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February 18, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-18

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4 1 L

THE MICHIGAN DAiLY ~3~DAY, 1~~!AftY iS 1930

,. __ _ _ _. a _ ..


Publication in the Bulletin is conistructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday)

{{ Univerity of Michigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office an-125:28 Ea st Medical Building. Thebi following papers will be presented:
I' lt ne< < the isslue of a (descriptive pamphlet on the Mosher-Jo rd., m 111,1s, Plrofessitor C. D. U.Rue, Tnttui~escences in. Plants


Okkclbcrg to Rcvcw

t i "i is No. '12 of Vol. XXXI o1 th1e Unirrex ity Gl"lcial Pulih n.

univrsa orivzziceig4Lii ntciLu runin; Ic IJIJJ-UUtoia4inc an-
,-)unlces the issue of the Announcement of the College of Pharmacy for1
1930-1931, which is No. 43 of Vol. XXXI of the University Official Pub-
;leio' i . Ia M. Slaith


VAT., - V T

XT" W, m #-

mVTTVJVI A V YT'1rt? AYt q ~ V I 101

vax r ~uii~xiO~1~) ~ U ~~The mew Mslw~tr-Jordan hlls- bulletin is now being distributed from
NOTICES the office of the advisers of Women. This bulletin is clcs^riptive of the
building and contains detailed floor plans of the student rooms. The
The Chi Omega cash prize of $25 for the best thesis in Sociology 51, dormitory will be ready for occupancy at the beginning of the fall se-
during the first semester of the current year has been awarded to Mass i-rnester in September.
Elizabeth A. Ford, '31E, of Broolyn, Michigan. Miss Ford's thesis isE Inez V. Bozorth, Director
entitled "Both Sides of Main Street."_______

Ife5FA. R, Wood, 226,000 Arrest~s in-, Detroit. tOn invittion of intr11ctot
'PTllp Council will ineet at 4:30 p..m. is room 3012 AWgefl hi~l. ,I Coile 1,:111 Rapids, P
Peter 0. Okkejlbor" of the&ol
1'.Ivitnes: There will be a meeting of Mimes Wednesday afternoon at dlepart nen 1t left for that city;
'5oclock in the theatre. ih to reviewv the work done
lie zoolog7y department th(
Seniors and Gradluate Students in. Chemical Engin~eering: M. L. F. .wnc ls ul credt.isuiornheret
hlawley of the Forest. Products Laboratory, Madison, atsconsinr cofle
to employ one or mole chemical engineers adionWicninyoies the Graned apids grouip is anxii
Wednesday, February 19. Mr. H. S. Colth of the Proctor and Gambl ble that theirl work be one an acce
Company, which manufactures Ivory Soap, will" be here on a similar able eel.to Professor Qkf
mission either Wednesday or Thursday. Please make appointments with k willinpcth laboratory work
i~~~ ciim.day.

Alexande~r G. Ruthven
Reports of Fire D~amage: ItV has just come to the attention of the
Business Office that 'a fire occurring December 29, 1929 in a University
building caused damage of approximately $100 to a piece of University
apparatus. It is a requirement of the ,tire insurance policies that all
fires be reported immediately, ano the University's claim under the loss
herein mention migh1t be jeopardized by theU delay.
Incase of any fire daniaping UnJ iver;sit property the University
offcial responsible for such property s.hoiiid make report at once either
to the Business Offce or to the office of the Superintendent of Build-
ings and Grounds. However small or unimportant the fire may seem
to be, or whatever its : cause, report of it should be madec eith-str in writing
or by telephone, w:thout delay.
Shirley 17. Smith
Uhiversity Telephone Directory Changes:' It is planned to issue a
supplemnent to the Tfelephone Directory of the University of Michigan
Telephone System soon after March 1st. The Business Office will appre-
ciate reports of any errors or omissions in the Directory. Please notify
the2 telephone clerk in, the Business Office, University hall.
Shirley, W. 'Smith
University Lecture; Major General H1-. L. Gilchrist, Chief of the
Chemical Warfare Service, U. S.A., will lecture on the subject "Chemical
Warfare in Connection with our Nation -al Defense," Thursday, February,
20, at 4:15 p. mn., in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be
illustrated with still and motion pictures. The public i.; cordially in-
Frank E. Robbins
',University Lcctilrc: ess Agmcs onway-y w ll speak on "Recent Ex-
cavations in, Petra" at 4:15 p. m:., Frid.-y, February 21, in the NaturalI

TlnitrnsrciFrr SXnrr nv,

TTriatnrriFts XPn v nv. rYrltin ltintrn r}l-.nr4n"nr7 # ;-.<. .. i

Alfed H. hitt-

unvriywmn ies mnwahv hne uerin~tc .1V11Uresidence for the second semester are requested to report their new; The Chamber Mtusic Society
addresses to the office of Advisers without delay. Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. H. S. Coith of the Proctor and Ann Arbor presents the New Ye
Grace Richards Gamble Company of Ivorydale, Ohio, will be in Room 221 West Engineer- String Quartet in a concert at t
___________ J mg Building on Wednesday, February 19, for the purpose of interview- iLydia Mendelssohn Theatre on F
! House Presidents: January signing-out slips are chie at the League ing any students interested in employment- with this company. day evening, Febrt ;ar 21, at 8
Building before Thursday, February 20. It. C. Anderson I_____
Elisabeth P~eVol, Chairman, Board of Representatives
1 The Michigan Damies Club N,
Enlsj3:Tr aesmyb ianda h fieo h i Rhetoric 190 (Drama 11) : The first meeting of the class will be 'neti tabrdep.t h
Engis 13: ermpaersma beobaied t he ffce f he ng iWednesday, February 19, at 7:15 p. in., 3227 A. H.entedayFe.n0at 8:00do'clock inu
lish Department.E;dyFe.2,a800occkit
All Students interested in Mechanical Engineering 53, "Personnel Loaue BRoom ecodF1o o
o'lok TENTS TODAY ' Problems in Engineering" and Mechanical Engineering 52, "Safety Engi-! lageu erBuildnd hi hsa
Oratorical Association Lecture: Robert Ripley speaks tonight at 3 neering and Accident Prevention." should meet in room-222 West, Engi- aecrilyivtdt ted
ocokin Hill Auditorium. neering Building on Wednesday, February 19, at 7:15 p.,im. all wives of students and their hi
Dr~~~~~~~adswl ewloe . . aul Doug.las of the Institute of Social and Religious Research -'-- - --. ,. bnswlbeecoe

of New York City will deliver two lectures under the auspices of the 1.inIopn 10 Aero. Vt): Will the st~udents taking Sihop 10 pease meet
Minhivn~ n Se hnmy officelWednesday artrnoonPat 4ro'clockhtocarrangenfor timeff hP i 1n my office Wednesday afternoon at 4 O'clock to arrs 1±ge for tlasses

Natural Science. Auditorium, at 4:15 p. in. His subject is "The City's I0 .Bso
Church.". The subject for tomorrow's lecture will be "The H-ope and fl.__Bstn__
Despair of Interchurch Co-operation.";
E. M. 3a, Experimental Dynamics: Meet to arrangre hours Wednes-
Seminary in Sociological Theory: This seminary will ineet until IdaLy, Feb. 19, 3 p. mn., Room 406 W. Eng.
further notice Tuesday 4-6. The meeting this week will be at Mr. y
Fuller's apartment. L. J. Carr E. M. 8, Advanced Dynamics: Meet to arrange hours Wednesday,
___________Feb. 19, 4 p. in., Room 406 W. Eng. This is a continuation of courses 3j
Economics 124-The State in Relation to Labor: An organization or 11; rigid dynamics, gyroscopic phenomena, balancing, introd1uction
meeting will be held in 104 Economics Building at 1:00 p. m. Students c vibration problems. L. UI. Ponnell }
enrolled in the course who cannot be present at this time are asked to -°
leave their schedule cards at 201 Tappan Hall before noon today. Psychology 139 and 140: Psychology 140 will be given this =semester;
Margaret Elliott " instead of 139, as announced. First meeting, to arrange hours on Wed-~

The Nursery Section of the I
11 ty Womeni's Club will mneet V
nesday evening at 8 d'clock in
Women's League Building. Mr.
ward Greene of the Psychology
partment will speak on "The M
tal Hygiene of the Child."
INew York 'List ed

n tesctay, February 19, at 3, in 4129) N. S.

ri ....._.._9__t_. ..___ it ft Ml f.t.,..... .,. . ._..®.,. .. .. .. ..... ,.. .. fL : ... ... .. r_.. ... ., 1. ... !T'P""i_... _.1.... ._... we.!°irt ..

C"oiiscrvai ive margin

Seieytce Auditorium. Tile,~ lecture, v liicli is under the auspices of the ' yelxoogy 237: New course begins this semester. The class will-
Assoiatton of American Universiy Womre, will b4 illustrated with lan- meet for organization at 3:00 p. m., Room 1121 Natural Science Building. Psychology 220: First meeting, to arrange regular hours on Wednes-!
tern slides. The public is invited. Dr. Hegge day, February 19, at 4, in 4129 N. S.
Frank E. Robbins m
______Dental Students Taking Shop Practice: Will these students please English 232-Ben Jonson: Students electing this course will meet-
University Lecture: Professor E. Allison Peers, of the University of meet at 2 p. mn. in room 1042 of the East Engineering Bldg.? Wednesday, February 19, 5:00 p. in., 2213 A. H. to determine hours ofj
Liverpool, England, will lecture on "The Appeal of Spanish Culture" at1 0O. W. Boston meeting this semester. R
4:15 p. ini., Monday, March 3, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The1
public is invited. Frank E. Robbins j Gargoy~c Editorial Staff: There will be a meeting or the entire' oilg 251: The quiz section of this course meets Wednesday and
____Gargoyle editorial staff and all editorial tryouts inteGrgyeocesIF iology1 i 14 c
n the Press Building this afternoon at 4:15. Xioie~cs a t 1i 0 c
Orga.n Recital: Palmer Christian,, University organist, will give the V_______ Sociology 51: Dr. Angell's 9 o'clock section Monday and Friday Wlill'
rlfowing program in Hill Auditorium Wednesday. The general public Physics 186, Light: Theory; First meeting at 8 a. in. in rmoom 105 met in 203 Ec. rather than 1018 A. H. Assignment for Friday, Cooley's'
1S invited to attend. E. Physics Bldg. "Human Nature and the Social Order Introduction. f
- Ferrata: Overture Triomp~hale; Bach: Air in D; Martini: Gavotte; _______ ______.--
CatpSIn;: Lamfwet orosi an~e (atooralegrnowsbr inte, o- Physics 188, Lighit: Laboratory: Hours to be arranged at first meet-I Orchesis and the class in Variety
~hero tas hita:Tam~i uek atsa ing of corse 186, see above. Anyone who misses this first meeting, andI Dancing will meet on Wednesday'n
Charles A. Sink wihst ,aetelbrtr ok pes e ea ona osbei night at 7:30 and 8:30, respectively, V ~,,-
Chamr175sEF.hysicsBldg.at the Women's Athletic Building; CL/ a gaauate a p
Bryant Walker Scholarship in Zoology: This scholarship is avail ICals .Myr ai
t ie each year for study at an approved biological station. The stipend1 Oratorical Association Ushers report at Hill Auditorium this evening Varsity Band: Regular rehearsal( Presents
is $75.00 and six to eight hours credit may be obtained at the UniversityyI it 7:15 to help with Ripley Lecture. Wednesday night at Morris Hal at
for wvork done at such a station. Application mrt't be madec to thi eScre*- } 1_ _ 7:15
tary of the Zology Department before March 1. Ahena meets t 7:30 p. in. Election of Offiers. _________"
Peter Oklbeixrg _et nte otarosat73 .i.Adephi lHouse of Representatives. "h e P aSSl4
( otamesi iePortia rom t730pIn Because of the Ripley lecture the J
Psychology 31: The seating ist for the second semester lecture n:___ ______ House will meet on Wednesday f
t he Natural ScienceAuditoriumh has been posted in the corridors at bth 9 ., aexin uies tf mesy o0 . n hi ek
east an~d west entrances. Students are asked to find their seat numnber., ihgacsa Bsns Safmes/t40"p1n ti ek
befor the our A thelectue inordert rvn ogsin The Play Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets today
Philsopy 16: D. Uhenk's las hasbee Adlbeit lrd n the lobby of the Lydia Mendelssolln Theatr'e. The meetin'g starts = JanY
341 south Wing, M.W.F. at 8. tasereiofsrmty;t23 p n EET THE LYDIA MVEN DELSS)I-
Moden Scia Prbles: ocilog 14: Sudets lecingthi corse Univesity Lecture: Professor F. Schoenemann, Head of the Amer- 0
yn"h emnUiesiyPolm fTdy i om22 nel0 O - ry E enn
odernocalteProbltes Soc ig of: tuentlsselectngr thi oseican Division of English Seminars at the University of Berlin, will lecture i
whaeranfoatndteist eeting ftheclarstnlectr-Nredto -teGra nvriyPolmso oa"i om22 ne MiA 'J~YrE eyEeigT
will be given any student who fails to observe this requhremn alTedaxbray25.t :5p.i.-=J
L. . Carr _ ner
--French Lecture: Professor Jean Ehrhard will lecture Wednesdayu jih heexepio"o
Edu1eatign F46a-Minor Sports: Students enrolled in this corse February 19, at 4:15 o'clock, in room 103, Romance Languages Buildingwihtexcpon f
tw1 meet, fr the present, with Mr. Philbin at 8 o'clock and with iMr..ion "L'Amerique d'apres la latterature francaise."nnat9occkith trmralf1isBudngM.F.TsisheeodlcueonheCceFacispga.Tces}
E. E. icman or the series may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance
L.anguagea Department, room 112, or at the door. r \ i t Evenings 8:3 0-Matinees, Thursdy,
Assignment of Desks in General Chemistry. Chemistry 3, 6 and 5:E: CeityClouu r~~ll
EgCh student must obtain TWO $5 Chemical Laboratory Coupons at the i CeityClouu will meet Wednesday, February 19, at 4:00 All Seats 50
omee of the University Treasurer, and then report at the first possible p;. i.. in Room 300. A talk will be given by Dr. P. F. Weatherill. l Telephone Jackson 5590' -
laboratory period aasigned to his section after the opening of the Uni-
veRTHJRGNE NT i*ity. No desk can be given out without the Coupons.---------Research Club meets Wednesday, February 19, at 8 p.m. in room j UT)JRENENUNT
___________________ U I~i1111IIIIIUIfIjIQQQ~IIIilliliI, rc o-s~ o~o o-a c

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Telephone 23271'
II v(IstMCnt Securities
Aim Arbor Trust Bld~g.
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,RY 22nd
Friday and Saturda,

















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