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March 06, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-06

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Angry Demonstration From
Floor Interrupts Premier's
Second Declaration.
Sme Flexibility May be Given
Naval Policy to Facilitate
Progress at London.
(By Associated Press
PARIS, March 5.-The appear-
ance of the second Tardieu cabinet
before the Chamber of Deputies
'this afternoon with its ministerial
declaration, was the signal for one
of the bitterest parliamentary bat-
tles the chamber has ever wit-
nessed, the session being suspended
at one point.
The premier's declaration was in-
tetUpt d by a tumult from the So-
cialist and Radical benches. The
opposition, smarting under 'its
failure to regain power with the
Chautemps cabfnet, taunted the
deputies of the Left who had ac-
cepted portfolios in the new min-
istry, and drowned the premier's
Tardieu merely sniled at the
demonstration and finished read-.
ing his declaration.
Session Suspended.
When M. Frossard, a Socialist,
and the first interpellator, took the
floor, it was the turn of Tardieu's
supporters to demonstrate, and
Sthey. made so much tumult that
Frossard could not proceed, the
president being obliged to suspend
the session to allow passions to cool!
off before the debate could go on.
In the address on. which the fate
of his new cabinet hangs-and:
with it full resumption of the Naval
Conference at London-the pre-
mier trimmed his sails to the re-
cent adverse winds by enlarging I
ideas for tax reductios. How-..
ever, his program essentially was
the same as that offered. by his
first ministry which was defeated
two weeks ago.
Although the French naval pol-
icy remained the same, it Was un-
derstOod it might be given some
flexibility in order to relieve the
tension at the London conference.
Issues Described.
The paramount issues were de-
scribed in the declaration as the
navaf r eotiatons, execution of
the Young Plan, adoption of social
insurance "on which all parties are
agreed," ratification of various ar-
bitration conventions and world
court matters, adoption of further
political amnesty laws and above
all the speedy passage of the long
delayed budget , '
"Prosperity" is the major con-
cerri, says the' declaratio'n, and
France must "at a moment when a
world crisis in over-production as
shown by the fall of prices of raw
materials, brings inevitable pres-
sure upon French economics,"
stimulate by all suitable means the
nation's iridstry.
To do this, the Tardieu declara-
tion proposes as before a big plan
of "national equipment" the heavy
reduction of taxes that hinder
trade and the revamping of anti-
quated financial methods.
Fisherien on Ice Floe
Reach Shore in Safety
(By Associated Press)
PETOSKEY, Mich., March 5.-
-leven Cross Village fishermen,
members of a party of 17 carried
out into Lake Michigan when the
ice through which they were fish-
ing began to drift, today are ma-
rooned on Crane Island.
Watchers on shore built a large

fire and rang bells to warn the
fishermen of their danger when
an offshore wind carried the ice
out into the lake.
Eleven of the 17 managed to
reach Crane Island by jumping
from cake to cake as the ice began
to break up. The other six were
rescued by Wilbert Belonged; light-
house keeper, and Ben Cetas and
George Kruski, who launched a
boat. Three trips were necessary
to bring the men ashore.
Charles Chaplin Plans
Silent Movie Compary
(By Associated Press)
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 5.-
Tentative plans for the formation
of a new film company to bear his
name for the production of silent
motion pictures were' announced
today by Charles Chaplin. The
company, Chaplin said, would
spend between $5,000,000 and $10,-
000,000 annually on production pro-
grams. It will be known as the
Charles Chaplin Picture Produc-
tions, Inc.
Chln id 'tir 4he crompany would



500 Faculty Menbers to Attend
Open House in Honor of
House Directors.
More than 500 invitations have
been issued to members of the Uni-'
versity faculties to attend the first'
reception and open house to be giv-
en by the Lawyers' club which will
be held Friday night. The affair.
which is to be formal, is in honorl
of Miss Inez Bozorth, the retiring }
director of the Club, and Miss Lilly
Kohl, who is assuming the position'.
made vacant by the resignation of
Miss Bozorth.
Miss Bozorth is leaving the Law- Associated Press Photo
yers' club to become director of the O. H. P. Shelley.
new Mosher-Jordan dormitory for Former national committeeman
women. Miss Kohl comes here from for Montana, has announced him-
Lexington, Ky., where she was a for aa asdanounce him-
member of the home economics self as a candidate for the repub-
faculty at the Kentucky State uni- lican nomination for United Statest
versity. 'Senator from that state.
I For the first time since the Club
has been organized, an opportunity University High School'
will be afforded faculty members'
to inspect the club building. The Graduate Gains Honors
main lounge, the main and private
dining rooms,.and the guest rooms Miss Jean Anderson, who recent-
located above the lounge will be ly graduated from the University
I open to visitors who may be con- High school, has been mentioned as1
ducted through the building. one of the best scholars in her
EMORY UNIVERSITY, GA.- class at Vassar, it was announced
Uniformity in the time registered here today in a letter from the,
by the various campus clocks was 1 president of the college to Dr. H.
subjected to invectives in an edi- Johnston of the University high
torial in "The Emory Wheel." This school.
remedied, it is hoped that the Miss Anderson won the second
much mooted question of the class prize last year in the national com-
starting hour -will be settled once petition on the history and activi-
and for all, ties of the League of Nations.

Institution Is Placed Und e
Armed Guard to.Prevent
Further Outbreaks.
(By Associated Press)
AUBURN, N. Y., March 5.-Ed-
'ward L. Beckwith, Auburn prison
principal keeper, was stabbed to
death today in the mess hall of
the institution by Anthony Mor-
tellito, an inmate, and became the
third in succession in that office
to lose his life at the hands of a
convict. .
Beckwith'. although mortally
wounded, felled the Spaniard be-
fore collapsing. Warden John L.
Hoffman was a witness to the kill-
ing. He stood directly behind the
principal keeper and aided in the
capture of the frenzied attacker.
Guards and state troopers rushed
into the mess hall as word of the
stabbing penetrated throughout
the institution.
The entire prison soon resembled
an armed camp, with every guard
called to duty and the entire detail
of 60 state troopers placed in posi-
tions of control.
Beckwith succeeded George A.
j Durnford, killed in the Auburn riot
of December 11 last.
Beckwith is the third consecutive
principal keeper at the prison to
meet death at the hands of the
convicts. James B. Durnan, Durn-
ford's predecessor, was stabbed to
Ideath about two years ago.


Members of the newly appointed Haitian Commission are shown just before they sailed for the island
republic, while they were waiting at Palm Beach, Fla. Their duty will be to investigate conditions in Haiti,
and report as soon as sufficient data has been compiled. Seated from left to right: Henry P. Fletcher, W.
Cameron Forbes and William Allen White. Standing: James Kerney and Eli Vezina.


Are Attending Clinics
in r rnD r I P T I t Dr. F. B. Vedder, of the dental

Terrifib plosions of dynamite Ur-r H IMLINUfl iLLdschool, is attending a conference
have rent the ultry air within the at Loyola University in Nev Or-
confines relanthesUyirithin p hel this week. He is scheduled to
of the University .power Describes Trip From Dieppe to eak
plant during the past few days as # .sp eak on the program which is pri
pat dringte ast few daysvingRouen, Paris, Marseilles manrily devoted to graduate discus-
exprt blasters have been removing Ii lutae ak in
a huge block of concrete upon, _inIllustrated Talk.i.
which recently rested a 600 K. W. "When we feel' oppressed, when UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-
Corliss generator, a unit of the ! we feel that we need to get away Michigan's auto ban may have its
power plant that was found inad- from the routine of every-day life own extraordinary sides, but other-
equate for furnishing electricity to -then is the time we should trav- i l e ur ies ae compar-
the Campus buildings. , able sources of feature news. Lis-
The Corliss generator, which was l, said Prof M. William McLaugh- ten to this one from the Daily
sold to a Pennsylvania tannery, will lin, of the romance languages de- Illini:
"Five students at the University!
be replaced by Sept. 1930, by a partment, in the third lecture of were fined $12.50 each today by a
2500 K. W. General Electric steam- the Cercle Francais series, given at Justice of the Peace for playing
driven turbo-electric generator, one 4:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon in baseball in the street. The stu-
calculated to fill the present and fu-
ure needs for additional electric oom 231 Angell hall. The talk was dents violated an old public ordi-
power. The new G. E. generator i given in French. mnnce and were given the maxi-
must be installed in the space for- "Some travel for this purpose of m __pnaty
merly occupied by the Corliss ma- getting away from their ordinary
chine.-4 course of life, while others travel
The necessity for increased elec- for an. education," Professor Mc-
trical facilities has resulted from 1 Laughlin continued. "For these,
the increasing drain placed upon i people travel is a most profitable 4
the power plant by University exercise."
buildings now in the process of Professor McLaughlin narrated
construction and which, when com- the course of a trip he took in 1923
pleted, will require additional elec- which led him from Dieppe,
tric service. The new G. E. genera- whrohRle nhParonDieppe,
tor will give the power plant, a total France to Marseilles. He aescrib-
capacity= of 4350 K. W., a supply of France tarsepis He ecrib-
electricity calculated to adequately ed the various points of interest
serve the University for the' net visited on the trip. Speaking of
six or eight years. he Paris, Professor McLaughlin said,
si____r___ghtyear_. "One never wants to leave Paris.
There are so many things to do
COUNTY TO MOVI there, so many places to visit."
JUVENILES' HOME- 'One has to accustom oneself to
the style of cooking in the various
County officials today were faced countries one visits," declared Pro-
with the problem of providing new fessor McLaughlin. He spoke of
accommodations for delinquent the different wines for which the
children as the result of action provinces of Burgundy, Normandy,'
taken by the city council Monday and Provence are so well known.
evening. The aldermen authorized "One must visit the French
the city engineer to take steps to- churches twice to fully appreciate
ward closing the county detention them: once when services are in
home operated by Mr. and Mrs: progress, on Sunday or a holiday;4 t
John Shankland, 514 Catherine St., and once when the church is emp-
on the grounds that its operation ty," said Professor McLaughlin. "It
was a violation of the city zoning is then that the real living person-
Mr. Shankland said today thatIC
no more children would be accept- Golfer Hits Cab Driver
ed for carp. At present there are ,.
no children in the home, Mr. in Argument Over Fare
Shankland said.
The problem of caring for the BROCKTON, Mass., March 5 -
delinquent children of the county "For two cAnts I'd whack you on
has been before the county board of the nose," exclaimed William "Pop"
supervisors several times but no ac- Sweeney, well known local golfer,
tion has been. taken. A report on during an argument with a taxi
the problem was submitted to the driver.
board by Waldo Abbot, supervisor Taking him literally, Leo Hamil-
in 1928, but no action was taken. ton, the cabman, reached into his
Jay G. Pray, judge of probate, pocket, and handed the pennies to
today stated that the problem of Sweeney.
caring for delinquents was up to In court today, Sweeney paid a
the board of supervisors. $15 fine after pleading guilty to an
__assault charge.
Hold Funeral Today Dedicate Arizona Damr'
for aton F. Faust in Speech by Coolidge
Funeral services for Clayton F. y
Faust, 43 years old, furniture CryAssociated Press)
dealer and funeral director, who! COOLIDGE DAM, Ariz., March 5.'
died Tuesday morning, will be held -Collidge Dam, towering tri-h al
in his home, 14099 Lauder avenue, domed barrier of steel and con-
at 2 p. in., Thursday. Burial will be crcte which holds back the turbu-
in Grand Lawn cemetery. lent waters of the Gila River, today
Mr GrFaust was a rother of the stands dedicated as a monument to
Rev. Edgar S. Faust, pastor of the the nation's faith in the most pas-
Grand River Avenue Evangelical tonal of southwestern Indian tribes
Church, and was active in affairs -the Arizona Pimas.
of that church. He had been in The huge structure, dedicated
the furniture and undertaking Tuesday by Calvin Coolidge, in
businesses in Detroit for 15 years. 'whose honor it wa named, will
His father, H. S. Faust, of Caro, provide iigation water first for
Mich., also an undertaker, and the 40,000 acres of land in the Pima In-
son was licensed as an embalmer dian Reservation, and then water
at the age of 16 years, the second for an additional 40,000 acres in the
lyoungest to obtain such a license Florence-Casa Grande valleys of
in the country at that time, the lower Gila.
He leaves his wife, Olive Hahn The dam proper stands at the
Faust; a daughter, Pauline; his head of Box Canyon, in the Apache
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Faust; Reservation, and will form a lake,
a sister, Mrs. 0. C. Blough, of De- when filled, which will bury the
troit, and two brothers, Elroy C., Apache trading post of San Carlos
Sof Urbana, nd., and the Rev. Faust. beneat 125 feet of water.tofthe
i! Standing on the parapet o h

CHICAGO $4.00 ST. LOUIS $8.0
10:30 p. 1n. 9:30 p. m.
Across froin Chamber of Commerce . Phone 950

0 ;
s I
)a-21500 I

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