ESTABLISHED' +'189 . 4 Air I tU1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I,, I I I, VOL. XX. NO. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1930 TIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTa :.., , . ,, { ,:; . >. . r, rr . ,, :. . : . ,,: . DE FE TS 0 ERI ES, 44-28 FOREIGN STUDENTS TO OFFER SEVENTHI PROGRA M__TONIGHT ,Varied Acts Will Include Music, Dancing, and Acrobatics, by Student Artists. BoY PIANIST TO PLAY German Chorus Under Direction1 of Hildner Will Reproduce Old Heidelberg Songs.. Combining the artistic talent of many foreign nations into a single vast pageant of music, dance, andl acrobatic exhibitions, a coterie of! artists will combine their efforts in the presentation of Cosmopolitan club's seventh annnual Interna- tional Night program, to be' pre- sented at 8:1ยง o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium, under the auspices of the Student Christian associa- tion. Tickets are still on sale at fifty cents in the State street bookstores, at Lane hall, and by members of Cosmopolitan club. The box office in Hill auditorium will be open to- night. None of the seats are re- served. To Give Varied Acts. Headline acts in three braiches of vaudeville-music, dancing, andi acrobatics-have been secured thr ,ah +r n i n '" n n+, ENGLISH HEIR IS OUT'N'OFDANGERDEGAS No Possibility of Complications PONDEFlSECFtC Y Likely Becoming Incipient. L (IV Associated iPress) OF r RTO D9s1DE NARROBI, Kenya Colony, March 3.-The Prince of Wales is making Americans and Japanese Confei good recovery in his bout with sub- Privately Over Pacific tertian malaria. He isin bed in Naval Differences. Government house here attended l___ by physicians and nurses who have DISCUSSION IS INFORMAL specialized in this curse of equa-I torial Africa. With their care and his own strong constitution'n m WorkCarried on by Matsudaira optimistic temperament, it is be- lieved that any danger of compli- cations or a relapse is slight. It is{ even stated that he hopes to be able to leave his bed in a day or two. His fever developed while the Royal hunting party was in a train between Kiu and Voi Friday night, and it wasn't until early Sunday mprning that the party arrived at Nairobi. NEWS COMPETITIO TO BE, HELD TODA9Y Contestants to Meet at Three O'clock This Afternoon its Angell Hall. WILL GIVE THREE PRIZESj Not Known in Japanese Foreign Office. By FRANK Ii. KING Associated Press Staff Writer. LONDON, Eng., Mar. 3.-Still characterized by the inscrutibility popularly associated with the Orient, negotiations toward settle- ment of the American-Japanese naval problem moved forward again today. No phase of the London confer- ence has been more heavily veiled in secrecy than the informal con- versations which have been pro- ceeding since last week between Senator Reed and Ambassador Matsudaira. Their task is to thresh out un- officially between themselves an agreement they are reasonably sure, will be acceptable to their full delegations. They are old friends from Washington days, and it is because of this informal nature of their efforts that the American delegation feels justified in resist- ing all efforts to probe their ex- SSUPREME COURT i111T1 HYSCHOL IN LIQUOR FIGHT' SENIOR CLASS TO Wets and Drys Still Struggle PAY DUES TODAY,' Before Judiciay Body. (Bly Asci Prs~) WASHINGTON, D. C., Mar. 3.- Professional School Freshmen A decision to pass upon a highly on Combined Curricula Must disputed point of prohibition en- forcement came from the -Supreme Pay Senior Dues. court today while the wets were termining who would have the fin- CHAPMAN DIRECTS WORK al word before the House judiciary _committee in behalf of repeal of ~I the 18th Amendment. Receipt Must be Shown Before The six hearings in the past Participation in Any three weeks have been occupied by PatCipaio those favoring repeal or modifica- Class Function. tion of prohibition. They will end j I their arguments tomorrow and on Collection of senior class dues in the next day the drys will begin to the literary college will begin this present their witnesses. Thus far, morning under the direction of there has come no announcement Robert C. Chapman, class treasur- from the drys as to who they will bring before the committee on er, it was announced yesterday by W e d n e s d a y. The case upon Stanton W. Todd , Jr., president. which the Supreme Court decided Tables will be located in Angell today to act involved whether the hall lobby and in University hall purchaser of bootleg liqu:or may be where representatives of the fin- prosecuted for conspiracy to violate the Volstead Act when he orders ance, auditing, and memorial com- liquor when he knows that illegal mittees of the class will receive transportation is necessary. Recog- payments between nine and four nizing that speedy decision was o'clock daily. needed, the Court advanced the o'lokdaly- case for hearing on April 14. Senior literary aues must be paid by all professional school fresh-! men who are to receive an A.B. or b.S. degree June on one of the PENFOR Scombided curricula, it was an- nounced by Todld. By special ar- rangement between the senior lit- I erary class and the professional school freshmen classes, a distribu- tion of all such dues will be made Daily Renews Offer to Eligible .between the various classes con- Freshmen Who Were Unable cerned, so that the student cant automatically pay his profesional to Report Before. school class dues by paying dues in the senior literary class.. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED ,B OIR MAKERS' ACCURATE.AIM SWAMPS MICHI111GAN TO CLINCH Michigan Quintet, Off Form on Offense, Unable to Cope With Onslaught of Visitors; Murphy, Harmeson Lead Scoring. By Edward L. Warner Purdue's smoothly functioning basketball machine smothered Michi- gm under a barrage of well-placed shots in Yost field house last night, 44-28, and thereby clinched the Conference cage title for 1930. The sharpshooting Boilermakers ran up a big lead in the first half to lead 27-12 at the intermission, an advantage which they retained to thc fimsh despite Michigan's better play in the final period. The Wolverines were plainly off form on their offense, but it would have been difficult for any team at the top of its form to cope with Purdue's accuracy in dropping the ball through the meshes. Capt. "Stretch" Murphy led his teammates in the victory which FRESHMAN TOURNAMENT All freshmen included in the six Union underclass groups are asked to be present in the In- tramural building at 7:30 o'clock tonight to support their respec- - tive group basketball teams. ARI M1 SHICK NAMED0 NEJ CHEERLEA'DER University Treasurer Presents Silver M gaphone at means undisputed possession of the Big 'en chamipionship. The eln- gated Purdue center was uncanny in his ability to score, dropping in six field goals and four free throws for 16 points. Glenn Harmeson, versatile Boilermaker forward, also !I ,+ i I LnrugUn tnec LVWLLL inwe1argti, Students interested in world i agchange of views. headed by Chester Bennett, secre-I teste wl Depends on Delegates. tary' of the Student Christian as- 1mr of the past year will competeDpedon elgt. oiation. The Hantaisian hula hulain the annual New York Times Whether Col. Henry L. Stimson sociation. The Ha aiian hula hulaCurnEenscnstob hd and his colleagues should discuss team composed of Joseph Akau. Current Events contest, to be heldan hicolgushuddscs 'p p .sed of Jqs Akau at 3 o'clock this afternoon in room more openly this delicate problem eptetopre ne ofque , 31 '2023 Angell Hall. The three cash jis one that conference circles admit ex pvrove one of the hits prizes of $150, $75, and $25, the e- only the American and Japanese of the evening. They will show cond of which will be restricted to delegates can decide. The whole how the hula is played and danced sophomores and freshmen will be responsibility is theirs.. at Waikiki. dancwinning paper of It is authoritatively stated that The Ukrinmian. dawarded.hThes of the Detroit Chumak club is ex- the local contest will submitted in rumors purporting to give the pected to prove one of the most competition for the intercollegiate trend of the conferences are pure- popular mass dancing acts of the prize of $500. ly guess work. From Tokio even,' comes word that the Japanese for-! show. The chorus is one of three The questions on the examination eign office has not been informed! acts that have been brought to are divided into two parts. The first of what is going on between their Ann Arbor from Detroit especially section,,which lasts one hour, com- Ambassador in Lohdon and the! for this performance._ prises identification of persons, iSenator from Pennsylvania. places, and events. The secondlSntrfo enyvm- Acrobats on Program. ptSettlement Expected. Acrobatllc entertainment will be part includes comments of not less But from sources close to Amer- presented by a team headed by than 250 words on each of five top- ican headquarters it is indicated Karl Kammermeyer, '30E, who ics to be selected by the student that if Reed and Matsudaira con- placed twenty-eighth in the Inter om larger gou. Ttinue the progress which has been national Turnverein held in Ger- will last two hours. nreported since they began their T he Current Exents contest is conversations, ettv ete many last summer. Madhusudannr a tentative settle- Mozundar, Grad., strong man from sponsored annually by the New ment of' the repaining naval dif-, India, will also perform. In addi- York Times in the belief that a fereces between the two great Pa- tion to his well-known chain- comprehensive grasp of contem- cific powers may be ready by the breaking feats, Mozundar will pre- porary affairs is part of the essen- time the reconstructed French sent a novelty in which long poles tial equipment of a college career. delegation arrives in London next are twirled so fast that the human Michigan is one of the twenty col- week. eye can scarcely detect the revolv- leges and universities in the Unit- A significant meeting occurred ing sticks. ed States entered in the contest. today when after an assembly of Other colleges entered are: Am- the American delegation, Senator I~ll F ! T erst, Brown, Bryn Mawr, Colum- Reed and Senator Robinson con- ST!bia, Cornell, Dartmouth, ,Harvard, ferred with A. V. Alexander, first Mount Holyoke, Princeton, Smith, lord of the Admiralty, at the House Vassar, Wellesley, Williams, Yale, of Commons. Wst Point, Annapolis, University I-_____ S PW tPinAaS, nvrO of Virginia, University of Pennsyl- UNIONWILL HOLD F .S OIMvaPa0,and University of Chicago. I r inrest in the contest PING-PONG SERIES (By Associated Press) has been shown by increased num-4 WASHINGTON, March 3.-bOneer, according to Prof. John L. Table tennis enthusiasts will month from the day he resigned as Brumin of the journalism depart- have an opportunity to participate Chief Justice found William How- iment, who is chairman of the local in the Union's first annual all- Ccommittee, the increased interest campus ping-og tunmn ard Taft today clinging tenaciously may be owing to a more general m p ng-pang tournament to the thin thread of life which has reading of newspapers by under- when play begins in about a week, been sustaining him since last graduates. "College is no longer according to Leonard S. Wilson, d an isolated retreat from the world," '31, chairman of the house commit- Wednesday. stated Professor Brumm. tee of the Union. In view of his 72 years, the for- ---__ __- ---------_ imer President's reserve energy has amazed the attending physicians. STEPHEN LEACOCK CONTRIBUTES i : > I r { i 1 i .-+' S.s.[A .R.ii\.A.d_'fl \ 4 s.i..i 1 \ A-i 3.:'.I.J LiL Stubs to be Issued. Adoption of new rules whereby For the benefit of those freshmen ue am' the stub received as receipt upon -- payment of clues will serve as a who wish to try out for The Daily CHOSEN BY COMMITTEE ticket to the various senior class business staff but who have as yet - functions necessitates prompt pay- # been unable to report, opportunity Election of R. Montgomery ment of class dues by seniors, it is for trying out will be held open, ac- Schick, '31, to the post of Varsity pointed out by Todd. No senior cording to James Jordan, '30, busi- cheerleader was announced be- will be admitted to participation ness manager. The regular meet- tween halves of the basketball in~ any of the traditional senior. ceremonies, such as Swingout and ings of the business staff are held game last night when Robert A. Class Day, without presenting his on Monday afternoons at 4:30 o'- Campbell, treasurer of the Univer- dues receipt. No caps and gowns, clock, but freshmen may report at sity, presented Schick with the sil- canes, senior invitations, nor coin- the business offices of The Daily ver megaphone which is handed mencemien t, announcements can be ayatronti ek purchased by any seniors who do any afternoon this week. down from one cheer leader to an- not possess class dues receipt stubs. Experience for this work is not other. Since all seniors are expected to necessary, and those men interested Schick, who was chosen by a' pay their clues promptly in accord- 'in learning, can work under trained committee composed of captains, alce with the new regulations, only . and managers of the four major afew days have been allotted for managers. All work is done during sport teams, has served on the regular collection of class dues, ithg cheer-leading squad for the past is announced by Chapman. afternoon, two years. Budget is Explained. The tryouts begin work chasing The large group of spectators Budgeting of class dues has been copy and are soon after given the who crowder the Fieldhouse for completed as follows: Out of each . the Purdue game 'cheered enthu-' $,o$ple asp follos yb opportunity to write advertising siastically when Schicek was an- $5, $2 will be spent for a year's sub- adt elcnrcs h r scription to the Michigan alumnus, and to sell contracts. They are nounced as the new Varsity cheer- at half-rate prices; $1 for the ex-' then advanced to the bookkeeping leader. He responded by leading penses of a permanent class secre- and accounting departments and in a cheer which was one of the tary; $1, class memorial and inci- may learn the financial structure loudest of the evening. dental class expenses; 50 cents, of the paper. Schick has been very popular 'as Michiganensian pictures and class The advertising, circulation, ac- a cheerleader with the crowds who pages. counting, and general service de- yell for Michigan's football and All money collected by the com- partments all offer specialized fea- basketball teams, it was declared mittees in charge will be turned tures of the work which tryouts by Mr. Campbell in the speech in over to the office of Robert A. are taught shortly after first re- which he introduced Schick to the Campbell, University treasurer, and forting. spectators. all disbursements are to be made All advancement in the business The tradition of a silver mega- through that office, it was an- is made on a basis of merit. At phone to be passed perpetually. nounced yesterday by Todd to the end of the freshman year, try- from one -Varsity cheerleader tois avoid any misunderstanding among outs are placed on the lower staff successor, has been long establish- seniors as to the disposal of class if they prove themselves worthy. ed at the University., The name of funds. , The sophomores compete for the' each holder has been engraved on' - management of the various de-|the sides of the megaphone. Mr. TAX COA MISSION partments, and the juniors com- Campbell makes the presentation pete for the business managership annually, between halves of last TO HOLD HEARING and the assistant business man- home basketball game of the sea- 'agership. son. In order to afford an opportuni- - _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ ty for discussion upon taxes on real ANNOUNCE 1 and personal property, the first of HILLEL PLAYERS ANNOUNCE CAST a series of public hearings by the State Commission of Inquiry into! FOR INITIAL CMPUS PRODUC.1TION Taxation will be held in the Senate hambergat1 o'clocfon the mordng' Among the students chosen f 0-ler the direction of Prof. Raleigh J. aing of Thursday, March 20, it was- the cast of "Caponsacchi," three- 'Telson, of the engineering college. announced by Raymond H. Berry, act drama by Arthur Goodrich anc i3 has been personally supervising secretary of the commission. Rose Palmer, which the Hillel Play. teonire production. Sylvan 3irion,'32,is n acivechage of r r had his eye on the basket, register- ing six baskets and a free throw for 13 points. Together this pair outscored the entire Michigan team. Wooden and Boots, Purdue guards, contributed some clever floor work and elusive dribbling, while Kellar completed the strong Boilermaker combination. Michigan Determined. Despite the one-sided score, the game was hard-fought throughout, Michigan trying gamely to over- come the lead which resulted from Purdues efficient attack in the early Mutes. Joe Truskowski was assigrmId the herculean task of guarding Murphy, and he succeed- ed fairly well despite the fact that "Stretch" made good nearly every one of his shots. "Truck" led the Wolverines on offense with seven points, while Frank Lovell was close behind with three field goals. Last night's game marked the last appearance of Captain Chap- man, Truskowski, Orwig, Lovell, and Kanitz on the Michigan court. Although he was five inches short- er than his rival, Chapman prac- I tically jumped on even terms with his old high school teammate, Mur- phy, at center. Purdue employed an exceptionally close guarding game which resulted in rough play at times. The Boilermakers did not give the Wolverines many opportu- nities to score on close-in shots, and Michigan's long attempts were not finding the basket. Ten fouls were called on the visitors, Johnny Wooden leaving the game on per- sonals. Wolverines Near Purdue. Purdue started by running the score up to 5-1 in the first few min- utes. Truskowski's hook shat and free throw made it 5-4, the closest Michigan came to leading all eve- nimg. The Boilermakers then got under way, collecting 16 points on three baskets and a charity shot by Harmeson, two baskets and a pair of free throws by Murphy, a field. goal by Boots, and a free throw . by Wooden. Meanwhile Michigan had scored twice on shots by Lovell and "Truck." Chapman and "Truck" each contributed a foul throw to )make it 21-10. Harmeson, Boots, and Kellar came through with three successive bas- kets and Lovell made the half score 27-12 when he caged a long one. Michigan was only outscored by one point in the second half, but Purdue had its 15 point first half lead to fall back on. Iarmeson (Continued on Page 3) SUMMARIES. They have said that this will be his last illness, emphasizing that any I improvement would be 'but tem- porary.' The regular morning bulletin by Dr. Francis R. Hagner and Thomasa Claytor said Mr. Taft has spent a' "good night," and added: "He con- tinued to take some nourishment. A few days ago his condition was' very critical, but he has slightly improved, and unless some further sudden change occurs due to the, aretrio sclerosis, his span of life for the present is indeterminate." I Arterio sclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, with consequent impairment of the blood circula- I TO MARCH NUMBER OF GARGOYLE Stephen Leacock, known as "the Mark Twain of Canada," and one of America's best known humorists, has written an article which con- stitutes one of the many new fea- tures to appear in the March num- ber of the Gargoyle, which will be on sale on. the campus tomorrow. This article finds Stephen Leacock at his best, and will evoke the usual quota of laughs and chuckles that those who have heard Leacock lec- ture in Ann Arbor, and those who have read his articles expect from his excellent humor. Leacock's article is, however, but which hires, fires, and legislates about the campus. Gargoyle's March number is char- acterized by an unusual abundance of photographs, features, and illus- trations. George Lichtenstein, '29. former art editor of the Gargoyle, now a successful cartoonist whose daily comic strip is widely syndicat- ed, has contributed a full page car- toon. An impressionistic review of "Rudderless," the latest campus novel, has been written by Charles S. Monroe, review editor, and is said . r FL L OuxWealherMan ' ers have selected for their initial! campus production Friday and Sat-I urday night, there are .very few characters who have previously ap- peared in campus theatricals here. Harold Seder, '31, has been chos- en to play the title role of Capon- sacchi. This role was originally played by Walter Hampden, who rehearsals. The play is a story of the six- ;eenth century Italit - life and is ased on Browning's "The Ring and )he Book." It was written express- y for Walter Hampden and has never before been attempted by my other cast than one which he flayed the principal role. Michigan G. F P Weiss, rf..,....... .1 1 1 Daniels, rf. ...........1 1 0 Orwig, lf. ..............0 0 1 Kanitz, If. ..... . ..... . .2 0 1 Truskowski, c. ..........2 3 2 Chapman, rg. ..........2 1 3 Lovell, Ig. .............3 0 0 Totals ..............11 6 8 2 Purdue - GF P Kellar, rf . ... . ........2 0 0 T 3 3 0 4 7 5 6 T 4