AGil TWO ': THJE MICHIGAN DAILY TIAMrSDA .Y, MARl kC 6, 1930 DAVSTO CUND IC J CAPTAIN SERGIEVSY TO ATTEMPT t .' NEWs'TRANSPOR'TALTITUDE REC ORD INDBUSTRIAL STUDY 6 . ~.. *. .. . OF CT A TRES ...x . * ;' ' a. r >r"STUDENTSINFA C SPEND MOREirrflll STIME ON STUDIES, ______ III iJLRi IS N-Th r~hstdns. edmr they are taught the geographyr, lit- fEN I F O D Spooks. time on their studies tihani you! erature, history, and the political ___ "Dakend Rom," losng o- do; they d o have so#an economic sYstem~s of France. TOULOUSE, France, March '5. - light at the 'Wuerth, turns one of ' yahei otsS~ o have, Professor Chlamard is at the head On ude rmr naiat ?hiip ibb' rcen boks ntoa and so, findinglittie else to do, they; of the department of French liter-; of Moissac perished, it was feared, 'study," declareci Prof. Henri Ch1a- ature at the Sorbonne. Hie is giv-shrlafemingtw nth riediocre, though passable film,.id, viiigpoesro rnhigtocusshr tteUi Tarn river, swollen, by floods, broke 'With chap prop useditna tw- itorrses hfrom atSothe Uni- Ithrough a dike and'submerged the, lieatfromhenhiscssinrte iffer-i versity: French literature of the town. The disaster, if confirmed, notonious degree throughout the alwe icsho h ifr 17th century at 2 o'clock Monaiday, i s one of the worst flood catas- ' ictuire, and with the plot slashed, ences between AmicridWesdy andFidy i1ro trophies in France during the last ededzadFiai om;o its bare skelcton, the merit of French~ college student { 08Rmac Lnuze bidig( century,. ph prdciniPon ntei- iut do not thlink mrie to cri' icize and Fec otyofte1t et Two quarters. of the city-those dividual performances. the Americans, for I adi ire them ofttoMatinindnSe.1Ctoerne-y Nel Ha i towho can usalwoanwneo opaya d ee-Iuy ie nth a ero t4 w r'l otobliterate'd in'the surge o co tduo ofl h oeo ie"PoesrCaad added o'clock on the same days. On ac- ofmodwae'rn the broken e f _=Profsso I o fl i. ealhy ero iscas, odlythat the average French student count of the great interest that has dike. Residents were caught un- was ot ellsitate fianca~vbeen shown in1 these two courses, enough as a sick-brained spirit- as his American counterpart, and they have been opened to all French awares.coanpserisoehemasthi ualst.Despite the fact that ap- consequently he realized the abso-usudents, whether they are enroll-1 ers, fleeing, were, trapped and pearances are against him. for suchI lute necessity of constant applica- edintemo nt drowned. pat hsi nobel ftiona to his studies, liIer nhslplterst aprtiisudutdyone o r wihidcae hth sa CThe city already was in darkc- his best pieces of ch~aracter per- "Hwe er, econtinued, "I feel HoerHwhch inisthapt he sCete- h >. ertanta-teAeiansuet valier of the Legion d'Honneur, an ness, the rising having de- ostr eais Eey rsayent h ifeaihtesaeptnta-hnracoddbhe Frenchr gov- stroped its electric light facilities opposite, is er usualhtyp as "oldites a h French, so that, uznder er cinment chiefly to men of military and cut its gas mains....Sparse re- but come-hither." The cinema gets I ike circumstances they would do? fame, but also to civilians who have ports received here mentioned the an even C. L. M. M.; equally as well."' distinguished themselves in their futile cries of drowning and trap- Vagabonds and Lewis. I Preferring to speak in his native particular fields of endeavor. ped residents. Opening tonight in Detroit at a 'French, Professor Cha'mard reveal- ' gala, gala, premiere is Dennisa ed the fact that there are many King's all-technicolor "Vagabond Aivrlican students who come to the _ King" at the Paramount. This Sorbonne to study. "Smith college 1 promises to be one of the outstand- {,sends over 40 girls each year to Mfe ing productions of the season and 4 study with us," he declared, char- likewise the first production of acterizing the students as "tres note fromi Paramount since "The gentil." Numerous other American SLady Lies." colleges send students to the French_______________________ Friday brings Ted Lewis, self- university to acquire the French OLEIEPEotntikta styled "high-hatted tragedian ofI culture. ODR1;EOPLEotntikta jazz," and his band in person to Professor Chatnard said that the+ college life is one of easy, lolling Detroit's Michigan as the stage at- Sorbonne offers a special course forarudYoknwbte.Yukw "traction. foreigners in the various aspects of that the tay grind of classes 'and French -civilization. In this coursethsea ---__----_-____--__-_-_--_- outside activities takes every ounce ITwo Faculty Members Tetrs Au ~. Ij of energy you have. 1l to Leave for lveeting i l etroit TTehmettrpesr radyto. Keep fit if you expect to epi Prof. Arthur E. Wood and Mrs. eat cereals served in the up! Kellogg's ALL-BRAN will pre- Alie W Rmer o th scioog CA S HEA ERdining-rooms of American vent constipation, the cause of most department, will go to Cleveland, W. P. Tanner Presen~ts colleges, eating clubs and ill health. Two tablespoonfuls eaten SMarch 7 and 8 to attend a meet- ifaente r aeb ing under the joint auspices of the ' HE ROAL59IN Kellogg in Biattle Creek. every day will keep you strictly re'g- "E OYL 1P INThey include Kellogg's ular. It's guaranteed. ALL-BRA'N Cleveland Associated Charities and Nights 50e to $2.50l Corn Flakes,'Pe'p Bran Western Reserve University. Sat. Mar.: 50c to $'2 00 Flakes, Rice Krlspies,Wheat is a pure, wholesome cereal, delicious J -_ Popular Mat. Wed.: 50c to $1.50 Krumbles and Kellogg's with milk or cream, mixed with other -. I ShreddledWhole',Wheat Bis- .. r ..___ 01 cl A s~oCUtcd P.T hO8 Ota Capt. Boris Sergievsky seated in the giant two-motoreat seaplane in 3which he will try for the world's altitude record for transport seaplanes' carrying a useful load of 2,000 kilograms, or about 4,409.24 pounds. The attempt will be made from New York harbor. Drivr Splls lassivo Union Teamhs Play in Street; Pays Fine inSm-ialtoih Player~s on the two basketball Because he failed to pick up a, teams who will play in the semi- pile of bottles that spilled from his finals of the Union underclass de- truck on Packard street, and be- partment's freshman tournament caus he ad o chuffur'sli-will meet in the Intramural build- caus hehad o cauffur' liing at 7 o'clock tonight. All men cease with him, I-I. J. Gully, North must present health cards in order Main street, was given the alter- to play. natives of paying fines and costs The teams under the direction of totalling $44.10 or of spending the :)Duane Baldwin, '32, and Robert next 30 days In the county jail . H'? 1 Murphy, '31, will compete in to- paid. night's round. 11 SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 EUROPE $365 SIX COUNTRIES- PASSION PLAY One of 250 College Travel Tours 'Nearly 4,000, members in 1929 Ist Class Hotels More Motor Travel. Get the Book from 13. G. KUEBLER 601 East Huron Street Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 6412 TY PWRITING .ate and %U MEO RAPING A specialty for twenty years. SPromipt service.. Experien~ced op- erators.. Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 suit. Also Kaffee Hag Cof- fee -the coffee that lets you sleep. " Q L BRAN E N f f3awrr i I : ~Iz 4A rt , ; . , KING VIDOR'S Sensational and Daring Romance! OF NEGRO LIFE __k e'unday Morning LOVE" ~ODY YLD All T.alking Comedy A Song Cartoon Kinogra msq Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only r r SThe all-talking laugh sensation of the year U Three-%-Live Frm heGho-&sts Fromih stage play of the same name I L ' MARCH4 17-24 MAIL ORDERS NOW i I'tat-eteet" A CAMPUS MUSICAL COMEDY Tickets $1.50 to $2.50 Send Stamped Self-Addressed Envelove to Jane Yearnd, 'Betsy 'Barbour House, Ann Arbor. Michigan. Coming-Cecil B. Deeille's "Dynamite" I I. f,: