-
ed the conclusion to- man rifle marksmanship. R. S. Mc-
udy of commerce and Creary, '33 E, received the silver
ient reportsbiea fn medal for the highest score, and
eing attained, by the P. L. Proud, Jr., '33E, was awarded
f the heads of na-. a bronze medal for second highest
ises whom he conven- score.
gton last December to l
sibilities of business
ynent Limited." UR, CUUK FINISHES
March 21 in the Union ballroom.
Tickets for the affair are oeing
sold daily from 3 o'clock until 5 in
,he lobby of Angell hall and in the
West Engineering building.
- Johnson's orchestra, which was
recently selected from among 380
competitors for the Hotel Pennsyl-
vania's ballroom, has been widely
received in the East and abroad.
They have played to enthusiastic
crowds at the Montriarte club in
Palm Beach, the Embassy club in
Miami, and in London and Biarritz.
Johnson himself plays the piano,j
and he has 11 others who make up
the ensemble. He has been play-!
ing recently on the Keith circuit
and broadcasting on WEAF and
Arrangements for favors, refresh-
:nents and decorations are rapidly
arogressing, it was stated last night.
The special action of th'e studentl
council, supported by the Senate
Committe on Student Affairs pro-
hibiting another major social event
on the evening of March 21 is ex-
pected to go a long way toward mak-
ing this year's party a success.,Tick-
ets sold and reservations now made
indicate a large advance in atten-
dance oven previous years.
'Ensian Announce
Final Sales Drive
Yearbook to be Placed on Last
Campus Sale March 12-14.
Starting its final campus sales
campaign of the year, originally
scheduled for this week, the Mich-
iganensian will station salesmen at
various points on the campus on
March 12, 13, and 14 for the bene-
fit of those students who have not
yet bought copies. On March 14
the price of the yearbook will be
raised from $5.00 to $5.50.
There are still more than 300
persons who hold receipts which
entitle them to a reduction of $1
on the present price of the 'Ensian.
These receipts should be paid up
before March 14, as they will be
void after that date.
Ifollowed by slow betterment.
With maintenance of wage rates,
with lower interest rates, and with
enlarged capital b'etterment expen-
ditures by railroads, utilities, and
business generally, he said he look-
ed for the advance of spring to re-
store normal prosperity. The'
President made his statement after-
conferring with Secretary Lamont
and Davis. The text was: "The de-
partments of commerce and labor
are engaged in the usual monthly
survey of business and unemploy-
Iment and especially of the results
obtained from the measures which
have been in progress since the last
of November to reduce unemploy-
ment and the hardship following
the dislocation from the stock ex- I
l hange crash. The survey is not
yet complete. There are, however,.
certain conclusions that are evi-'
Thirty-six States Normal,
tOine, unemployment amounting
to distress is, in the main concen-
trated in 12 states. The authori-
ties in the remaining 36 states in-
dicate only normal seasonal un-
employment or that the minor ab-
normal unemployment is being
rapidly absorbed.
"Two, the low point of business'
and unemployment was the latter
part of December and early Jan-J
uary. Since that time, employment
has been slowly increasing and the
situation is much better today than
it that time.
"Three, nation-wide response to
,he request for increased construc-
tion and improvement work by
public authorities, railroads, utili-
ities, and industries is having a
most material effect. Construction
:ontract in these categories in Jan-
aary and February were from 40 to!
15 per cent higher than ever
known in those Ynonths. The total
construction work for 1930 seems'
assured to be larger than even 1929.
"Four, the undertaking to main-
Lain wages has been held.i
"Five, the amount of unemploy-
ment is, in proportion to the num-
ber of workers, considerably less
than one-half (probably only one-4
third) of that which resulted fromI
the crashes of 1907-08, and 1920- ,
22, at this period of the situation."
Ping.PQng Tournament
Attracts 80 Entrants
Meeting with tremendous enthu-
siasm, the Union's first annual
tpi'ng-pong tournament will go into
the first round of play next Wed-
nesday with more than 80 table
Attorney-General at Washington
Approves of Parole for Old
Doctor 4 nd Adventurer.
(By Associated Press)
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.; Mar. 7.-
Dr. Frederick A. Cook, whose varie-
gated career df physician, explorer,
author, lecturer, and oil promoter,
was interrupted by a fourteen-year
sentence to Leavenworth Federal
prison is prepared to face the
world again at the age of 65.
A recommended parole was ap-
proved today by the Attorney gen-
eral at Washington. As soon as it
is received here, probably late to-
morrow or Sunday, the man who
won instant fame and later con-
demnation by his announced dis-
covery of the North Pole in 1908,
will be released.
Convicted of using the mails to
defraud in connection with an oil
promotion scheme at Fort Worth,
Teias, Dr. Cook has served nearly
five years of his sentence. He also
served 14 months in jail while
waiting for a decision on appeal.
In the early part of his term,
Dr. Cook assisted in the prison
hospital where his medical knowl-'
edge supplemented that of the reg-
ular prison physician. Later he
organized a night school. Releas-
ed prisoners have told of the scope
of his work and of the good influ-
ence exerted over his associates.
Two months ago, when a parole
board recommended that he bye re-
leased he said he never had been
accused of violating a prison rule.
His present mood probably is re-
flected by an editorial which he
wrote for the March issue of the
"New Era," a prison publication, of
which he has been editor.
"A very good example to prove
the warden's contention that dili-
gence and respectful individual at-
tentionA will go far, to improve pris-
on morals," the editorial stated, "is
the response of good cheer which
now prevails as a reaction to con-
sideration of the last parole board."
Plan Tour of Sweden
for Summer Vacation
Under the supervision of Swedish
and American scholars, a group of
twenty-five undergraduates or re-
cent graduates of American univer-
tities and colleges will visit Sweden
this summer. Professor George M.
Stephenson of the University of
Minnesota, will be the director of
tile tour.
The trip, which will start from
Ruggiero Ricci, Boy Violinist,
-btained Especially
for Festival.
Merle Alcock, Paul Althouse,
Bonelli, Baromeo Are
Among Artists.
Fifteen artists, in addition to the
University Choral Union Society
and the Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra under Frederick Stock, will
combine in presenting the annual
May Festival in Hill auditorium, it
was announced to The Daily yes-
terday by-Charles A. Sink, presi-
dent of the University School of
Music. The thirty-fourth Festival
wil, as customarily consist of four
evening concerts beginning Wed-
nesday night with matinees on Fri..
day and Saturday afternoon.
Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of
the School of Music, is in charge
of working out the programs, de-
tails of which are to be announced
later, and of directing the large ar-
ray of talent secured into the com-
plete unit which is one of the out-
standing musical events of the
Spegial Artists Announced.
The soloists engaged for the Fes-
tival include: Ruggiero Ricci, the
phenomenal boy prodigy violinist,
Nanette Guilford, Dusolina Gian-
nini, Claire Dux, Ethel Haydn,
Kathryn Meisle, Merle Alcock, Dan
Gridley, Paul Althouse, Richard Bo-
neli, Chase Baromeo, Paul Leys-
sac, Percy Grainger, Guy Maler and
Lee Pattison.
Professor Moore, musical direc-
tor of the Festival, will conduct the
Thursday and Saturday evening
concerts, offering at the former
with the Choral Union, Honneg-
ger's "King David" and "Bach's
"Magnificat", and at the latter,
Verdi's Requiem. The soloists for
the Thursday night concert will be
Ethyl Ha'yden, Merle Alcock, Dan
Gridley and Paul Leyssac, while for
the Verdi number Saturday night,
Nannette Guilford, Kathryn Meisle,
Paul Althouse and Chase Baromeo.
Percy Grainger and Claire Dux will
share the honors with the Chicago
Symphony at the Wednesday night
concert. Dusolina Giannini and
Richard Bonelli will participate in
Friday night concert. The honors
of the two afternoon concerts will
be carried by Ruggiero Ricci, Fri-
day, and by Guy Maier and Lee
Pattison on Saturday afternoon.
Boy to Make Mid-West Debut
Engagement of Ruggiero Ricci,
the San Francisco wonder child of
nine years, involved elaborate ne-
gotiations with parents, teachers,
and even the state department of
labor and industry. The coming of
this prodigy, rich in technical en-
dowment attested faithfully to by
honest critics at his Orchestra Hall
debut, tossing off the pyrotechnics
of the Paganini Concerto side by
side with the lovely animation of
Mozart's A major concerto in one
(Continued an Page 3).
Moore Will Discuss
European Bell Music
Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School
of Music will speak on "Bell Music
in England and the Low Coun-
tries of Europe" Sunday, parch 9,
at 6:00 p. n'm., in Wesley Iall.
According to Dr. Moore this lec-
ture will be of particular interest
to the student of the University
and to the alumni who plan to build
a carillon on the campus in memory
of the late President Marion LeRoy
Burton. He will point out the part
played by the bell in the culture
of England, France, Belgium, and
Holland. He also stated that the
student should be proud of the
above proposal as there are very
few carillons located in America.
Comedy Club Offers
Memberships to Four
On the basis of technical assist-