S THE- MICHIGAN DA I V - 7 ,.,,A..4. U , *VL4,A EAL ESTA-TE MEN NVENE HERE FOR. FTH CONFERENCE thven Welcomes Delegates; lay Talks on Condemnation for Public Purposes. ) MEET TWICE TODAY nference Held in Conjunction With School of Business Administration. 'resident Alexander G. Ruthven coined the dele ates to the h anlual conference of the :higan Real Estate Association, en in conjunction with the ool of business administration, a luncheon held in the Michigan ion yesterday. "While the prin- al function of the University is teach," stated br. Ruthven, "it iO less a function of our colleges otherwise assist i the advance- at of civilization." ouis G. Palmer, president of the ociation, thanked Dr. Ruthven behalf of the delegates, adding .t of all the conferences held Ing the year, the one at Ann >or was the one from Wvhich the atest benefit was derived. Dr. jis Webber, executive secretary the association, then outlined work of the conference. Fisher qives Speech. fter luncheon, the first session the conference was held. Prof. y Ray, of the Southern Metho- university of Texas, gave a >er on "Condemnation of Real ate for Public Purposes," while f. Ernest Fisher, of the school business administration talked "Observations on Real Estate hn eign Capitals." t the annual banquet held last ht at the Union, Regent R.' 'ry Shorts, Dean C. E. Griffin of ool of business administration I Leonard P. Reaume, President the National Association of Realj ate boards, addressed the dele-j es. .Brownlow to Talk. 'his. morning at 9:15 Louis wnlow, of the City Housing cor- ation of Nadburn, N. J., will c on "The Relation of Real Es- e Development to the Automo- Age," while Mr. Palmer will cuss "What the Uiiversity is Do-, for the Real .Estate Vocation.".. t the final session this after-j n, Gerald F. Healy, of Flint, will ak on "Investments"; Guy W. s, of Detroit, will talk about eative Selling," and Clifford Kibbin of Lansing, will end the gram with a discussion of "The chanics of Closing." Ii flWNW f IRI . WORD SPED RCORDSurvey Shows Many BRITISH DRIVER TO SEEK WORLD SPEED RECORD Geologists Included wxI n:.o ; in Explorers CIu A The geology department has fur- University Club to Give Banquet nished the "Explorers Club" with Admiral von Tirpitz, War Lord for President in Detroit; most of its Ann Arbor members, a of German Navy, Passes Alumnae to Assist. recent survey of the membership Away in Bavaria, Eist indicated. This organization is ACT U U .......................................... DEWEY IS TOASTMASTER;cmoe ~slcedbcueADVOCATED USE OF SUB composed, Of men selected because1 President Alexander Grant Ruth- of ther otstanding achievements ciy Associated Press) ven will be the main speaker at the in the line of exploration. EBENHAUSEN, Bavaria, March 6. annual dinner for the President to Lsading the list is Prof. Wiliam -Admiral Alfred von Tirpit, ead- be given by the University of Mih- f. Hobbs, head of the geology de- er of German naval forces during igan Club Friday, March 14, artment, and veteran explorer the World war, died here today. He Ftat 7 o'clock in the Statler Hotl Professor Hobbs' most recent ex- would have been 81 years old The dinner is the second one to be plorations were conducted in March 19. +;given with Alumnae assisting in Greenland, where he studied me- Admiral von Tirpitz died at 2:30 'sthe affair. - teorlogical conditions, the results a. m. He had suffered for the past Miss Marjorie Nicholson, '14, has -f which have appeared in his book week with bronchitis, from which s . been selected to represent the "The North .ole of the Winds." he had begun to recover. However, women at the banquet. Miss Nich- While at Mount Evans, Greenland, ihis heart was so weakened that he Solson is Dean of Smith College ?rof. Hobbs rescued two Would-be was transferred from his home at The toastmaster selected for the trans-Atlantic fliers, Hassell and Feldafing, on the banks of Stan- occasion is Fred G. Dewey, '02, of gramer. Berger lake, to a sanitarium at y,: , t ° ;Detroit. Next on the list is Larry Gould, Ebenhausen in ,the Isar valley, The dinner committee in charge University member of the Byrd where the end came. S.:Y-- **. *. .- ~ ....... of arranging the details of the en- .Xntarctic expedition. Gould was a tFlaigh hsbe edn Asocit' Press Photo tertainment consists of Fred G. mnember of the first Greenland ex- the life of a retired soldier, occa- Kaye Don, (inset) British driver, hopes to better Major Harry Segrave's automobile speed record in his Dewey, chairman, L. T. Ginn, H. S. sedition under Professor Hobbs, sionally li'ting his voice in defense high powered 'Silver Bullet,' pictured above. The present record is 231.36 miles an hour. Don will make Grinnel, Harry Hawkins, Earl I. and second-in-command to George of the German republic. his attempt on the sands of Daytona Beach, Fla., where two racers have met their deaths in similar at- Heenan, Joseph L. Hickey, Frank Putnam on his Baffin Bay expedi- As the highest ranking official of tempts. The monster streamlined machine weighs nine tons and its designer claims it will do 250 miles an Kane, Edwin L. Miller, Benjamin F. ion. the former Imperial official of the r hour or better. -i-T' Mortenson, Sidney Small, Robert. Three more members of the de- former Imperial Gerial navy, M Toms, John L. Watkins, and nartment are members of the club. Grand Admiral von Tirpit cher- }W Walter K. Towers. Ralph Belknap was a member of ished two dreams. tsh Work on X-ray j There is to be a reception im- the first two Greenland expedi- One of them, a gigantic naval Intfrl fl Stn COWesITTE E Meaeybfr tedne t n ins. Wliam Carlson was on the force for the empire, became a real T9 OMMITI[[I PTyiS duce the guests and p-atronesses. third and last expedition, on which ity; the other, the institution of a rE ineigBil't Reevtei ore thy e mdnrtin is.Wia Casowsonhefe for the eprbcm el EPE M N Tt in in West U esClubvations may be madc for the ho undertook a long dogsled trip to ruthless submarine campaign as a banquet by forwarding Alumni find the plane in which Hassell and means to win the World war, fyil- Irk on the new X-ray labora- UsIt is requested that Kramer had been wrecked. David ed. Ctory, located on the fourth floor of - all who wish to attend make reser- Potter the official photographer on While the latter played havoc Cabinet Gets Vote of ConfidencWest Engineering Building, was Positions on Six Boards Open s beforehand-the third trip, is also a member of with the .shipping of 'neutrals and in CWamber of Deputies by completed yesterday. The new to Eligible Frehmn W e ~ club, belligerents alike -and exacted an . . s by e res men yWssedaL. toaliLeblderreshmendepartments also have undetermned toll of lives, it not rge Majority equipent was purchased and - and Sophomores. t Lecture on 'Youth"members of their staffs on the club only failed of its purpose, but was stalled at an approximate cost of ____Y_ rolls. Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director an important factor, in the opir- NAVAL DELEGATES LEAVE $10,000. WILL USE MERIT SYSTEM of the University Museum, was first ion of many observers, in the even Two special rooms were con- i oReputed as one of the outstand made a member for his explora=- tual defeat of the central powers. yAssociatedPss structed for the equipment. The Positions on the six major com- dag yo nger brals of the e tions and studies in the Phlippine It was chiefly because of the sub- PARIS Maich6.-After acabinet-oomncontainingnthetbe mh Islands. Robert Hall, of the ge- marine warfare that the United risisof17daysAndreTardi to- m whicistlindnithe .x-ray ues, mh uden Chisian YO author and educator, will i ph dnp State n crisis of 17 days, Andre Tardieu to- which ts lined with lead, has a large association are open to sophomores speak Monday at 4:15 o'clock in stHis exploraiton, inoIaittmade ane it was the same reason that day again held h reins ow theglass window opening into the on- and second semester freshme n h Natural Science Auditorium, dis- lim a member of the club.t ma an itased ther sondstat French government. His trol room where the opr have received better than eusnu rYunrth e tistry received a vote of confidence aI the result of experimnts. age, according to a report made ntsp he lecture isunder the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA- policy and threw tpeir influence watc th reult f eperment. ae, ccoringto reprt adejoint auspices of the Avukah socie-I Ideas are being submitted now by with the Allies. in the chamber of deputies Wed- Th laboratory will be used to yesterday by John E. Webster, '30, ty and the Hillel Foundation. -inm-tA nesday night tffter reading' of he test metals for flaws and to deter- president of the association. Mr. Wise, who is national secre-Ifraternities and sororities for the ministerial declaration by a major- mine their atomic structure. There Under the recently adopted merit tary of the Avukah society, is one onjiction c ita toe edin PERTERL ity of 53. The count was 316 to 263. are few laboratories in the coun- system, which provides for the ap- organizers but hasouth moveme ceremonies of the U. C. L. A. cam- We have all makes. The margin of victory was almost try in which this new method of pointment of the president, secre- perience in this field through work mwcetargwichusondMrhe2nand28.cachtr-! emngt ni hs. rc twice that which had been forecast, industrial testing, recently intro-. tary, and committee chairmen by with post-war youth groups in E- ganization will occupy a booth for Corona, Underwood M. Tardieu's friends accepted it as duced in this country from Ger- the Board of Control strictly on the rope. arig and pizes d esos t Cs - original and unique designs will be indication of strength which had many, can be used. basis of work done, opportunity for Milwaukee, March 6-Navigation awarded by acomittee appointed 0. D. MORRILL not been reckoned before in the The equipment will be used by advancement will be offered to on Lake Michigan will open April especially for the carnival. 314 South State St. Phone 6615 chamber, and expressed the graduate students of the engineer- those trying out for committee po- 1, two weeks earlier than usual, if thought that he would be able to ing cllege, as well as those engaged sitions. present -weather conditions con- in research problems. The construc- In addition to making some val; tinue, W. P. Stewart, of the United force through ratification of the tion was financed by the Chemical ac tin wim e States weather bureau announces. Young plan, a revision of taxes, and Research engineering depart- uable contacts, tryouts gain wide- and the budget without much de- ments experience in an organization that. lay. tmreaches every phase -of campus life. EUROPE $365 It was whispered that the in- Isll ° 1LL 1 Students will not be limited to one SIX COUNTRIES- sbur'sTextbook. .PASSON LAYuODAYONL creased majority probably would . . . committee but may shift around On o20Io Tr AYeTODAY ONLY cause the delegation to the London Given Third Revision order to get a fuller knowledge of One of 250 ColegeTraver Tu naval conference, leaving here to- the workings of the associatin early 4,000 ters in 1929 KING VIDOR day, to go to London in a more Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of Positions are open on the follow= - More Mot ave. Get the Book ing y ;ary himelf prba. i the psychology department and di- i ing committees: Forum Interna- fro.t t I {. Daring Drama of Negro Life! M. Tardieu himself probably willIrector of the psychological labor- tional, Vocational Guidance, Con- E. G. KUEBLER Policy not leave for London until Satur- ; atories, announced yesterday that vocations, Student Relations, and 601 East Huron Street 2:00 Eday. He expects to confer with I a new edition of his book, "Essen- Freshmen. Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 6412 3:0 Ramsay MacDonald, British prime i tials of Psychology," is ready for - ----[ c 35c minister, over the week-end and to printing. It w/ill be published by 35 return to Paris Monday. I MacMillan before the end of the'O M. Tardieu first was overthrown month. STARTING SHOW$ AT -'70 Stwo weeks ago Monday after de-! This is the third revision of the1 TODAY 200-330 900 abate in the chamber on a trivial aiirl iill £'cwailmnn ewU7 - . rl, .a of M. Club to Hold Election, of Officer* he recently elected board of ernors for the University of higan Club of Ann Arbor is to t Saturday night to choose of- rs for the associa'tion, and a rman for the annual dinner to held here on April 19. Hawley Tapping and Wilfred w of the Alumni Association to meet Dexter M. Ferry, Jr., )etroit, chhirmnarr of the Alum- dvisory committee, to discuss her plans for the banquet. NIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA- rts of, John Grill, president of dramatic organization, and] I Wonrath, production man- , to fire a gun for publicity's on the University groundsl d. They had shot the rifleI the hope of calling out thel pus patrolman.,i He came, to ure; but handed the4 students to a riot squad from the East police statioci. Petroit Theatres i r 4 LI 4' ( I SI I jf3 i t { 5 f f i } j i ! 1 . .L+t ~ it ,.141h11 va c, tl vct F1V , U l 11 LV ~111 11 y 1 budgetary item. I features. 'Loi gT m David Moran Patricola Percy Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying" T UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Pr.:es:iMusic" Radi Cos y All Campus Musical Revue Majestic, VictorCrosle7 Hear about Mary Brown S. A. (her spnecial degree, meaning sex TERMS Pianos:-. appea) and what she did for just a door boy trying to get an educa- To Suit. Batdwin Kohl er & Campbell .ion. A rousing yarn of a dear old alma mater where you don't grad- PlaSi :a r a. ateunlessyou've Lot credits in love and laughter. P lay ei Orchestral Instruments " ou Pay. Victor, Columbia, Brunswick """ RecordsA 'A ar ~TLTI~5 AC! 1T?~C!T! A Ir t a C~omfe to t he us y ca arts, the' gambling hells, the reviv- i - !, alist meetings, the cotton fields -prepare ;o attend the pic- ture that is to be the most dis- cussed in years. ALL-TALKING, SINGING AND c; DANCING EPIC STARTING SATURDAY CECIL B. .W Iremnendotis DE MILLE'S Star - !'~55I~ WJ5Cast 601 East William Street Phone 7515 CASS THEATER W. P. Tanner Presents THE fWBAL VIGINI" Nights: 50c to $2.50 Sat. Mat.: 50c to $2.00 pular Mat. Wed.: 50c to $1.50 I I k AU k ., _ _ , . MEAT LOAF OR PORK CHOPS WITH ESCALLOPED POTATOES AND SALAD 35c Rae Theatre NOW SHOWING ' . i 1 i . . x MARILYN MILLER I in - S Sally's" staying for the entire week to make you laugh and cry. Better hurry or you'll miss this wonderful show and be one of the few who hae' en tl-Nhe Maga Screpn. 'I Detroit Sy phony Orchestra ral Union Series I-- Ossip Gabrilowitsch and his Orchestra Ww 4 -w -- . __Jr 4.. L-4;