PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,rIT ..!:T-iAV MATIt * a tr nr n THE_ MICHIGAN-_ s DAILY 11..:rhIfl'^ Alffl .tLJJZ) Y1, £ l::'Vrnn&/ 2, LUOV ~' DAILY OFFCA BULLEHIN . Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of~ the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m., (11:30 a. in. Saturday) IVOL. XL. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1930 No, 100 NOTICES Aill Secondi Semester Freshmen who have obtained better than a C average and who are interested in Y. M. C. A. work, are urged to com- mnricate with the Student Christian association at Lane hail. Nelson W. Armstrong, Secretary President and Mrs. Rutliven will be at homne from 4 to 6 o'clock on the first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the fac- ulties, their friends, and other residents of Ann Arbor. . On the first t~*o Wednpesday afternoons of each month from 4 to 6 o'clock, President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the University. University Senate: Meeting of the University Senate in Room C Law Building on MTonday, March 10, at 4:15 p. iM. t Election of a member, of the Board of Directors of the Michigan .. . Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate 'University Bureau of Appointments aiid Occupational Innformatioxn:' All students enrolled with the Bureau for teaching positions, who have not already done so, should call at the office this week to fill in blanks givinzg schedule of classes for this semester. This information is neces- sary to make enrollment blanls complete and to locate candidates at aily time dyring the day. Lucille Brooks Social and Industriau Confortnee: On Friday, Saturday, and Sun- dtay of this week an industrial conference is to be held in Detroit through the arrangement of the Student Christian Association. Access to the factories and housing situation has been provided, offering an unusualI opportunity., Dr. Jerome Davis of Yale and Norman 'Thomas will act as leaders of the group. Rooms will be provided. Notify Lane Hall for membership in the ,group. Student Christian Association E'VENTS TODAY Mr. J. E. Mae' ie, of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, will give an illustrated lecture on "Correct Uses of Lumber in the Build- ing Industry," in the auditorium of the Architectural Building, at 2:00 p. in. All interested are cordially invited to attend. German Departmnt monthly meeting at 4:15 p. mn., in Room 201, University Hall. Dr. L. S. Ramnsdell--Crystal Structure of Inter-metallic Compounds. SMr. R. M. Petrie-Convective Cooling in iun Spots. Economics Club meets at 7:30 in room 3G" of the Ltnion.a Profecssor J G. S. Peterson will speak on "Rail and Motor Carrier Relations in Great Britain." Members of the staffs in Economics and Duldness Adminis- ;tratiozn, and graduate students in these departmnents are invited. S Adelphi iHouse of Representatives: Tryouts for adisLsion will be held at 7:30 p. m. in 4203 A. H. Freshmen are e i ible. Athena try-outs will be held tonight at 7:30 in room 4006 of Angell Hall. Two-minute speeches on any subject are required. All old inem.- bers should be present for a short business meeting. Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Meeting for installation of oiff icers, Members meet in tap room at 5:30 tonight. I Comedy Club meets in Room 203 University Hall a ---30 o'clock. I i t The Mohawk Valley Club of Michigan meets at 7:30 p. mn., Room 404 Michigan Union. Christian Science Society meets in the Chapel of the Michigan League building at 7:30' p. mn." The Play Readingi Section of the Factty Wor en's Club will meet in the lobby of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in the Michigan League Building. The meeting begins promptly at 2:30 p. m. Gargoyle Upper and Lower Staf'fs and Tryouts be at the Press Building for a meeting today, at 4:30 p. m. Tryouts should be up at 3:15 p. m. for mailing out, also Lower Staff to help. The March issue of the GARGOYLE' goes,~ on sale on the Campus on Wednesday. Michiganensian Business Staff meetrs at 4 p. mn. This meeting is for all members of the staff and tryouts. i ~COMING EVENTS French Lecture: Professor W. A. McLaughlin will give an illustrated lecture--"A travers l France" Wednesday, March 5, at 4:15 o'clock in Rooms 231 Angell Hall. This is the thir'd lecture on the Cercle Francais Program-Tickets for the series may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Language Department (room 112, Romance Language Buildjng), or at the door. I Make-up Final Examination in Political Science 31: will be given Saturday morning, March 8, in room 2023 Angell Hall. Students who intend to take this examination should so report to their instructors. James K. Pollock, Jr. TEETOTALER, 156, Dr. Wartlin to Speak TOVSTA E IC n D netoC R E -..1Accepting a recent inion to 10kJREFLECTIONS 1appear as speaker before the New z" >-°t c c :York Academy of Medicine, Dr. Al-..Cr(fty ! M . dred Scott War thin, director of. the R;,qTh:; Dark ened Roomns. University pathological laborator- IMII(AN.5Sally. .Nr xes, will leave on March ]12 forNeweAthers.oa ry.York, to deliver a lecture on "'The D:~i in Physician of the Dance of Death." Si(eC th' advcnt of talking plc- Dr. Warthin, who has made an turith atr udience manners intense study of the dance of death have ha ppily taken on more and4 as an historic art, will trace the mrofacvlzdspecnti cultured town, primarily due to thi :' :":" .: role played by the physician dur- disappearance of vaudeville and thee ing the five centuries of th~e art's improvement i enrtnment development in central Europe. quality of the audible films over r}__________ their mute predecgssors. P'rofessional Football Still existent, however, are a few. barbarous souls who take fientisl Team Sign Up Gembi delight in expre~r'sing their coin } -- mnients on the unflolding feature, (By Ass~ociated Press) AndI there's seemingly a few "edu PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, Mar, 3 ctdwtdnswh alt pr SAssoiated Press Photo I Joe Gembis, star University of ciate the intrinsic nature of the. ,Michigan fullback, for the past musical comedy wherein the story, 156 earZaro Aglfa, three years, has been signed by the cniut 5mtrpcdwt u 156 earold Turk, who claims Ironton Tanks, independent pro- sical numbers, never to have taken a drink, will fessional football team of I~rntonl, Screen Reflector nominates foz visit America' at the invitation of Ohio, an official of the team, an- th. oa.alofFm h pc the American Anti-Alcohol society. nounced today. 1tato, o alft Fharingherpe-,, -! -___ ----- wise" comments from the row be. #Untermeyer speaking on "Modern American Poetry," Thursday, Mar. hind during the showing of "Sally~ 6, at 8:00 p. mn., Natural Science Auditorium, ja the Michigan Sunday, turned., artound and spoke out: "Then there Seniors re those students brought 'up in Senorsin Civil EIngineering'E The American Br~dge Company will j the 'sticks' all their lives, who don't receive applications until March 20 from those who wish to enter the ;knozw what a musical comedy is!"~ employ of that company. Information regarding this opportunity is I... . A. available at Prof. L. M. Gram's office. }_____ The oar of Dir ctos o th Fa u't Wo en' Cl b wll eet W ABASH COLLEGE --- Carrying: The oar ofDirctos o th Fau t Woen' Clb wll eetout a new plan of study, twelve Thursday at 1:00 p. in., in the Michigan League Building.; Wabash seniors accompanied, by trek vice-president of the college are first All-Campus Open-Forum Thursday, March 6. Topic is "The taking a week's sojourn in a stag~ Suetand World Peace," by Mr. J. 'W. Matthews. park. .1111111111111111111Ii1111 ilIIIIII- aI1:1111111111111111 New York Listed SSt. Andrews (Episcopal) Churchj I ~StocksP Conservative margin Services onA e n sd y accounts solicited lRarc"5t 7Tlpoe23271 Holy Communion (Harris Hall) 7:30 A. M. Peniteutial Office and H-oly Communion (in Chtircl) 10:30 A. M. _ Evening Service with addr:ess by BROWNCRESS &M00. } The Rev. Frederic Liauderburn of New "York 1NCO.:RT.D7'.45 P. M. (in Sft. Andrew's Church) #Investment Securities 1 Also _ !. Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. The Rev. Mr. Lauderbiarn will conduct a brief Devotional Services at 1st Floor 12:03 in the chapel at Harris Hlil. Light Lunch served immediately after. :; t111U 11t1i111 N 111 11111111f111111111111111U 1111111