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March 06, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-06

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Councilmen Appointed to Take
Charge of All Events on
Spring Calendar.
Cap Night and Senior Activities
Are Set for Week Later
Than Last Year.
-Dates for the several spring ac-
tivities traditional to the Universi-
ty student life were set last night
by the Student council. The sched-
ule, which ranges from May 2 to
20, was arranged as conveniently
and as appropriately in relation to
other events as is possible.
The various activities deal with
the functions of the graduating
classes, the annual spring under-
class games, cap night and the an-
nual all-campus elections. Council-
men were appointed by Ernest C.
Reif, '30, president, to conduct those
events which come under the jur-
isdiction of the student governing
Games Committee Appointed.
.The first function on the spring
calendar will be the spring games,
May 2 and 3. This event, the se-
and struggle this year between the
freshmen and sophomores, will con-
sist of tugs-of-war across the Hur-
6xi river Friday afternoon and field
events Saturday morning. It will
beconducted by President Reif
Richard Cole, "30, and Jerrold Cur-
ry, '31, with the assistance of "M"
club men.
The following Friday night, May
9,' will be the occasion for Cap
night, which was set for the eve
of the Fathers and Sons banquet to
be held by the Union. Jennings
MacBride, '30, and Matthew Had-
don, '31E, will be in charge for the
Seniors Begin May 4.
Thze senior iass activities will bp-
gin with Cane day, Sunday, May 4,
with Donald Kline, '30, in charge,
Swing-Out will be held Tuesday,
May 13. George C. Tilley, '30, will
make arrangements for this event,
according to the council appoint-
ments. The Swing-Out ceremony
was set the same week as the May
Festival, a traditional arrange-
The all-campus election will be
held Tuesday, May 20, with regis-
tration days tentatively planned
for the preceding week. Council--
man Cole will be in charge.
Several of the activities were
scheduled a week later than last
year since the whole University
calendar is similarly retarded and
final examinations will not begin
until a week later than a year ago.

Invitations for Sigma Delta Chi's
annual Gridiron banquet to be
held in the ballroom of the Union
April 9, will be mailed to 350 of
the more prominent faculty and
student members of the University,I
and to a number of Ann Arbor
residents, it was decided yesterday
at a meeting of the committee
chairmen who are making plans
for the event.
Bids for the University's annual
razz feast, at which the famous
1 are given an opportunity to see,
1themselves as others see them, will
thus be issued to only a select
group of the local elite, it was an-I
nounced by Edward L. Warner, '30,
sports editor of The Daily, who isI
general chairman of this year's
gridiron banquet. It is expected
that the tickets will be sold rapidly
to all to whom invitations are is-l
sued, as has been the case in past
Announcement of a change in
the date set for the event was
made yesterday by Charles S. Mon-
roe, '30, president of Sigma Delta
Chi, natnonal professional Journal-



istic fraternity.
iginally set for

The date was or-
April 8, because

Collection Planned by Officers'
of Literary and Engineering
College Organizations.
Tables for collection of senior
dues in the literary college will be
located today in University hall as
well as in the! lobby of Angell hall,
it is announced by Robert C. Chap-
man, '30, class president. The
added tables have been installed
to facilitate rapid receiving of dues
by members of the senior finance,
auditing, and, memorial commit-
tees, wh6 e"A i" S-&are-at the
During the first two days of the
senior dues campaign, a relatively
large percent of the class funds1
have been collected, it was an-
All seniors in the literary school;
who are also enrolled as freshmen
in one of the professional schools
are expected, in accordance with
special arrangements made be-
tween the various classes con-
cerned, to pay their senior dues in
the literary ,college, says Stanton
W. Todd, Jr., '30, class president.
Without the ticket-stub from the
paid dues receipt, no senior will be
admitted to any of the class func-
tions this spring.
All seniors in the engineering
college are requested to pay their
class dues immediately, if they
wish to take part in the class ac-
tivities prior to graduation, Philip
B. Allen, '30E, class treasurer, an-
nounced today. No senior may
purchase his cane until his dues
have been paid.
Lists containing the names of all
senior engineers have been posted
on bulletin boards in the east ad
west engineering buildings. The
payments may be made to Philip B.
Allen, '30E, in room. 301 west En-
gineering building at any time to-
Bucky Harris Sees
Rensa, Steinecke #
as Best of Hurlers
(By Associated Press)
TAMPA, Fla., Mar. 5 - Manager
Bucky Harris of the Detroit Tigers
believes 'that George Rensa, who
was with Toronto in 1929, and Bill
Steinecke, who came up from Seat-
tle, are the best two young catch-
ers-he has ever seen.
He said so today after revealing
that he has given a considerable
part of his attention to the activi-
ties of these two young men who
have been in training here for ten
The Tigers need catchers as bad-
ly as pitchers and the solution of
the latter rnblem. which annears

it was believed that the Union ball-
room could not be secured for the
evening of April 9, which is the
last Wednesday that the University
will be in session before the Spring
vacation, the day on which the an-
nual function is traditionally held
Later arrangements. however
made it possibe to hold the Grid
iron banquet on the latter date,
and that time was chosen.
Speaking of the plans discussed
at the secret session of committee
Schairmen yesterday Warner declar-
ed that he felt extremely optimist-
ic in regard to the success of this
year's banquet. Several features,
he said, were being planned to
make this year's razz fest surpass
any given in recent years.
SIn an attempt to emulate the an-
nual banguet given in Washington,
D. C., by the national Press club, a
number of short skits are being ar-
ranged for presentation at the ban-
quet. Gurney Williams, '31, and
Paul Showers, '31, are in charge of
the writing and production of these
skits. A number of brief comedies,
portraying in cryptic vein charac-
teristic aspects of campus life, are'
being written. They will be acted
by members of Sigma Delta Chi
assisted by talent from the Play
Production classes and other Uni-~
versity dramatic organizations.
Invitations have already been
sent to a number of nationally
known men, says Lawrence R.
Klein, '30, chairman of the com-
mittee on invitations. Among the
celebrities who may be here for
speakers are Westbrook Pegler,
sports' writer of the Chicago
Tribune staff, and Eddie Bachelor,
humor writer.
Guaranty Result of Conference!
WithSecretary Davis Over
Employment Problem.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 5.-Early1
consideration of labor legislation
was promised today by Senate
leaders after conferences with Sec-
retary Davis over the unemploy-
ment situation.
The Secretary was optimistic,
over the outlook and expressed the
opinion that early passage of the'
tariff bill, and of the public build-
ing expansion measure would tend.
with other programs now in effect,
to relieve conditions completely by.
early summer.
Senator Watson of Indiana, the
Republican leader, who talked with
Davis at the Capital, said the $230.-
000,000 public building bill would
get early attention after passage
of the tariff measure, which is now
near the end of its course through
the Senate.
Senator Wagner, Democrat, Newj
York, who also was visited by thel
labor Secretary, will go before thel
commerce committee tomorrow to(
urge approval of his bill to set up
employment agencies in co-opera-
tion with the states and to provide
for an advance program of employ-
Commenting on the latter bill of
Wagner's, Secretary Davis suggest-
ed in a letter to Chairman Johnson
of the Senate commerce commit-
tee, that Congress place an emer-
gency public building fund in the
hands of the President to be used
at his discretion.

Phidelah Rice, the celebrated
monactor, will appear here again
on March 11 as the seventh speak-
er on the Oratorical association'
program. His appearance last year'
met with such marked success that
Henry Moser of the speech depart-'
ment, business manager of the as-
sociation, arranged for Mr. Rice's
return this season.
"The younger Generation" is the
title of the play to be enacted sole-
ly by Mr. Rice, without the aid of
scenery or costumes.4
Gargoyles to Remain
on Sale Another Day

LONDON, Mar. 5-New hope for onstartions. In Checko-Slovakia,
the cause of disarmament, at a two Communist newspapers were
time when criticism of the London suppressed and no meetings will be
naval conference is growing because permitted. Police of Prussia and
of delays, was contained in a sur- Esthonia are on the alert for dis-
prise statement issued by Col. Hen- Athens reported that Communistl
ry L. Stimson tonight. proclamations request workmen to
The informal statement by 'the creat disturbances and demand a
head of the American delegation labor form of government. Stock-
declared that not only naval limi- holm police have forbidden street
tation, but a reduction of at least demonstrations, but have issued
200,000 tons in the United States permits for three open air meet-
fleet, and an even greater cut in the ings.
Britishcut could be achieved at the St. Louis was warned that "a
London conference. demonstration St. Louis would re-
The statement, issued in response member" would eventuate. Police
to many appeals from the United expected no trouble but were on the
States as to what the conference is watch.
doing, follows: "There seems to be Western States mining districts
an impression that the work of the planned no special precautions. Re-
American delegation at this con- I presentative Hamilton Fish of New
ference is likely to result in an in- York yesterday introduced a bill
crease instead of a reduction in in Congress calling for an investi-
tonnage of the navies of the world." gation by the House, of Cormmunist
Plan Appears Acceptabi. ~party activities in the United
"The surest way to answer that States.
is to give such results as seem to be
within reach up to date. A plan s
which in its essentials appears to
be acceptable to America and Great
Britain provides for a net reduction
in tonnage of the American fleet in
capital ships, cruisers, destroyers, IIIff I h II4UU
and submarines, built, building or l
appropriated for, of over 200,000-
tons and an even larger reduction Standard Oil Attorney Quizzed!
on the part of the British fleet.," sI
"If vessels authorized but not by Senate Committee Anent
commended were included in ex-, Oil Le islation.
isting fleets, the amount of reduc- -_
tion would be much greater. Of SPROUL GIVES EVIDENCE
course, these reductions are con-UE
tingent upon sqme reduction being
made in the fleets of other powers." (By Associated Press)
Statement Is Unexpected. WASHINGTON, March 5.-Deny-
The Stimson statement came un- ing that he had lobbied against
expectedly at the close of a day of an oil tariff for the Standard Oil
meetings and conferences from Company of New Jersey, Philip T.
which came only the same reports Campbell, former representative
of uncertain progress that have from Kansas, told the Senate lobbyj
featured proceedings since the committee today that he had re-
French political crisis arose. ceived no instructions from this
Mr. Stimson retired to Stanmore company in regard to the proposed
with a bad cold yesterday, but he !duty.
busied himself in planning a Campbell, now an attorney for
statement which would reassure the Standard Oil company, was
that part of the American public summoned after a letter written
which is becoming fearful of the by Representative Sproul, Republi-
results of the London meeting. can, Kansas, had been placed in
This morning Mr. Stimson has- the lobby ee recor. iTh
tily called the American delegation ieterobb wcomittetoe reco rnk
into session and outlined his plans;'1eten write AmWrtFanin,
This afternoon with Senator Reed, jresident of the American s'de-
hie visited Prime Minister MacDon- peiident Petroleum Producers' As-
aid and worked it over during an sociation, contained a statement
hour of conversation. that Campbell was "one of the lob-
byists for the oil company."
- Questioned about the letter,
Ticket Sale Opens Campbell told the committee he
thought it was "only fair to me to
for Next Offering say that Mr. Sproul is running for
the Senate and he thinks I am run-
o MimesPayerning for the Senate."
He explained that Sproul was


Possible Reduction of at Least
200,000 Tons Is Expected
According to Report.
Communication Sent in Answer
to Many Appeals From
United States.
By Frank H. King
(A. P. Staff Writer)

Prof. Hugh Cabot
Of the surgery department of the
Medical school, who has announced
that he will join the staff of the
Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn.,
and leave the University at the end
of the present semester.
J. W. Matthews Will Addressl
All-Campus Forum at Four
O'clock Today.

Police in Readiness
to Quell Expected
Communist Rioting
(By Associated iPres~s)
NEW YORK. March 5. - Police
of principal cities throughout the
world today were prepared to quell
any distrubance which Communist
adherents might plan in response
to a call for "(demonstrations" is-
sued by the Trade Union Inter-
nationale at Moscow.
New York and Philadelphia will
allow meetings if orderly. Chicago
has ordered "no parade." This is
because the police commissioner
had been told "that paraders have
been asked to arm themselves with
knives and blackpacks to attack
the police."
Berlin, Paris, Riga, and Prague
have forbidden Communistic dem-


Research, Operating, Will Take
Most of Doctor's Time as
Mayo Consultant. i
Acceptance of Position Marks
Severance of Surgeon's
Connections Here.
Dr. Hugh Cabot, professor of sur-
gery and former dean of the Medi-
cal school, who will leave about
June 1 to become the third member
of the consultant group in surgery
at the Mayo clinic in Rochester,
Minn., last night defined his duties
as consisting in a great deal of
actual operating, some teaching of
graduate students and in continu-
ing the research problems with
which he has been occupied during
the past few years.
Intricate Work Involved.
The former dean, who was with-
drawn from his capacity as head
of the Medical school Feb. 8 follow-
ing an altercation over administra-
tive matters between himself and
the medical faculty, will join with
Drs. Charles and Will Mayo, the
present senior surgeons at the clin-
ics, to form a consulting board
which will have what Dr. Cabot
termed a "floating" supervision
over the surgical affairs of the
This is not to mean a complete
curtailment of actual operating
duties, Dr. Cabot further stated,



"The Student and World Peace" but will require, on the contrary,
"l be the subject discussed by J. that the three chief surgeons per-
N4. 7tathews, noted author, in the form the more unique and intricate
first cf a series of All-Campus for- operations.
trns at f o'clock this afternoon in Dr. Cabot will continue at the
Room D, ,\lumni Memorial Hall. University in his present teaching
Mr. Matthews, who was chair- capacity until the expiration of the
m'nan of the World Youth Peace semester's duties.
Congress in Holland in 1928, has Final Severance.
traveled widely in the Orient, the The acceptance of this new post
Near East, and Europe. In addi- marks the severance of Dr. Cabot's
tion to bcing secretary for .the Fel-1 last connection with Michigan. His
lowship of Reconciliation, he has removal as dean of the Medical
won renown as being the author of school and head of the department
several outstanding books on of surgery came as a climax to a
Christianity. His best known works series of difficulties which he had
are, "Christianity the Way," encountered in administering the
« YuthLoos a WoldPeace," and aff airs of the Medical school.
Youth Looks at World PaDr. Cabot, who was educated at
"Conflict or Co-operation." He has Harvard, came to Michigan in 1.919
also written several volumes in the just after his discharge from the
Malay language. British Army Medical corps which
Following a short introductory unit he had served with distinction
presentation of the subject, Mr. since 1916.
Matthews will call for response in
Sthe form of questions from theau- VETERANS Ta-GET
dience. It is expected that he will)V T R NST E
point- out the important part play- JOBS IN DETROIT
ed by the college student in the de-
termining of world peace. Discharge of Aliens Opens
As was the case last semester, Places o Ex-Soldiers.
the present series of forums will be'
in the nature of informal discus-
sions. The suggestions for the sub- ET ,(By As ociaCy Press)
jects to be discussed have come DETROIT, Mar. 5-The City of
from the student body. Through Detroit will turn to her needy
the medium of questionaires and WrdWrvtrn ofl h
as near a direct probing of the places on public payrolls vacated
student mind as possible, the For- I by 1,689 aliens whom the council
um committee of the Student ordered discharged.
Christian associatim , arrived at This program was given the ap-
representative selection of perti- proval today of both the council
nent topics and Mayor Charles Bowles. But
In view of the wide-spread inter- the method by which the veterans
est being manifested on the subject are to apply and be selected was
of world peace, considerable dis- not determined.
cussion is expected for tomorrow's . There are many veterans who are
forum. in dire need, Col. Joel D. Moore,
Although the meeting is scled- chairman of the Joint Veterans In-
uled for Room D, Alumni Memorial dustrial committee, told the Mayor
Hall, it may be moved to West Gal- as a spokesman for a group of vet-
lery. Brans who called at the City Hall



Dies of

Stimson's Secretary
Injuries Received.

(By Associaed Press)
LONDON, March 5.--Mrs Pearl
Demaret, stenographer to Secre-
tary of State Stimson died in St.
George's Hospital early this morn-
ing from injuries suffered from a
fall from a sixth floor window of
the. Mayfair flotel1.
Mrs. Demaret shared a hotel suite
With Mrs. Hurley Fisk of the di-
vision of current information. Mrs.
Fisk said she was in the bathroom
of the suite when Mrs. Demaret
fell. Authorities who examined the
room pronounced the fall acciden-
tal as marks on the window sill
indicated that the unfortunate wo-
man had clutched it in trying to
save herself..
All arrangements had been made
,for Mrs. Demaret's sailing, her bag-
gage had been passed and the
flowers she had been examining
when she fell came from Mrs. Stim-
son as a parting gift.
Professors Nominated
for Fund Association
Professor Paul A. Leidy of the
Law School and Professor J. Raw-
leigh Nelson, professor of English
in the Engineering college, were
among ten citizens of Ann Arbor
nominated for membership on the
board of directors of the Ann Ar-
bor Community Fund association,
it is announced by fund officials.



Seats sale for ".The Bride," by
Oliver and Middleton, Mimes next
piece, is continuing at the box of-
fice of the Mimes theatre. The show
is to run for six nights starting
next Monday night.
Tickets for thiAs mystery play,
which is replete with thrills, cor-
edy, laughter, and pathos, are
priced at 75 cents for the main
floor seats and 50 cents for the
Construction of the set for this
(vehicle is under the direction of
Fred Rebman, Mimes master car-
Roy Hoycr, who outlined and
taught the dance routines for
"Merrie-Go-Round," the 1929 and
last production of the Union Opera,
is assisting E. Mortimer Shuter, di-
rector of Mimes activities, in the
direction of this play.
Wisconsin to Rescind
Rockefeller Gift Ban l
(fy Associated Press)
MADISON, Wis., Mar. 5.-A reso-
lution adopted in 1925 barring giftsI
from the General Education Board, I
a Rockefeller Institution to the
University of Wisconsin was re-
scinded by the Board of Regents

running against Senator Allen, Re-!
publican incumbent.
"For lack of clearness or an un-
derstanding of what is going on,"
Campbell added, "he thinks I am
ranning for Senator and that is
the reason he referred to me as a
lobbyist for the Standard Oil com-
pany. That is the only possible ex-

Condition of Taft


cure he could have had for making SID 1UlI
that statement because there is ab- ~ >
soiutcly nothing in the statement I Pyscias R port
he makes." (13Y \--ocia~ited res)
rWASHINGTON, Mar, 5- H-is life
'Maroons Down illini despaired of twice within the last
in Fnal amemonth by attending physicians,
35 - 22 i Fia G me1William~ Howard 'sTaft continued to-
I : day to reslst c o cteray-
(By .Associated Pre-s) ages of disease.
CICAGO), Mar. 5.--Chicago's p r. Francis R. l'lagner° and Thom-,
battered basketball team arose to as A. Claytor said their 72 year old
its best form of the season and de- paitient had shown further im-
feated Illinois, 35 to 22, in a West- povmnt during the last 2'4 hours.
ern Conference contest. The con- y More rest and reat <er ability to
test was Illinois' final of the season. t,.to H ourshment bha., brought the
former Chia' Justice back ternpor-
O rW ahr an arily, at lea, imoi the critical
.I t tors said death -,r- },1be amatter
- - of hours. He till li(jangerously
~ \~~ - ~ill; however..
-- ! Vh-ile a fundamentally powerful
- heart has permnitted him, to fight
'off 'a comwlication of diseases, fear
is held tro e that.mightsud-
dhnl sbreakhlown the resistance of

this afternoon. He reviewed some
of the conditions which came be-
fore the public here during the last
ten dlays in a flood of letters to a
newpaper which had featured the
case of a combat regiment runner
whp was out of a job and desti-
The council this morning had
voted to give veterans who have
families to support preference, and
had directed that they register with
the public welfare department.
Counts to Speak Here
on Education Problems
Lecturing on the topic "Educa-
tion and Social Planning in Soviet
Russia," Prof. George F. Counts, of
the International Institute of
Teachers College, Columbia Univer-
sity, will appear here to address the
graduate students of education at
aluncheon to be held Saturday,
I March 8, at 1:15 o'clock in the Wo-
I en's League building.
ProfessoruCounts has written
several books upon the subject of
education and sociology. He has


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