THE MICHIGAN DAILY Play Important Role on Pro r-ma , 'I V4" -a J x. t" Y R l i Sii n 3 IN 131 Will Direct Seventh International Nightnger had to go to Detroit to lectric signs, for Cosmopolitan in 1915 had introduced the first n Ann Arbor to advertise the re number of their first -Inter- mal Night program. at year was a beginning, for ugh the production was a fail- fhancially, its artistic appeal strong, and Cosmopolitan club, encouraged to present "The c Carpet" the next year, ving a tremendous success in way. Casts Varied e cast for the annual produc- has been selected chiefly from native and foreign members of Cospolitan club, but, following- policy adopted in 1915, there dlways been at least one mem- in each program presented by ssional entertainers. b professional talent is not the important phase of Interna- 1 Ni ht. Representations of e f lk-ways, dances, and , the beautiful, native cos- s, and the bond of a common Lnity between all nations h the whole production sym- es, is the element of most in- t. nen Conduct Mock Initiation 1927, a number unique was a -initiation into Cosmopolitan acted by two American girls nig the parts of sponsors for girl neophytes, one from lulu and the other from a. On the same program were up of Hindu girls singing na- songs, two Filipinos dancing Gar.inosa, and several Syrian who did the Debki dance, ac- anied by the music of native' pipes. e scenes with all of the our of the beach of Waikiki, iians singing serenades, and e girls. doing a genuine Hula e proved popular with the nt section of the audience atJ |~W .. Chester C. Bennett Secretary of the Student Chris- tian association, who is directing the seventh annual International Night program. International Night the following year. The symbol of the spirit of International Night was worked out that year by Stella Brunt, edi- torial assistant of the registrar's of- fice. Orchesis On Program In 1928, for the first time, an- other group of women assisted the Cosmopolitan club in providing en- tertainment. Five members of Orchesis, natural dancing society, did a purely creative work entitled "Moods From the River" to a musi- cal accompaniment that had been written by a student of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin. Although many countries have been represented in the annual programs, outstanding of them all has been the Japanese and Chinese numbers presented every year. Geisha Girls Star In last year's production were nine little Japanese girls who took part in a Japanese Flower dance. They were costumed in typical red and black robes, figured with large flowers. The history of International Nights in a perspective covering the sixteen years in which Cosmopoli- tan club has offered its'productions, shows a marked evolution from programs with a purely artistic objective, and in the evolution University women have played an importan* part. By William J. Gorman Advance Sale] Music, the universal language,;Being how represents the most satisfactory art in which to trace the subtle differ- bySt entiations of nationalism. Lan- guage represents often a complete ON SALE AT divergence so that comparison is -- difficult and unprofitable. But An unusuall music is a definitely defined me- . ticket sale for dium in which the national soul can pour its essential character without Night program essentially affecting the medium. Student Christia Because musical expression uses the Cosmopolita not an altogether different tongue, place, Chester Be as in language, but always essen- arrangements f tia~y the same modes, music has coi.e to be recognized as -the art stated yesterday in which the deeper, hidden char- Tickets for th acteristics of a nation .reveal them- cents and can be selves. ssstores on State s Distinctions Involved. The distinctions are not traced; , or from any me easily; they are subtly lodged inm William B. Palmer - opolitan club. the various aspects of the problem. Graduate student, who as gen- until the evenin l of nmusical composition. Recogni- eral chairman of the 1930 Interna-nce when all s t of the a y t tional Night program, has charge feeling, hence more vivid and me of all technical arrangements. to the box office penetrating and more immediate .iThe exceedi than the intellectual labor involved l Polish Boy Prodigy date is indicativ in philological study, the results of interest being to which might very possibly bring the Thirteen Years Old program by the same conclusions. it was pointed ou Appropriately, then, the larger Plans Piano Recital only have facu] portion of the program for Inter-P ______odents particular national Night, wih its essential activities of for aim of bringing to the American One of the artists to appear on tained seats for student a comprehension of nation- the seventh annual International the undergradua al character, will be musical. This Night program, to be presented in is planning to a will make the appreciation and Hill auditorium on Tuesday night, comes not only t recognition a more subtle thing is Czeslaw Cialek, youthful Polish ly interesting1 than the pageantry and domestic pianist of Detroit. will be presented l dramas of last year's program. i'Cialek, who is only 12 years old, educational vali Improved Program. 1 has attracted the attention of types of entertai It will be hardly so obvious as many famous musicians with his foreign lands wh last year's program because of its remarkable talent and is now con- sented by studer presentative character. But in I sidered by many to be the leading s ty. its recognition of the fundamental- I pianist in Detroit. ly nationalist quality of music f Born of Polish parents in Detroit Campus A when carefully chosen, the Inter- in 1916, Cialek took to music at an Attra national Night Program.Committee early age. Ae " is being intelligent and courage- Under Frank Bishop, Curator of ous. Music of the Detroit Institute of Something ne The Germane club will present a Arts, he made such rapid progress campus advert group of German student and folk that musicians and critics were troduced by t songs, that vast reservoir of melody unanimous in prophesying a bril- charge of the I from which the Teutonic genius in liant career for him as a concert program, in that the larger musical forms has al- I pianist. He has been heard by photographs are ways drawn; -a rather clear in- such famous artists as Myra Hess, advertising plac stance of this being the Academic and Ernest Hutcheson, both of Much attentior Overture of Brahms, which welds whom highly praised his technique ed by the photo together some of the very songs on and describe him as having unusual pict some of th this program. '-talent. ists of the showi Miss Kime Nojima is offering a Such entusiasm was shown at a z istic of their ac group of Japanese folk songs. Bul- recent appearance of Czeslaw at The placards garia, Hawaii, and Arabia are all the Detroit Athletic club that, he bright coloredf represented by groups of folk has been re-engaged to play on the have been made songs. club concert for next season. . -read at a longt Indicates Interest n in Program [ tudents. BOOKSTORES y large advance the International sponsored by the an association and n club has taken ennett, in charge of or the association, e are 50 r obtained at bookf, treet, at Lane Hall, ember of the Cos- Sale will ,continue g of the perform- ales will be shifted of Hill auditorium. gly large sale to ve of the increased aken in the special foreign students, ut by Bennett. Not lty men and stu- ly interested in the eign students ob- the program, but ate body generally ttend. The appeal hrough the unique- performance that d but also from the ue -of viewing the nment of the many hich are to be pre- rnts at the Univer- dvertisintg :ts Ateti ew in the way of! sing has been in- -he committee in nternational Night t specially prepared used to illustrate ards. )n has been attract- ographs, which de- e outstanding art- in poses character- are lettered in inks. The letters large enough to be distance. p1 Announcingrw-e The Michigan Model fr Spring The Michigan Model-designed by Mr. Del Prete and tailored exclusively for us by Penn Hall--assures you when you buy here that you are going to wear the smartest suit that money can buy. Light Greys and Tans. And they are so reasonably priced that the thinnest pocketbook can afford one, $35 to $50 COLLEGIAN TOPCOATS Companion to the Michigan Model Suit $30 to $35 "WHERE ONLY THE "BEST CLOTHES ARE SOLD" .--- I Now . N Distinction -that is what you want most of all when you buy a suit and it, is this element in men's wear that you'll find developed to a high de- y / Y y~ ( 1 i !.T - °' s i' ' A, :: Michigan League gree at Marquardt's i TAILORED SUITS .1 Why is low as $35 "I - She Shops Around The Town Okt MARQUARDT 608 East Liberty Street Your A COSMOPOLITAN l New Hosiery. Shades Fdr Z71. bird of passage, she knows the smart shops of New York, of Paris and Lon- don. Now she knows some thing about this shop, too. And we. know a little more about something (soft pedal) we already knew. This is what she said to put us in such a fine glow: "I travel quite a bit and I've been in the best stores both at home and abroad. I just want to tell you how much I've enjoyed my brief store. Everything is 'so well- selected and fresh-looking and the salespeople are so well-in- formed and helpful." Spring When a connoisseur of shopping speaks a word of praise, a . little back-patting may be pardoned. We like to feel that this would still be your preferred store even if you had daily access to all the fine stores in the world. Certainly, we believe that only a store good enough for the most critical shoppers anywhere is good enough for you, . . SU NDAY NIGHT SUPPER at. We now have in stock a complete line of the new;colors in Finery Hosiery for spring-not only the colors but the best styles too including the popular French Heel, $1F25 to $if95 hour. of shopping in your The League ,. .. S' i S 1i Ro rir.