WGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY MAR x A- 14M .H IC I ANDL fl_ ..A RKT('y£~i~ -...y * anr AIv, 1 PV 2 Published every morning except Monday quing the University year by the Board in .Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- a tches creditedato it or not otherwise credited ithis paper and the local news published herein Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- plaster General. 4Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, Glffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- iRard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 " MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg 'dews Editor...............Donald J. Kline Sports'Editor.......Edward I. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor........ ..Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama........William J. Gorman Literary Edtor..........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor...Robert J. Feldran Night Editor-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters :BertramaAskwith Lester May " Helen Barc Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer D avid M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein I.ugh Pierce Victor Rabinowit S. Beach Coger John D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts Belen Domine Joseph A. Russell I Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch i Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl, Ruth Galleyer Adit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cad wellrSwanson Gnevra Ginn Jane Thayer Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson nily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Grverman R obrtTownsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine Cullen Kennedy HIarold0. Warren, Jr. tean Levy G. Lionel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimi Bruce J. Manley BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER. Department Managers Advertising..............T. 'Hollister Mabley Advertising...........Kasper >. Halverso Advertiring.............herwood A. Upto Service.................George A. Spate Circulation.... .......J. Vernor Davs Accounts.... ..............John R. Rose ,Tublications........... George R. Hamilto Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants tByrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eiezer Lee Slayton mes Hoffer Joseph Van Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline W;liamr R. Worboy Dorothy Bloomgadner Mice MCully Laura Codling Sylvia Miller tAgnes Davis Helen '. Musselwhite Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER A NEED FOR ADJUSTMENT. That the college student in gen- 'eral-with specific reference to edies for maladjustment, particu- larly during the first two under- graduate years, which he has not undertaken to discuss. It is admitted rather generally that freshman week and the plan of designating faculty advisers for freshmen has not been successful and has in many ways served to ac- I centuate the evils it aimed to abol- ish. It often takes students a year or even two before they become thoroughly orientated. One of the chief causes of this is the cold un- friendly attitude which Michigan now presents to the new student. To do away with this difficulty, dormitories under the supervision of men who understand and could offer personal attention to the problems of the freshman should be established, a more carefully planned course in orientation should be considered, and a sys- tem of grouping students accord- ing to their abilities and interests (possibly a modification of the University college plan) should be effected. In this way, the prob- lem of maladjustment could be considerably lessened and the Uni- versity would find itself on a much sounder educational foundation. FAVORABLE CONTACTS. Relationship with faculty men, especially concerning the connec- tion of their respective fields to the general world of affairs, is a golden advantage of university life, yet one seldom attained by the under- graduates. The occasions for such gains are, in face of their useful- ness, exceedingly rare; further- more, the students display too much inertia in accepting them when they are offered. An opportunity, unique in its possibilities, toward this end will be had soon in the open forum series to be sponsored by the Stu- dent Christian association. Ad- dresses are to be given, and speci- fic questions answered by compe- tent men on a number of interest- ing topics: the ethics of law, news- papers and public morals, the psy- chology of criminals and the soci- ological aspects of the modern fam- ily, with the additional feature 'of "follow-up" discussions of a more intimate nature to be arrang- ed with professors of the respec- tive fields. With the tendency toward a too exclusive confinement of the views of professors regarding the current general problems within their fields to the limited number of stu- dents specializing on the particular subject, the open forums will help to fill a startling vacancy in the schedule of modern education. The student with his ear to the ground will take advantage of the chance, and it is hoped that the response will be sufficient to warrant the in- stitutionalizing of what has been heretofore an Utopian idea. ,!_____ _ -- I/b-' Cnm$ 'OLL HERE'S TIIAT w-- PLAY. 1 Music And Drama Ii Seethe SHOPPING GUIDE on Page 7 i f 6i It gives me a great deal of pain to present the winning play in the Rolls contest for an Opera substi- tute. If you think it's terrible you should see the parts I threw away. THE FOX AND THE GRIPE. By The Beachcomber & The Chink.. Opening scene by courtesy of the Federal Commission for the en- forcement of the Volstead Act. End by request. Scene: Modern Vineyard with hogsheads of anti-ferment scat- tered about. Enter Fox and' Joe McCarthy from footlights. Ed Smith: Hello. Chas. B. DeLancey: Hello. (Exit fliustered, 'exit Charles.) "GAMBLING"- A Review by William J. Gorman. George M. Cohan, the great American showman, gambles rath- er desperately in his latest produc- tion on his own ability as an actor to make an only so-so melodrama completely acceptable. It is rather of a major achievement that he comes off so well. It came rather as a surprise to the New York critics too. They had always en- thusiastically recognized his show- manship but rather consistently tended to minimize his achieve- ment from the point of view of im- portance. He was just one of those figures the theatre welcomes and needs for its complete heatlh. Out- sid of that he deserved only the cAmnation of faint praise from critics trying to point to ideals for showmanship to strive for. i I f I 1 ,I I U - Our Trademark is 0 your assurance of badge perfection Fraternity and Sororit Badg Orriy ges Burr, Patterson and (I. Aukd Co.v Fraternity Jewelers and 603Stationers 603 Church Street 0 i I i i I I I I I i I I i 1 __-_ Hi ckey- Freeman clothes for spring $5O - $65 All: Hello. Percy Hammond, in a clipping scene III. that came along with the publicity,I Noise off stage indicating col- has put the case rather nicely: lapse of props and heroine. More "Just as we are about to exclaim, noises off stage-"Tomorrow and 'Alas, there are no more first ac- tomorrow and tomorrow are three tors,' along comes Geo. M. Cohan. days." For a generation Mr. Cohan has days. entertained us with his jaunty There's a lot more but I mislaid trivialities-his nifty dancing, his it in the furnace. hard revues, his soft musical com- edies and his little home-town * * * dramas. His advance as a sub- stantial actor, however, has been stealthy and a secret to many 'Way long ago when I was young bright-eyed critics." And very, very pert, The tribute is justified. By the My little songs of life were sung complete mastery and evaluation Above the name of Gert. of his dramatic material (also of his own creation), he turns in a I used to chant my lines of love remarkable piece of acting that all To all the deans and such stage aspirants should observe and And murnur of the rye above study. By the sheer credibility of They (the poems) weren't so his acting (achieved by admirable much. pointing of the excellent bits in the play and supremely crafty evasion When I was here the auto ban of the unquestionable parts) he Was quite the latest rage; 1 makes a quite false play, even bad Six hundred students got the can of its kind, honest and respectable. (This gives away my age). His acting is certainly trans- parently tricky. One can see the I used to write my songs about mechanism almost at all times. The women and the gin, But hiding one's art is a bit diffi- How little Fords were coming out cult in such a tour de force. ThI And permits coming in. most interesting achievement in the show is probably the almost When I was here long years ago unprecedented way in which a pre- For girls-no cigarette. posterously slow tempo is made ex- I'm back with spirits very low: citing. It is done by a careful They can't smoke even yet. (1) rhythm of moments of sculpture. Cohan poses and the whole cast is Well, I've come back, a mouth- made to pose and though very ing fool artificial, it Is quite interesting. A Somew people still call Gert; good example is the moment when And though I may be life's grim Cohan learns while her known se, tool, ducer is present that his daughter Thank God I still am pert. has been murdered: he merely acts Pert Gert- stunned, says absolutely nothing, * * * walks stumblingly to the fireplace, (1) Where, Gert? Anyhow, the returns to the young man that haa pome's swell. Come again, seduced her, and stares up at him Ia bit helplessly as the curtain goes AMONG THE down. The whole piece takes sev- CLASSIFIEDS. eral minutes, is really too senti- LOST - Wristwatch in Natural mental, but it actually moves and Science bldg., Sat. 6 p. m. induces sympathy. Where lines FOUND-Man's wristwatch. Ap- could not possibly be conceived 1ply. toexpress the artificial senti- * ment that chokes this play, Cohan's How about a little get together, acting and direction actually fill boys? the piece with integrity. It is the A LETTER- work of a virtuoso but the oppor- Dear Joe: A lifelong ambition tunity to get at a virtuoso's mech- would be realized if I could only anism so clearly and so simply become a Cub for such a justly fa- even in a bad play is a valuable mous and renowned column as one. One would almost wish to ac- Toasted Rolls. Please instruct me quiesce in the before quoted remark as to what steps I should take, why of Heywood Broun's from the pub- I should take them, and how many licity sheet: "Somebody should I should take. create a foundation which would Lovingly, endow all stage aspirants with Cal. tickets for the new Cohan play." liT1. ) T t f r 12naf4 t l W GER& rAH .for MTen c9Sne ,Ke 4g I -p '-Ili1111 1111111Ii1111111[l111l1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 er V~JHEN a man tells you how good he is, you can t help discounting it a little, So it takes courage to say what we're going to. - EFplks tell us, repeatedly, that WXhite Swan does the finest laundry work in Ann Arbor. Maybe it's be- cause of our latest-type equipment. Maybe it's because of the laundry materials we use, like filtered soft wavter and the finest soaps. Maybe it's due to our skilled force of men and women who do the work. The fact remains, however, that from the largest- users of laundry in the county to the smallest family - White Swan's popularity continues to grow. When all- . .. is said and done, there's really no substitute for good, careful work! a9 SL AUND RY C OM PA NY E Cross rom the Majestic Open to 8:00p. andtefiestoaps _Mayeitsdutoursille a , :i Michigan undergraduates -is not prpperly adjusted either socially, There is a bill now in the Canad- intellectually, or academically, is ian Parliament which, if passed, intlletualyoracaemiall, i ;will forbid the exportation of li- shown in the results of extensive quor to the United States. Now if research made by Prof. Robert C. Europe, Asia, and Africa will co- Angell, of the sociology department, operate too, the United States can and explained in his latest book, stop the homebrewing. 'A Study in Undergraduate Ad- o justment." q- Whieh From the sociological standpoint Professor Angell has made a detail- ed examination of a representativeE sample of undergraduates in their every field of interest. He has found that there is a close corre- lation between social adjustment and the number of extra-curricu- lar activities; that fraternities help bring about social adjustment in their members, but that their in- fluence on non-members often causes a definite feeling of infer- iority; that sex plays an important part in undergraduate life; that there is a marked indifference to religion among the students; and that good academic adjustment and a decision relative to a career seem to be correlated, as are schol- arship and adjustment to life. The conclusions Professor Angell draws from his experiments show that but one-third of the men and women composing the undergrad- uate body are well adapted to life, and that slightly less than one- fourth are badly maladjusted, leav- ing the majority in that indefinite, intermediate class of the poorly adjusted. To remedy the obvious defects of an educational system such as Michigan's, Professor Angell sug- gests that loans and scholarships will make for academic adjust- :ment, extra-curricular activities of a cultural and intellectual nature will fill a definite need for self-ex-' pression, and from a social stand- point, the level of interest of fra- ternities and sororities should be+ raised and their attitude toward studies made more favorable. To+ care for and prevent cases of per-: Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to lie brie, confining themselves to less than 300 words of possible. Anonymous coin. municatioys will be disreg;arded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, uponr- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'he Daily. STUDENT DOCILITY. To the Editor: I have noticed with unusual in- terest the letters expressing regret and indignation over Dr. Cabot's discharge. There seems to be a1 movement to eject worthwhile men from the University ever since the Regents forced Dr. Little to resign. This should be deplored. The University of Michigan has long been known for its excellent faculty. It now appears that the University is becoming too small for such men as Dr. Little, Prof. Jack, and Dean Cabot. It makes it difficult for a student to take much pride in his Alma Mater when suchI brilliant men as those cited are ex- cluded from the University. The docility of the student body is surprising since many are not at all reluctant in denouncing the University's attitude towards these men of ability when engaged in discussions on the campus. R. J. Fairbanks, '32. THEY BREAK INTO PRINT. To the Editor: It is perhaps only fair to tell those students who took Psychol- ogy 31 or Psychology 33 in the f all gemester, 1927-28, and who, as part of their experimental work, took, several tests, made out a personall P e 1 . t1ie Boy from Bad Axe). o P.S. Will send in my first contri- MARSHALL BMDWELL bution in the near future; some- A Review. time next fall. **t* Marshall Bidwell confirmed the The above letter arrived in a A. A. G. 0. tradition in presenting highly smelly state, having been a comprehensive selection of num-l Sighl sllyp stae, hing been1 bers ranging from Bach to the libralysprinkled with talcumIormdenPlgr. powder. more odern Palmgrcn. l * * The peculiar accoustical proper- t -AND THE ANSWER. ties of the auditorium offered no Dear Cal: You should direct your I serious difficulties to the artist's steps toward the Huron river until renditions, but enhanced the stac- you reach the bank. Then tie a cato style of the Bach Toccata and heavy weight around your neck and Fugue in D minor. This number take a few more steps-how many was played with much brilliance doesn't matter. and intellectual awareness. An Devotedly, Joe. unfortunate difficulty with the P.S. I'd adore to see your con- stops preceding the Caesar Franck tributions. Choral interfered somewhat with F y 1 an adequate presentatiori of this I promised to report the Penny number, but the organist managed Carnival in this column this morn- to do complete justice to the splen- ing but was unable to get around did climax. to the affair. You may send all The organ transcription of Palm- thank offerings to me, care, The gren's May Night which was more# Daily. than usually successful in main- * * *taining the lyrical character and Headline in Daily Newsh.-wl the harmonic richness of the piano; Headline in The Daily: original was played with an under- MACKIE SPEAKS ON standing for the desired contrast-I SUPPLY OF TIMBER ing effects. Well, there's nothing like having The last number, Toccata of a good platform under you. Gigout, was the proper vehicle toj * demonstrate Mr, Bidwell's remark- I hate to argue with a critic, but able technique. The present ationI Do Most college Students eCollege Humor Magazine Asked 137 College Pen Dealers ~Duofold" / 45 In Your Pocket On YourDesk THE SAME PEN and thesare point - always the one you prefer- h Like 2 Pens for the Price of One Temoving the tapered pen 1-d wrakes it a Pocket Pen; vdlinga taper to Parker's P'ocket Pen makes ita Desk Pen, This exclusive Con. vertible feature saves the price of a second pen. dl5 T ID W$10 i In a recent nation-wide magazine poll of 12 vocational pen markets, Parker was first in 9 out of 12 voca- tions representing 94.72% of the vocational market. In the new census of 137 college pen dealers, 45.11%c/o say Parker is a Pocket Duofold to a Desk Pen, So whether you want a Desk Set at once or later, if you now get the, Convertible Pocket Duofold Pen, all you'll need is a base to complete t be set. A tapered end comes free. You save the price of a second pen. Ill