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March 05, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-05

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Boar~d ini
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to. the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mall,
offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman ......... George C. Tilley
City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor......... Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ........... Marjorie Folimer
Telegraph Editor........Cassam A. Wilson;
Music and Drama......William J. Gorman
Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night $ditor-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams

mands of the French delegates
their indefinite suspension of the
conference's agenda because of
petty particularism in the Chamber
of Deputies, and we can excuse a
little exasperation seeping through
the diplomatic reserve of our dele-
gates. The Hoover administration,
too, needs some sort of a diplo-
matic victory for campaign mate-
rial this fall. If France forces the
other four powers to accept her
cruiser demands, the United States
will have to spend a billion dollars
to restore parity-an eventuality,
which can hardly be heralded asj
part of an economy program, or as
an achievement of American diplo-


Music And Drama



Following my offer of stamps for
contributions-see Sunday's Daily,
back issues five cents-I've been
flooded with contributions. It now
looks as though I'll be buying1
stamps sooner than I expected.
Which all goes to show that you
can't get anything for nothing.
S* * *
However, let 'em come. It's a
great relief to come down to the
office and open letters that don't
contain bills.
Two of today's letters offer sug-
gestions regarding the protection
of the Library seal, and while both
are good I doubt that the Student
council will approve of them.
* * *
Dear Joe: Wouldn't burying all
our dead and dying traditions un-
der the Library seal help your com-

BertramaAskwith ster May x
Helen Barc Margaret MixY
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol E
Mari L. Behymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein Hugh Pierce
S. Bech Cnger Victor Rabinowitz
S.Bec Cner Johin D. Reindel 1
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cad well Swansoa
Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer
Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
mnily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Groverman Robert Townsend
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
J. Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Jean Levy . G., Lionel Willens
Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
Dlorothy Magee Vivian Zimit
Bruce J. Manley
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.............T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising.......... Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising............. Sherwood A. Upton
Service..................George A. Spater
Circulation............... .J. Vernor Davis
Accounts....................John R. Rose
Publications...........George R. Hamilton
BRusiness Secretary--Mary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
James E. Cartwright Lawreice Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
J ames Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
orris Johnson lobert Williamson
Charles Kline W ill iain R. Worboy
Dorothy Bloomgardner dice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite
IBernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman

More automobiles mean ad in-
creasing number of accidents, and
every accident means a financial
loss to some one. Eleven states,
recognizing the menace of th e
driver who is not covered by insur-
ance or who is financially irrespon-
sible, have taken steps to abolish
this evil with the result that many
new laws, and amendments to old
ones, have resulted in complete
protection both for those who op-
erate motor cars and thlose who
may be struck by them..
In Connecticut, Pennsylvania,
New York, Iowa, California,
Rhode Island and Vermont, any
driver who is held at least partly
responsible for any accident is re-
quired to give proof of his ability
to pay for future accidents before
he is permitted to drive again. In1
Maine, where this law has been in
force for some time, the hit-and-
run drivers and those who fail to
render assistance or give informa-
tion following an accident are con-
sidered as guilty and responsible as
the careless driver.
In New Hampshire and New Jer-
sey drivers responsible for acci-
dents must file security to the
$5,000 and $10,000 limits for any
judgment that may be rendered
against them by a trial court, and
reckless drivers in North Dakota
must give a personal or surety bond
of $2,000.
These laws, while differing
slightly in their application, all aim
to lessen the danger presented by
the slipshod driver, and a wider
1adoption of this type of preventa-
tive medicine would do more good
than a ton of traffic lights. When
will Michigan join the parade?
, * *

Bonjour. N
It sure would, Bonjour. By doing
that the seal would be raised so
high off the floor that NOBODY
could step .on it.
Dear Joe: All that the Library
seal needs is a good soaping. A
glass of water and a cake of soap
would immediately stop all care-
lessness. Each student treading on
the seal would make two connec-
tions, the second harder than the
first, and in a different place. Af-
ter a few experiences the rumor
would go about ,and perhaps even
the use of the front door would be
Seth Johns.
* * "
And J. C. X. called the campaign
"an:cie'nt history." Ngggyaaaaaa!
Note to Seth: Are you Oscar, or
* ,
Dear Joe: Too bad you were all
sewed up and couldn't attend the
K-Hop-otherwiseknown as the
Kop-Hop-otherwise known as the
Policemen's Brawl, Ball - No, I
guess I mean Brawl. That WAS a
party. It shaded the J-Hop, and
the Intramural building and Uni-
versity rules were thrown into the

Reviewed by Frank E. Cooper.
Showmanship, that elusive qual-
ty which distinguishes the good
rom the mediocre in so many
inds of public performance, was
learly manifested last night in an
nternational Night program which
ar excelled any similar program
resented on the campus stage in
everal years.
It has often been remarked that
nternational night programs of-
ered an opportunity for a good
howman to build up a speedy, col-
rful review that would rival, as a
neans of eye-and-ear entertain-
nent, any of the colorful extrava-
Janzas characteristic of the long
ine of Union operas. Last night,
he program was in charge of two
lirectors, Chester Bennett and
William Palmer, who appreciated
the possibilities of their material
and realized what sort of vehicle
was best fitted to display to ad-
vantage the talents of the foreign
As a result, instead of the al-
most- bare stage and the Act I-
Lights out-Act II routine which
was characteristic of earlier Inter-
tional Night performances, a sin-
gle massive stage setting, livened
by the constant presence on the
stage of more than 50 costuned
artists, formed a continuous setting
for the acts, which followed one
another in rapid and easy sequence.
The problem of handling the
transitions from one act to the
next-the concern most intimate to
the successful presentation of the
program as a quasi-unified page-
ant-was treated by slap-dash
methods. Although necessitated by
the massive nature of the under-
taking, this treatment was a trifle
too crude.
The transitions were handled by
means of the incidental actions on
the stage of a group of performers
supposed to be inhabitants of the
mythical city of Eldorado, where
the talent of the world had gather-
ed f-or a contest in entertainment.
The milling about the stage of these
actors, who strolled the Eldoradc
streets between acts of the show
served as a too effective means o
bridging the gap between acts. Ir
fact, the mob-scene techniqu
tended to "rob the show," at times
when over - ambitious amateur
stole from the back-ground to th
fore-STge and performed suppos-
edly incidental antics which dis
tracted the attention of the audi.
ence from the main numbe whic
was at the moment being present
In addition, the crudity of th
mob-scene treatment was enhance
by the circumstance that the ac
tors had not been sufficiently re
hearsed, and sometimes wandere
the stage streets to long befor
giving way to the next act sched
uled on the program.
But after all, the treatment ha
the undubitable merit of bridgin
the way swiftly between the varie
acts. And the acts themselve
were in general well performed an
pleasing to the audience. Fror
the standpoint of the vaudevil
impressario as well as of the tire
business man, the numbers wer
well selected. Trained voices, wel]
drilled dance choruses, and musi
cians with long stage experienc
were presented in a series of swif
light, tuneful, and colorful nu
bers which were really very muc
like modern American vaudeville.
The element of involved, hard
to-understand, overly subtle higL
, brow effects, so often a mark o

amateur performances, was absen
Instead, there was a profession2
skill, and a spontaneity of suc
proportions that the entire aud
ence clapped time to some of tlh
dance numbers.
The Hillel Players, recently of
ganized dramatic group, are mal
ing their campus debut Frida
I night an important affair by the
choice of "Caponsacchi," Arthu
Goodrich's dramatization of Browr
ing's Ring and the Book, whic
proved so successful a vehicle fc:
Walter Hampden in New York.
As far as availability for the ave
vrage theatre audience, Arezzo
seventeenth century story is burie
quite as completely in Browning
poem as it was in the town record
Goodrich has realized all its goc
sound melodrama of the old Bow
ery tradition and has subtly allow
t ed bits of Browning's blank vers
and Browning's romantic conce
tion of love to sanctify the melc
drama and push it up into accer
talble realms.
The story is of Pompilia's murde

Want Ads Pay
then np andat 'em.'
MOKING a pipe is like flying
S an airplane-you really ought
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Pipe technique can be picked up
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Rule One for Pipe-smoking is
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Rule One stops some beginners.
They look here. They search
there. They hunt ... we must
discard false modesty! Rule One
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SRule Two is . . but would you
leam all the secrets of pipe tech-
nique? Then let us send you our
Rules for Pipe-smoking-and a
free-for-nothing trial packet of
genuine old Edgeworth, the
tobacco made for pipes. Think of
it-rules and Edgeworth, the how
and the what of pipe-smoking, all
for your 2¢ stamp and that coupon
there below.
Edgeworth is a careful
blend of good tobaccos
r --selected especially for
pipe-smoking. Its quality
L t and flavor never changei.
Buy Edgeworth any-
pw where in two forms-
"Ready Rubbed and
"Plug Slice"--250 pock-
et package to pound hu-
midor tin.

THURSDAY Admission at
MARCH 6 the Door 50 Cents
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Auditorium 8 p. m. Hillel Foundation
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'irv virEd eworth. And I'll try

A famous doctor declares that
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ble is it isn't always contagious.
* * * '

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it in a good pipe.
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Now let the Edeworth comet V «
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The sad part about prohibition discard. Rumor has i
debate is that it never gets to play O'Brien's boys raida
in the finals. legger's bottle shop
, * * they are quite likely
Something to worry about: It is y use of the stadium f
predicted that half of the' United Lawenye
hi-~ i b h osLawrence1

t that if Tom
another boot-
this month,
to obtain the
r Police Field
the Lawyer.

While the diplomats at the Lon-
don naval conference are twiddlingl
their thumbs until France!
straightens out her cabinet, those
back home have an opportunity to
analyze the situation which has
developed without the issues' being;
obscured by a flood of official
statements and press propaganda.
Our analysis leads us to the con-
clusion that as yet the conferencej
has not been a credit to itself, and
especially that the role played by
the French has not been a credit to #
France. It is, of course, too early
to place a final jud ment on this
attempt of MacDonald's to justify i
himself politically, but it can bef
safely stated that unless France
returns to the council table in a;
more cooperative spirit little of1
value will be accomplished.

1936. A2=
9. Thanks,Lawrence, but for hea-
ven's s? ke don't advocate a Rolls
iLnely Lovers' bureau, hinted in
Camp s O non yr-P. S. I don't want to get mix-
Cnmpibutrs do i iup with any lonely wimmin.
confinin I3toess tMheres' only one thing worse and I
'. aible. Anoenymo~us.. Oa
muic il L ntr( l a'nh' think what it is.
names of cominimicants will, however, *
be regarded as confidential, upon re
uest. aet epublishe shmilnt Tonight the Penny Carnival will
constrncd as expressine thle .itnrisl
pinion of The waily. - get under way, and from what I
...- .-- - glean from the advance notices it's
ANTI-ROWDYISM. going to be an extremely interest-
The National Inter-Fraternity ing affair. Among other things
Conference held at New York City the different booths are offering
in November, unanimously passed a "A Trip Around the World," "House
resolution against hell-week; yet at of Mystery," 'Hit or Miss," and "Pi-
the present time with hell-week rate Ship."
half over, a certain fraternity on * * *
the campus, has one initiate in the In case those don't interest you,
hospital and the other in jail. Ev- three other booths will offer "Bath-
ery year brings injuries of some ing Girls," "The, College Girls' Dan-
sort, and every once in a while a ger Line," and "Paris Step-ins." If
fatality will occur. This Rowdy- none of those interest you you
ism must stop. Not only do these might as well go home and finish
accidents bring condemnation up- that scarf you've been knitting.
on the whole University, but they * * *
give anti-fraternity factions an ex- 1 There will be 28 booths and the

The french insistence on 475
ons has been the monkey-wrer
lI the proceedings. If granted
the other nations, it means t
Great Britain and the Uni
States will both have to enter ul
building programs, and them
will the chief hope of the conf
ence be wrecked. Parity on
basis of present tonnage, not li
itation of new building progra
was the original aim of the c
ference as presaged by the Hoov
MacDonald agreement of lastf
The reason for tle French
sistence on 475,000 tons does
seem to be naval necessity so m
as it is selfishness. Anglo-Fre
relations have not beer, the frie
liest possible for some time, and
pecially since last summer w
the Baldwin ministry inforn
France that the Entente Cord
was virtually at an end. Altho
the British people repudiated
Baldwin government chiefly for
botch it made of foreign affa
France seems to be taking the pr
ent naval conference as an opp
tunity to retaliate by embarass
the MacDonald government. M

the cellent opportunity to point out
im- the "evils" of fraternities.
Ims, It is not to be conceived that
on- initiates should be taken into an
ver- active chapter without some sortI
fall. of initiation, but the old-fashioned
in- hell-week is as doomed and obso-
not lete as the rubber collar. But will
uch this high-school spirit of dom-
nch inance; this applied physical tor-
nd- ture, such as paddling, instill into
es- the initiate that fraternal spirit
hen which is the purpose of the initia-
med tion? Can the initiate appreciate
iale the full significance and beauty of
ugh the formal initiation when he is ex-
the hausted both mentally and phys-
the ically? Different fraternities from
airs, many campuses realize that he
res- cannot, and have 4lready prohib-I
or- ited paddling and rough-house tac-
sing tics; giving one or two days over
Why to the embarrassment thought due,

admission fee will be one cent,
Theoretically the whole thing
should cost but 29 cents, but I'm
wrong and I know it. However, I
shall attend and present a full re-
port of the attractions listed above.
And just to make sure, I'm going to
take along 30 cents-and a blank
* * *
In spite of the fact that the new
Garg takes up some space to make
remarks concerning my recent op-
eration and intimates that my de-
mise would have been met with
cries of delight I must confess that
the current issue is by far the best
of this year's crop. But I don't
know where they got the idea I
didn't like my hospital nurses. I
think I know what the trouble is,
* * *

Typing by wire -an adventure
in commun1caton

The telephone typewriter, a new Bell
System service, has commercial possi-
bilities as yet barely realized.
Forexample,a business house can type-
write a message over telephone wires,
and this is retyped instantaneously and
simultaneously in any number of branch
offices. The advantage is obvious - in

knitting together far-flung organizations
and in quickening the pace of business.
Here is still another extension of
telephone service which has already
proved its value. The telephone type-
writer promises even greater things as
industry discovers new uses for this in-
strument of convenient communication.


//r I i1


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