P'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday daring the Tlniversity year by the Board in Cotrol of Student Publications Member of Western Conferenc Edit-al Association, ~The Associated Prsis eclsivly entitled to the use for repunhli otn o falln es dis- patches creditedtoio not the, v t' redited t this paper and the. loal n,-' .i ~ ied herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter Special rate o , postage granted by athird Asis antPot t aster General. Subscripon by carrier, $ 4 )6,b mail, $4.s. Amlies: Ann~ Arbor Presi Bodring, May- ]arnnStreet Phones Eitorial 425- uils araxt EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 " MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editoial Chairman ......, George C. Tilley City Editor.... ....,Pierce Rosenberg News Editor.. ........Donald J Kline Sports E ditor........Edward L Warner, Jr Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follner 'Telegraph Editor...... .. Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama........ William Jf Gorman Literary Eitor......... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City 1 ditor....Robert .. Feldn'an Night EIditor : Editorial Board Membe'w Franlk E. Cooper Henry J Merry William C. Gentry Robert L Slos Charles R. KI'Z- it ns1Walte W. Wils Gurney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Belen Barc Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckhaw Arthur J. Bernstein vuictor arbinowit S. Beach Conger ' John D Rindel "Thomas M. Cooley Jon . -Rene Thoms lv, Coley Jeannie Roberts Belen Domine Joseph A. Russell t Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch °Catherine errin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsi Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanson Ginevra Gin Jane Thayer lack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson rmily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Croverman Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine 1. Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr. Jean Levy G. Lionel Willens ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright 'Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit Bruce J. Manley BUSINESS STAFF1 Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.............. Hollister Mabley Advertising....... Kasper H. Halverson k dvertisig .. .....S.herwood A. Upton Sruaie..........George A. Sater C c ion...V.......... ernor Davis Accounts....................John R. Rose Publications............George R. Hamilton Business Secretary--Mary Chase Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey obert Crawford Thomas Muir 'Marry B. Culver George R. Patterso Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman liezer Lee Slayton amesaHoffer Joseph Van Riper orris Johnson ftobert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboy orothy Bloomngardner Alice McClly L.aura Codling Sylvi'a Miller Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhte Bernice Glaser Eleanor Wakinshaw Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930 Night Editor, CHAS. R. KAUFMAN THE MOIST REALITY. Who is going to take the impres- sionis of a school-boy against the word of college men of many years of experience?" a conspientious ob- jector recently wrote to these col- umns in refutation of our opinion that prohibition had failed in the country's universities. He quoted Prosident Angell of Yale, Lowell of Harvard, and Hibben of Princeton to the effect. that their students drink less liquor than they did be- fore prohibition. Ergo, our con- scientious objector reasons, prohi- bition has not failed in the coun- try's universities; on the contrary, it is a howling success. Therefore, from The Daily's ex- pression of the opinion that prohi- bition has failed in the universities, this conscientious objector deduces not only that The Daily deliberate- ly uses tawdy sensationalism to blacken Michigan's reputation, but that Michigan students have a "raging thirst" and a "lawless dis- position" over and above that of students at, for instance, Yale, Har- vard, and Princeton. To see that this deduction is unwarranted, one has only to be faintly familiar with the undergraduate life of any big university; liquor is a problem, no less at Michigan, on every large campus in the country. Though we fail to see how even the omniscience ascribed by our conscientious objector to great col- lege presidents can positively know; this, it may well be that the sum total of university-consumed liquor is less now than before prohibition. We contend, however, that this fact, cannot be made the sole cri- terion of prohibition's success in the universities. The stubborn drink tradition in American col- lege life has by no means been rooted out, there is still plenty of liquor readily available and rapidly consumed, and as we see it, prohi- bition has served chiefly to add a string of social evils that rise from making the use of liquor technically a forbidden affair. The fact that nenrkeies rn and 1 rather than and ordinary occasion, I with the result that moderation isA usually thrown to the winds. Many out oo college students, moreover, coming from homes where liquor is not ODERN" served them, learn to use it without t sm higOETS. the sympathetic 2uidance of a pa- rouis Untrmeyer, who last rent. Young men and women are still learninf- t drink at college, said rne rather intelligent but prohibition has deprived them ns about the novels of Virginia of the incomparable advantage of Wol and American music, skip- learning to drink like ladies and pod bilty past the topic of his gentlemen. oa Modern American Poetry, These are facts as we see them bein -rged, probably, by the mag- and know them from contacts ne- 1 +traction the works of Rob-: cessarily more intimate than those ert Frost seem to possess for him. of university presidents. The sooner Frost, who to him is admittedly a conscientious objectors to the wet dear friend and severe critic, he side of the question descend from compares to Wordsworah quite sin- their pleasant armchair thoughts cerely. Now Frost undoubtedly is Music And Drama -- TO iGHT: The Hillel Players. s, - 'c " eah' nr ani !P dramatic rou 3 1 r ' " opneta'hi." : dramatie e -- ved'n of Browning's Ring and the S "OUpOf S - Worh $4.O to you Book by Arthur Goodrlrh and Rose -Rsent to da tE named below Palmer, in the Mendelssohn The- ad yo wll receive our regular atre beginning promptly at 8:15. $5.6) F nytiar Daiawond Ring Sfor $.0 EfTHER LADIES OR Today, start a separate ac- GENTLEMEN count for Vacation Savings. INTELLIGENCE Vs. VIRTUOSITY. A $5 Value for $1 account steadily, bit TSCHAIKOVSKY: Concerto in Do not compare Egyptian Dia-Fs monds with ordinary imitations. by bit, week by week D, Op. 35 for Violin and Orchetra; They can not be told from gen- You'll never miss the money by Bronislaw Iluberman and Ber- uine diamonds. When shown re- - cently in New York City, these you deposit. But next sum- lin State Orchestra, conducted by j -- Egyptian Diamonds created a sen - Wilhelm Steinberg; Columbia Mas- = sation. mer you will spend glorious Limit, Two Rings to a Customer terworks Set No. 131. - Positively None of These Rings weeks as a result of this easy, This issue of Columbia's, coming Sold at This Price After Sale. prudent policy. SAVE' Friday and Saturday Only pI n oiy this month, seems to clearly corro- borate statements made in review Edsill's e of Heifetz's performance of this ! Rexall Drug Store 208 South Main Street same concerto in January at Hill Auditorium. The point made then I I was that the veni, vidi, vici virtu- oso approach of Heifetz to thisIQUALITY music of the very youthful Tschai-ISil ...1 SERVICE kovsky was peculiarly inappropri- ate and made somewhat empty ECONOMY . r 1 i ' Y f to the moist facts of reality, the sooner can the country square t away for an honest solution of the temperance problem.- THE WEEDING OUT. Impersonalizaticn, and the ruth- less application of machine-made rules to many cases which the rules fit but loosely, are charges fre-; quently levelled at large American universities. At this time of the school year when many freshmen annually are requested to with- draw from the University, it is fre- more like Wordsworth than any other American poet, but certainly! he does not merit the comparisonI drawn by Mr. Untermeyer, especi- ally on the evidence adducted inI the form of two of Frost's works: simple and unadorned pastorales. The other modern American poet: Mr. Untermeyer dealt with critical- ly was Vachel Lindsay, who is al- ready quite dead in a literary way. What Mr. Untermeyer might have done was to discuss the work of Yvor Winters and Alen Tate which is less known but equally import- Sant as Frost's and Lindsay's. In, a thirty-nine second inter- r 1 / ' quently alleged in isgruntiled view granted after his lecture Mr. tones that the students expelled Untermeyer did acknowledge these are victims of the machinations of monstrous, dogmatically legal latter two along with Edmund Wil- a sy eg son and others more strictly mod- tematically winnows the chaff em. He prefers Tate to Winters, and he nightly pointed out the fact from the wheat by mere rule of that Winters in his poetry did not thumb. If a student makes certain make his art the integrating factor grades, he is allowed to stay, if he of life as he would have it in his drops a single honor point below criticism. Wilson and Winters are this arrogant standard, he is re- more the critics. But this, and inssly booted, it is sometimes much more, should have gone into mainthis lecture. L. R. K. Such assertions can be dismissed _____ by mere reference to the facts of TIHE 'ESCAPE' the case. Prof. Wilber H. Hum- PHILOSOPHY OF MURRY. phreys, assistant dean of the lit- The Thngs We Are, by J. Middle- erary college, working in coopera- Thi Mry; E P. Dutton andi CorM- tion with committees of the admin- piln ew York Cityn eYk istrative board, has devoted more paPiyc New York City, New ork; than 100 hours to actual interviews Pie~.O with all students whose grades for This "psychological" novel (the the first semester fell below the preface to the book insists it be level required by University rule. classified thus) by J. Middleton Particular attention was paid toi Murry was first published in 1922. freshmen. Whenever extenuating It has been recalled to print because circumstances were found to ex- acording to Dr. Daniel J. Leary, of cuse a freshman's poor marks, he the University of Buffalo psychol- was ermitteto resha'sprmshlogy department, "it is one of the was permitted to remain in schoolms motatcnrbtin ois most important contributions to its and steps were taken in an effort field. to obviate as much as possible the unfavorable conditions which af- LMuyin pdesent pdior Ifected his academic welfare. No the London Adelphi, has published studedthiseverademippefrmthe several volumes of criticism, and student is ever dropped from th sme poetry. In this book we 'University as a result of wholesale hsoeapetrofnthris ofe- application of dogmatic rules. Each a picture of three lives affect- student asked to withdraw has re- ingby inferiority complex, doubt- ceived the benefit of careful inter- h existence, and fighting to known views and ample opportunity to the nature of things. Mr. Boston present his case. j flees from the world of the present But a more vital aspect of the tolivey in an ideal past peopled with situation is concerned with the lovely memories of his mother. fdroppingBettington is untrusting of past policy tO" be followed in rppn and present because of the barren- freshmen whose first semesteraur- grades indicate that they are at ness and poverty of his life. Felicia, gunitted to reyale t the story centers on the issue of present unfitted to realize the which of the two will marry this benefits of a college education Some of the suspended freshmen Imand mke ansce whoe filue hs ben ue o mrepast, and makes an unsuccessful whose failure has been due to mere attempt through child educational laziness and indifference, may gain workttoundcontetnal experience in the work-a-day world work to find contentment. All whchw.l evl want beauty and a moral, ordered which will develop qualities of self- existence. They never find it. reliance and initiative. After ae few months of hard work, such stu- The author nas presented his dents will probably be ready and story in loose, incoherent, (not eager to return to the University novel-like) form, though the choice and give adequate attention to of -subject matter may be used in their studies. defense of his treatment. He is With the other class of student safe in calling his method a novel who are dropped-those who prob- form, as that term in its present ably never will continue in their usage may designate a dozen or college'education-a different prob- more types of writing. Perhaps a lem is faced. The request to with- kindly attitude toward this prob- draw is liable to engender in them lem of the novel led Dr. Leary to a conviction that they are inher- insist that "psychological" be used ently inferior to their fellows. They in classification of the book. resent being denied the privileges The Things We Are is a good pic- of a college education They are ture of the minds of three individ- sometimes encouraged in this atti- uals who are caught in the disilu- tude by their parents, who assert sionment which arose out of the that a state financed university chaos of the last war. It is a pho- should accommodate the children tograph of the inferiority complex, and though Mr. Murry never breaks o Tall epttetcitizens.allindivid through the surface of his story, we will receive commensurate intellec- are led to believe that he justifies tual profit from a four year college escape of the disillusioning prob- course is no more logical than to md respet to hi beatteitam assume that every one would imfl that Insecphilohsophyiof epe prove his physical welfare by un- that is the philosophy of escape. dergoing the training routine of Surely the author is drunk to think the Varsity athletic teams. Some that the problem o f ordering a of the freshmen who come to the chaotic universe can be solved by University each fall are definitely f escaping to a country inn to play unfitted to gain adequate profit wist with a second Mrs. Battle and "to sit in the sun and grow from the type of mental exercise ant grae. Ths the methn god and training which University edi- Mr. grac. hsBoston,a sthe method cation offers. Such persons can i. Mrry it isp drecisely his attitude best attend their own interests by as.Mresypathyishade immediate entrance into business Feliciaand Bettington who at for t eccupation. College is not least experience the choas. Though If them .i we cannot agree with their attitude If they fail to reaze it, the Ui ofgrin and bear it, and watch versity owes them the duty of ad ,,n D vising them for their own good. y utr chance to run away Desire for escape is branded on the faces of all the characters. It is Murry branded there, Murry wanting re- A friend told us the other day lease of earthly cares, Murry wor- that he had Riven un PMino it)ran _ . ., . - music anyway still more empty. Heifetu is, and always has been, too much impressed with the power of his really phenomenal technique and so considers scores as some- thing to be pacified and made as gentlemanly and as quiet as him- ;lf Th lt rCi hf ancen li It is en should be your prerequisites Spnd A; for tasty lunches and delicious Money O't candiesV WE HAVE ALL OF 'THESEl or Booklet timed: "How To Vaca ion With No e 2or Pocket.' 0 1 1% nnszwn l2nnif seti . Le resuiu i n E ne case of he ! gtIIIUI hII i, I Tschaikovsky cencerto was that the i d.,S 4 music, insufficient in itself, became quite dull. Heifetz's conquering of 245 East Huron 330 South State Street the music was quite too complete. 212 South Main Street ?Member Federal Reserve System Bronislaw Huberman, the fa-___t mous Polish violinist, doing the - ------ present recording for Columbia, 0 1 0 1 1 11! 0lilill 011 11001I has a somewhat more different, - more acceptable method of ap- proach. It is performed continu- - ally for immediacy of effect (im- plying an unfavorable judgment on the music's depth and value with which most everyone would agree). The first movement which is (aside from the admirably Mozartian in-;- troduction) merely TchaikovskyI- sentimentally dwelling and insist- ing on a sentimental phase is play- ed sentimentally. And quite prop- erly so, for it is the movement's i only chance for a slight degree of 'success. If it is too sweet for most people; at least it is not too dull. The last movement, fiery and rhap- sodic, is played with fire. Huber- CASH man is not, nor does he intend to OPEN be, as facile as Heifetz. The facil- ity of Heifetz was no substitute for EVENINGS THAT WE the fire that the music calls for. U NTIL'ARE ABLE Y The vivid wrinkles of the brilliant UNTL T theme of the movement are meant TO to stay that way in performance. IsGUARAN- . And Huberman recognizes this. jTE - It all bears on the fundamental question mentioned in the Heifetz Sreview about the performance of== romantic music. An intelligent vi-' olinist (like Huberman) as opposed = Ann Arbor thrift shoppers are fast learning that Wuerth's, the home of Fine Furniture, } to the virtuoso (like Heifetz) rec- is the Furniture headquarters of this vicinity. We are able to buy Furniture at prices less than the regular wholesale price, therefore we are able to undersell. It will cost you ognizes that completely adequate nothing to come in and look-be convinced that our prices are lowest an& quality the best. projection of the intended expres- 1 sion of romantic music depends upon their being in the performer - vestages of the emotional energy spent in achieving articulateness. It is an obvious, perhaps unworthy, )x1( 'X° type of emotionalism to ask of a self-respecting performer. But, from my point of view, romantic mUSIC IS all obvious, perhaps un- T worthy method of emotional ex- pression. An intelligent performer evaluates his music and plays itI/ accordingly. A virtuoso merely plays music with phenomenal fa- CARPETS cility. It is a fundamental breach. V BY THE YARD The Berlin State Orchestra un- Velvet Stair or Hal Carpet,- TeBriSttOrhsrunIBedroom i Si t avings yard ............... ... $.19 der Wilhelm Steinberg gives Hu-gm S s at Ayinster Carpet, yard .$1.95 berman consistently adequate, even Bed, Chest and Vanity $ 77.50 All other carpets y red$e.5 of t e p pu a o ce t = 3 piece Bedroom Suite at ...... .. .gre750atIIIIIlIz ,Iredun nI n u ced.l~i brilliant, support to make this re- 3 piece Bedr. Suite at... 67.50 D R cording of the popular concerto 3 piece Burl Walnut Suite at ....... DOLLAR ITEM (Elman is playing it next week in 12 3 piece Marie Antoinette Suite at ..... $109.50 RUG Detroit) quite successful. Bed, Vanity and Chest ..... .... . ..$ 72.50 SAMPLES W .,7_.IIIG.IilIIlIIIIIIlI IllI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII FOR MANY USES IN TEHOME SUNDAY OCOGSWELL CHAIRS $1.00 The symphony orchestra of the OFFERED AT HUGE REDUCTIONS IIIIIllt11111hllHIIIlillI lIIIIIIilli School of Music, under the direc- 275 $32.50 29 DOLLAR ITEM tion of Samuel Lockwood, will pre-1 L.AMP sent a program of selections Sun- Thre low prices on these beautiful Cogswell Chairs will make it SHADEn day afternoon at 4:15 in Hill Audi- possible for any home to have one or more comfortable chairs. torium. Dalies Franz, local pianist - -I1lIlll1llllll.lllllll1111111l FOR JUNIOR OR who has just returned from a con- 2 Elaborate Dining Suites Simply Priced cert tour of the eastern and south- $168 Walnut Dining Suite, 8 pieces - 99.00 c em states, will close the concert by $207.50 Rockford Dining SuiteO... $14.50 'CaSlOla aies playing with the orchestra the $232.50-9 piece Dining Suite at ...6 .50 Reduced! Liszt Concerto in E flat. The pro- $247.50-9 piece Dining Suite at ...$172.50 $11.50 Table at . $7.50 gram to be given is as follows: $287.50-9 piece Dining Suite at . $187.50 $19.50 Table att $11.50 gram s. I $18.50 Table at . $05 2 Overture Comique, Op. 74 - - I H 0 M$300 Sold Mahogany Table. $127.50 SKeler-Bela Desired Living Room Suites Reduced I!IIIII1lIIIItIuii1lIIIIIIlIli111lI1fIlII Symphony, D major, Op. 4..... 2 piece Quality Jacquard Velour ... .. 7250 Svendsen 2 piece Mohair Suite, $289.50 vat $17 .=0 Three movements 2 piece Mohair Suite, $167.50 val. 107.. T e v n2 piece Mohair Suite, $147.50 val. $.0990 ieOg2 piece Mohair Suite, $157.50 val.$10450 Sigurd Jorsalfer, Op. 56 . ... .Greig 3piece Pillow Arm Moquette, $23850 val. $147.50 Prelude, Intermezzo, March 1 11MATTRESS e LMATTRESS The Last Spring, Op. 34,.., Greig ., ~ ,,50Pud-ttnFle