)ESTABLISHED ICY 4A ian 4ailg MEMBER ASSCIAT ED PRESS DL. XL. NO. 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS RIPLEY DESCRIBEMS STRANGE FINDINGS IN FOREIGN LANDS Cartoonist Advises Travel in South and Central America. TOURED 69 COUNTRIES Creator of 'Believe It Or Not' Receives 500,000 Letters in Three Months. "If you want to travel, then do; it and don't let financial or domes-: tic troubles stop you," said Robert1 L. Ripley, creator of the well known Believe It or Not cartoons, speak- ing last night in Hill auditorium. "When you travel, though, don't go to Europe but to South America, where you will find all of the won- ders of the world. Cancel Cook Series Planned for Spring No speaker will appear in Ann Arbor this spring on the Cook lecture foundation, established to promote popular knowledge of, and interest in, the preser- vation of American institutions, the committee in charge has decided. Insufficient time remains to obtain an appropriate speaker to replace Charles E. Hughes, whose appointment to the Su- preme court has forced him to cancel his engagement here. A speaker will be obtained for next year, the committee stat- ed. President Alexander G. Ruth- ven has been named to replace the late President - Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins as chairman of the committee administering the foundation. Wets Plan Debates While Agent Seizes Man in Green Hat' I, -ON CITY CHURCHES "Just take Mexico alone. There are pyramids there that were old when Tutankhamen was a young- ster, and yet you never hear any- one speak of them. In Panama you can see the sun rise in the Pacific ocean and set in the Atlantic, for the Atlantic is west of the Pacific." Duscusses Wonders. Ripley went on to tell of South America (which, as he says, should not be called South America at all, for the farthest west city of that country is east of New York) and Describes Scientific Attempt toI Detenine Cause of Church Failure.1 FINISHES SERIES TODAY "The conclusion which we have reached after conducting our re- search work in sections of Cleve- land, and which we mean to carry out in sections of all the other large cities of the United States, isj that the progress of decline of a of the wonders to be found church is closely bound up with the} "Chile is a land where it progress and fortunes of rains, while not far from this try is a land where it rains all habitants of the district in whichI ime and has rained f6r the the church is located," said Dr. H. five million years or more-I Paul Douglas yesterday in the first say just how long. Then there of a series of lectures, "The City's city which you can't see even Church," sponsored by the Michi- ch youi may be in it, and there gan School of Religion. ake which is 12,000 feet above Dr. Douglas, who is conducting ea level." [lie work for the Institute of Social Sa. , s 1 n at and Religious Research of New. (By Associa(d T r s) WASHINGTON, D. C.. Feb. 1.- While the anti-prohibitionists were preparing to present more argu- ments before the House judiciary committee when it resumes hear- ings tomorrow on measures to re- peal the 18th Amendment, "the man in the green hat" was arrest- ed again today on a liquor charge' just outside the Senate office build- ing. Six pints of alleged gin were seized as George L. Cassidy, who gained "the man in the Green hat' cognomen; when arrested several years ago on a liquor charge in the House office building, was taken in- to custody. He and Thomas Gate- ly of Baltimore were arrested by aa policemn and a dry agent. Later; they were released under bonds of; $2,000 each. Cassidy, who already was at liberty under $2,000 on pending liquor case, said he had been "framed."+ With witnesses from many partz of the country, the Association against the Prohibition Amendment have until Wednesday to cmplete their testimony to the judiciary committee, before the prohibition-I ists to refute their claims. Thec hearings are held in the House of- flee building. STEAMERGROUS OFF PACiIC COST Only Captain of Passenger Lineri Remains Aboard After Fog Causes Accident REST OF CREW IS SAVED FORT .CANJY, Wash., Feb. 18-j Only Captain Charles Graham to-i night remained aboard the aren-r ger liner Admiral Benson whiel grouIer Saturday night i d;nse log oft Peacock's Pit, neai the mouth of the Columbia river Remaining members of the cre Were taken ashore today lii breeches buoys. The moderating weather appar- ently explains Captain Graham' decision to remain on board, order to abandon ship having been given previously. Marine surveyors and salvage experts from a tug made a complete examination of the ship today and decided the "Crown Anchor" method presented the best means of freeing her from the shifting sands. This consists in placing several fixed anchors con nected with the ship's own decl engines by heavy cables, then slow- drawing the liner in the desired direction. Water from the leaks far aster extinguished the ship's fires yester- day, but R. J. Moore, district agent for the Pacific Steamship company thought it would be possible to puti pumps aboard and float the vessel ia a calm sa. The hold already has been pump- ed full of water to keep the ship from pounding on the sand. The liner carried 41 passengersi and a crew of 6ti when she went ashore. Hobbs' Latest Book Released This Week Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the geology department, is the author l of a book published this week by S1', Pta's 1os coimiday, "The North Pole of tie Winds., FRENCH PRESID ENT CONSULTS BRINDE1 ON CAINET CISISj Tardicu Government Overthrow Brings Naval Conference to a Standstill. NO SOLUTION IN SIGHT Indications Point That France Will be Without Cabinet For Several Days. (By Assuciated Press) PARIS, France, Feb. 18:-The solution of the cabinet crisis caused by the overthrow of the Tardieu government has made not a single step forward ap the close of the Second day, which was devoted to President Domergue's consultations with the most prominent statesmen of the Republic. The indications were that France would be without a government several days or even a week, and the London naval conference was at a standstill due to the fact that France will not be officially repre- sented again until her home affairs Are straightened out. Poincare Also Called. President Doumergue conferred today with the two men about whomn cabinet speculation is hot- test, former President Poincare end former Premier Briande. The President said tonight he had not called Briande to form a new cab- inet although Briande was certain to forma part of the new govern- ment. Political circles believe that the President had not called Poincare with a view of asking him, to head government but merely was seek- ing his advice.j Three alternatives faced te President tonight: A Left govern- ient headed by Camille Chum- te'ps, with Briand as Minister of Foreign. Affairs; "a lrhind .yrid government, with the majority re- uruited from moderates of the left. right and center; .a Tardieu-Poin- care cabinet, leaning toward the right, withal moderate. Tardieu Improves. Former Premier. Tardieu was re- ported improved tonight, although coughing severely from the irrita- tions of the grippe. The effect of the cabinet crisis on the London conference has giv- ra 'an intematinal aspect to France's domestic, political difllcul- ties. It is in this light that most ' the newspapers comment on it. In an outspoken editorial Le Temps this afternoon warned its readers that "formidable pressure" was now being exercised on France in London to reduce her naval ton- inge claim. It affirms that part of the Eng- lish press is conducting a campaign calculated to give a false impres- il of the French position, which it says is "a not over-scrupulous manoever of intimidation," hitend- ed to permit "some nations" 'to keep their naval supremacy. The newspaper even goes so far as to hint that the London confer- ence may have to be adjourned if the rencli cabinet criis lasts very ong. flowever, it expresses the hope that this will be unnecessary. UNIVERSITY SEEKS CAUSE OF AUTO CRASH FATAL TO ANN ARBOR GIRL Investigation of the automobile sion and brain injuries, and is ex- accident early yesterday, in which pected to die. He is from Middle- a girl was killed and another girl town, N. Y. and two University students were Clarence L. McKinnie, '30, 509 seriously injured, has not yet dis- South Division street, who is from closed the cause of the head-on col- Springfield, Ill. He received only lision between the automobile in minor injuries. which the students and their girls Identity of the driver of the had been riding, and a truck, on death-car has not yet been deter- the Ecorse road, near the Wayne- mined. Floyd A. Lundquist, assist- Washtenaw county line. ant in the office of the dean of stu- The dead girl is Adele Lally, 1102 dents, was in Detroit last night to Olivia, who was a student in the interview the driver of the truck University School of Music from into which the student car crashed. 1924 to 1928. She is a daughter of The truck operator was Charles Thomas Lally, retired inspector of Chapman, who was working for the the Detroit Police departient. United States Trucking Company. The injured are: In a preliminary statement to Lucy Domboorajian, 616 Church police, Chapman said that the stu- street, who was graduated from the dent car was traveling on the University in 1928. She has a skull wrong side of the road and that it fracture. crashed when he was unable to Ray 1lunsberger, '33, 616 Church bring his heavy truck to a stop street, who received a skull concus- rapidly enough to avoid the col- _.- -_-_- - -~ lision., The four had been attending the Fireman's ball in the Intramural building Monday night. They left aout 11.30 for an automobile ride, SUMM H. [ CUL Y according to the police report of the accident. University investigation of the - accident is being conducted by J. Five Prominent Professors Are A. Bursley, deah of students, W. B. ! Obtained to Tecach' in Rea, assistant to' the dean, and d 'cLundquist. They are cooperating University- with state police in their investiga- tion. INTRODUCE NEW COURSE Five nationally prominent profes- sors of law from other universities W M N0 HE will come to Ann Arbor to teach in the 1930 Summer Session of the Law school, according to an an- nouncement made yesterday by Paul A. Leidy, secretary of the Sixty-Three Others Injured as school. Still Wrecks Standard Prof. Victor 11. Kulp of the IJui i-Oil Building. versity of Oklahoma and author e( TRYOUTS TO START PUBLICATION WORKi DURING NEXT WEEK Daily, Michigancnsian, Combine in Call Gargoylc for 'ilng to put t bad situa- er all of the esk, drew a it or Not, aver. I was c newspaper This drawing attracted attentionI and the editor suggested that Rip-i ley try the stunt again, which he } did. This feature has grown into a bushness of large proportions,, which, as Ripley says, is not at all. agreeable to him because he4 doesn't like business. More than i1 500;000 letters have been delivered i to him. in the Bast three months and he has trouble finding time to read even those from his personal. friends. "In order to gather these strange :facts considerable work is neces- sary," Ripley continued. "I have travelled hi 69 countries and the strangest thing I have found is Ianan himself. I have even gone to jell, which is a small village in Vorway and really a delightful lit- ale spot. "The more strange facts I gather, the easier it seems that they accu- late. The supply," he -concluded. "seems never ending." PUBLISH LATEST MICHIGAN STUDY' Eleventh of Series Has Articles by Karpinski, Winter. "Contributions to the History of Science," is the title of the latest volume in the srics of books known as "The University of Michigan Studies." The book, published this week, forms the eleventh vohme of the series. It contains monographs by Prof. L. C. Karpinski, of the mathemat- ics department, and J. G. Winter, of the Latin department. The book is divided into two parts, the first of which is: "Robert of Chester's Late Translation of the Algebra of Al- Khowarizmi"; the second part is entitled: "The Prodomus of Nico- laus Steno's Dissertation Concern- ing a Solid Body Enclosed by a Pro- cess of Nature Within a Solid, an T ini omV'rni i " n '.,'11da n - 4. homogenious sections of the city, and compared them as to nine dif- ferent factors. After obtaining all the information, we asked our- selves whether the churches of the best districts, that is those which! had the highest rating in the above factors, had made the most pro- gress during the past ten years? "Comparison of total member- ships, Sunday school enrollments, and financial expenditures of the various churches answered the question with a yes. Memberships, enrollments and finances had in- creased from 54 to 549 percent in the better districts. These were the supermodal churches; in the worst districts the submodal churches showed only decreases, Lawyers' Club to Give Third Dance on Friday Members of the Lawyers' club' will ive their third dance of the year next Friday night at the club. IThe decorations for the party, which will be formal, will be afterI the Washington birthday matif. A limit of 115 couples has been set, according to Manley K. Hunt,, 30L, president of the club. Mike Falk's Collegians, the same bandj that furnished the music for the! wintr. formal, will play Friday night. Supper will be served bnthe m'ain ding room. f I i } i 4 E R t 11i t i j Kuip's Cases on the Law of Oil anc A Gas, will offer a course in that sub- CAUSE NOT DETERMINED ject. ._,®.. Prof. Philip Mechem, son of the L (BZ TAcatcd J..'re s .-) late Floyd R. Meehem, a former EL'BETII, N. j.,xeb. 1.-'rwo member of the faculty of the Law persons were known to be killed school of this University, will come and 63 injured today in an explo- from the Washington university to sion in the alcohol plant of the give a course in wills. Profe Standard il Cmpany at Linden. Mvechem is co-a.uthor of IMech~em 5.nadGlCmaya idn and Atkinson's Cases on Wills and Many of the injured were re- Administration. ported to be in critical condition An evidence course will be oiler- at the two Elizabeth hospitals. ed by Prof. John Dunne Wickhem There were 35 victims at St. Eliza- of the University of Wisconsin. Prof. beth hospital and 38 at Elizabeth Herschel W. Arant, dean of the General hospital. The two dead Ohio State university School of have not been identified. Law, will have a bills and notes Linden police reported one dead course. The course in taxation will at the plant bringing the total to be offered by Prof. Henry Rott- three, and one injured at Alexian schaefer of the University Of Min- Brothers hospital, making the in- nesota and author of Rottschaef- jured 64. fer's Cases on Taxation. He is a The Linden officials said they graduate of the Law school here, heard that there were several other hiaving received his J.D. degree here dead at the plant. Th m 1915.mr ehL The 100 acre reservation of the The ummer Session in the Lr -Oil' Company was closed to all but school will continue for 101- physicians and nurses. J. Raymond weeks, beginning the day follow- Carrigan, general manager, declin- 'ing Commenicement and ending on ed to make any statements. S pt. 4. . Ten of the victims at Elizabeth The course in oil and gas is a ' General hospital were reported in new one in the Law school, and critical condition. the interest, in this state, aroused by he discovery of oil in several sc tion s of the statec, was one of Kauffman Confined the reasons which prompted its be- to Bed After Stroke ing offered at this time _BArk Professor Calvin H. Kauffman Registration Concludes of the botany department and dl- Now in Bridge Tourney rector of the University Herbarium wa. strickein by an apolectic stroke Registrations for the Interfra Monday afternoon. The doctor was ternity, bridge tournament Will be at work at the herbarium when he 'received from 3 until 5 o'clock to- was taken ill and immediately J E T r'30, at the rushed to the hospital. His condi- Stent oices on the third floo tion yesterday remaied unchang- of the Union. Today is the last ed and is said to be causing some; day that participants may sign up. concern" to his physicia's. Each house may enter one two- Prof. Kauffman came to Univer- maln team.11. The preilminary rounds sity of Michigan in 1904 and a will be played atthevarious fra- short time laterwas iade an asso- terrnlty houses and the f rnal will. eliateprofeu:roand director of the 1 lipid 'its -ithe 1lunn. 'rhtver maid. I (Univers-itY herbairium. First Year Men, MEETINGS ANNOUNCFD Offer Wide Field of Experience in Extra-Curricular Activities, Second semester freshmen who wish to try out for any of the stul- lent publications will be given their irst opportunity in work of this knd at meetings to be held next week. A complete schedule for the neetings beginning next Monday, February 24, is as follows: The Daily business staff tryouts -Monday at 4:30 in the front of- fice of the Press building on May- nard. The Daily editorial staft-Tues- day at 4:15 in the front office of the Press building. The Michiganensian business staff-Tuesday at 4:00 in the front office of the Press building. The Michiganensian ediorial staff- Monday at 4:15 in the 'En- sian office. The Gargoyle editorial staff - Tuesday at 4:15 in thie Cargoyle office. The Gargoyle business staif -- Thursday at 4;15 in the front of- fce of the Press building, Plan Training Courses. Each of these publications will handle its tryouts so that they will be able to learn the greatest ps- sible amount about the work on the magazines and papers in the short- est time. Plans have beC made by The Daily to take care of 100 or more tryouts, who will be divided into smaller groups to facilitte handling. Each group will learn a dlfer- ent type of work for a period of about twoweeks ad wil thn nbe shifted to another phase of the newspaper. This will not only have the advantage of lending variety tQ, the period of orientation, bu will acquaint the freshmen with the va- rious sorts of work to be done. Offers Variety of Work. The Daily business and editorial staffs offer many possibilit'es to gain newspaper experience. In the field of writing the freshman has the opportunity to write news stor- ies, features, sports, bumnor, and critical reviews of plays,. concerts, and books. Here he secures a first hand knowledge of the inner op- eration of the newspaper from ga- thering the news to printing the paper. on the business staff freshivIie learn advertising writing and makeup, accounting; circulation management, publication, and gen- eral business experience. Work is distributed as evenly as posi:ib amnong the seven dfferent depart- ments so that the freshmen can ob tain a more thorough knowledge of the business as a whole. in order to be eligible for any of the student publications the fresh- men must have an average of one grade better than C and no grades below C. The publications offer first year men opportunities to make contacts and take part i activities which is impossible in the field of varsity athletics. Advancement in each publication is entirely made by the merit sys- tein, advancement coming as tehe sophomore year, the lower 'taff menbers of The Daily, who were good engugh to obtain these posi-~ tions at the. end of their freshmen year, compete for night editorships. These Men is turn compete for the ,nlnaging editorship attie end f their junior years. Willard Lowry May, Resign rom Courcil Willard Lowry, '3(1, treasurer of the Student council is expected to resign from the student governing board when it meets this evening for its first regular 1eeitg of the second semester. Lowry completed his work for graduation from the University at the close of the past semester and is therefore ineligible for further participation in coun- cil activities. Election of a senior to Ihi the vacancy will probably not take place for another week for, accord- ing to the council con.t-iution, a E t 9 a y I . I a OTTAWAY, TAPPING ORGANIZE FOUR ALUMNI CLUBS DURING FLORIDA VISIT l+our new University Alumni1 club' wereorganized in the state I of Florida by Vi. J. Otatway, of Port Huron, president of the associa-1 tion, and T. Hawley Tapping, gen- eral secretary, during their recent1 extended tour through the South and East visiting University alumni centers. The new clubs brings the{ total number of Alumni clubs to more than 160, scattered through- out the world.. Inasmuch as this was the first1 time that an Alumni or Universityl official had visited the Florida area,; they were welcomed with unusual enthusiasm. Previous to this, the only Alumni group in Florida was at West Paln Beach. Although . 114 ,r -,,r iirl ,.v~- - - ,-1- a nr f than 50 graduates of the Univer- sity present, After leaving Florida, Ottaway and Tapping attended meetings of University clubs in Atlanta, Wash- ington, and Philadelphia. The largest alumni gathering ever to be held in New York City, and the largest to be held any- where since the national meeting here in January, 1928, was held at the Commodore hotel on the night of Feb. 14 at which' more than 380 persons were present. President Alexander Grant Ruth- ven addressed the alumni on "Know Your tUniversity." Regent Ralph Stone, Secretary of the Commerce, m17r ri . 1, r.,11m l i;_ 1nrl S 1-#r DETROIT ALUMNI TO HEAR RUTHVEN 1 f=? e cLe1.1 t AD- =^i ,Y1 - - i. t i Will mnake his -,fin r pje .ran;fbe- fore the Detroit Alumni at the an- nual President's d(iehr to be held Friday. March 14, at the statler Hotel. SPlans for the meethig have pert, announced to be complete by Chairman Fred G. Dewey of the conmmittee of .the Presidents Din ner, MisMarjorie Nihoso an of Smlith College is to be}res at the meeting it is allufnced, having come here from the East to pay tribute to peichiga's ne The committee has also made ar- rangements so that tables will b procurable for parties of eight an( ten at the regular price of $3.50, urWe atherMan - - F f . PLANS FOR ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL, NIGHT NEAR COMPLE TION RAPIDLY Arrangements for the seventh insure toe suceess o this year's t L~;Lt!.!d!U!'vlsay aa j :wu annual International Night to 'be7 held March 4 in Hill auditorium are rapidly nearing completion accord- ing to a report made yesteray by' Chester Bennett, director. Over 40 nationalities will be rep- resented i the affair which cul-' inates the efforts throughout the school year of members of the Cos- mopolitan club, the foreign stu- ?dents' organization on the campus. This year's production will be in the nature of an elaborate pageant with students or artists from each country presenting a separate pro- , rami. Brllhiant costumes repre- production. y Rehearsals by the various groups have been under way for some tine while rehearsals welding all of the individuals into the presen- tation will be held soon. Many of the 300 foreign students enrolled in the Unversity wili take part in the program. Committees in charge of the many phases of production have been formed. Assisting Bennett is William Palmn.er, Grad., who is gen- eral chairman of the affair. The conimittee of arrangements is com- posed of Jo; eph A. Ali, '31, I. Avan- rol,. Grad., Ewe H. Cheong, '30E, i i