-.WEEDMSD AIr, IARCR5, 1920 THE MIC.H--.ICA-N ; .1 ,_' _ lr)'A lit 'PtiiiMP ~4 . .... .. r ..._.: . ... . T HaaF AM r-vv a-hIvs [l 1 \ al .!** 5'S. 1 L .1. .J 5* - Z fk Ja .l jls 'BUR' 1LYATTENDSq 4BvL I | e ud N, FRESHA PERIOD Nation=Wide 'Conference Agrees That Orientation Weeks z Benefit Student.t DISCUSS IMPROVEMENTS Absence of Follow-up Programs for Student and Advisor Seen as Detriment. TERRIFIC FORCE OF CRASH IN SIBERIAN REVEALED BY DESTRUCTION 0 WASTES F EIELSON'S PLANE r j ra ILAM EECTED News From Other Colleges HARVARD UNIVERSITY-Mem- PRINCETON UNIVERSITY -: bers of the Harvard Liberal Club Stating that institutions will soon have been circulating a petition develop at which children will be Former Professor Named Acting which they will send to Washing- brought up from infancy to adult- President of American ton in protest against the inactiv- hood, Doctor John B. Watson de- Engineering Council. ity of the American Delegation at Glared in a recent interview here the London Disarmament Confer- that "if the children are not hap- M uate of the University and former ence. This petition is similar to piethUn rstmdnsm onewhch heYae Lbeal lu jpier specimens, then I am ready to.. one which the Yale Liberal Club te mrayt professor of civil, hydraulic, and recommend to adults that they give;saprofe oivi, hraulc en sentwit 200sigatues t Prsi-sanitary engineering here, has been sent with 200 signatures to Presi- up psychology, start running a first chosen cting president of the dent Hoover a short while ago. class Mid-Victorian home, and go American Engineering council. He .Uithechuch.will occupy the office until the re- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA__ joi the curch. turn of President Carl E. Grunsky One fourth of the women and al-; who is taking a trip around the most one half of the men in Col-' EMORY UNIVERSITY, Ga.-Stu- world. leges and Universities in the Unit- depts who cut their classes the Major Williams has been actively ed States earn $26,000,000 per year least number of times make the identified with the council for the according to the National Student highest scholastic standing at Em- past 10 years. He is a vice-presi- Federation. Jobs all the way from ory University according to report dent of the organization, chairman taking little boys out on Sunday from the recorder's office of that of its committee on flood control picnics, to counting milk bottles institution. In particular it was and government organization, and on door steps were listed. found that almost all students who council representative of the De- had less than two absences charged troit Engineering society. INDIANA UNIVERSITY - Pro- against them were maintaining Major Williams received the de- posals for the establishment of a averages of "B" or better. Seniors gree of bachelor of science from the Community Chest Fund on the uni- bolted the most; freshmen the University in 1889, and the degree versity . campus, thus doing away; least. of civil engineer in 1899. with the numerous drives conduct- ed in the past, have been made by UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO - Pennies, dated 1863, gave admit- the Board of Aeons and approved By a majority of 483, students here tance to the sorority side shows at by most of the organizations in- registered their approval of a plan the Penny Carnival at the Univer- volved., The plan is entirely a stu- to sell beer within the University sity of Minnesota last Friday. One dent idea and is being put forward ' grounds. The vote was sponsored penny of this vintage equalled a 'by student initiative. by The Varsity, campus newppaper. I whole dime. i i l th il rej mn ,. or th de ch ch tie ca th re Re fr4 th th+ ric pry fo no th re su. ne at Fr wh a r an col Re ins for the da; to; tin wh onl ,6th 4 ho his the the of par fre, fec aro of the free d F;.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ......,....,....._.. ,...,.. Periods of ........................ ............. .. ..................... ............. ....... . ... .'. *.* .. . . . . . . ..:::::s":.>:::.:.::......... Periods of orientation in effect at . . * ..... ............ . arious colleges and universities- in:. ; uis country known as freshman' This 'picture reveals the wreck of the plane of Carl Ben Eielson, who crashed November 9, 1929 in the' eeks, or freshman periods, are a Siberian wilderne"s. Eie, son was killed in the accident, and the motor of his plane was thrown, as is in- iccess, in the general opinion of dicated at the right of the picture, 100 feet away. The wreckage was not discovered until January 19, and p the bodies of the explorers were not located until several weeks later. ,prsentatives of over 40 collegiate I ititutions who gathered on Feb-r WILL DESCRIBE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - Of tary 22 at Atlantic City in a I more than 1000 students wording Leeting of freshman week advis- 'R NC TtJSheir way entirely or partially ei ofem ekdsR CLrough school, 527 are employed T1L.IbyOthe university. Orly 160 are Representing the University at Prof. M. William McLaughlin, of rkjithnivrerit Ons160rare e meeting was Prof. Philip E. the romance languages department,: _ties,_while 153 are hired bysthe gen-1 ursley, of the romance languages will describe a trip through France i ooral hospital alone. Even with the partment, Professor Bursley was at 4:15 toda 23 Bdies of E ' and Borland carge numher employed on the airman of the committee in Ball. This is the third lecture of. Brought Acsseringd Sea apus, thethan re rmen large of Freshman Week activi- H . Thsiring positions than there are' s last fall. The meeting was the Cercle Francais series, and will From North Cape. bs. lled by F. O. Holt, registrar of I be given in French. WO-_-_-- e University of Wisconsin, at the The talk will be illustrated with _G T AA quest of Professor Bursley and slides sho ;iing the points of inter- egistrar Ira F. Smith. sie hun h onso tr (By Associated Press) Many Colleges Represeted.est visited by Professor McLaugh- NOME, Alaska, March 4. - The, The meeting, at which colleges lin during a trip across France bodies of Carl Ben nielson and Earl om Stanford to West Virginia which he took in 1923. orland, Arctic fliers, rested on ere represented, had asits aim The season tickets for the Cerc$e American soil today after having e merits of the orientation pe- Francais series will be used for ad- t been brought across the Bering sea )d plan, and the discussion of mittance. These may be procured by airplane from then motorship ograms for this period. at the door. Nanuk, ice-bound near North Cape, At the meeting, which took the Siberia. attem ptaroun table discsion, ENGINEER EDITS The two bodies were flown to e freshman.period program was MEETING DATA Teller, Alaska, Monday in a plane ade, nor, was any move made to piloted by Ed Young. Pilot Joe gulate the length. The consen- Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the Crosson and Mechanic Sam Mac- s of opinion was that the student highway engineering department, is auley were passengers.,. The Rus- eded more time for orientation compiling the proceedings of the sian aviators, Commander Mavrick the larger schools. Slipenov and Mechanic Farich, fo0-- 7 eshmen Periods Vary in Length. 16th annual conference on highway lowed in their Junkers plane. HEolt, the Wisconsin registrar, engineering which was held here Eielson, and Borland, who lost o presided at the meeting, read a short time ago. They will be their lives while flying from Alaska eport of statistics compiled from) ready for distribution the early part to the Nanuk last November, were swers to a questionnaire sent to of the summer, he says. engaged in removing passengers leges throughout the country. These proceedings have been pub- and furs from the, ice-looked ship sults showed that no college had lished by the highway department when disaster overtook them. Their tituted theFreshman period be- of the engineering college for the bodies were found only after e 1923. The average length of past sixteen years. They contain months of searching. - periods was found to be fourI speeches delivered by prominent Fir ftre ain okpart ys, with Variations of from two engineers before the delegates to in the search, which was hampered seven. days. the conference, discussion of those by accidents, winter blizzards and 'here iso disposition to discon attendig the meetings, and re- thacin twnt.bThzrsa- sue the practice among schools ports of committees. A copy is sent ers will be here to participate in ich have adopted the plan, with to all delegates to the convention, honors for Eielson, who, with ly three schools considering its engineers throughout the state. Goorg fort Eln, who, w ewietaasucs..George Hubert Wilkins, made a . Maing the asu.esn feel at *A flight across the top of the world I B..il ,nouc from Point Barrow to Spitzbergen me and preparing , him to start 1 wor wthutwateoftie" !Winners on Saturday in 1928., work whout wate of time" is inne O The aerial cortege will continue most satisfactory outcome of period, according to two-thirds Announcement of the winners of as soon as possible its flight to the replies received, the annual New York Times Cur- Fairbanks, where Ole Eielson, fath- Seek Cooperation of Schoqls. rent Events contest which was held er of the dead aviator, and Bor- There is a strong desire on the yesterday afternoon will not appear land's young widow and sons are t of all the colleges where the until the Sunday issue of The Daily, awaiting the bqdies of their loved shman period system is in ef- according to Prof. John L. Brumm, ones. The bodies will then be t," said .rossor Bursley, "to chafman of the local committee. taken by train and ship to Seattle. use Introest in th u headmastors Over thirty students entered the Lieut. Eielson will be buried at the seconda schools so that contest, which was composed of a Hatton, N. D., and a guard of honor th . m three hour examination of the im- from his home state will accompany y pilloreparethckggIortant events in the world in the his body from Seattle. Borland will hman with a background fo i nir~n al ~p+.+ +; ata r.ibe buried at Mt. Vernon, Wash. 4., '.. -p.. a.LmIJon ana Ua.i i oa he college. "The real value of the entire plan," concluded Professor Burs- ley, "lies in the possibilities of maintaining the contact which the student mak swith the adv orR throughout his entire college ca- reer." TORES CIGAR SMOKERS HATE UNIVERSITY.OF CALIFORNIA- Twelve representative co-eds of this school declared their distaste for cigar-smoking males in ,a recent in- terview held here. The. general' consensus of opinion" was that, "cigars are dirty and messy and make a man look as if he were try- ing to become a big butter and egg merchant." TYPE WRITERS SUPPLIES for all makes of Typewriters. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures best quality at a moderate price. 0. D. MORRIL' 314 South State St. Phone 6615 DRUG 207 South Main 723 N. University 217 North Main ADV. FOR THIS WEEK 6c Rem .... a ". r 4 " " . . * . 39c 1.00 Horlicks Malted Milk 50c Hinds Honey & Almond Cram 50c Ipana Tooth Paste . . 73c Par Shaving Cream Cuts Shaving time in half. 35c Odorono . Large economical tube. . . . . . . 11 EUROPE $365 SIX COUNTRIES- PASSION PLAY Ono of 250 College. Travel Tours Nearly 4004O members in 1929 1st Class Hotels More Motor Travel.°Get the Book from E. G. KUEBLER 601 East Huron Street Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 6412 Huskies for Hoarseness and Throat Irritation . . . . . . $1.25 Pinauds Lilac Vegetal . 50c Zonite Antiseptic . . . $1.35 Pinkhams Vegetable Comp. 25c Johnsons Baby Talcum . 37c 33c 50c 27-c 25c 89c 39c 89c 19c 25 i. ; __ .. .l n itti n r t rn rur u mr r tir r f s r : Figsen Nature's Own.Laxative j " 0 0 4a!%