THE MI CHIGAN DA 117 POLICE QUELL DEMONSTRATIONS BY COMMUNISTSXCUIEQ ESculptors to Finish PROTESTING AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT CONDITIONSr Part of Black Hills WILL O TLK OETE - TRaAtINS C R9turefMemorial by uly AM RIA POTY%.*~~Amnsrto oreOfr Lincoln, Roosevelt Figurs a AIC POETRY' !a 'i Fit~v ,History to Complete Desig ,4 nd n. WEDNESDAY, MARWH 5, 1930 DETROIT MARATHON Survivors of All-Winter Dance Will be Called to Court t ~Following Rest. City Managers. By WALTER BROWN Louis Untermeyer, outstanding American poet and critic, and styl- ed by the late Amy Lowell as "the most versatile genius in America," will speak at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Natural Science auditori- um, discussing the subject of "Mod-- ern American Poetry." The lecture, ' which is under the auspices of the Hillel Foundation, will furnish an ,. opportunity for the poet to display his brilliance and adroit humor by y v. which he has gained repute in prev-' : ious campus lectures. 'Untermeyer, who has achieved f"'*' . note not only in the field of poetry, I but ranks also as a leading critic and anthologist, is especially equip- More than 200 alleged communi ped for a citation of trends in mod- New York, recently were dispersed b3 ern poetry of the nation, since he is the author of the standard an-! thology, "Modern American Poetry," I and has held the editorship of the "American Poetry" journal since 1900. As a critic and lecturer, Mr. Untermeyer has often been cited for his curious blend of high ideal-.SUPPLY Of TIMBER ism and withering irony. His vol- ume of essays, "Heavens," has been' cited as a work of criticism best in- Lumberman Says Virgin Woodsj dicating his ability to synthesize of United States Have Not philosophy and parody. Been Destroyed. Author of Many Books. y Among the best-known works of TALKS TO ARCHITECTS the poet are "Challenge," "RoastT Leviathan," "These Times," "The New Adam,' "Parodies,' and "Yes- "There is a sufficient amount of terday and Today." "Burning Bush," virgin lumber in the United States' a recent collection, is adjudged his today to make a strip 70 miles wide most mature work. extending from New York to San While in his early twenties, Mr.x Untermeyer became distinguished Francisco," said J. E. Mackie, tech- through the wide range of poetry nical consultant of the National fields he attempted. He completed Lumber Manufacturers association several translations from European in a lecture on the "Correct Uses poetry, the most successful of which was "Works of Heine." His activi- of Lumber in Construction" given ties in literary fields has become at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon in increasingly great since his first the auditorium of the architectural endeavors, and. his present range building. of writing from lyrics to essays has "Moreover," Mr. Mackie contin- caused him to be compared in this "oevr"M.Mci otn respect to Longfellow. ued, "there is enough second and Has Succeeded in Business. ,third cut timber to add 25 miles to Mr. Untermeyer is one of the few !the width of that theoretical strip. poets in America ever to succeed in That ought to correct the popular a thorough conquest of both the practical and artistic worlds. lie belief that our lumber supply 'has has been in business life for over been practically used up.' 25 years. The lecturer told the assembled I SSTAR TED group of architectural students of REPAIRS TAthe various methods of grading ON WIND TUNNEL lumber, both as to quality and to size. He discussed the different Repairs are being made on the methods of finishing wood surfaces wind tunnel in the aeronautical de- to get the best effects from the partment of the engineering college natural grain. 'which was put out of operation a; Mr. Mackie described the results few weeks ago when a propeller was of recent tests made in connection damaged. with the use of wood in building. The accident was not the result He showed how research has ascer- of carelessness, but resulted from tained the exact amount of stress Associated Press Photo ists who participated in an unemployment demonstration at the city ha y police, who used their night sticks freely to restore otder. SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY WILL TEST "f 1fI'mI 91 l nRR n r 1 / fO 7V V% , T l "-*TVT "Y i' YI- 1 (Associated Press Staff Writer) CURRICULUM IS UNIQUE KEYSTONE, S. D.-With winter', SLEPT AS THE eYrtefomth.D.-Wihillrs Unique among similar courses departure from the Black hills, DETROIT, March offered at other colleges, the curri- workmen will return to their job persons who have culum in municipal administra- of hacking George Washington's ter of 1929-30 shu tion offered at the University is the features from the granite wall of dance floor ft Eas pioneer in that field. The course Mt. Rushmore. sleeping today und was- inaugurated in 1914 by Prop: Robert T. Crane of the political Blasting and chis g w bther prei physicians and nur science department, and served su lowering the men over the side of The sheriff of I' the model for other courses design- the 1,000-fot escarpment shas warrants to hl ed for the training of future city Dedication July 4. court on charges of managers. Although Princeton and ! The Dtior Julysinduct, but has anno managers.elMt. Rushmore commission Syracuse Universities both offerI plans to dedicate two figures of the must spend 48 hour courses in citizenship and Areri- colossal memorial, Washington and they will be allowed can and foreign affairs, Michigan Jefferson, next July 4. Other fig-I Te 10 were the offers a course which is as yet un-i urfs will depict Lincoln and Roose- Eastwood Park m equalled by any other Amcrican velt. which began last N university. A brief historical outline of thed In addition to the curriculum in United States, to be written by Cal- with the appearan municipal administration which vin Coolidge, will be carved adja- r L. Moore ar falls into the category of oolitical cent to the figures. The huge let- arrdth C. A.s science, the future city manager 1 ters will be spaced to be readable of the marathon, sr has the opportunity to elect con- ( three miles away. ofnte maton, s dance was over as current subjects in business ad- Gutzon Borglum, sculptor and walked out on the d ministration, public finance, civil designer, estimates the memorial The warrants we. engineering, in the form of city will be completed in four years. It charge that the 10 engineerng problems, highways, ! will cost $500,0000, half of which is guilty of violating and transportation, hygiene and to be appropriated by Congress. Mt. statute which design ' public health, landscape design, Rushmore will be a national pre- public alms as. dis - and the sociological aspects of the serve. Many of the specta I comunty.All of these course.,, Washington Is First. hdtrw on are primarily designed to give tue The Black hills memorial was in- floor and the con student practical knowledge of the I spired by Doane Robinson, South them up. U problems of city government. Co- Dakota state historian. Mt. Rush- The warrants w incident with the work done in the more was selected for the enduring abrupt ending of 'University, the student city admin- quality of its stone, and because it were issued by Just a- istrator is required, before receiv- is visible from a distance. Alton H. Noe on. y's ing the degree to combine theory After completing is clay design, of Prosecutor Ear for with practice by spending three Borgium first proj cted acpicture state authorities we months of actual field work iii a*I of Washington onto the face of the right to subpoena hr representative city.I rcliff. This was sketched, then 'as witnesses at aa1 n Before being granted the degree chiseled on the rock. Blasting porary restraining nt of Master of Arts in Municipal Ad- gave a rough contour, and electric granted to prevent ministrationthe student mst drills and chisels rounded out the state commissioner ofitatu ssl finishe hy sculpturing. All the figures will be industry, from sto ;he haet inul rlif hhours of graduate work in addition i full relief. The marathon da ry t Figures 500 Feet Tall. considerable publi er toce.e three months of field prac- Washington's figure is at a point Ministers of Eas tice. The committee which gov of the mountain. It will be shown neighboring comm st the course, is at present com-f ;to his belt buckle, a figure 500 feet vestigators for the he p tall. Jefferson's bust, Lincoln's mission had been o rt the olitical science department, shoulders and Roosevelt's head are demning the mar il- who is chairman of the group and to follow in that order over the mental to the heall als director of the Bureau of Govern- left shoulder of Washington. pants. rl ment, Dean Carl G. Huber of the !.. of Graduate school, and Prof. William . on C. Road of the Engineering depart- to ment. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON- An SHOWING WV ER he inter-house Song Fest is in progress n between fraternities and sororities dI at this university. Judging com- ng 1.mittees are assigned to each house lts i during some meal time for the pur- he pose of selecting preliminary win- ck ners. gs. VIee of f ' "" Y DANCED .4-Ten young spent the win- tffling about a st Detroit were er the care of ses. Macomb county ail them into disorderly con- unced that they rs in bed before to appear. survivors of the arathon dance ov. 16 and end- nidnight today ce of Sheriff nd his deputies orderly conduct essey, promoter houted that the soon as officers dance floor. re based on the contestants were the Michigan gnates collecting orderly conduct. ators at the hall ut on the dance atestants picked hich caused 'the the marathon ice of the Peace recQmmendation I French, while ere arguing their the contestants hiearing. A 'temn- order had been t Eugene Brock, r of labor and pping the dance. Once had aroused ic Indignation. st Detroit and unities and in- state labor com- utspoken in con- athon as' detri- .h of the partici- SHOWS AT 2 00-3:30 7:00-9:00 I METALS FOR GOV Michigan's dental school is again in the professional limelight. Dean Marcus L. Ward announced yester- day that the department has re- ceived three amalgam fillings from the Bureau of Standards at Wash- ington, D. C., which are to be tested in the University laboratory for the three major qualifications of such metals. At the Bureau of Standards, a $5r)060 fellowshin has rovided for ERNMENT BUREA . 4 do this important phase of restor tion, the fact that the University dental department was chosen f this immediate test has led to t belief that eventitfally Michiga will be selected. The equipme necessary for the threefold expe ments is already in possession the University, Michigan being t only dental college in the count to possess both an interferomet s ad n, inrn, atn , p pVW, 111V l*u* i lul anQ a micrum U r. research and testing in metallurgy The tests are made to the mo along dental lines. This amount, minute detail, both parts of t however, is now proving insuffici- apparatus being able to indica ent to keep up with the ever in- I changes of as low as ten oneim creasing demand for standardized ; lionths of an inch. The met amalgams among members of the sent to the laboratory here we dental profession, and the Bureau unknowns, another indication is looking for assistance. Although the Bureau of Standard's intenti there was no indication that Mich- of testing Michigan's ability igan had been definitely chosen to f handle this intricate work. -__'Three separate divisions of t Et b est are included in the experime tal work. The metal is first test I Requests Contributions for volume changes, then crushir resistance, and heating. The resu Students of the engineering col- of each test are recorded, and t lege are requested to submit con- unknowns in question are sent ba tributions to the Technic, says L. 1 to the Bureau with their findin Verne Ansel, '31E, editor. A special In this way, a standardization box for this purpose has been plac- ; dental amalgams is possible. ed on the second floor of West En-: The study of metallurgy in t gineering building, and articles dental field is a comparatively n F pertaining to all departments of phase of the professional world, a the magazine will be carefully con- cording to Dean Ward. In the pa sidered by the staff. most of the work done was tak Plans are being formulated by under the head of medical resear Ben Lansdale, '31E, business man- and as a result the dental scien ager, for a new system of distribut- received little or no benefit fro m ig the publication. Lansdale's the experimental work. The B, plan is to place booths in the halls reau of Standards, however,r of the buildings, and to require . cently added one man to th students to show coupons. ,staff. he ewi ic- st' en 'chl ice re- Heir BAKED SPICED HAM WITH SWEET POTATOES AND SWEET CORN CHOP SUEY WITH RICE 35c With NEIL HAMILTON You haven't been thrilled! You don't know what a woman will do for love! X jntil you see and hear Sir Philin Gibbs' sensational novel. -Added Attractions- "Sunday Morning" All Talking Comedy 'D "GOODBYE MY LADY LOVE" A Song Cartoon Kinoerams and strain on the and sizes of lumber In conclusion, Mr. how to provide effe fire retardance in t of construction. 1AETHI NOW 510 All Talk ccr V% r~r7 W various classes Mackie showed ctive means of Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying he usual forms GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE EATRE For Everything Musical WING ..Radios:- ing Lowest Prices: Majestic, Victor, Croley - 3OAT" TERMS Pianos:- To Suit. Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell i E egfeld's Stars IPlay Whil Orchestral Instruments T WO o P. M. You Victor, Columbia, Brunswick ursday Records GHOST'ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 A MARVELOUS I SHOW ---Entirely in color and on the MAGNA SCREEN. A Silly Symphony I The Merry Dwarfs" in addition. - k 'f r Ie- - . M , . , Mom '.+ 4Stre' .........Defen .ia .f4 : "ii yyt'j ngthen your ise M4echanism 'I-.. DEAN ~Delicious and WireshngJ 0 with the Pause that refreshes >'"--.: 0 The best defense is the attack. The best time to attack is when you're feelinrgood. You feel our best when refreshed. +. .D.; also, Eh, oila ! -Coca-Cola!