ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Ar ArNm t IL a n, 40 191wrl"W" -'~'~ ,'. . 4 ai1i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL, No. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1929 EIGHT PAGEb PRICE FIVE CENTS CUBS ARE DOWNE FOR SECOND IMI By PHILIES,93 Athletics Led by Foxx and Simmons, Who Hit Homers 49,981 FANSSEE GAME Both Teams Travel to Philadelphia Today to Renew Series By Alan J. Gould, A. P. Sports Editor. WRIGLEY FIELD, Chicago, Ill. Oct.. 9.-The Athletics changed their tune today, but it was still a dirge so far as the Cubs and their hope of a World Series conquests are concerned. Connie Mack's American League champions said it with base hits in- stead of slow curves as they ham- mered the Chicago team into sub- mission, 9 to 3, captured their sec- ond game in a row, and started back toward Philadelphia with the 1929 championship of the baseball world apparently in their grasp. The home stand of the Cubs end- ed in a nearly complete rout as the rampant Athletics, lead by the war- club of Al Simmons and Jimmy Foxx, drove big Pat Malone out of the box in less than four innings and completed the bombardment at the expense of Hal Carlson. Two Men-Seven Runs. Foxx, with his second home run of the series, and Simmons, with his first, contributed the mightiest blows. Together they drove in seven of the A's runshas the rival mur- derer's row of the Cubs, except for * Hack Wilson, and a one-inning ou- break, put on another dismal exhi- bition at the plate. The Cubs drove George Earn- shaw, the A's starting pitcher, from the box in the fifth inning with the rally that produced all three of their runs, but Lefty Grove came to the rescue with an assortment of fast balls' that stopped the Bruins in their tracks and left them dizzy from swinging at the air for the second day in succession. Thirteen Unlucky Strikeouts. Thirteen Cubs for the second straight day, struck out to make the downfall of the supposedly slugging National League cham- pions all the more humilating to themselves as well as to 49,987 fans who paid $217,311 to sit shivering in the cold, in a biting wind that blew through the park. The whiffing performance on the part of the Bruins, equalling the opening day World Series record so far as victims are concerned, was even more annoying to the bundled and blanketed crowd be- cause it had been led to believe that the Cubs thrived on fast balls. They got them today but couldn't do much more with them than they did with Howard Ehmke's slow curves yesterday. In fact, the crowd became so thoroughly annoyed by the futility of the big guns at the plate, it booed Rogers Hornsby when he fanned for the fourth time in two days, and hootedhKiki Cuyler as he struck out for the fifth time. PLAY BY PLAY First Inning. PHILADELPHIA-Bishop struck out. Haas fanned. Cochrane walked. Simmons was the third strikeout victim. No runs, no hits, no errors. CHICAGO-Boley threw out Mc- Millan. English doubled to left Hornsby struck out. Cuyier also fanned. No runs, one hit, no er- rors. Second Inning. PHILADELPHIA-Foxx was re- retired, English to Grimm. Miller popped to Grimm. Dykes walked Boley singled to right, Dykes going to third. Earnshaw fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. CHICAGO-Stepf)anson bounced to Bishop. Grimm singled to left Taylor and Malone struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors. Wir.r] Tnninn- PROFESSOR KEPT CLUB WILL HOLD! IN BEDAT HOMEA MEETING TONIGHT A SPEAK Prof. C. H. Van Tyne is Reported Suez , Noted Chinese Diplomat, "in Critical State ' at StudentBanquetUFAM by Atting Physican a Andt DeandBursle toqTalk n INN Suffering from continued ill Iuming C. Suez, prominent Chi- Ihealth since last March, Prof. I UIILI~ nese diplomat, and J. A. Bursley, Department of History, is now con-A fined to bed at his home. ,.His banquet to be given at 7:30 o'clock chronic ill health, according to at- tonight in the Women's League tendant physicians, has arrived atbCity Talkshies Sudnt acriticalh sage, nbutan impre- Lieutenant Asks Citybuilding by the Chinese Students British Premier Talks ment in vitality is expected within to Set Aside Fund for club, i commemoration of the in- to Student Body of the next week. However, Professor dependence day of the Chinese re- Eastern School Van Tyne's delicate health will de- m re- pubic. ._ finitely not permit him to rejoinmn UIue a, Suez will use as his topic "China's CNRRIEGE IE the faculty until at least February. ARCHITECTS SHOW PLANS Anniversary." Besides Suez and' HDN0RARY DEGREE GIVEN Professor Van Tyne, whose de- -Dean Bursley, Miss Nettie Soohoo, grees include A.B., A.M., and Ph.D., Facilities for Visiting '30, will address the gathering. Visitor Laments Lack is nationally eminent and a recog- Fliers Necessary Dean Bursley will speak on "Chi- of Education in nized authority in American his- nese Students in the University," tory, his greatest prominence lying This Year and Miss Soohoo on "Double Ten His Own Life in the history of the American Rev- Day." olution. He has written many books, Heating facilities, as well as an The entire Chinese student body B' .\""""eat r"" including a widely used high school addition to the present hangar and numbering over 90, is expected to WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 9.-Ir text written in collaboration with suitable rest-rooms for visiting fli- attend the "Double Ten" celebra- the role of a man who had laborer McLaughlin. Professor Van Tyne is ers were some of the improvements tion. "Double Ten," which is com- his way from poverty to the pin- ntdate W a thofd"s ke bofct Loar .l frparable to the American Fourth of the WarsoheIndependence, s asked by Lieut. Leonard S. Flo for July, was so named becausethe nacle of his choice, Ramsay Mac- similar volumes. I the municipal airport at a meeting date of independence fell on the Donald cautioned the school youth of the park and water board com- tenth day of the tenth month of of America today that they woulc ! missioners Tuesday evening. Lay- the year. never get anything for nothing. outs of the proposed improvements At the fall convocation of George drawn by Calvin A. Banwell, '30A,. Washington University, the honor- S[ RaffFOR.ANAdIALKdary degree of Doctor of Laws ha andStafor M.Hoder 30, ad-just been conferred on him by red Lieut Flo to graphically present President Floyd Heck Marvin. He the case and the City Council will received the applause of the grad- skdto appropriate enough money uates and notable audience with a to cover the cost of such work. far-away look in his eyes, a . Lieut. Flo requested that the though recalling the day he left Hope Wanes; Family of house located near the field be school at the age of 12 to toil in the Metzlaar Plans to renovated and made into head- fields of Scotland. RHquarters, but although this pro- Polish Hero's Share in "I have never attended a univer- eturn Home osal was objected to on the ution will be sity, unfortunately," the Britisi: grounds that the house is now in- Prime minister said simply. Hope for the recovery of the body habited by the caretaker of the ad- Commemorated was Self-Taught. of Jan Metzelaar, University Muse- jacent pumping station, it was "I have been as I understand so um expert who was drowned in agreed -that immediate action Dr. Jadeusz Mitana, lecturer in many of you people here, people Grand Lake, Presque County, Oct. should be taken to provide facili- Polish literature at the University, who have had to acquire your edu- 4' wrties for fliers. Mayor Edward W. will speak at 4:15 o'clock today in c:tional attainments in your spare is rapidly waning after five days Staebler stated that he doubted if the Natural Science auditorium on hours and after having undergone of fruitless search by members of the house was large enough for the the relationship of General Casimir the labpr that you find necessary the field trip party which accom- purpose, but Ernst M. Wurster, city Pulaski to the American Revolu- for the earning of your dail panied him on his last research ex- treasurer, said that the condition tion. The purpose of the lecture is bread," he said. ped hi on.isaltn esearchex-of the city treasury justified an ex- to commemorate the life of this Mr. MacDonald will celebrate h pedition. Although no definite penditure for airport improvements. Polish war leader who gave his life sixty-third birthday next Saturday ans have been madeitidher thre Heating Apparatus Needed. and fortune to the cause of Amer- in New York. A thatched roof, two- thatMr.Mtearadhrtre HaigAprtsNee. in liberty some one hundred and roomed house in the fishing village sons will return to Holland, the The imperative need for adequate fifty years ago. Lossiemouth looking out on the noaivecountryof the .deceased, as heating apparatus for the hangar At the age of twenty, Casimir North Sea, was his birthplace, Oct soo as possible. was explained by Lieut. Flo and the Pulaski joined the revolutionary 12, 1866. Books became his friendr An interesting sidelight has been plan of building an addition innre thrown to the tragedy through which a furnace would be housed an effort to dethrone the puppet him to London at the age of 19, tc information divulged by friends of met with favor, ruler placed there by Catherine of emerge gradually as leader of the the former scientist in the fact I Many improvements have been Russia. In the 1770's he was known Labor Party and of Great Britain that Metzelaar was issued his last j made to the airport since last as one of the best cavalry leaders itself. naturalization papers on the night spring and students as well as in Europe, and had been engaged Speaks Impressively. before he started his fatal expedi- townspeople are becoming more and in wars against Russia, Austria, The lesson he learned in those tion, and was a full-fledged citi- more interested in what promises and Prussia. When hard days were expressed today in zen for less than a day. He was to be an unusually fine air terminal. -".x:: *> r Benjamin Frank- a humble and impressive manner 'heard to remark, on leaving the The Flo Flying school is located at lin was in France He voiced a hope that his listener useum, ct. 3 that nothing in the airport and several University in 1776, he met the would never forget that "the finest the world can stop my work now." students as well as instructors are Polish n o b leman education is the education that hae STates. a citzeo'theanitedtamong those crirolled for flying ° who became so en- been acquired by daily labor, by wish, and this achievementwould lessons. thused by a Quak- saving; not so much money as sav- wish and his et wu t er's story of the ing what is still more precious, time have spurred his efforts in the X clna as htadopruiy work of sea-life research had he enators Filibuster colonial cause that and opportunity. Alived on PhillcpineA tion he enlisted in their "It is those moments which slide ld oservices. Reaching by us almost unconsidered," he con- Exact details of the accident, at America he was tinued "that should be used in at- first very obscure, have at last been WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 9.-By Dr. Mitana a p p o i n t e d t o taming to that great satisfaction of uncovered wi the return of mem- a vote of 45 to 36, the Senate today Washington's staff mind, that peace of conscience ses otht etiarty. Ia frirejected an amendment to the served with him until he was sent which comes from making the very seems that Metzelaar ad ofriend' tariff bill which would have granted south to Savannah in 1777, where best of the opportunities that God G. McGrinnmon, 25, also of Ann independence to the Phillipines he died 150 years ago today. Pulas- has implanted in our midst. Arbor, had decided to go fishing in after a constitutional convention in ki s efficiency as a cavalry leader "One word I should like to say te Grand Lake after a long research can be judged by the fact that he you and one word only: you can expedition on the morning of Oct. teInd et up selhgpvrn was made a brigadier-general at never acquire anything in th i h econtended the vote was not a test the age of twenty-nine. world without purchasing it; pur- Teir heavy boat, capsized whenof the independence question but At one time Dr. Mitana was a chasing it by your own efforts; a fish net wasblowersdsremained resident in the very section of Po- your own work, your own sacrifice." on the surface, but Metzelaar could was aimed to prevent its becoming land that the Pulaski estates were_________ not reach the craft soon enough entangled in tariff considerations located. He attended the Univer- for a permanent hold. Clad in at a time when all were agreed that sity of Cracow and took his Doc-High School Council heavy rubber wading boots which the latter should be disposed of tor's degree there 1922. He has Outlines New Policy thoroughly encompassed his lower promptly. been a lecturer at the University limbs, he was powerless except for The independence question was for the past three years, and in The student coupcil of the Uni- his hands, which must have slip- injected into the tariff debate with the discussion today will take up versity High School, under the ped from their hold on another unexpected suddenness. It ap- the role of Pulaski from a purely leadership of Brackley Shaw, the floating piece only after half an peared for a time that the pending Polish attitude. president of the student body, held 'hour of struggle. revision bill would be side-tracked its second meeting of the year yes- Two hours later,. McCrinnmon indefinitely because of the appar- ES terday. Officers for the year were was rescued by a party from the ent earnestness of Senators to dis- mgIeering OCi@ y elected, James Cristy being chosen shore. cuss fredom of the Islands. Holds First Meeting vice-president; and Mary Ellen -- __ - --__ ------- ----_--Hall, secretary. Shuter Says Opera Rehearsals A Plans for the coming year were t this meeting several new pol- discussed at the first meeting of Jects continued. Among new pol- are Assum ing Definite Shape the University chapter of the icies was the decision of the Coun- j American Society of Civil Engi- cii to hold the library open for Definite progress is being made All try-outs for the choruses are eers work during the noon hour. on the formulation of the choruses being rehearsed together, and non. , held last mght i the Un- fspecialty numbers are as yet under ion. Robert Neis, '30E, secretary of jManly Hunt Elected way. The solo parts are still unde- the club, was appointed chairman; Lawyers' Club Head mer ,m ac- veloped, as far as the practice with of a committee to investigate men tivities assured a Daily reporter the chorus is concerned. The try- eligible for membership. Manly K. Hunt, '30L, was elected yesterday. Daily rehearsals were outs are using the routine steps president of the student body res-1 started Monday afternoon and will daily to accustom themselves to the ident in the Lawyers' club at the continue, almost without inter- work of being "perfect ladies" and 'delection held recently. The other ruption until the show opens for women's dancing pumps and golden !officers for the coming year are: its usual week's run in Ann Arbor, slippers take the place of the huge Fred W. Wickham, '30L, vice-pres- and brown shoes that ordi- ident; Harold E. Hunt, '30L, secre- Routine steps are still being used narily cover the pedal extremities tary; and James L. Dolman, '30L, in the drilling of the women's of the embryonic women's chorus. ! treasurer., chorus and work with the book Try-outs for the orchestra re- -_ , will probably be started this after- ported yesterday at the Mimes the- noon. The cast for the show has I atre and will begin work on the FOOTBALL ROOMS ~~rrn'a i~pi~~1~ fv~n' iRooms aviailailbleifoforfanosoaho not yet been definitely picked, al- musical score soon. ekems ar isted by the i hia -vr ]i minnlc from ilat ;There is still time for any sopho- _ ,_e_--_n~ Iare"-y. _. Council Approves Permanent Plan For Convocations F'ormlationl of a lpermnle1t organization to conduct student convo- cations was effectellst night by the Stient Council. A syste "of student ,ontrol, empowered by the Council, but working distinct from it and operating from year to year was approved, with the aim of giving the convocations more rigidity than they have had since their inception rour years ago. Provisions for the supervision o its fall activiies ; the class games, pep-meetings, and class elections, were also made by the Council last aiiht The first function of the new organization-a committee of six students-will be the supervision of four convocations this fall. They will be held the mornings of Oct. 27, and Nov. 3, 10, and 17, in Hill Auditorium. The general program adhered to in the past will be used, according to >resent plans. Stanton Todd, '30, 'Varsity cheerleader, will be chairman of the 1929-30 convocations committee. The other members will be Ernest C. Reif. '30.,president of the Council, John Webster, '30, president of the Student Christian association, Bruce Palmer, '31, a secretary of the Council, and two women students, a senior and a junior, yet to be named. -- The appointments were announced last night by President Reif. VETENANS FIND 6 The committee has been organ- ied so that work may be carried forth next year, and the succeeding years, as two members are juniors SODwho will be acquainted with the work. A formal record of all pro- ceedings will be kept to aid in the future work. BOdies of Detroit Men Committee Granted Power Power to act was given the com- Reach Arctic Circle mittee last night by a resolution of on Special Train the Council, which has heretofore conducted the convocations. It is f the Arctic circle reached here to- Working on a continuous basis lay after the first stage of their the committee can book speakers ong journey back to their home- for several months, or even a year land. ahead, so that the best talent of Wrapped in the Stars and Stripes, the country can be secured, In the ;he bodies lay in a special train former method difficulty was en- .laced at the disposal of the Amer- countered in being able to obtain ican Graves commission by the speakers, aas their dates are made ioviet government.As this train many months in advance. teamed slowly southward from maConvocation Plan Not Old VMurmansk in the far north on the I The convocations had their crea- Wnite Sea, peasants stood in tion in a student advisory group 'everential attitudes and made the conducted by Ex-President Little ;ign of the cross along the war- four years ago. Those students felt )uilt railroad leading to this city. that, although organized religion The journey took a little more did not attract the students, the than a day. undergraduate body thought along When the train reached the Arc- serious lines, and that some mes- tic circle, a group. of Red Army sol- sage on ethical and moral values diers saluted the fallen doughboys would be of considerable aid. from across the seas who at one Sponsoring of the various class time in the campaign had been elections this fall was arranged for classed as their enemies. by the Council. The entire body These soldier dead belong to the will conduct those of the Literary 'Polar Bear" Division which served i college, which will begin with the on the Archangel front through 'senior class vote Oct. 16. The the bitter winter of 1918-1919. A junior class will hold its election, commission of American Veterans Oct. 23, the sophomores, Oct. 31, of Foreign Wars came from Michi- and the freshmen about Dec. 4. In- gan to search out the bodies and dividual Councilmen were appoint- arrange for their transport home- ed to handle the elections of the ward. Throughout the three months other schools and colleges. They of work, the Graves Commission are Councilman Stanley Cochran, was given every facility and cour- '30E, and Councilman Matthew tesy by the Soviet government to Haddon '31E, engineering; Council- expedite their solemn mission. I man Leo Norville, 30 law; Council- The bodies, recovered from wide- man Palmer,v'31, education; Coun- ly scattered areas bordering on the cilman Richard Cole, '30, dental; Arctic ocean and the White sea, Councilman Palmer, architecture; were each placed in individual her- Councilman Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30, metically sealed coffins, not always pharmacy; and Councilman La- possible because some crosses were Verne Taylor, '30, business adminis- missing from the graves. But most tration. Dates for these elections of the soldiers wereknown to have will be arranged by the respective come from Detroit and the vicinity. Councilman and the officials of the college. CLUB WILL LIMIT (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) WORKFOR, YEAR Football Dance Rule Members of Comedy Club will Officially Explained ,neet at 4 o'clock today in room 203, University hall, to discuss the To clear a misconception which program for this dramatic season. may have been caused in the minds The organization plans to pro- of readers by misleading .state- duce avery limitednumber of ments printed in The Daily earlier plays this year, so that more time i this week, J. A. Bursley, dean of and effort may be spent on each students, yesterday explained the production, Robert K. Adams, '30, situation in regard to fraternity president, announced yesterday. A dances given on Saturday nights larger outlay of expenses for scen- after football games. Qry, costumes, and manuscripts Two years ago, a ruling was will be allowed this season for each passed, with the approval of many play instead of continuing the representative students, that no former policy of producing a great, parties be held on Saturday nights number of shows with as little ex- after football games. This rule ap- I penditure as possible. plied only to the school year of i Michigan Man Second in National Air Tour (By Associated Press) RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 9-M. E. Zeller, flying a tri-motored Ford Transport plane, went from fourth to third place today for the only change in standing in the National Air tour on the leg from Phila- dlinhia to Baltimore and from, 1927-28. Last fall, the Senate Committee on Student Affairs, at the request of the Inter-fraternity council, ac- cepted on trial a set of rules pro- posed by the Inter-fraternity coun- cil whereby football dances were strictly closed affairs. The Senate committee accepted no responsibil- ity for the rule, which was put on trial for a year only. No regulations have been passed